Lautisse Paints Again H.A. SmithEverybody knows by this time that we m перевод - Lautisse Paints Again H.A. SmithEverybody knows by this time that we m русский как сказать

Lautisse Paints Again H.A. SmithEve

Lautisse Paints Again
H.A. Smith

Everybody knows by this time that we met Lautisse on board a ship, but few people know that in the beginning, Betsy and I had no idea who he was.
At first he introduced himself as Monsieur Roland, but as we talked he asked me a lot of questions about myself and my business and finally he asked me if I could keep a secret and said: "I am Lautisse."
I had no idea who he was. I told Betsy and af ter lunch we went up and talked to the ship's librarian, asked him a few questions. And then we found out that my new friend was probably the world's best living painter. The librarian found a book with his biography and a photograph. Though the photograph was bad, we decided that our new acquaintance was Lautisse all right. The book said that he suddenly stopped painting at 53 and lived in a villa in Rivera. He hadn't painted anything in a dozen years and was heard to say he would never touch the brush again.
Well, we got to be real friends and Betsy invited him to come up to our place for a weekend.
Lautisse arrived on the noon train Saturday, and I met him at the station. We had promised him that wewouldn't have any people and that we wouldn't try to talk to him about art. It wasn't very difficult since we were not very keen on art.
I was up at seven-thirty the next morning and I remembered that I had a job to do. Our vegetable garden had a fence around it which needed a coat of paint. I took out a bucket half full of white paint and a brush and an old kitchen chair. I was sitting on the chair thinking, when I heard footsteps and there stood Lautisse. I said that I was getting ready to paint the garden fence but now that he was up, I would stop it. He protested, then took the brush from my hand and said, "First, I'll show you!" At that moment Betsy cried from the kitchen door that breakfast was ready. "No, no," he said. "No breakfast, – I will paint the fence." I argued with him but he wouldn't even look up from his work. Betsy laughed and assured me that he was having a good time. He spent three hours at it and fin-
back to town on the 9. 10 that evening and at the station he shook my hand and said that he hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years.
We didn't hear anything from him for about 10 days but the newspapers learnt about the visit and came to our place. I was out but Betsy told the reporters everything and about the fence too. The next day the papers had quite a story and the headlines said: LAUTISSE PAINTS AGAIN. On the same day three men came to my place from different art galleries and offered 4.000 dollars for the fence. I refused. The next day I was of f ered 25.000 and then 50.000. On the fourth day a sculptor named Gerston came to my place. He was a friend of Lautisse. He advised me to allow the Palmer Museum in New York to exhibit it for a few weeks. He said that the gallery people were interested in the fence because Lautisse had never before used a bit of white paint. I agreed. So the f ence was put in the Palmer Museum. I went down myself to have a look at it. Hundreds of people came to see the fence, and I couldn't help laughing when I saw my fence because it had a fence around it.
A week later Gerston telephoned me and asked to come to him. He had something important to tell me. It turned out that Lautisse visited the exhibition and signed all the thirty sections of my fence. "Now," said Gerston, "you have really got something to sell." And indeed with Gerston's help, 29 of the 30 sections were sold within a month's time and the price was 10.000 each section. I didn't want to sell the 30th section and it's hanging now in our living-room.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Lautisse Paints Again H.A. SmithEverybody knows by this time that we met Lautisse on board a ship, but few people know that in the beginning, Betsy and I had no idea who he was.At first he introduced himself as Monsieur Roland, but as we talked he asked me a lot of questions about myself and my business and finally he asked me if I could keep a secret and said: "I am Lautisse."I had no idea who he was. I told Betsy and af ter lunch we went up and talked to the ship's librarian, asked him a few questions. And then we found out that my new friend was probably the world's best living painter. The librarian found a book with his biography and a photograph. Though the photograph was bad, we decided that our new acquaintance was Lautisse all right. The book said that he suddenly stopped painting at 53 and lived in a villa in Rivera. He hadn't painted anything in a dozen years and was heard to say he would never touch the brush again.Well, we got to be real friends and Betsy invited him to come up to our place for a weekend.Lautisse arrived on the noon train Saturday, and I met him at the station. We had promised him that wewouldn't have any people and that we wouldn't try to talk to him about art. It wasn't very difficult since we were not very keen on art.I was up at seven-thirty the next morning and I remembered that I had a job to do. Our vegetable garden had a fence around it which needed a coat of paint. I took out a bucket half full of white paint and a brush and an old kitchen chair. I was sitting on the chair thinking, when I heard footsteps and there stood Lautisse. I said that I was getting ready to paint the garden fence but now that he was up, I would stop it. He protested, then took the brush from my hand and said, "First, I'll show you!" At that moment Betsy cried from the kitchen door that breakfast was ready. "No, no," he said. "No breakfast, – I will paint the fence." I argued with him but he wouldn't even look up from his work. Betsy laughed and assured me that he was having a good time. He spent three hours at it and fin-back to town on the 9. 