Musee d'OrsayThis wonderful museum was opened in 1986. It displays wor перевод - Musee d'OrsayThis wonderful museum was opened in 1986. It displays wor русский как сказать

Musee d'OrsayThis wonderful museum

Musee d'Orsay
This wonderful museum was opened in 1986. It displays works of art from the second half of the 19th century (1848 — 1910). The original building designed by Victor Laloux was a railway station, which was no longer used. Rather than demolish it, the French government decided to restore the exterior and alter the interior to accommodate paintings and sculptures in an unusual and impressive setting.
Must see:
Paintings by the French Impressionists, including famous works by: Vincent Van Gogh, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Paul Cezanne.
Edouard Manet's Le dejeuner sur I'Herbe, showing a group of artists and young women having a picnic in a forest.
Opening Times
April – Oct 09:00 – 18:00
Nov – Mar 10:00 – 18:00
Sundays 09:00 – 18:00
The best time to visit is early on a weekday or on Thursday evening (open till 21:45).
While you 're in the area
Cross the river by the footbridge and walk upstream along the bank of the Seine towards Notre Dame. If you make a short detour, you will be able to see Claude Monet's famous paintings of water lilies, which are displayed in the Orangerie Museum.
Pompidou Centre
Parisians call this amazing building the Beaubourg. It was designed by Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Gianfranco Franchini and opened in 1977. The building is like an inside-outside building, with all the pipes, lifts and escalators on the outside — green water pipes, yellow electricity cables, blue ventilation tubes, red escalators, lifts and walkways.
At the front of the building is a huge piazza where you can enjoy street performers. The building contains a museum, a library, exhibition areas and an unpretentious restaurant, which has a lovely view over the old buildings of the area.
Must see:
National Museum of Modern Art on the 5th floor. This museum has 30,000 works of art but only 800 on display at any one time. Works by Henri Matisse, Joan Miró, Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali — and an ever-changing display of surprising controversial modern art from Europe and America.
Opening times (Museum)
Mon, Wed — Fri noon — 22:00
Sat — Sun 10:00 — 22:00
Closed Tuesdays
The best time to visit is in the evening.
While you're in the area
Take a stroll around the area to see the historic buildings, and have a drink in one of the pavement cafes and watch the people walking past.
Visit the Picasso Museum nearby, which has an impressive display of works by Pablo Picasso housed in an old palace.
Notre Dame Cathedral
This Gothic cathedral was built in the heart of Paris between 1163 and 1330, on the site of a Roman temple. It dominates the He de la Cite, the island in the River Seine from which Paris expanded over the centuries. There are 387 steps to the top of the tower, but the climb is worth it.
Must see:
The interior, including the three beautiful rose windows.
The view from the tower (and the famous gargoyles at the top).
Opening times
Cathedral: 08:00 – 19:00
Tower: 10:00 – 17:00
The best time for a visit is early in the morning.
While you're in the area
Allow yourself plenty of time to stroll around He de la Cite and He St Louis to see the historic buildings, squares and gardens.
Walk around the island on the bank of the river.
Take a river cruise from near the Pont Neuf (the oldest and longest bridge in Paris).
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris but when it was built for the Universal Exhibition in 1889, it was meant to be a temporary building. It was designed by the engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was the world's tallest building until the Empire State Building was completed in New York in 1932.
There are lifts to take visitors to each of three levels, but if you feel energetic you can take the stairs to the First level (360 steps), Second level (700 steps) or even the Third level (1652 steps). At busy times it may take 2 hours to reach the top by lift because of the queues.
One of the best restaurants in Paris is the Jules Verne.
Restaurant (Second level), where you can enjoy panoramic views and eat excellent food.
Must see:
Cinemax museum — interesting film showing the history of the Tower and famous people visiting it, including Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin.
The view from the Third level (274 m high).
Opening Times
Apr — Oct 09:00 — 23:00 (to midnight in July & August)
Nov – Mar 09:30 – 23:00
The best times to go up are early in the morning and before sunset.
While you f re in the area
Walk along the river to Les Invalides to see the Dome Church and the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Also visit the Rodin Museum nearby, which displays famous sculptures by Auguste Rodin including The Thinker and The Kiss.
Answer these tourists' questions about the places:
1. Is Tuesday evening a good time to go to the Pompidou Centre?
2. Is there a nice restaurant in the Pompidou Centre?
3. Where is the best place to see paintings by Picasso?
4. Where are the impressionist paintings?
5. What kind of building is the Musee d'Orsay?
6. What's the best time to go up the Tower of Notre Dame?
7. Where can I board a boat cruise on the River Seine?
8. Can I enjoy the view from the top floor of the Eiffel Tower in the evening?
9. How long does it take to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
10. What else is there to do near the Eiffel Tower?
Make a list of four of the most popular tourist attractions in your own region.
