Результаты (
русский) 1:
«Конечно,» человек в коричневой шляпе сказал: «есть хорошие полицейские и есть плохие полицейские, вы знаете.Вы правы,-сказал молодой человек. ' Да. Это очень верно. Не так, Джули?' Он посмотрел на молодую женщину рядом с ним.Джули не отвечал и посмотрел скучно. Она закрыла глаза.«Джули 's моя жена,» сказал молодой человек человек в коричневой шляпе. ' Она не любит поезда. Она всегда чувствует себя плохо на поездах.'' Oh да?' человек в коричневой шляпе сказал. ' Теперь моя жена - она не любит автобусов. Она почти попал в аварию на автобусе один раз. Это было в прошлом году... Нет, нет, это не было. Это было два года назад. Я помню сейчас. Он был в Манчестере.' Он сказал долго, скучно рассказ о своей жене и автобус в Манчестере.Это был жаркий день, и поезд был медленным. В вагоне было семь человек. Там был человек в коричневой шляпе; молодой человек и его жена, Джули; мать и двое детей; и высокий темный человек в дорогом костюме.Молодого человека звали Билл. Он имел короткие каштановые волосы и счастливой улыбкой. Его жена, Джули, были длинные красные волосы и очень зеленые глаза - цвет морской воды. Они были очень красивые глаза.Человек в коричневой шляпе говорили и говорили. Он был большим красным лицом и громким голосом. Он беседовал с Билл, потому что Билл любил говорить тоже. Человек в коричневой шляпе много смеялся, и когда он смеялся, Билл тоже засмеялся. Билл любил говорить и смеется с людьми.Двое детей были горячими и скучно. Они не хотят, чтобы сесть. Они хотели быть шумно и бежать вверх и вниз поезд.«Теперь сесть и быть спокойным,» их мать сказала. Она была маленькая женщина с усталым лицом и усталый голос.'1 не хотите сидеть вниз,» сказал маленький мальчик. Я жажду.' Здесь. Иметь оранжевый ' его мать сказала. Она взяла оранжевый из своей сумки и дал ему.«Я хочу оранжевый тоже,» маленькая девочка сказала громко.«Все в порядке. Здесь, "сказал ее мать. «Есть красиво, в настоящее время.»Дети ели их апельсины и были тихо на минуту.Тогда маленький мальчик сказал: "я хочу пить. Я жажду.'Высокий темный человек взял газету и начал читать. Джули открыла глаза и посмотрел на задней странице его газеты. Она прочитала о погоде в Будапеште и о футболе в Ливерпуле. Она не заинтересован в Будапеште, и она не нравится футбол, но она didn'twant для прослушивания Билла и человек в коричневой шляпе. «Говорить, говорить, говорить,» она подумала. «Билл никогда не перестает говорить».Потом вдруг она увидела глаза высокий человек над верхней частью его газеты. Она не могла видеть его рот, но была улыбка в его глазах. Быстро она посмотрела на газету и прочитать о погоде в Будапеште снова.Поезд остановился на Dawlish станции и люди получили и сошел. Там было много шума.«Это наша станция?» спросил маленькая девочка. Она пошла к окну и посмотрел.' Нет. Теперь сидеть вниз,' ее мать сказала.«Мы будем Пензанс,» маленькая девочка сказала, Билл. «Для наших праздников.'Yes,' her mother said. 'My sister's got a little hotel by the sea. We're staying there. It's cheap, you see.''Yes,' the man in the brown hat said. 'It's a nice town. I know a man there. He's got a restaurant in King Street. A lot of holiday people go there. He makes a lot of money in the summer.' He laughed loudly. 'Yes,' he said again. 'You can have a nice holiday in Penzance.''We're going to St Austell,' Bill said. 'Me and Julie. It's our first holiday. Julie wanted to go to Spain, but I like St Austell. I always go there for my holidays. It's nice in August. You can have a good time there too.'Julie looked out of the window. 'Where is Budapest?'4The Girl with Green Eyesshe thought. 'I want to go there. I want to go to Vienna, to Paris, to Rome, to Athens.' Her green eyes were bored and angry. Through the window she watched the little villages and hills of England.The man in the brown hat looked at Julie. 'You're right,' he said to Bill. 'You can have a good time on holiday in England. We always go to Brighton, me and the wife. But the weather! We went one year, and it rained every day. Morning, afternoon, and night. It's true. It never stopped raining.' He laughed loudly. 'We nearly went home after the first week.'Bill laughed too.'What did you do all day, then?' he asked.Julie read about the weather in Budapest for the third time. Then she looked at the tall man's hands. They were long, brown hands, very clean. 'Nice hands,' she thought. He wore a very expensive Japanese watch. 'Japan,' she thought. 'I'd like to go to Japan.' She looked up and saw the man's eyes again over the top of his newspaper. This time she did not look away. Green eyes looked into dark brown eyes for a long, slow minute.After Newton Abbot station the guard came into the carriage to look at their tickets. 'Now then,' he said, 'where are we all going?''This train's late,' the man in the brown hat said. 'Twenty minutes late, by my watch.'Ten minutes,' the guard said. 'That's all.' He smiled at Julie.The tall dark man put his newspaper down, found his ticket, and gave it to the guard. The guard looked at it.'You're all right, sir,' he said. 