URBAN PROBLEMS AND CHANGE In many parts of the world the rapid growth  перевод - URBAN PROBLEMS AND CHANGE In many parts of the world the rapid growth  русский как сказать


In many parts of the world the rapid growth in the size of towns has led to serious problems called urban problems. Traffic problems. As the population has grown in size as people have become better off, the number of motor vehicles on the roads has grown enormously. In many towns this has led to severe traffic congestion. On the overcrowded roads vehicles can often travel only slowly, and sometimes traffic comes to a complete standstill. Minor accidents happen often. Traffic congestion is particularly bad during the socalled rush-hours, although in fact these periods often last for much more than an hour. The rush-hours are those times of a day when the traffic is the heaviest. There is a morning rush-hour when many adults are trying to get to work and children to school; and there is an evening rush-hour when the same people are trying to get back home. In addition to the frustration which they experience while trevelling on the roads, in marw large towns private motorists also often have problems of finding enough park-ing space when they arrive at their destinations. In some of the largest cities of the world such as London, New York and Tokyo attempts have been ‘-nade to overcome the problem of traffic congestion on the roads by building underground railways. (See Unit 20 text Some Interesting facts about Moscow Metropolitan Railway) In some towns a system of one-way streets, those along which all vehicles travel in one direction only, has been adopted in an attempt to enable traffic to travel more quickly and safely. This is often quite successful, although the one-way system can be confusing to people who are not familiar with it. In some towns pedestrian zones have been created. These are streets which are closed off to vehicles except for those delivering goods to shops etc., and are reserved solely for the use of pedestrians (people on foot). The aim of creating pedestrian zones is to make conditions safer for people in busy shopping areas. In the past, main roads generally went right through the middle of towns. This greatly added to traffic congestion, especially as many of the vehicles travelling through the town were heavy lor-ries. This problem can be overcome by building by-pass roads. These roads go around the edge of the town. The vehicles travelling to destinations beyond the town can use these roads, and so avoid passing through the town centre. Although this may make their journey slightly longer in distance, it often makes it much quicker. Also, of course, it reduces the amount of traffic in the town itself.
Housing. Most people who leave rural areas for the cities come looking for jobs and a better standard of living. They come, however with little education. Some may be illiterate (unable to read and write). When they come to the city they are not qualified for the jobs that will pay them well. They either remain unemployed, or they take the jobs that no one else wants. As city population increases, so do demands for housing, wa-ter, electricity, sewage disposal, schooling, and medical care. Cities in industrialised countries have difficulties meeting these demands. Cities in developing nations have even greater difficulty providing for the people who think that in the cities they will find the fulfillment of their dreams. The flow of large numbers of people into the towns often leads to the growth of slum settlements. They are unhealthy and provide a very unsatisfactory environment for the people. The prob-lem of the growth of slums can only be overcome by spending more money on developing rural areas to make them more attractive places to live, especially in terms of employment opportunities. The governments of some countries have tried to do this by giving special incentives (grant, subsidy) if people are willing to set up new factories in rural areas.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
URBAN PROBLEMS AND CHANGE In many parts of the world the rapid growth in the size of towns has led to serious problems called urban problems. Traffic problems. As the population has grown in size as people have become better off, the number of motor vehicles on the roads has grown enormously. In many towns this has led to severe traffic congestion. On the overcrowded roads vehicles can often travel only slowly, and sometimes traffic comes to a complete standstill. Minor accidents happen often. Traffic congestion is particularly bad during the socalled rush-hours, although in fact these periods often last for much more than an hour. The rush-hours are those times of a day when the traffic is the heaviest. There is a morning rush-hour when many adults are trying to get to work and children to school; and there is an evening rush-hour when the same people are trying to get back home. In addition to the frustration which they experience while trevelling on the roads, in marw large towns private motorists also often have problems of finding enough park-ing space when they arrive at their destinations. In some of the largest cities of the world such as London, New York and Tokyo attempts have been ‘-nade to overcome the problem of traffic congestion on the roads by building underground railways. (See Unit 20 text Some Interesting facts about Moscow Metropolitan Railway) In some towns a system of one-way streets, those along which all vehicles travel in one direction only, has been adopted in an attempt to enable traffic to travel more quickly and safely. This is often quite successful, although the one-way system can be confusing to people who are not familiar with it. In some towns pedestrian zones have been created. These are streets which are closed off to vehicles except for those delivering goods to shops etc., and are reserved solely for the use of pedestrians (people on foot). The aim of creating pedestrian zones is to make conditions safer for people in busy shopping areas. In the past, main roads generally