Mrs Sappleton is upstairs -she'll be with us in minute ,Mr Nuttel, sai перевод - Mrs Sappleton is upstairs -she'll be with us in minute ,Mr Nuttel, sai русский как сказать

Mrs Sappleton is upstairs -she'll b

Mrs Sappleton is upstairs -she'll be with us in minute ,Mr Nuttel, said the girl.So you'll have to put up with me for a while .She giggled.
Framton Nuttel tried hard to think of something polite to say to her. He had come to the village to relax after a long illness. His sister had lived there a few years before and she had given him a list of nice' people he should meet But he was beginning to feel fed up with wisiting strangers. Do you know many people in the village? asked the girl, who was Mrs Sappleton's Framton frowned. Hardly anyone," he answered Sighing. "But my sister used to live here and she gave me a list of people I should meet. Oh, so you don't know anything about my aunt?" asked the girl. Just her name and address,' said Framton. There was something very masculine about room.
You're probably asking yourself why we hav the door open on an October afternoon, Mr Nuttel. For the first time Framton looked up at the open patio-door, which led to the garden. Well, let me tell you. Exactly three years ago today my aunt's husband, his dog and her two young brothers left the house to go hunting. Theo never came back. They were crossing some low ground near a river it had been a very wet summer well, their bodies were never found And my poor aunt she still thinks that the will come back someday and walk through that door. Which is why she keeps it open. She s at him for a moment and then whispered, know, sometimes on quiet this, like I almost a strange feeling that they will all w through that door!' Framton shuddered"I hope my Vera has been amusing you she said. "She has been very interesting," said Framton
I'm sorry to keep the door open, but my husband and brothers will come back from their hunting trip soon She talked for some time about hunting and birds. Framton felt terrible and tried to change the subject but in vain. He could see that Mrs Sappleton wasn't really listening to him but was gazing at the door all the time"The doctors have told me to rest completely and not to do any exercise, but they're not sure about the best diet for me," said Framton, who thought the pair might be interested to hear about his illness. Mrs Sappleton yawned.

