Banks Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking,  перевод - Banks Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking,  русский как сказать

Banks Banks are organizations that

Banks Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking, taking deposits and then using those deposits to make loans. In essence, a bank aims to make a profit by paying depositors a lower rate of interest than the rate the bank charges borrowers. In accounting terms deposits are considered liabilities(because they have to be repaid), and loans are considered assets Banks in most countries are supervised by a central bank, such as the Bank of England in the United Kingdom, the Bundesbank in Germany, the Federal Reserve System in the United States and Central Bank in Russia There are many different types of bank, and the banking structure varies from one country to another Banks can fall into the following categories: Retail banks are often referred to as commercial banks. In addition to conventional banking services, such as the provision of chequing accounts, they deal in foreign exchange, issue credit cards, provide investment and tax advice, and sell financial products such as insurance. In the United Kingdom the biggest retail banks(by assets) are Barclays Bank, National Westminster Bank, Midland Bank, Abbey National Bank and Lloyds Bank Merchant or investment banks act as intermediaries between investors and private or public concerns seeking medium to long-term funds, often acting as underwriters
for an issue of shares. Increasingly they have played a fundamental role in advising on mergers and acquisitions, and on management buy-outs. In the United Kingdom, some of the longest established and best-known merchant banks are still privately owned Building societies were set up in the United King dom to take deposits in order to provide long-term loans(mortgages) to homebuyers. They are owned by their members(those who have deposited money with or borrowed money from them) Savings Banks were set up with the aim of attracting small savers. They resemble retail banks in the they provide Credit unions are the equivalents of savings banks and are run as a cooperative nonprofit-making orga nization. Credit unions are widespread in the United States. France's biggest bank, Credit Agricole, is es sentially a federation of more than 3,000 credit unions Universal banks are those, such as Germany's Deut- sche Bank, Dresdner Bank, and Commerzbank, which do everything that the above types of banks do
What is banking Banking is the transactions carried on by any person or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses For these purposes there exist commercial banks central banks, savings banks, trust companies, finance companies and merchant banks. Banking consists of safeguarding and transfer of funds, lending or facil itating loans, guaranteeing creditworthiness and ex- change of money. In other words, banking is the ac ceptance, transfer, and creation of deposits. The depository institutions are central banks, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, building societies and mutual savings banks safeguarding and transfer of funds Vaults and safes are the means for safeguarding of funds. Money is physically stored there. These physical deposits are in most cases insured against theft, and against the bank being bankrupt and unable to repay the funds. In some banks customers can use safety deposit boxes for valuables. To save money in banks is profitable
because bank customers receive interest given on savings accounts, a percentage return on the bank's investment with the money. Transfer of funds can be handled through written instruments contracts cheques, or direct transfers performed electronically. Nowadays banks provide the customers with additional ways of gaining access to their funds and using them. These are credit cards and account debit cards, electronic cash tills, computer on-line banking, and other services Automated clearing houses perform similar services for business customers by handling regular payments, such as wages, for a company banking with the bank Longer-term schemes for providing regular income on savings are often offered through trust funds or other investment schemes
Lending and loans Loans to bank customers are drawn on the funds deposited with the bank and yield interest which pro- vides the profits for the banking industry and the interest on savings accounts. These loans may take the form of mortgages or other, policies. Banks may guarantee credit for customers who wish to obtain loans from other institutions. They also provide foreign exchange facilities for individual customers, as well as handling large international money transfers.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Banks Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking, taking deposits and then using those deposits to make loans. In essence, a bank aims to make a profit by paying depositors a lower rate of interest than the rate the bank charges borrowers. In accounting terms deposits are considered liabilities(because they have to be repaid), and loans are considered assets Banks in most countries are supervised by a central bank, such as the Bank of England in the United Kingdom, the Bundesbank in Germany, the Federal Reserve System in the United States and Central Bank in Russia There are many different types of bank, and the banking structure varies from one country to another Banks can fall into the following categories: Retail banks are often referred to as commercial banks. In addition to conventional banking services, such as the provision of chequing accounts, they deal in foreign exchange, issue credit cards, provide investment and tax advice, and sell financial products such as insurance. In the United Kingdom the biggest retail banks(by assets) are Barclays Bank, National Westminster Bank, Midland Bank, Abbey National Bank and Lloyds Bank Merchant or investment banks act as intermediaries between investors and private or public concerns seeking medium to long-term funds, often acting as underwriters15:56:00 for an issue of shares. Increasingly they have played a fundamental role in advising on mergers and acquisitions, and on management buy-outs. In the United Kingdom, some of the longest established and best-known merchant banks are still privately owned Building societies were set up in the United King dom to take deposits in order to provide long-term loans(mortgages) to homebuyers. They are owned by their members(those who have deposited money with or borrowed money from them) Savings Banks were set up with the aim of attracting small savers. They resemble retail banks in the they provide Credit unions are the equivalents of savings banks and are run as a cooperative nonprofit-making orga nization. Credit unions are widespread in the United States. France's biggest bank, Credit Agricole, is es sentially a federation of more than 3,000 credit unions Universal banks are those, such as Germany's Deut- sche Bank, Dresdner Bank, and Commerzbank, which do everything that the above types of banks doBankingWhat is banking Banking is the transactions carried on by any person or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses For these purposes there exist commercial banks central banks, savings banks, trust companies, finance companies and merchant banks. Banking consists of safeguarding and transfer of funds, lending or facil itating loans, guaranteeing creditworthiness and ex- change of money. In other words, banking is the ac ceptance, transfer, and creation of deposits. The depository institutions are central banks, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, building societies and mutual savings banks safeguarding and transfer of funds Vaults and safes are the means for safeguarding of funds. Money is physically stored there. These physical deposits are in most cases insured against theft, and against the bank being bankrupt and unable to repay the funds. In some banks customers can use safety deposit boxes for valuables. To save money in banks is profitablebecause bank customers receive interest given on savings accounts, a percentage return on the bank's investment with the money. Transfer of funds can be handled through written instruments contracts cheques, or direct transfers performed electronically. Nowadays banks provide the customers with additional ways of gaining access to their funds and using them. These are credit cards and account debit cards, electronic cash tills, computer on-line banking, and other services Automated clearing houses perform similar services for business customers by handling regular payments, such as wages, for a company banking with the bank Longer-term schemes for providing regular income on savings are often offered through trust funds or other investment schemesLending and loans Loans to bank customers are drawn on the funds deposited with the bank and yield interest which pro- vides the profits for the banking industry and the interest on savings accounts. These loans may take the form of mortgages or other, policies. Banks may guarantee credit for customers who wish to obtain loans from other institutions. They also provide foreign exchange facilities for individual customers, as well as handling large international money transfers.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
банки, банки, организации, которые осуществляют банковскую, принимая вкладов, а затем, используя эти депозиты выдавать кредиты.в сущности, банк планирует заработать на выплаты вкладчикам более низкой процентной ставке, чем ставки банковских сборов заемщиков.в области бухгалтерского учета вкладов считаются обязательств (потому, что они должны быть погашены),и кредиты считаются активов банки в большинстве стран находятся под контролем центрального банка, таких, как банк англии в соединенном королевстве, бундесбанк германии, федеральная резервная система соединенных штатов и центрального банка в россии существует множество различных видов банке и банковской структуры различается банков может, можно разделить на следующие категории:розничные банки часто называют коммерческих банков.помимо обычных банковских услуг, таких, как предоставление чековые счета, они договорились в иностранной валюте, выпуск кредитных карт, осуществляют инвестиции и консультации по вопросам налогообложения, и продавать финансовые продукты, такие, как страхование.в соединенном королевстве крупнейших розничных банков (активов), Barclays Bank, National Westminster Bank, Midland Bank,аббатство национального банка и банка Lloyds торгового или инвестиционные банки действуют как посредники между инвесторами и частных или государственных проблем поиск среднесрочных и долгосрочных финансовых средств, часто выступает в качестве андеррайтеров

