Market economies are directed by prices. Prices ration scarce recourse перевод - Market economies are directed by prices. Prices ration scarce recourse украинский как сказать

Market economies are directed by pr

Market economies are directed by prices. Prices ration scarce recourses, and they motivate production. As a general rule, the scarcer something is, the higher its price will be, and the fewer people will want to buy it. Economists describe this as the rationing effect of prices.
Prices encourage producers to increase or decrease their level of output. Economists refer to this as the production-motivating function of prices. Prices send out "signals" to buyers and sellers, keeping the economy responsive to the forces of supply and demand.
In a free market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of the forces of supply and demand. Perfectly competitive markets are those in which many buyers and sellers, with full knowledge of market
conditions, buy and sell products that are identical to one another.
Demand is a consumer's willingness and ability to buy a product or service at a particular time and place. If you would love to own a new pair of athletic shoes but can't afford them, economists would describe that your feeling are desire, not demand. If, however, you had the money and were ready to spend it on shoes, you would be included in their demand calculations.
The law of demand describes the relationship between prices and the quantity of goods and services that would be purchased at each price. It says that all else being equal, more items will be sold at a lower price than at a higher price.
The degree to which price changes affect demand will depend upon the elasticity of demand for a particular item.
If total revenue increased following a price decrease, demand would be elastic. If the price decrease led to a decrease in total revenue, the demand for the item would be described as inelastic.
The demand for some goods and services will be inelastic for one or more of the following reasons:
· They are necessities.
· It is difficult to find substitutes.
· They are relatively inexpensive.
· It is difficult to delay a purchase.
Sometimes things happen that change the demand for an item at each and every price. When this occurs, we have an increase or a decrease in demand.
Supply, which is the quantity of goods or services that sellers offer for sale at all possible prices at a particular time and place, varies directly with price. In other words, at a higher price, more goods and services will be offered for sale than at a lower one, and vice versa.
The price at which goods and services actually change hands is known as the equilibrium, or market price. It is the point at which the quantity demanded exactly equals the quantity supplied. Market price can be represented graphically as the point of intersection of the supply and demand curves.
Shifts in demand or supply will affect market price. When everything else is held constant, an increase in demand will result in an increase in market price, and vice versa. Similarly, an increase in supply will
result in a decrease in price, and vice versa.
The market price is the only price that can exist for any length of time under perfect competition conditions. Perfect competition exists when the following conditions prevail:
- Buyers and sellers have full knowledge of the prices quoted in the market.
- There are many buyers and sellers so that no individual or group can control prices.
- The products are identical with one another. Therefore, it would not make sense for buyers to pay more than the market price, nor for sellers to accept less.
- Buyers and sellers are free to enter or leave the market at will.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Market economies are directed by prices. Prices ration scarce recourses, and they motivate production. As a general rule, the scarcer something is, the higher its price will be, and the fewer people will want to buy it. Economists describe this as the rationing effect of prices.
Prices encourage producers to increase or decrease their level of output. Economists refer to this as the production-motivating function of prices. Prices send out "signals" to buyers and sellers, keeping the economy responsive to the forces of supply and demand.
In a free market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of the forces of supply and demand. Perfectly competitive markets are those in which many buyers and sellers, with full knowledge of market
conditions, buy and sell products that are identical to one another.
Demand is a consumer's willingness and ability to buy a product or service at a particular time and place. If you would love to own a new pair of athletic shoes but can't afford them, economists would describe that your feeling are desire, not demand. If, however, you had the money and were ready to spend it on shoes, you would be included in their demand calculations.
The law of demand describes the relationship between prices and the quantity of goods and services that would be purchased at each price. It says that all else being equal, more items will be sold at a lower price than at a higher price.
The degree to which price changes affect demand will depend upon the elasticity of demand for a particular item.
If total revenue increased following a price decrease, demand would be elastic. If the price decrease led to a decrease in total revenue, the demand for the item would be described as inelastic.
The demand for some goods and services will be inelastic for one or more of the following reasons:
· They are necessities.
· It is difficult to find substitutes.
· They are relatively inexpensive.
· It is difficult to delay a purchase.
Sometimes things happen that change the demand for an item at each and every price. When this occurs, we have an increase or a decrease in demand.
Supply, which is the quantity of goods or services that sellers offer for sale at all possible prices at a particular time and place, varies directly with price. In other words, at a higher price, more goods and services will be offered for sale than at a lower one, and vice versa.
The price at which goods and services actually change hands is known as the equilibrium, or market price. It is the point at which the quantity demanded exactly equals the quantity supplied. Market price can be represented graphically as the point of intersection of the supply and demand curves.
Shifts in demand or supply will affect market price. When everything else is held constant, an increase in demand will result in an increase in market price, and vice versa. Similarly, an increase in supply will
result in a decrease in price, and vice versa.
The market price is the only price that can exist for any length of time under perfect competition conditions. Perfect competition exists when the following conditions prevail:
- Buyers and sellers have full knowledge of the prices quoted in the market.
- There are many buyers and sellers so that no individual or group can control prices.
- The products are identical with one another. Therefore, it would not make sense for buyers to pay more than the market price, nor for sellers to accept less.
- Buyers and sellers are free to enter or leave the market at will.
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
Market economies are directed by prices. Prices ration scarce recourses, and they motivate production. As a general rule, the scarcer something is, the higher its price will be, and the fewer people will want to buy it. Economists describe this as the rationing effect of prices.
Prices encourage producers to increase or decrease their level of output. Economists refer to this as the production-motivating function of prices. Prices send out "signals" to buyers and sellers, keeping the economy responsive to the forces of supply and demand.