went right through the middle of towns. This greatly added to traffic congestion, especially as many of the vehicles travelling through the town were heavy lor-ries. This problem can be overcome by building by-pass roads. These roads go around the edge of the town. The vehicles travelling to destinations beyond the town can use these roads, and so avoid passing through the town centre. Although this may make their journey slightly longer in distance, it often makes it much quicker. Also, of course, it reduces the amount of traffic in the town itself. Housing. Most people who leave rural areas for the cities come looking for jobs and a better standard of living. They come, however with little education. Some may be illiterate (unable to read and write). When they come to the city they are not qualified for the jobs that will pay them well. They either remain unemployed, or they take the jobs that no one else wants. As city population increases, so do demands for housing, wa-ter, electricity, sewage disposal, schooling, and medical care. Cities in industrialised countries have difficulties meeting these demands. Cities in developing nations have even greater difficulty providing for the people who think that in the cities they will find the fulfillment of their dreams. The flow of large numbers of people into the towns often leads to the growth of slum settlements. They are unhealthy and provide a very unsatisfactory environment for the people. The prob-lem of the growth of slums can only be overcome by spending more money on developing rural areas to make them more attractive places to live, especially in terms of employment opportunities. The governments of some countries have tried to do this by giving special incentives (grant, subsidy) if people are willing to set up new factories in rural areas.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Во многих частях мира быстрый рост численности городов привело к серьезным проблемам называемых городских проблем. Дорожные проблемы. По мере того как население выросло в размерах , как люди стали лучше, количество автотранспорта на дорогах значительно возросла. Во многих городах это привело к тяжелым заторов. На переполненных дорогах транспортные средства могут часто ездить только медленно, а иногда движение доходит до полной остановки. Незначительные несчастные случаи часто случаются. Пробки на дорогах , особенно плохо во время так называемых часы пик, хотя на самом деле эти периоды часто длятся гораздо больше , чем на час. В часы пик те времена в день , когда движение является самым тяжелым. Существует утренний час пик , когда многие взрослые пытаются заставить работать и детей в школу; и есть вечерний час пик , когда одни и те же люди пытаются вернуться домой. В дополнение к разочарованию , которое они испытывают в то время как trevelling на дорогах, в marw крупных городах частные автомобилисты также часто имеют проблемы с поиском достаточного парка-Инг пространство , когда они прибывают в пункт назначения. В некоторых из самых больших городов мира , таких как Лондон, Нью - Йорк и Токио попытки были "-nade преодолеть проблему заторов на дорогах за счет строительства подземных железных дорог. (См блок 20 текст Некоторые интересные факты о Москве митрополитом железной дороги) В некоторых городах система улиц с односторонним движением, те , по которым все транспортные средства путешествовать только в одном направлении, которое было принято в попытке включить трафик путешествовать более быстро и безопасно , Это часто довольно успешно, хотя и односторонний система может ввести в заблуждение людей , которые не знакомы с ним. В некоторых городах были созданы пешеходные зоны. Эти улицы , которые закрыты для обычных транспортных средств для тех , доставки товаров в магазины и т.д. , за исключением, и зарезервированы исключительно для использования пешеходами (людей пешком). Цель создания пешеходных зон, чтобы сделать условия более безопасными для людей в оживленных торговых районов. В прошлом, как правило , основные дороги пошли прямо по центру городов. Это значительно добавили к заторов на дорогах, особенно , как многие из транспортных средств , проезжающих через город были тяжелые ЛОР- Райса. Эта проблема может быть преодолена путем создания обходя при дорог. Эти дороги идут по краю города. Транспортные средства , едущие в пункты назначения за пределами города могут использовать эти дороги, и поэтому следует избегать прохождения через центр города. Хотя это может немного больше сделать свое путешествие на расстоянии, он часто делает это гораздо быстрее. Кроме того , конечно, это уменьшает количество трафика в самом городе.
Жилищный. Большинство людей , которые покидают сельскую местность для городов приходят в поисках работы и более высокому уровню жизни. Они приходят, однако , с низким уровнем образования. Некоторые из них могут быть неграмотным ( не умеют читать и писать). Когда они приходят в город , они не являются квалифицированными для рабочих мест , которые будут платить им хорошо. Они либо остаются безработными, либо они занимают рабочие места , которые никто не хочет. В городских населения увеличивается, так что спрос на жилье, ва-тер, электричество, сброс сточных вод, школьное образование и медицинское обслуживание. Города в промышленно развитых странах имеют трудности в удовлетворении этих требований. Города в развивающихся странах имеют еще большую трудность , обеспечивающую для людей , которые думают , что в городах они найдут исполнение своей мечты. Поток большого числа людей в городах часто приводит к росту трущобах. Они вредны для здоровья и обеспечивают очень неудовлетворительную среду для людей. Prob-блема роста трущоб может быть преодолен только тратить больше денег на развитие сельских районов , чтобы сделать их более привлекательными местами для проживания, особенно с точки зрения возможностей трудоустройства. Правительства некоторых стран пытались сделать это путем предоставления специальных стимулов (гранты, субсидии) , если люди готовы создать новые заводы в сельской местности.

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