At 7:30 p.m. there was a knock on the door. A chauffeur in a tuxedo sa перевод - At 7:30 p.m. there was a knock on the door. A chauffeur in a tuxedo sa русский как сказать

At 7:30 p.m. there was a knock on t

At 7:30 p.m. there was a knock on the door. A chauffeur in a tuxedo said, "Good evening. My name is James and I have your first clue."
He escorted Kathy to a red stretch limo. On the back seat were a dozen long-stemmed red roses, a bottle of champagne, an egg carton and an envelope addressed: "Kathy Jo, get a clue."
Inside were instructions. Kathy and the chauffeur proceeded to the restaurant where Erik and Kathy had first met. There, a man approached, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words: "Kathy Jo get a clue." He asked, «Who do you love?"
Following instructions, Kathy responded, "McFly is my guy!"
The man handed her another envelope. Its clue led her to a fast food restaurant that the couple had often visited. The chauffeur took her to the drive-through window, where the cashier asked: "Who do you love?"
At this and every stop to come, Kathy would answer, "McFly is my guy." Each time, she would receive an egg and another clue.
One clue was in a jar of honey at Albertsons market. Kathy chuckled. Erik hated being called Honey, so it had been a big deal when he let Kathy call him by this pet name.
The final clue sent her to a ritzy eatery. There she saw a tuxedo-clad Erik at a table, a huge wire basket containing eggs in front of him.
"Would you mind putting all your eggs in one basket?" Erik asked. When they had agreed that Kathy would see other people, she had explained that she didn't want to put all her eggs in one basket as long as Erik wasn't ready for a commitment.
Erik asked her to open an egg. It had been hollowed, and inside was the word "Kathy." The next egg read "will." The next: "you." By the end, through her tears, she saw a message reading "Kathy, will you please marry me?" Her voice choking, she responded, "Yes, Erik, I would love to marry you!" / know for sure I'd never be bored, she thought to herself. They were married in July 1990.
Prince's charm. After four years of college, a loving romance was in full bloom between Karen Schifferle and Peter Stachowiak. Peter began pursuing an M.B.A., and Karen got a job teaching prekindergarten at St. Rose of Lima elementary school in Buffalo, N.Y.
In October 1992 Karen planned a class Halloween party. She decided to dress as Cinderella, and Peter offered to put on a skit for the children.
The day of the party, 23 excited kids in costumes cut out Halloween decorations and sang songs. Soon there was a knock at the door.
There stood Peter, wearing a powder-blue tunic with navy-blue velvet trim and puffy sleeves, royal-blue tights and a plumed hat.
"Hey, boys and girls," said Karen, "Prince Charming is here!"
Pirates, witches and Ninja Turtles grew quiet as Peter showed them a purple slipper, sparkling with jewels and ribbons. "Whoever can wear this," he announced, "must be the real Cinderella."
The four-year-olds gawked as Peter tried the shoe on three different girls. Each time there was a chorus of disappointed "awwws" as the slipper proved too big. Then they began chanting, "Try it on Miss Schifferle!"
Peter took the shoe to Karen, who sat on a child-size chair, wearing an old pink satin dress from her high-school prom. He slipped the shoe on Karen's foot: a perfect fit.
"Oh, my gosh," Karen exclaimed theatrically, "I must be Cinderella!"
As she started to stand up, Peter stayed down on one knee. Reaching inside his vest, he pulled out a gold band with a sparkling diamond. "Will you be my princess forever?"
Karen sat motionless. Finally it hit her, and she began to cry. "Yes, yes," she said, as the children stared, mesmerized. "Of course I'll marry you!" Married in July 1994, Karen and Peter have lived happily ever since.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
At 7:30 p.m. there was a knock on the door. A chauffeur in a tuxedo said, "Good evening. My name is James and I have your first clue."He escorted Kathy to a red stretch limo. On the back seat were a dozen long-stemmed red roses, a bottle of champagne, an egg carton and an envelope addressed: "Kathy Jo, get a clue."Inside were instructions. Kathy and the chauffeur proceeded to the restaurant where Erik and Kathy had first met. There, a man approached, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words: "Kathy Jo get a clue." He asked, «Who do you love?"Following instructions, Kathy responded, "McFly is my guy!"The man handed her another envelope. Its clue led her to a fast food restaurant that the couple had often visited. The chauffeur took her to the drive-through window, where the cashier asked: "Who do you love?"At this and every stop to come, Kathy would answer, "McFly is my guy." Each time, she would receive an egg and another clue.One clue was in a jar of honey at Albertsons market. Kathy chuckled. Erik hated being called Honey, so it had been a big deal when he let Kathy call him by this pet name.The final clue sent her to a ritzy eatery. There she saw a tuxedo-clad Erik at a table, a huge wire basket containing eggs in front of him."Would you mind putting all your eggs in one basket?" Erik asked. When they had agreed that Kathy would see other people, she had explained that she didn't want to put all her eggs in one basket as long as Erik wasn't ready for a commitment.Erik asked her to open an egg. It had been hollowed, and inside was the word "Kathy." The next egg read "will." The next: "you." By the end, through her tears, she saw a message reading "Kathy, will you please marry me?" Her voice choking, she responded, "Yes, Erik, I would love to marry you!" / know for sure I'd never be bored, she thought to herself. They were married in July 1990.Prince's charm. After four years of college, a loving romance was in full bloom between Karen Schifferle and Peter Stachowiak. Peter began pursuing an M.B.A., and Karen got a job teaching prekindergarten at St. Rose of Lima elementary school in Buffalo, N.Y.In October 1992 Karen planned a class Halloween party. She decided to dress as Cinderella, and Peter offered to put on a skit for the children.The day of the party, 23 excited kids in costumes cut out Halloween decorations and sang songs. Soon there was a knock at the door.There stood Peter, wearing a powder-blue tunic with navy-blue velvet trim and puffy sleeves, royal-blue tights and a plumed hat."Hey, boys and girls," said Karen, "Prince Charming is here!"Pirates, witches and Ninja Turtles grew quiet as Peter showed them a purple slipper, sparkling with jewels and ribbons. "Whoever can wear this," he announced, "must be the real Cinderella."The four-year-olds gawked as Peter tried the shoe on three different girls. Each time there was a chorus of disappointed "awwws" as the slipper proved too big. Then they began chanting, "Try it on Miss Schifferle!"Peter took the shoe to Karen, who sat on a child-size chair, wearing an old pink satin dress from her high-school prom. He slipped the shoe on Karen's foot: a perfect fit."Oh, my gosh," Karen exclaimed theatrically, "I must be Cinderella!"As she started to stand up, Peter stayed down on one knee. Reaching inside his vest, he pulled out a gold band with a sparkling diamond. "Will you be my princess forever?"Karen sat motionless. Finally it hit her, and she began to cry. "Yes, yes," she said, as the children stared, mesmerized. "Of course I'll marry you!" Married in July 1994, Karen and Peter have lived happily ever since.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
В 7:30 вечера раздался стук в дверь. Шофер в смокинге сказал: "Добрый вечер. Меня зовут Джеймс и у меня есть свой первый ключ."
