How do British people spend their time when they are not actually work перевод - How do British people spend their time when they are not actually work русский как сказать

How do British people spend their t

How do British people spend their time when they are not actually working? Leisure time of British people isn’t very much organised. They might for instance watch TV. Television is the most popular entertainment in many countries. Statistics says that we spend an average of 25 hours a week watching it or at least keeping it switched on. Theatre, opera and ballet, sorry to say, are almost exclusively the pleasures of the educated middle class. The author of the book «Understanding Britain» Caren Hewitt is convinced that people who are deprived of the great works of art suffer a diminishment of spirit no matter whether they are intellectuals, blue-collar or white collar and so forth. Private leisure is characterised by the national enthusiasm for gardening. About 44% of the population claim to spend time gardening. In fact they don’t need to grow vegetables, but home grown fruit and vegetables taste much better than those in shops, which have been grown commercially. They also grow flowers and have a passion for lawns of grass, which stay green throughout the year. The other popular home-based activity is «D-I-Y» or «Do-It-Yourself». It means improvement of one’s home by decorating, making furniture, fitting in shelves, cupboards, etc. There are excellent stores (such as hardware stores), which supply the materials and tools, and books with detailed advice are everywhere on sale. Women more concentrate on needlework – sewing curtains and cushions as well as clothes. About half the women in the country spend time on needlework or knitting. It is extremely difficult to decide how important books are for in the lives of the British citizens. There are well-stocked shops and a good public library service.
Books are available, brightly coloured, cheerfully designed – and expensive. However there is an unquestionable loss when the attractions of television and videos have reduced the enthusiasm for reading, which is for many people just glancing at a newspaper. And no wonder! TV dramas and documentaries, cultural and scientific programmes and coverage of the world’s news are excellent in general, by world standards. And of course, there is a lighter entertainment – games, family comedies, celebrity shows, soap operas and so on. Music is another way of spending time. People listen to pop and rock music on the radio, on records and tapes, at home and in public places. Music magazines persuade teenagers to buy new and new records with the only purpose to make money. That is why cultivating an individual taste becomes very difficult, and cultivating a serious musical taste is extremely difficult. People often keep on spending money to catch up with what is popular. Some people are interested in music making and might play in amateur or professional orchestras or sing in choirs. Some words should be said about holidays. Summer holidays is the time to spend as a couple or a family. It may just be like visiting friends, or hiring a caravan on the seashore, or camping. You can walk, explore mountains and streams, and take picnics on boating expeditions on lakes, and visit castles, caves and historic sites. This is the way the majority spends their time. Of course, there are minorities. They may join various clubs, or just relax each evening in pubs drinking, or do something else. People are free in their choice as they should be. It may be good or bad, but the reality is like this and you know, there are people and people.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Как британские люди тратят свое время, когда они не работают на самом деле? Свободное время британского народа не очень организован. Например, они могут смотреть телевизор. Телевидение является наиболее популярных развлечений во многих странах. Статистика говорит, что мы тратим в среднем 25 часов в неделю, наблюдая его или по крайней мере держать его включенным. Театр, Опера и балет, к сожалению, являются почти исключительно удовольствия образованного среднего класса. Автор книги «Понимание Великобритании» Caren Хьюитт убеждена в том, что люди, лишенные великие произведения искусства страдают уменьшение Духа независимо от того, являются ли они интеллектуалами, "синих воротничков" или белых воротничков и так далее. Частный отдых характеризуется Национальный энтузиазм для садоводства. Около 44% населения утверждают, что тратить время садоводства. На самом деле они не нужно выращивать овощи, но дома выросли фруктов и овощей вкус гораздо лучше, чем в магазинах, которые выращиваются на коммерческой основе. Они также растут цветы и страсть к лужайках травы, которые остаются зелеными в течение всего года. Другие популярные на дому деятельность «D-I-Y» или «Сделай сам». Это означает улучшение дома украшения, изготовление мебели, монтаж в полки, шкафы и др. Есть отличные магазины (например, Магазины), которые поставляют материалы и инструменты, и книги с подробные консультации везде продаются. Женщины больше сосредоточиться на рукоделие – пошив штор и подушки, а также одежду. Около половины женщин страны тратят время на рукоделием или вязание. Это чрезвычайно трудно решить, насколько важны книги для жизни британских граждан. Есть хорошо укомплектованный магазины и хорошей публичной библиотеки службы. 33 Books are available, brightly coloured, cheerfully designed – and expensive. However there is an unquestionable loss when the attractions of television and videos have reduced the enthusiasm for reading, which is for many people just glancing at a newspaper. And no wonder! TV dramas and documentaries, cultural and scientific programmes and coverage of the world’s news are excellent in general, by world standards. And of course, there is a lighter entertainment – games, family comedies, celebrity shows, soap operas and so on. Music is another way of spending time. People listen to pop and rock music on the radio, on records and tapes, at home and in public places. Music magazines persuade teenagers to buy new and new records with the only purpose to make money. That is why cultivating an individual taste becomes very difficult, and cultivating a serious musical taste is extremely difficult. People often keep on spending money to catch up with what is popular. Some people are interested in music making and might play in amateur or professional orchestras or sing in choirs. Some words should be said about holidays. Summer holidays is the time to spend as a couple or a family. It may just be like visiting friends, or hiring a caravan on the seashore, or camping. You can walk, explore mountains and streams, and take picnics on boating expeditions on lakes, and visit castles, caves and historic sites. This is the way the majority spends their time. Of course, there are minorities. They may join various clubs, or just relax each evening in pubs drinking, or do something else. People are free in their choice as they should be. It may be good or bad, but the reality is like this and you know, there are people and people.
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