10 that evening and at the station he shook my hand and said that he hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years.We didn't hear anything from him for about 10 days but the newspapers learnt about the visit and came to our place. I was out but Betsy told the reporters everything and about the fence too. The next day the papers had quite a story and the headlines said: LAUTISSE PAINTS AGAIN. On the same day three men came to my place from different art galleries and offered 4.000 dollars for the fence. I refused. The next day I was of f ered 25.000 and then 50.000. On the fourth day a sculptor named Gerston came to my place. He was a friend of Lautisse. He advised me to allow the Palmer Museum in New York to exhibit it for a few weeks. He said that the gallery people were interested in the fence because Lautisse had never before used a bit of white paint. I agreed. So the f ence was put in the Palmer Museum. I went down myself to have a look at it. Hundreds of people came to see the fence, and I couldn't help laughing when I saw my fence because it had a fence around it.A week later Gerston telephoned me and asked to come to him. He had something important to tell me. It turned out that Lautisse visited the exhibition and signed all the thirty sections of my fence. "Now," said Gerston, "you have really got something to sell." And indeed with Gerston's help, 29 of the 30 sections were sold within a month's time and the price was 10.000 each section. I didn't want to sell the 30th section and it's hanging now in our living-room.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
lautisse красок сновасмит, л.все знают, что в это время, что мы встречались lautisse на борту судна, но немногие знают, что в начале, бетси, и я не знала, кто он.сначала он представился как месье ролан, но, как мы уже говорили, он задал мне много вопросов о себе и мой бизнес, и, наконец, он спросил меня, если я могу хранить секреты и сказал: "я lautisse".я не знала, кто он.я сказал бетси и AF - обед мы ходили и говорили на корабль библиотекарь, задал ему несколько вопросов.а потом мы узнали, что мой новый друг был, пожалуй, лучший в мире жизни художника.библиотекарь нашел книгу с его биографию и фото.несмотря на то, что фотография была плохой, мы решили, что наш новый знакомый был lautisse хорошо.книга говорит, что он вдруг перестал живопись на 53 и жил на вилле в ривера.он не написал ничего более десятка лет, и было слышно, говорят, что он никогда не трогал кисти снова.ну, мы должны быть настоящие друзья и бетси предложил он приехал к нам на выходные.lautisse прибыл на дневной поезд и в субботу, и я встретил его на вокзале.мы обещали ему, что wewouldn нет людей, и мы бы не попытаться поговорить с ним об искусстве.это было не очень сложно, поскольку мы не очень стремятся к ст.я был в семь тридцать утра, и я вспомнил, что мне делать свою работу.наш огород был забор вокруг которой нужно мазками.я взял ведро наполовину белый краски и кисти и старую кухонную кресло.я сидела на стуле, думая, что, когда я услышал шаги и стоял lautisse.я сказал, что я была готова представить сад ограждения, но теперь, когда он был, я бы его остановить.он протестовал, потом взял кисти из моей руки и сказал: "во - первых, я покажу тебе!"в этот момент бетси плакали от дверь на кухню, что завтрак готов. "нет, нет, нет ", - сказал он.нет, завтрак, – я покрашу забор ". я говорил с ним, но он даже не отрывайтесь от его работы.бетси смеялись и заверил меня, что он был хороший момент.он провел три часа на него и FIN -вернуться в город на 9.10 в этот вечер и на станции он пожал мне руку и сказал, что он не пользовался сам так много лет.- мы ничего не слышали от него около 10 дней, но газеты узнал о поездке и пришли к нам.я был там, но бетси заявил журналистам все и о забор, тоже.на следующий день бумаги достаточно историю и заголовки сказал: lautisse красок снова.в тот же день трое мужчин пришли ко мне из различных художественных галерей, и предложил 4 000 долларов за забором.я отказался.на следующий день я был F ered 25.000, а затем 50.000.на четвертый день скульптор по имени gerston пришла ко мне.он был другом lautisse.он посоветовал мне позволить палмер музей в нью - йорке выставить его на несколько недель.он сказал, что "люди были заинтересованы в забор, потому что lautisse никогда не использовал немного белой краской.я согласился.так что f ENCE положили в палмер - музей.я пошел сам, чтобы посмотреть на это.сотни людей пришли, чтобы посмотреть на забор, и я не смог помочь смеются, когда я увидел мой забор, потому что она забор вокруг него.неделю спустя gerston позвонил мне и попросил приехать к нему.он что - то важное, чтобы рассказать мне.оказалось, что lautisse посетили выставку и подписал все тридцать разделов моего забор ".сейчас ", - сказал gerston", тебе надо что - то продать ". и действительно, с помощью gerston 29 из 30 участков были проданы в месячный срок и цена была 10.000 каждой секции.я не хочу продавать 30 - раздел и висит теперь в нашей гостиной.
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