The Bramble Bush by Ch. Mergendahl As Fran Walker, one of the nurses o перевод - The Bramble Bush by Ch. Mergendahl As Fran Walker, one of the nurses o китайский как сказать

The Bramble Bush by Ch. Mergendahl

The Bramble Bush by Ch. Mergendahl
As Fran Walker, one of the nurses of the Mills Memorial Hospital, was sitting between rounds behind her duty desk, she often recollected her childhood, which would return to her as it had existed in reality - bewildering, lonely, and frustrating.
Her father, Mr. Walker, had owned a small lumber business in Sagamore, one of Indiana's numerous smaller towns, where Fran had lived in a large frame house on six acres of unused pasture land. The first Mrs. Walker had died, when Fran was still a baby, so she did not remember her real mother at all. She remembered her stepmother, though – small, tight-lipped, thin-faced, extremely possessive of her new husband and the new house which had suddenly become her own. Fran had adored her father, tried desperately to please him. And since he desired nothing more than a good relationship between his daughter and his second wife, she had made endless attempts to win over her new mother. But her displays of affection had not been returned. Her stepmother had remained constantly jealous, resentful, without the slightest understanding of the small girl's motives and emotions.
Fran felt herself losing out, slipping away into an inferior position. She began to exaggerate – often lie about friends, feelings, grades at school, anything possible to keep herself high in her father's esteem, and at the same time gain some small bit of admiration from her mother. The exaggerations, though, had constantly turned back on her, until eventually a disgusted Mrs. Walker had insisted she be sent away to a nearby summer camp. "They award a badge of honour there," she had said, "and if you win it – not a single untruth all summer – then we'll know you've stopped lying and we'll do something very special for you."
"We'll give you a pony," her father had promised.
Fran wanted the pony. More than the pony, she wanted to prove herself. After two months of near-painful honesty, she finally won the badge of honour, and brought it home clutched tight in her fist, hidden in her pocket while she waited, waited, all the way from the station, all during the tea in the living-room for the exact proper moment to make her announcement of glorious victory.
"Well?" her mother had said finally. "Well, Fran?"
"Well – ", Fran began, with the excitement building higher and higher as she drew in her breath and thought of exactly how to say it.
"You can't hide it any longer, Fran." Her mother had sighed in hopeless resignation. "We know you didn't win it, so there's simply no point in lying about it now."
Fran had closed her mouth. She'd stared at her mother, then stood and gone out to the yard and looked across the green meadow where the pony was going to graze. She had taken the green badge from her pocket, fingered it tenderly, then buried it beneath a rock in the garden. She had gone back into the house and said, "No, I didn't win it," and her mother had said, "Well, at least you didn't lie this time," and her father had held her while she'd cried and known finally that there was no further use in trying. Her father had bought her an Irish setter as a consolation prize.
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Результаты (китайский) 1: [копия]
通过通道 Mergendahl 荆棘花丛随着之间轮她义务办公桌后面坐着弗朗索瓦 · 沃克,米尔斯纪念医院的护士之一,她经常回忆她的童年,会还给她,因为它已经存在的现实 — — 令人困惑,孤独,和令人沮丧。她的父亲,沃克先生,拥有小的木材生意,在萨加莫尔,印第安纳州的众多的小城镇,在大的框架房子六英亩未使用的牧场土地上弗兰在居住的地方之一。第一次的太太沃克去世,当弗兰还是一个婴儿,所以她根本不记得她的亲生母亲。她记得她的继母,不过 — — 小,守口如瓶,面容消瘦,极其占有了她的新丈夫和突然变得她自己的新房子。弗兰曾崇拜她的父亲,拼命地想取悦他。因为他需要良好的关系无非他女儿与第二任妻子,她已多次无尽试图战胜她新的母亲。但她表示感情尚未归还。她的继母一直不断地嫉妒,愤怒,没有丝毫的了解的小女孩的动机和情感。Fran felt herself losing out, slipping away into an inferior position. She began to exaggerate – often lie about friends, feelings, grades at school, anything possible to keep herself high in her father's esteem, and at the same time gain some small bit of admiration from her mother. The exaggerations, though, had constantly turned back on her, until eventually a disgusted Mrs. Walker had insisted she be sent away to a nearby summer camp. "They award a badge of honour there," she had said, "and if you win it – not a single untruth all summer – then we'll know you've stopped lying and we'll do something very special for you." "We'll give you a pony," her father had promised. Fran wanted the pony. More than the pony, she wanted to prove herself. After two months of near-painful honesty, she finally won the badge of honour, and brought it home clutched tight in her fist, hidden in her pocket while she waited, waited, all the way from the station, all during the tea in the living-room for the exact proper moment to make her announcement of glorious victory. "Well?" her mother had said finally. "Well, Fran?" "Well – ", Fran began, with the excitement building higher and higher as she drew in her breath and thought of exactly how to say it. "You can't hide it any longer, Fran." Her mother had sighed in hopeless resignation. "We know you didn't win it, so there's simply no point in lying about it now." Fran had closed her mouth. She'd stared at her mother, then stood and gone out to the yard and looked across the green meadow where the pony was going to graze. She had taken the green badge from her pocket, fingered it tenderly, then buried it beneath a rock in the garden. She had gone back into the house and said, "No, I didn't win it," and her mother had said, "Well, at least you didn't lie this time," and her father had held her while she'd cried and known finally that there was no further use in trying. Her father had bought her an Irish setter as a consolation prize.
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Результаты (китайский) 2:[копия]
“好?” 她的母亲终于说。“好了,弗兰?”
“哦- ”,弗兰开始了,兴奋建筑越来越高,因为她在她深吸了一口气,以为究竟怎么说的吧。
“你不能把它隐藏下去,弗兰。” 她的母亲在绝望辞职叹了口气。“我们知道你没有赢得它,所以根本就在说谎,现在关于它没有任何意义。”
弗兰已经关闭了她的嘴。她会在她的母亲瞪大了眼睛,然后站起来,出去到院子里和整个绿色的草地那里的小马是要吃草看去。她采取了绿色徽章从她的口袋里,手指温柔它,然后把它埋在花园里的岩石下方。她走了回屋,说:“不,我没有赢得它,”她的母亲说:“嗯,至少你没有说谎这一次,”和她的父亲握着她的,而她' ð哭了,终于知道有没有试图进一步使用。她的父亲为她买了爱尔兰二传手作为安慰奖。
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