It was beginning to get dark and the room seemed a little gloomy
Here they are last!" she said, suddenly. "Just in time for tea!
Framton turned to look sympathetically at the girl. She was also staring at the door with horror in her eyes. Surprised, Framton glanced at the door.
In the darkness, he could see three people strolling across the lawn, carrying guns. A dog was running behind them. One of the men was singing. Framton gasped. He suddenly got up out of chair, took his hat and dashed out of the his away from the house house and through the gate, as fast as he could.
We're back, my dear,' said Mr Sappleton with a grin. "Who was that who just left? A very strange man called Mr Nuttel," said Mrs Sappleton. "All he could talk about was his illnesses, and then he left without even saying goodbye or sorry. It was as if he had seen a ghost! "
It was probably the dog,' said her niece calmly. "He told me he was terrified of dogs. He told me that once in India he had spent the night lying in an empty grave in a cemetery, trying to escape from a pack of mad dogs.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Mrs Sappleton is upstairs -she'll be with us in minute ,Mr Nuttel, said the girl.So you'll have to put up with me for a while .She giggled.Framton Nuttel tried hard to think of something polite to say to her. He had come to the village to relax after a long illness. His sister had lived there a few years before and she had given him a list of nice' people he should meet But he was beginning to feel fed up with wisiting strangers. Do you know many people in the village? asked the girl, who was Mrs Sappleton's Framton frowned. Hardly anyone," he answered Sighing. "But my sister used to live here and she gave me a list of people I should meet. Oh, so you don't know anything about my aunt?" asked the girl. Just her name and address,' said Framton. There was something very masculine about room.You're probably asking yourself why we hav the door open on an October afternoon, Mr Nuttel. For the first time Framton looked up at the open patio-door, which led to the garden. Well, let me tell you. Exactly three years ago today my aunt's husband, his dog and her two young brothers left the house to go hunting. Theo never came back. They were crossing some low ground near a river it had been a very wet summer well, their bodies were never found And my poor aunt she still thinks that the will come back someday and walk through that door. Which is why she keeps it open. She s at him for a moment and then whispered, know, sometimes on quiet this, like I almost a strange feeling that they will all w through that door!' Framton shuddered"I hope my Vera has been amusing you she said. "She has been very interesting," said FramtonI'm sorry to keep the door open, but my husband and brothers will come back from their hunting trip soon She talked for some time about hunting and birds. Framton felt terrible and tried to change the subject but in vain. He could see that Mrs Sappleton wasn't really listening to him but was gazing at the door all the time"The doctors have told me to rest completely and not to do any exercise, but they're not sure about the best diet for me," said Framton, who thought the pair might be interested to hear about his illness. Mrs Sappleton yawned.It was beginning to get dark and the room seemed a little gloomy Here they are last!" she said, suddenly. "Just in time for tea! Framton turned to look sympathetically at the girl. She was also staring at the door with horror in her eyes. Surprised, Framton glanced at the door. In the darkness, he could see three people strolling across the lawn, carrying guns. A dog was running behind them. One of the men was singing. Framton gasped. He suddenly got up out of chair, took his hat and dashed out of the his away from the house house and through the gate, as fast as he could. We're back, my dear,' said Mr Sappleton with a grin. "Who was that who just left? A very strange man called Mr Nuttel," said Mrs Sappleton. "All he could talk about was his illnesses, and then he left without even saying goodbye or sorry. It was as if he had seen a ghost! "It was probably the dog,' said her niece calmly. "He told me he was terrified of dogs. He told me that once in India he had spent the night lying in an empty grave in a cemetery, trying to escape from a pack of mad dogs.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Миссис Sappleton наверху -she'll быть с нами в минуту, г - н Nuttel, сказал girl.So вам придется мириться со мной на некоторое время .Она хихикнула.
Framton Nuttel изо всех сил старался думать о чем - то приличном сказать , чтобы ее. Он пришел в деревню , чтобы отдохнуть после продолжительной болезни. Его сестра жила там несколько лет назад , и она дала ему список хороших "людей , которых он должен встретиться , но он начинает чувствовать себя надоела wisiting незнакомых людей . Вы знаете , много людей в деревне? спросила девушка, которая была Framton миссис Sappleton в нахмурилась. Вряд ли кто - нибудь, "ответил он Вздохнув." Но моя сестра здесь жила , и она дала мне список людей , которых я должен встретиться. О, так ты ничего о моей тети не знаю? "Спросила девушка. Просто ее имя и адрес, сказал Framton. Существовал что - то очень мужественным о комнате.
Вы , вероятно , спросите себя , почему мы ВГА дверь открытую на октябрьский день, г - н Nuttel. впервые Framton посмотрел на открытое патио двери, которая вела в сад. Что ж, позвольте мне сказать вам. Ровно три года назад в этот день муж моей тети, его собака и ее двое молодых братьев покинули дом , чтобы идти на охоту. Тео никогда не вернулся. Они пересекали немного низину возле реки он был очень влажным летом хорошо, их тела не были найдены и моя бедная тетушка она до сих пор думает , что вернется когда - нибудь и пройти через эта дверь. Вот почему она держит ее открытой. она s на него на мгновение , а затем шепнул, знаете, иногда на тихой это, как я почти странное чувство , что все они будут ш через эту дверь! Framton содрогнулся : "Я надеюсь , что моя вера была забавляет тебя , сказала она. "Она была очень интересной," сказал Framton
мне жаль держать дверь открытой, но мой муж и братья вернутся из охоты вскоре она говорила какое - то время об охоте и птиц. Framton поверг и попытался сменить тему , но безуспешно. Он видел , что миссис Sappleton на самом деле не слушал его , но смотрел на дверь все время "Врачи сказали мне , чтобы отдохнуть полностью , а не делать какие - либо упражнения, но они не уверены лучшая диета для меня , "сказал Framton, кто думал , что пара может быть интересно услышать о его болезни. Миссис Sappleton зевнула.

Она начинает темнеть , и комната казалась немного мрачная
Вот они в последний раз ! " , Сказала она, вдруг." Как раз вовремя для чая!
Framton повернулся , чтобы посмотреть сочувственно на девушку. Она также смотрела на дверь с ужасом в глазах. Удивление, Framton посмотрел на дверь.
В темноте он мог видеть три человека , прогуливаясь по лужайке, с оружием. Собака бежала за ними. Один из мужчин пели. Framton ахнул. Он вдруг встал из кресла, снял шляпу и выскочила из его подальше от дома и дома через ворота, так быстро , как только мог.
Мы вернулись, моя дорогая, "сказал г - н Sappleton с усмешкой. "Кто был тем , кто только что ушел? Очень странный человек по имени мистер Nuttel," сказала миссис Sappleton. "Все , что он мог говорить только о том , его болезни, а потом он ушел, даже не попрощавшись или жаль. Это было , как если бы он видел призрак!"
Это был , вероятно , собака, спокойно сказал ее племянница. "Он сказал мне , что он был в ужасе от собак. Он сказал мне , что когда - то в Индии , он провел ночь , лежа в пустой могиле на кладбище, пытаясь спастись от стаи бешеных собак.
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