The second half of the 19th century was a period of rapid growth of el перевод - The second half of the 19th century was a period of rapid growth of el узбекский как сказать

The second half of the 19th century

The second half of the 19th century was a period of rapid growth of electrical engineering. Among those who founded this branch of knowledge and contributed to its further development are P. N. Yablochkov and A. N. Lodygin — two great Russian scientists and inventors. Yablochkov invented the electric candle which became known all over the world under the name of "Russian Light". At the time when the direct current was in universal use, he realized the advantages of alternating current. The first incandescent lamp for practical use was produced in Russia in 1873 by the great Russian scientist Alexander Lodygin. In his lamp he fixed a small carbon rod of about 2mm in diameter between two copper conductors. In order to protect the lamp from burning through, the lamp's air had been evacuated. Vacuum at the time being far from perfect, the first lamp was shortlived. Its life was measured in hours. In 1890 Lodygin made his first lamps with a metal filament using metals with high melting points, such as tungsten, molybdenum, osmium. Today the filament of the incandescent lamp is twisted into a spiral. The melting point of tungsten being 3,300°, it can be heated to 3,000°. At this temperature, however, tungsten begins to evaporate. In order to avoid evaporation of tungsten, today lamps are filled with chemically inert gas, i.e. argon or cripton. In a gas-filled incandescent lamp the ends of a filament are connected to the two wires passing through the bulb and attached to the metal base. One of the wires is attached to the base and the other — to the base contact insulated from the base. The modern tungsten filament lamp in its present form is the result of the efforts of many inventors, but it is to Lodygin that it owes the principal feature of its design: the tungsten filament placed in an evacuated glass bulb and heated by electric current.
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Результаты (узбекский) 1: [копия]
19-asrning ikkinchi yarmi elektrotexnika jadal o'sish davri bo'ldi. ikki buyuk rus olimlari va ixtirochilari - Bu ilm tashkil va uning yanada rivojlanishi uchun hissa qo'shgan kishilar orasida PN Yablochkov va AN Lodygin bo'ladi. Yablochkov "Rossiya nur" nomi ostida butun dunyoda tanildi elektr sham ixtiro. to'g'ridan-to'g'ri joriy universal foydalanishda bo'lgan paytda, u muqobil oqim afzalliklarini anglab. amaliy foydalanish uchun birinchi akkor chiroq buyuk rus olimi Aleksandr Lodygin tomonidan 1873 yilda Rossiyada ishlab chiqarilgan edi. Uning chiroq esa, u ikki mis o'tkazgichlar orasidagi diametri taxminan 2mm kichik uglerod novda sobit. orqali yonib dan chiroqni himoya qilish maqsadida, chiroq havo evakuatsiya qilingan edi. vaqtda vakuum mukammallikdan yiroq, birinchi chiroq o'tkinchi edi oshirilmoqda. Uning hayoti soat o'lchandi. 1890 yilda Lodygin bunday volfram, molibden, osmiyum yuqori erish nuqtalari bilan metallar yordamida metall filaman bilan o'zining birinchi lampalar qildi. Bugungi kunda akkor chiroq filament spiral ichiga o'ralgan bo'ladi. 3300 ° bo'lishi volfram erish nuqtasi, u 3000 ° isitiladi mumkin. bu haroratda Biroq, volfram bug'lanib boshlaydi. volfram bug'lanish oldini olish uchun, bugun lampalar kimyoviy inert gaz, ya'ni Argo yoki cripton bilan to'lgan. gaz to'ldirilgan akkor chiroq bir filamanın uchlari lampochkaning o'tib ikki simlar ulanadi va metall bazasi biriktirilgan. bazasi ajratib bazasi kontaktga - simlar biri bazasi va boshqa ilova qilinadi. hozirgi shaklida zamonaviy volfram filament chiroq ko'p ixtirochilar sa'y-harakatlari samarasidir, lekin u uning dizayni asosiy xususiyati qarzdor, deb Lodygin iborat: elektr toki bilan evakuatsiya shisha lampochkaning joylashtirilgan va isitiladi volfram filaman.
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