Результаты (
русский) 1:
До того, как я поступил в университет, я должен был получить сертификат здоровья. Теперь позвольте мне рассказать вам о моем звонке в наш район поликлиники.Когда я пришел к поликлинике я пошел к реестру сначала. Регистратора на дежурстве спросил мое имя и адрес и нашел карту моего пациента. Несколько специалистов пришлось изучить меня, именно поэтому медицинский осмотр заняло у меня около двух часов. Врачи, включая терапевта, невролога и другие должны были слушать мое сердце и легкие, они должны были проверить мои почки, печень, желудок, зрение и слух также. Кроме того, они должны были сделать мой анализ крови, возьмите мое кровяное давление и рентген меня, тоже.Я имел встречу с нашего района Иванов д-р за 10 часов он обычно видел своих пациентов в консультации номер 2. Когда я вошел комнате ожидания там были два пациентов, которых д-р Иванов должен изучить, тоже.Вскоре медсестра пришла от доктора Иванова кабинет и попросил меня принять мою температуру. Я пошел в специальной комнате, где медсестра дала мне термометр, который я должен был держать в моей подмышки около десяти минут. Когда медсестра термометр она увидела, что моя температура была 36.5° C. Затем медсестра попросил меня прийти и поступил кабинет доктора Иванова.l must say, that Dr. Ivanov is an experienced therapeutist. He questions his patients thoroughly and examines them carefully. He usually makes a correct diagnosis and prescribes a proper treatment. His treatment helps the patients if they follow it He works at our polyclinic every day. If his consulting hours are from 9 till 12 a m. then he goes out to the calls in the afternoon.Dr Ivanov asked me to take a seat. Then he wanted to know what my troubles were. I didn't complain of anything. Yet the doctor asked me to strip to the waist and listened to my heart and lungs. He also felt my pulse and took my blood pressure. My blood pressure and pulse were normal. Then the doctor asked me to lie down on the couch and palpated my abdomen.After the examination the doctor began to fill in my patient's card and asked me. "What diseases did you suffer in your childhood?". I answered him: "I suffered scarlet fever at the age of six, measles and chicken-pox when I was eight years of age".But I must say, that now I am a very strong and healthy person because I always take care of myself .As a rule, l feel well and am always cheerful because I go in for sports, have cold rubdowns and do my exercises every morning. I know, that fresh air is useful to everybody so l am out in the open air as much as possible. But when l do catch a bad cold and feel rotten. I stay in bed for at least three or four days. If I cough, sneeze, have a sore throat or am running a high temperature, I always follow the prescribed treatment to be well again as soon as possible. It is well known, that if one doesn't follow the prescribed treatment this may cause serious complications especially after the grippe. Sometimes in addition to the medicine, which I take, I have a scalding foot-bath, or put a hot-water bottle to my feet and have much hot tea with raspberry jam. It also helps to keep the fever down. Really, it helps wonderfully ! Try it yourself when you are ill with the grippe and you'll be woll again no time .But let me go on with my story. When Dr. Ivanov finished his thorough examination I went to an X-ray room where my chest was X-rayed. The results of my X-ray examination were normal .The doctors revealed no lung and heart troubles. In the laboratory, where I came next, the nurse took some blood from my finger for blood analysis. When my blood analysis was ready it revealed normal findings. The next day I received my health certificate. It stated that I was healthy and could enter the University.
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