1) the types of weather in England;2) the weather forecast. I took the перевод - 1) the types of weather in England;2) the weather forecast. I took the украинский как сказать

1) the types of weather in England;

1) the types of weather in England;
2) the weather forecast.

I took the newspaper and read the weather forecast
“rain, cold, occasional local thunderstorms, east wind coming

from the sea”. I do think that this “weather forecast” fore-
casts exactly what happened yesterday or the day before, and
exactly the opposite of what is going to happen today.

I remember a holiday of mine that was completely ruined
one late autumn because we took the weather report of the 10-
cal newspaper seriously. “There may be heavy showers, with
thunderstorms today”, it said and so we gave up our picnic,
and stayed indoors all day, waiting for the rain. And people
were passing the house, jolly and merry as could be; the sun
was shining, and not a cloud was seen.

“Ah,” we said, “how wet they are going to get!” By twelve
o’clock, the heat became quite oppressive, and we wondered
when those heavy showers and occasional thunderstorms were
going to begin. But not a drop ever fell, and it was a great
day, and a lovely night after it.

The next morning we read that it was going to be a “warm
fine day, much heat”, and we dressed ourselves in light things
and went out, and, half-an-hour after we had started, sudden-
ly it began to rain hard, and a bitterly cold wind went blow-
ing, and both kept on steadily for the whole day. We came
home with colds all over us, and went to bed.

The weather is a thing that is beyond me altogether. I never
can understand it.

(Adapted from “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome)

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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
1) the types of weather in England;2) the weather forecast. I took the newspaper and read the weather forecast“rain, cold, occasional local thunderstorms, east wind comingfrom the sea”. I do think that this “weather forecast” fore-casts exactly what happened yesterday or the day before, andexactly the opposite of what is going to happen today.I remember a holiday of mine that was completely ruinedone late autumn because we took the weather report of the 10-cal newspaper seriously. “There may be heavy showers, withthunderstorms today”, it said and so we gave up our picnic,and stayed indoors all day, waiting for the rain. And peoplewere passing the house, jolly and merry as could be; the sunwas shining, and not a cloud was seen.“Ah,” we said, “how wet they are going to get!” By twelveo’clock, the heat became quite oppressive, and we wonderedwhen those heavy showers and occasional thunderstorms weregoing to begin. But not a drop ever fell, and it was a greatday, and a lovely night after it.The next morning we read that it was going to be a “warmfine day, much heat”, and we dressed ourselves in light thingsand went out, and, half-an-hour after we had started, sudden-ly it began to rain hard, and a bitterly cold wind went blow-ing, and both kept on steadily for the whole day. We camehome with colds all over us, and went to bed.The weather is a thing that is beyond me altogether. I neverможна зрозуміти це.(Взято з "Трьох людей на човні» та Джером Джером к.)
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]

1) види погоди в Англії;
. 2) прогноз погоди я взяв газету і прочитати прогноз погоди "дощ, холод, іноді місцеві грози, східний вітер приходячи від моря". Я думаю, що це "прогноз погоди" передніх кидає саме те, що сталося вчора або позавчора, а з точністю до навпаки від того, що станеться сьогодні. Я пам'ятаю свято шахті, яка була повністю зруйнована одна пізньої осені, тому що ми взяли прогноз погоди на 10 кал газети серйозно. "Там може бути зливи з грозами Сьогодні", сказав він, і тому ми відмовилися від нашого пікніка, і залишився в приміщенні весь день, чекаючи дощу. І люди проходили повз будинок, веселий і Різдвом, як може бути, Сонце сяяло, і не хмара було помічено. "Ах," ми сказали, "як мокра вони збираються, щоб отримати!" До дванадцяти годинах, спека ставала досить важка, і, ми здивувалися , коли ці зливи і іноді грози були збирається почати. Але ні краплі ніколи впав, і це був великий день, і прекрасний вечір після нього. На наступний ранок ми читаємо, що він збирається бути "теплим прекрасний день, багато тепла", і ми одягнені себе в світлих речей і вийшов і, півгодини, годину після того як ми почали, скоропостіжно- LY почався дощ важко, і холодно вітер пішов роздуття Ing, і обидва продовжували стійко протягом всього дня. Ми прийшли додому з застудою всьому нас, і ліг спати. Погода річ, що поза мною взагалі. Я ніколи не можу зрозуміти його. (Взято з "Троє в човні" Джерома К. Джерома)

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