It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to  перевод - It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to  русский как сказать

It was almost midnight before they

It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to the really well-known
personalities. At first a series of guest stars had awarded the prizes: to the best designer, to the
best special-effects man, for the best technical invention for motion pictures during the year, and
to all the other people, so unknown outside the industry, but so significant within it.

I looked around the theatre, recognizing most of the weighty faces in the business, but not caring
much. You see, I was pretty nervous. Myra Caldwell, whom I had brought to the ceremony, was
sitting there beside me, and right across the aisle was Joan Weyland. Now, to get the picture
properly, you have to remember that during that particular year Myra had played the sensational
supporting role in The Devil Loses and had been called the greatest find in the history of
pictures. But that was the same year that Joan Weyland had stolen a big picture called Calumet
Centre right out from under the nose of one of the most famous female stars in the industry. The
only other actress nominated was not given much chance. Now in a few minutes, they were
going to announce who had won the Oscar for the Best Supporting Actress of the year. It was the
hottest Contest and everybody was aware of it. Furthermore, it was no secret that the two leading
contestants would be delighted to boil each other in oil – win, lose, or draw. And here they were
across the aisle from each other. Do you get why I was nervous?

Then the lights went down. They were going to run short scenes from the pictures for which the
actors and actresses had been nominated. The supporting-actress pictures were coming on, and
here was Joan Weyland in her grand scene from Calumet Centre. The audience started to
applaud as soon as they saw her.

After that they ran a short episode from Whirlwind, showing the other nominee, a refugee actress
called Tanya Braden. I had never seen the picture of the actress, and the picture hadn't made
much money, but there was no doubt she could act! She played the star's mother and she made
you believe it.

Then they ran Myra's big moment in The Devil Loses. After it was over, I tried to guess who had
the biggest chance.

"I think I won," Myra said to me.

The lights went up. The old actor, who had won the Supporting Actor award the year before,
came through the curtains and prepared to present the award. I didn't see how I was going to live
through the next few minutes. He got the envelope and began opening it very slowly.

He was loving every second of it, the old man. Then he looked at the little piece of paper.

"The Winner," he said, then paused again, "is Miss Tanya Braden, for her performance in

Well, I'm not too sure about the sequence of events that followed. I don't remember the applause,
because Joan let out a loud cry from across the aisle that drowned out everything else. Then
Myra started to cry. I don't mean cry like the ordinary person, but I mean cry so that the building

Then Joan jumped to her feet and started out, and her mother accompanied her. But I couldn't do
anything with Myra. The show was interrupted and the whole theatre was staring at her. I picked
her up and carried her out.

