Reserves/Resources and Brief Description of Geology
The total potential of Tuyuk Temirlik copper ore district by category P1+P2 is estimated at 5,000 tons. Besides, there is the prospect of identifying industrial clusters of lead and barite, and silver, molybdenum and zinc as associated components.
Current Status and Summary of Planned Activities
Since 2013, search operations are carried out in the contract territory. Identified 14 local areas for the production of detailed works to determine the significance of industrial facilities. April 2, 2015 Supplement №2 to the Contract was signed with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which takes into account the changes in the contract territory.
The procedure for changes and additions to the project document are being completed. The «The amendments to «Project on exploration operations for copper, lead and barite in Tuyuk Temirlik ore district for 2012-2017» is on the signing of the competent authority.