'The boat doesn't leave Plymouth before six o'clock. You've got lots of time.'The tall man smiled, put his ticket back in his pocket and opened his newspaper again.Julie didn't look at him. 'A boat,' she thought. 'He's taking a boat from Plymouth. Where's he going?' She looked at him again with her long green eyes.He read his newspaper and didn't look at her. But his eyes smiled.The train stopped at Totnes station and more people got on and off.'Everybody's going on holiday,' Bill said. He laughed. 'It's going to be wonderful. No work for two weeks. It's a nice, quiet town, St Austell. We can stay in bed in the mornings, and sit and talk in the afternoons, and have a drink or two in the evenings. Eh, Julie?' He looked at his wife. 'Are you all right, Julie?''Yes, Bill,' she said quietly. 'I'm OK.' She looked out of the window again. The train went more quickly now, and it began to rain. Bill and the man in the brown hat talked and talked. Bill told a long story about two men and a dog, and the man in the brown hat laughed very loudly.'That's a good story,' he said. 'I like that. You tell it very well. Do you know the story about . . .' And he told Bill a story about a Frenchman and a bicycle.'Why do people laugh at these stories?' Julie thought. 'They're so boring!'But Bill liked it. Then he told a story about an old woman and a cat, and the man in the brown hat laughed again. 'That's good, too. I don't know. How do you remember them all?''Because', Julie thought, 'he tells them every day.''I don't understand,' the little girl said suddenly. She looked at Bill. 'Why did the cat die?''Shhh. Be quiet,' her mother said. 'Come and eat your sandwiches now.''That's all right,' Bill said. 'I like children.'The man in the brown hat looked at the children's sandwiches. 'Mmm, I'm hungry, too,' he said. 'You can get sandwiches in the restaurant on this train.' He looked at Bill. 'Let's go down to the restaurant, eh? I need a drink too.'Bill laughed. 'You're right. It's thirsty work, telling stories.'The two men stood up and left the carriage.The little girl ate her sandwich and looked at Julie. 'But why did the cat die?' she asked.'I don't know,' Julie said. 'Perhaps it wanted to die.'The little girl came and sat next to Julie. 'I like your hair,' she said. 'It's beautiful.' Julie looked down at her and smiled.For some minutes it was quiet in the carriage. Then the tall dark man opened his bag and took out a book. He put it on the seat next to him, and looked at Julie with a smile. Julie looked back at him, and then down at the book. Famous towns of Italy, she read. Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples. She looked away again, out of the window at the rain. 'Two weeks in St Austell,' she thought. 'With Bill. In the rain.'After half an hour the two men came back to the carriage. 'There are a lot of people on this train,' Bill said. 'Do you want a sandwich, Julie?''No,' she said. 'I'm not hungry. You eat them.'The train was nearly at Plymouth. Doors opened and people began to move. 'A lot of people get on here,' the man in the brown hat said.The tall dark man stood up and put his book and his newspaper in his bag. Then he picked up his bag and left the carriage. The train stopped at the station. A lot of people got on the train, and two women and an old man came into the carriage. They had a lot of bags with them. Bill and the man in the brown hat stood up and helped them. One of the women had a big bag of apples. The bag broke and the apples went all over the carriage.'Oh damn!' she said.
Everybody laughed, and helped her to find the apples. The train moved away from Plymouth station. After aminute or two everybody sat down and the woman gave
some apples to the children.
'Where's Julie?' Bill said suddenly. 'She's not here.' 'Perhaps she went to the restaurant,' the man in the
brown hat said.
'But she wasn't hungry,' Bill said. 'She told me.' The little girl looked at Bill. 'She got off the train at
Plymouth,' she said. 'With the tall dark man. 1 saw them.' 'Of course she didn't!' Bill said. 'She's on this train. She
didn't get off.'
'Yes, she did,' the children's mother said suddenly. 'I saw her too. The tall man waited for her on the platform.' 'He waited for her?' Bill's mouth was open. 'But... But he read his newspaper all the time. He didn't talk to Julie. And she never talked to him. They didn't say a word.' 'People don't always need words, young man,' the children's mother said.
'But she's my wife!' Bill's face was red and angry. 'She can't do that!' he said loudly. He stood up. 'I'm going to stop the train.' Everybody looked at him and the two children laughed.
'No,' the man in the brown hat said, 'no, you don't want to do that. Sit down and eat your sandwiches, my friend.'
'But I don't understand. Why did she go? What am I going to do?' Bill's face was very unhappy. After a second or two he sat down again. 'What a
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