In a free market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of the forces of supply and demand. Perfectly competitive markets are those in which many buyers and sellers, with full knowledge of market
conditions, buy and sell products that are identical to one another.
Demand is a consumer's willingness and ability to buy a product or service at a particular time and place. If you would love to own a new pair of athletic shoes but can't afford them, economists would describe that your feeling are desire, not demand. If, however, you had the money and were ready to spend it on shoes, you would be included in their demand calculations.
The law of demand describes the relationship between prices and the quantity of goods and services that would be purchased at each price. It says that all else being equal, more items will be sold at a lower price than at a higher price.
The degree to which price changes affect demand will depend upon the elasticity of demand for a particular item.
If total revenue increased following a price decrease, demand would be elastic. If the price decrease led to a decrease in total revenue, the demand for the item would be described as inelastic.
The demand for some goods and services will be inelastic for one or more of the following reasons:
· They are necessities.
· It is difficult to find substitutes.
· They are relatively inexpensive.
· It is difficult to delay a purchase.
Sometimes things happen that change the demand for an item at each and every price. When this occurs, we have an increase or a decrease in demand.
Supply, which is the quantity of goods or services that sellers offer for sale at all possible prices at a particular time and place, varies directly with price. In other words, at a higher price, more goods and services will be offered for sale than at a lower one, and vice versa.
The price at which goods and services actually change hands is known as the equilibrium, or market price. It is the point at which the quantity demanded exactly equals the quantity supplied. Market price can be represented graphically as the point of intersection of the supply and demand curves.
Shifts in demand or supply will affect market price. When everything else is held constant, an increase in demand will result in an increase in market price, and vice versa. Similarly, an increase in supply will
result in a decrease in price, and vice versa.
The market price is the only price that can exist for any length of time under perfect competition conditions. Perfect competition exists when the following conditions prevail:
- Buyers and sellers have full knowledge of the prices quoted in the market.
- There are many buyers and sellers so that no individual or group can control prices.
- The products are identical with one another. Therefore, it would not make sense for buyers to pay more than the market price, nor for sellers to accept less.
- Buyers and sellers are free to enter or leave the market at will.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Ринок економіка направляються цінами. Раціон цін рідкі звертання за допомогою, та вони motivate виробництво. Як генерал панують, більш рідке щось, вища його ціна буде, та менше люди будуть захотіти купити це. Економісти описують це як ефект нормування цін.
Ціни заохочують виробників збільшити або зменшують їхній рівень випуску.Економісти звертаються до це як виробництво-motivating функція цін. Ціни посилають "сигнали" до покупців та продавців, keeping responsive економіки до сил пропозиції і попиту.
У вільній ринковій економіці, ціни визначаються взаємодією сил пропозиції і попиту. Досконало конкурентоспроможні ринки є ці у котрих багато покупців та продавців,З повним знанням ринку
conditions, купують та продають продукти це є ідентично до один одним.
Вимога є добра воля споживача та спроможність купити продукт або службу у особливому часі та місці. Якщо б ви би полюбили володіти новою парою атлетичних черевиків але не можете бути спроможним придбати них, економісти би описали що ваше почуття бажання, не вимога. Якщо, але,Ви мали гроші та були готові витратити це на черевиках, ви були би включені у їхніх розрахунках вимоги.
Закон вимоги описує співвідношення між цінами та кількістю товарів та служб що був би куплений у кожній ціні. Це каже що весь ще бути рівних, більше пунктів буде продаватися у нижчій ціні ніж у вищій ціні.
Ступінь котрий ціна зміни впливають на вимогу будуть залежати від еластичності вимоги для особливого пункту.
Якщо загальний прибуток збільшене слідкуюче цінове зменшення, вимога би була еластична. Якщо цінове зменшення повело до зменшення у загальному прибутку, вимога для пункту була би описана як inelastic.
Вимога для деяких товарів та служб буде inelastic протягом або більше наступних причин:
· Вони необхідності.
· Це є тяжке знайти заміни.
· Вони є відносно inexpensive.
· Це є тяжке затримати покупку.
Інколи речі відбуваються що міняють вимогу для пункту у кожній та кожній ціні. Коли це трапляється, ми маємо збільшення або зменшення у вимозі.
Постачання,Котрий являє собою кількість товарів або служб що продавці пропонують на продаж зовсім можливі ціни у особливому часі та місці, змінюється прямо з ціною. Інакше кажучи, у вищій ціні, більше товарів та служб буде пропонуватися на продаж ніж у нижчому, та навпаки.
Ціна у котрій товари та служби фактично міняють руки є відомі тому що рівновага, або ринок ціна.Це являє собою вказують на котре кількість вимагала точно дорівнює кількості постачала. Ринок ціна може бути репрезентована graphically як пункт intersection пропозиції і попиту дуги.
Зміна у вимозі або постачанні вплинуть на ринкову ціну. При все ще тримається константа, збільшення у вимозі буде призводити до збільшення у ринку ціна, та навпаки. Аналогічно,Збільшення у постачанні буде
result у зменшенні у ціні, та навпаки.
Ринкова ціна являє собою тільки ціновий що може існувати для будь-якої довжини часу під досконалими конкурсними умовами. Досконала конкуренція існує коли наступні умови переважають:
- Покупці та продавці мають повне знання цін процитованих у ринку.
- Є багато покупців та продавців так що ніяка особа або група не може проконтролювати ціни.
- Продукти є ідентичні з один одним. Тому, це би не мають сенс для покупців розплатитися більш ніж ринок ціна, не для продавців визнати менш.
- Покупці та продавці є вільні увійти або лишають ринок у будуть.
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