Он проводил Кэти к красной лимузина. На заднем сиденье была дюжина длинных стеблях красные розы, бутылка шампанского, коробка яйцо и конверт объявления одет:? ". Кэти Джо, получить ключ"
Внутри были инструкции. Кэти и chauf? Feur протекала в ресторан , где впервые познакомился с Эриком и Кэти. Там, подошел человек, носить ING футболку , украшенную со словами: "Кэти Джо получить подсказку." Он спросил: «Кого ты любишь?"
Следуя инструкциям, Кэти ответила: "Макфли это мой парень!"
Человек протянул ей еще один конверт. Его ключ привел ее к ресторан быстрого питания , что пара часто посещал. Шофер взял ее к окну проезжать, где кассир спросил: "Кого ты любишь"
? При этом и каждой остановке , чтобы прибыть, Кэти бы провести swer, "Макфли мой парень." Каждый раз , когда она будет повторно ceive яйцо? и еще один ключ.
Один ключ был в банку с медом на Albertsons царапанию? кет. Кэти хихикнула. Эрик терпеть не мог называться мёд, так это было большое дело , когда он позволил Кэти называть его этим именем домашнего животного.
окончательный ключ послал ее в шикарном забегаловке. Там она увидела смокинг одетые Эрика за столом, огромная корзина проволока , содержащая яйца перед ним.
" Не могли бы вы положить все яйца в одну барельефа? кет?" спросил Эрик. Когда они согласились что Кэти бы видеть других людей, она объяснила , что она не хотела , чтобы положить все яйца в одну корзину, пока Эрик не был готов к приверженностью.
Эрик попросил ее открыть яйцо. Это был хол? Мычали, а внутри было слово «Кэти». Следующее яйцо читать "будет." Следующий: "вы" . К концу, сквозь слезы, она увидела сообщение с надписью "Кэти, ты , пожалуйста , за меня замуж?" Ее голос удушья, она ответит? Е изд "Да, Эрик, я хотел бы выйти за тебя замуж!" / Не знаю наверняка , я бы никогда не будет скучно, подумала она про себя. Они поженились в июле 1990 года
обаяния принца. После четырех лет колледжа, ИНГ романтика LOV? Был в полном расцвете между Карен Schifferle и Питером Stachowiak. Питер начал преследовать МВА, и Карен получил работу преподавателя Prekindergarten в Санкт - Роза Лимы начальной школы в Буффало, штат Нью - Йорк
В октябре 1992 года Карен запланированную класс Хэллоуина. Она решила одеваться так , как Золушка, и Питер предложил поставить на пародии для детей.
День партии, 23 возбужденные дети в костюмах вырезают художественные оформления Хэллоуина и пели песни. Вскоре раздался стук в дверь.
Там стоял Петр, одетый в порошок-синий китель с темно-синим бархатом отделкой и пышными рукавами, маточное-голубые трико и плюмажем шляпе.
"Эй, мальчики и девочки," говорит Карен, " Принц Шарм? ИНГ здесь! "
Пираты, ведьмы и Черепашки ниндзя притих , как Питер показал им фиолетовую туфлю, игристых драгоценными камнями и лентами. "Тот , кто может носить это," объявил он, "должна быть настоящая Золушка."
Четыре-летних глазели , как Питер попытался туфлю на трех разных девушек. Каждый раз , когда там был хор разочарован "awwws" как туфелька оказалась слишком большой. Затем они начали скандировать "Попробуйте это на мисс Schifferle!"
Питер взял туфельку Карен, который сидел на стуле ребенка размера, носить старую розовое атласное платье из ее средней школы выпускного вечера. Он надел ботинок на ноге Карен:. Идеально подходит
"О, боже мой," воскликнула Карен театрально, "Я должен быть Золушка"
Когда она начала вставать, Питер остался на одно колено. Достигнув в его жилет, он вытащил золотую полосу с сверкающий бриллиант. "Ты будешь моей принцессой навсегда?»
Карен сидела неподвижно. В конце концов он ударил ее, и она начала плакать. "Да, да," сказала она, как дети смотрели, загипнотизированный. "Конечно , я выйду за тебя замуж!" Мар? RIED в июле 1994 года, Карен и Питер жили Happi? LY до сих пор.
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