15:56:00 для выпуска акций.все они играют основополагающую роль в консультировании по слияниям и поглощениям, и по вопросам управления купить ".в соединенном королевстве,некоторые из самых известных и коммерческие банки по - прежнему частные строительные общества были созданы в объединенных короля - принимать вклады в целях предоставления долгосрочных кредитов (ипотеки) покупатели недвижимости.они принадлежат их членов (те, кто перечислил денежные средства или заемные деньги от них) сберегательные банки были созданы с целью привлечения мелких вкладчиков.они похожи на розничных банков в они предоставляют кредитные союзы являются эквивалентами сберегательных банков и работают в качестве совместных некоммерческой орга nization.кредитные союзы являются широко распространенными в соединенных штатах.крупнейший банк франции Credit Agricole, эс, sentially федерации более 3000 кредитных союзов универсальных банков, таких, как, например, в германии вт - sche Bank, Dresdner Bank,и Commerzbank, который сделал все, что выше виды банки
что банковской операции, осуществляемой Banking является любое лицо или компания, занимающаяся оказанием финансовых услуг для потребителей и предприятий для этих целей существуют коммерческие банки, центральные банки, сберегательных банков, страховых компаний, финансовых компаний и коммерческие банки.банковские состоит из сохранения и передачи средств, кредитование или предприятие itating кредиты, гарантии кредитоспособности и экс - изменение деньги.иными словами, банк это AC ceptance, передачи, и создание депозитов.депозитарные учреждения являются центральные банки, коммерческие банки, кредитные и сберегательные ассоциации,строительные общества и взаимные сберегательные банки сохранения и передачи средств сейфы и сейфы, являются средством обеспечения средств.деньги физически хранится там.эти физические вклады в большинстве случаев застрахованы от кражи, и против банка банкротом и не в состоянии выплатить средства.в некоторых банках клиенты могут использовать сейф за ценные вещи.хранить деньги в банках выгодно
, потому что клиенты банка получать проценты с сберегательных счетов, доля прибыли от инвестиций банка с деньгами.перевод средств может осуществляться через письменные документы, контракты, чеки, или прямых трансфертов осуществляется в электронной форме.в настоящее время банки предоставляют клиентам дополнительные пути получения доступа к их средств и их использования.эти кредитные карты и счета дебетовых карт, электронных денег машины, компьютер онлайновых банковских и других услуг, автоматизированная клиринговая дома выполнения аналогичных услуг для клиентов, в отношении регулярных платежей, таких как зарплаты, для компании банковского с банком в долгосрочной перспективе программ обеспечения регулярного дохода по экономии средств зачастую предлагают с помощью целевых фондов и других инвестиционных программ
кредиты и займы, ссуды клиентам банка взяты на средства, депонированные в банке и принести интерес, который Pro - видес прибыли в банковской сфере, а проценты по сберегательным счетам.эти займы могут принимать форму ипотечных и других, политики.банки могут гарантировать кредиты для клиентов, которые хотят получить кредиты из других учреждений.они также обеспечивают валютные услуги для отдельных клиентов, а также с крупными международными денежными переводами.

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