It wasn't a very pleasant performance, but I think there is some excuse. After all, Joan is 8 years
old, and Myra is only 6, and she isn't used to being up so late. I'm a little on her side anyway.
And why not? I'm her father.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
It was almost midnight before they got around to giving the Oscars to the really well-known personalities. At first a series of guest stars had awarded the prizes: to the best designer, to the best special-effects man, for the best technical invention for motion pictures during the year, and to all the other people, so unknown outside the industry, but so significant within it. I looked around the theatre, recognizing most of the weighty faces in the business, but not caring much. You see, I was pretty nervous. Myra Caldwell, whom I had brought to the ceremony, was sitting there beside me, and right across the aisle was Joan Weyland. Now, to get the picture properly, you have to remember that during that particular year Myra had played the sensational supporting role in The Devil Loses and had been called the greatest find in the history of pictures. But that was the same year that Joan Weyland had stolen a big picture called Calumet Centre right out from under the nose of one of the most famous female stars in the industry. The only other actress nominated was not given much chance. Now in a few minutes, they were going to announce who had won the Oscar for the Best Supporting Actress of the year. It was the hottest Contest and everybody was aware of it. Furthermore, it was no secret that the two leading contestants would be delighted to boil each other in oil – win, lose, or draw. And here they were across the aisle from each other. Do you get why I was nervous? Then the lights went down. They were going to run short scenes from the pictures for which the actors and actresses had been nominated. The supporting-actress pictures were coming on, and here was Joan Weyland in her grand scene from Calumet Centre. The audience started to applaud as soon as they saw her. After that they ran a short episode from Whirlwind, showing the other nominee, a refugee actress called Tanya Braden. I had never seen the picture of the actress, and the picture hadn't made much money, but there was no doubt she could act! She played the star's mother and she made you believe it. Then they ran Myra's big moment in The Devil Loses. After it was over, I tried to guess who had the biggest chance. "I think I won," Myra said to me. The lights went up. The old actor, who had won the Supporting Actor award the year before, came through the curtains and prepared to present the award. I didn't see how I was going to live through the next few minutes. He got the envelope and began opening it very slowly. He was loving every second of it, the old man. Then he looked at the little piece of paper. "The Winner," he said, then paused again, "is Miss Tanya Braden, for her performance in Whirlwind." Well, I'm not too sure about the sequence of events that followed. I don't remember the applause, because Joan let out a loud cry from across the aisle that drowned out everything else. Then Myra started to cry. I don't mean cry like the ordinary person, but I mean cry so that the building shook. Then Joan jumped to her feet and started out, and her mother accompanied her. But I couldn't do anything with Myra. The show was interrupted and the whole theatre was staring at her. I picked her up and carried her out. It wasn't a very pleasant performance, but I think there is some excuse. After all, Joan is 8 years old, and Myra is only 6, and she isn't used to being up so late. I'm a little on her side anyway. And why not? I'm her father.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Это была почти полночь , прежде чем они получили около давая Оскаров на самом деле хорошо известных
личностей. Сначала ряд приглашенных звезд были награждены призами: на лучшего дизайнера, к
лучшим спецэффектами человека, за лучшее техническое изобретение для кинофильмов в течение года, и
ко всем другим людям, так что неизвестно за пределами отрасли, но столь значительны в нем. Я посмотрел вокруг театра, признав большинство весомых лиц в бизнесе, но не заботясь много. Вы видите, я был довольно нервным. Майра Колдуэлл, которого я привез на церемонию, был сидел рядом со мной, и прямо через проход был Джоан Вейланд. Теперь, чтобы получить картину должным образом, вы должны помнить , что в течение этого конкретного года Майра сыграли сенсационные вспомогательную роль в дьявола и ТЕРЯЕТ был называют величайшим находка в истории картин. Но это было в том же году , что Джоан Вейланд украл большую картину под названием Calumet центр прямо из - под носа одной из самых известных женщин - звезд в этой отрасли. Только другая актриса номинирована не дали много шансов. Теперь в течение нескольких минут, они собираются объявить , кто выиграл Оскар за лучшую женскую роль второго плана года. Это был жаркий конкурс и каждый знал об этом. Кроме того, не было секретом , что два ведущих конкурсантов будут рады кипеть друг к другу в масле - выиграть, проиграть или рисовать. И здесь они были через проход друг от друга. Получаете ли Вы , почему я был нервный? Тогда погас свет. Они собирались бежать короткие сцены из картин , для которых были выдвинуты актеров и актрис. Поддерживающий актриса фотографии приходили дальше, и здесь была Джоан Вейланд в ее великой сцене из Calumet центра. Зрители начали аплодировать , как только они увидели ее. После этого они побежали короткий эпизод из Вихрь, показывающий другую кандидатуру, а актрису беженцев под названием Таня Брейден. Я никогда не видел картину актрисы, и картина не сделал много денег, но не было никаких сомнений в том, что она могла действовать! Она играла мать звезды , и она сделала вы верите. Потом они побежали большой момент Мирликийского в Дьявол Теряет. После того, как все закончилось, я пытался угадать , кто имел самый большой шанс. "Я думаю , что я выиграл," сказала Майра мне. Погас вверх. Летний актер, который выиграл награду Supporting Actor за год до того , пришли через занавески и готовы представить награду. Я не видел , как я буду жить в течение следующих нескольких минут. Он получил конверт и начал открывать его очень медленно. Он любит каждую секунду его, старика. Потом он посмотрел на маленький кусочек бумаги. "Победитель" , сказал он, а затем снова сделал паузу, "мисс Таня Брейден, для ее представления в вихре." Ну, я не слишком уверен в последовательности событий , которые последовали , Я не помню , аплодисменты, потому что Джоан издала громкий крик через проход , который заглушает все остальное. Потом Майра начала плакать. Я не имею в виду плакать , как обычный человек, но я имею в виду плакать , так что здание встряхнул. Потом Жанна вскочила на ноги и начал, и ее мать вместе с ней. Но я не мог сделать что - нибудь с Мирликийского. Шоу было прервано , и весь театр смотрел на нее. Я взял ее на руки и вынес ее. Это было не очень приятное представление, но я думаю , что есть какое - то оправдание. В конце концов, Джоан 8 лет назад, и Майра только 6, и она не привыкла быть так поздно. Я немного на ее стороне в любом случае. А почему нет? Я ее отец.

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