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УРОК 24Тема:Права ребенка.Текст:Конвенция о правах эффект.T e x tКонвенция о правах ребенкаПрава человека детей и стандартов, к которым все регулируют ments должны стремиться в реализации этих прав для всех детей, являются formulat Эд в Конвенции о правах ребенка. Конвенция является наиболее универсально признанным правам человека документом в истории — ратификации каждой страной в мире, за исключением двух. Ратифицировав этот документ, национальные правительства взяли на себя про tecting и обеспечение детей прав.Построенный на различных правовых систем и культурных традиций, Конвенции о правах ребенка является универсально согласованный набор ОРДС non-negotiablestand и обязательств. Он излагает основные права человека детей во всем мире — без дискриминации — имеют: право на выживание; для разработки в полном объеме; для защиты от вредных воздействий, злоупотреблений и эксплуатации, а также в полной мере участвовать в семейной, культурной и социальной жизни.Все права, изложенные в Конвенции является неотъемлемой частью человеческого достоинства и гармоничного развития каждого ребенка. Конвенциязащищает права детейустановление стандартов в области здравоохранения, образованияи юридических, гражданских и социальныхуслуги. Эти стандарты являются критериис помощью которых можно оценивать прогресс. Государства, которые являются участникамиКонвенции обязаны разрабатывать и осуществлятьall actionsand policies in the light of the best interests of the child. The Convention on the Rights of theChildwascarefullydraftedover the course of 10 years (1979-1989)with theinput ofrepresentatives fromall societies, all religions andallcultures.TheConventionhas become the most widely accepted human rights treaty ever. Somepeople assume that the rightsofchildrenborninwealthynations — where schools, hospitals and juvenile justice systems are in place — are never violated, that these children have no need for the protection and care called for in the Convention. But that is far from the truth. To varying degrees, at least some children in all nations face unemployment, homelessness, violence, poverty and other issues that dramatically affect their lives.All of us are born with human rights — a principle the Convention on the Rights of the Child makes very clear. They belong to each and every one of us equally. Children living in developing countries have the same rights as children in wealthy countries. The Convention places equal emphasis on all of the rights for children.252Because of its near-universal acceptance by the community of na tions, the Convention on the Rights of the Child has brought into sharp focus for the first time the fundamental human dignity of all children and the urgency of ensuring theirwell-beingand development. TheConvention on theRights of the Child specifically refers to the familyasthe fundamentalgroupofsociety and the natural environmentforthe growth and well-beingof its members, particularly children. Under the Convention,States are obliged torespect parents’ primaryresponsibility forprovidingcare and guidancefor their childrenandto support parents in this regard, providing material assistance and sup port programmes. States are also obliged to prevent children from being separated from their families unless the separation is judged necessary for the child’s best interests.The Convention on the Rights of the Child confirms that children have a right to express their views and to have their views taken seriously and given due weight — but it does not state that children’s views are the only ones to be considered. The Convention also states that children have a responsibility to respect the rights of others, especially those of parents.The principle of non-discriminationis included in all the basic hu man rights instruments and has been carefully defined by the bodies responsible for monitoring their implementation.The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989. It entered into force 2 September 1990, in accordance with article 49.
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