About ten minutes later, the bell rang for tea, but Virginia did not c перевод - About ten minutes later, the bell rang for tea, but Virginia did not c русский как сказать

About ten minutes later, the bell r

About ten minutes later, the bell rang for tea, but Virginia did not come down from her
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room. Mrs Otis sent a servant to fetch her, but after a little time he came back. ‘I can’t find Miss Virginia anywhere,’ he said. At first, Mrs Otis did not worry. She knew that Virginia liked to go out into the garden in the evenings to get flowers for the dinner-table. But at six o’clock she sent the twins out to look for their sister while she and Mr Otis searched every room in the house. At half-past six the boys came back. ‘We can’t find Virginia anywhere,’ they said. Everyone was now very anxious. They searched the house again, and then the gardens and the park. Next they searched the woods and fields round Canterville Chase, but they still could not find Virginia. Mr Otis, Washington and two male servants went into the village. ‘Have you seen Virginia?’ they asked people. But nobody could help. When it was almost midnight, they went back to the house. They were very worried, but they could do nothing more until the morning. Everyone was in the hall when the clock sounded midnight. Suddenly they heard a loud noise, followed by a terrible cry. A crash of thunder shook the house, and the sound of ghostly music filled their ears. A secret door in the wall at the top of the stairs opened ... and Virginia stepped out. She looked very pale, and there was a little jewel box in her hand. They all rushed to her. Mrs Otis took her in her arms; the Duke of Cheshire could not stop kissing her; the twins went into a wild war dance round the group. ‘Where have you been?’ said Mr Otis. ‘We looked everywhere for you! Your mother’s been frightened to death. You must never play these tricks again!’ ‘Except on the ghost! Except on the ghost!‘ shouted the twins, laughing and dancing about. ‘My dear little girl, thank God you’re safe,’ said Mrs Otis. ’You must never leave my side again, Virginia.’ And she kissed the shaking child and put a hand in the golden hair. ‘Father,’ said Virginia quietly, ’I’ve been with the Ghost. He’s dead, and you must come and see him. He was very bad, but he was also really sorry for everything that he did. He gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died.’ They stared at her in surprise, but she led them through the opening in the wall and down a narrow secret passage. It was lit by a candle that Washington was holding in his hand. Finally they came to a great black door. Virginia touched it, and it moved back heavily. They stepped into a little low room with a stone ceiling and one very small window. There was a large iron ring in the wall, and they saw a skeleton chained to it. The skeleton was lying on the stone floor. It seemed to be reaching for a wooden plate and a water pot which had been placed just too far away from it. Virginia put her hands together and began to pray silently. The others looked down at
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the skeleton of Sir Simon de Canterville. ‘God has forgiven him,’ said Virginia, and a beautiful light seemed to appear around her face. ‘What a wonderful person you are!’ cried the young Duke of Cheshire, and he kissed her.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Примерно через десять минут раздался для чая, но Вирджиния не пришел от нее -22-room. Mrs Otis sent a servant to fetch her, but after a little time he came back. ‘I can’t find Miss Virginia anywhere,’ he said. At first, Mrs Otis did not worry. She knew that Virginia liked to go out into the garden in the evenings to get flowers for the dinner-table. But at six o’clock she sent the twins out to look for their sister while she and Mr Otis searched every room in the house. At half-past six the boys came back. ‘We can’t find Virginia anywhere,’ they said. Everyone was now very anxious. They searched the house again, and then the gardens and the park. Next they searched the woods and fields round Canterville Chase, but they still could not find Virginia. Mr Otis, Washington and two male servants went into the village. ‘Have you seen Virginia?’ they asked people. But nobody could help. When it was almost midnight, they went back to the house. They were very worried, but they could do nothing more until the morning. Everyone was in the hall when the clock sounded midnight. Suddenly they heard a loud noise, followed by a terrible cry. A crash of thunder shook the house, and the sound of ghostly music filled their ears. A secret door in the wall at the top of the stairs opened ... and Virginia stepped out. She looked very pale, and there was a little jewel box in her hand. They all rushed to her. Mrs Otis took her in her arms; the Duke of Cheshire could not stop kissing her; the twins went into a wild war dance round the group. ‘Where have you been?’ said Mr Otis. ‘We looked everywhere for you! Your mother’s been frightened to death. You must never play these tricks again!’ ‘Except on the ghost! Except on the ghost!‘ shouted the twins, laughing and dancing about. ‘My dear little girl, thank God you’re safe,’ said Mrs Otis. ’You must never leave my side again, Virginia.’ And she kissed the shaking child and put a hand in the golden hair. ‘Father,’ said Virginia quietly, ’I’ve been with the Ghost. He’s dead, and you must come and see him. He was very bad, but he was also really sorry for everything that he did. He gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died.’ They stared at her in surprise, but she led them through the opening in the wall and down a narrow secret passage. It was lit by a candle that Washington was holding in his hand. Finally they came to a great black door. Virginia touched it, and it moved back heavily. They stepped into a little low room with a stone ceiling and one very small window. There was a large iron ring in the wall, and they saw a skeleton chained to it. The skeleton was lying on the stone floor. It seemed to be reaching for a wooden plate and a water pot which had been placed just too far away from it. Virginia put her hands together and began to pray silently. The others looked down at – 23 –the skeleton of Sir Simon de Canterville. ‘God has forgiven him,’ said Virginia, and a beautiful light seemed to appear around her face. ‘What a wonderful person you are!’ cried the young Duke of Cheshire, and he kissed her. ‹
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Минут через десять, прозвенел звонок к чаю, но Вирджиния не сойдет с ее
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номер. Миссис Отис послал слугу за ней, но после небольшого времени он вернулся. "Я не могу найти мисс Вирджиния в любом месте," сказал он. Во-первых, г-жа Отис не беспокоиться. Она знала, что Вирджиния любил ходить в сад по вечерам, чтобы получить цветы для обеденным столом. Но в шесть часов она послала близнецов, чтобы искать их сестры, а она и г-н Отис искали каждую комнату в доме. В половине седьмого мальчики вернулись. "Мы не можем найти Вирджиния в любом месте," сказали они. Все теперь очень хотелось. Они снова обыскали дом, а затем сады и парк. Затем они обыскали леса и поля вокруг Кентервильское Chase, но они все еще ​​не могли найти Вирджиния. Г-н Отис, Вашингтон и два мужских слуги пошли в деревню. 'Вы видели Вирджиния? они попросили людей. Но никто не мог помочь. Когда она была почти полночь, они вернулись в дом. Они были очень обеспокоены, но они ничего не могли сделать больше до утра. Все было в зале, когда часы звучало полночь. Вдруг они услышали громкий шум, после страшной крик. Авария грома потряс дом, и звук призрачных музыки наполнили свои уши. Секрет дверь в стене в верхней части лестницы открыл ... и Вирджиния вышла. Она выглядела очень бледно, и было немного шкатулки в руке. Все бросились к ней. Миссис Отис взял ее на руки; Герцог Чешир не мог остановить ее целовать, близнецы пошли в дикой войны танца вокруг группы. 'Где ты был?' сказал г-н Отис. "Мы смотрели везде для Вас! Ваша мать был напуган до смерти. Вы никогда не должны играть в эти трюки еще раз! " "За исключением призрака! За исключением призрака! крикнул близнецов, смеясь и танцуя о. "Мой дорогой девочка, слава Богу, ты в безопасности," сказала г-жа Отис. "Вы никогда не должны оставить мою сторону снова, Вирджиния. И она поцеловала пожимая ребенка и положил руку на золотом волос. «Отец», сказала Вирджиния спокойно: "Я был с Духом. Он мертв, и вы должны прийти и увидеть его. Он был очень плох, но он был также очень жаль за все, что он сделал. Он дал мне эту коробку красивых драгоценных камней, прежде чем он умер. Они смотрели на нее с удивлением, но она привела их через отверстие в стене и по узкой секретный проход. Это был освещен свечой, что держал в Вашингтоне в руке. В конце концов они пришли к большой черной двери. Вирджиния коснулся его, и он вернулся в большой степени. Они вышли в небольшой комнате с низким каменным потолком и одном очень маленьком окне. Был большой железное кольцо в стене, и они увидели скелет прикованный к нему. Скелет лежал на каменном полу. Это, казалось, тянется к деревянной пластиной и воды горшок, который был помещен слишком далеко от него. Вирджиния положила руки вместе и начали молиться молча. Остальные посмотрел на
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скелет сэра Саймона де Кентервильское. «Бог простил его," сказала Вирджиния, и красивый свет, казалось, появляются вокруг ее лица. "Какой замечательный человек, которому вы! воскликнул молодой герцог Чешир, и он поцеловал ее.
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