What does each have to offer?
Suggest a day's excursion to the guest.
Write a one-page description of your recommended day out including a paragraph about each place that will be visited.
Example: If you have a day to spare, and you’d like to find out more about our region you might like to try....
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Musee d'OrsayThis wonderful museum was opened in 1986. It displays works of art from the second half of the 19th century (1848 — 1910). The original building designed by Victor Laloux was a railway station, which was no longer used. Rather than demolish it, the French government decided to restore the exterior and alter the interior to accommodate paintings and sculptures in an unusual and impressive setting. Must see: Paintings by the French Impressionists, including famous works by: Vincent Van Gogh, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Paul Cezanne.Edouard Manet's Le dejeuner sur I'Herbe, showing a group of artists and young women having a picnic in a forest. Opening Times April – Oct 09:00 – 18:00 Nov – Mar 10:00 – 18:00 Sundays 09:00 – 18:00 The best time to visit is early on a weekday or on Thursday evening (open till 21:45). While you 're in the area Cross the river by the footbridge and walk upstream along the bank of the Seine towards Notre Dame. If you make a short detour, you will be able to see Claude Monet's famous paintings of water lilies, which are displayed in the Orangerie Museum. Pompidou CentreParisians call this amazing building the Beaubourg. It was designed by Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Gianfranco Franchini and opened in 1977. The building is like an inside-outside building, with all the pipes, lifts and escalators on the outside — green water pipes, yellow electricity cables, blue ventilation tubes, red escalators, lifts and walkways. At the front of the building is a huge piazza where you can enjoy street performers. The building contains a museum, a library, exhibition areas and an unpretentious restaurant, which has a lovely view over the old buildings of the area. Must see: National Museum of Modern Art on the 5th floor. This museum has 30,000 works of art but only 800 on display at any one time. Works by Henri Matisse, Joan Miró, Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali — and an ever-changing display of surprising controversial modern art from Europe and America. Opening times (Museum) Mon, Wed — Fri noon — 22:00 Sat — Sun 10:00 — 22:00 Closed Tuesdays The best time to visit is in the evening. While you're in the area Take a stroll around the area to see the historic buildings, and have a drink in one of the pavement cafes and watch the people walking past. Visit the Picasso Museum nearby, which has an impressive display of works by Pablo Picasso housed in an old palace. Notre Dame CathedralThis Gothic cathedral was built in the heart of Paris between 1163 and 1330, on the site of a Roman temple. It dominates the He de la Cite, the island in the River Seine from which Paris expanded over the centuries. There are 387 steps to the top of the tower, but the climb is worth it. Must see: The interior, including the three beautiful rose windows. The view from the tower (and the famous gargoyles at the top). Opening times Cathedral: 08:00 – 19:00 Tower: 10:00 – 17:00 The best time for a visit is early in the morning. While you're in the area Allow yourself plenty of time to stroll around He de la Cite and He St Louis to see the historic buildings, squares and gardens. Walk around the island on the bank of the river. Take a river cruise from near the Pont Neuf (the oldest and longest bridge in Paris). Eiffel TowerThe Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris but when it was built for the Universal Exhibition in 1889, it was meant to be a temporary building. It was designed by the engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was the world's tallest building until the Empire State Building was completed in New York in 1932. There are lifts to take visitors to each of three levels, but if you feel energetic you can take the stairs to the First level (360 steps), Second level (700 steps) or even the Third level (1652 steps). At busy times it may take 2 hours to reach the top by lift because of the queues. One of the best restaurants in Paris is the Jules Verne. Restaurant (Second level), where you can enjoy panoramic views and eat excellent food. Must see: Cinemax museum — interesting film showing the history of the Tower and famous people visiting it, including Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. The view from the Third level (274 m high). Opening Times Apr — Oct 09:00 — 23:00 (to midnight in July & August) Nov – Mar 09:30 – 23:00 The best times to go up are early in the morning and before sunset.
While you f re in the area
Walk along the river to Les Invalides to see the Dome Church and the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Also visit the Rodin Museum nearby, which displays famous sculptures by Auguste Rodin including The Thinker and The Kiss.
Answer these tourists' questions about the places:
1. Is Tuesday evening a good time to go to the Pompidou Centre?
2. Is there a nice restaurant in the Pompidou Centre?
3. Where is the best place to see paintings by Picasso?
4. Where are the impressionist paintings?
5. What kind of building is the Musee d'Orsay?
6. What's the best time to go up the Tower of Notre Dame?
7. Where can I board a boat cruise on the River Seine?
8. Can I enjoy the view from the top floor of the Eiffel Tower in the evening?
9. How long does it take to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
10. What else is there to do near the Eiffel Tower?
Make a list of four of the most popular tourist attractions in your own region.
What does each have to offer?
Suggest a day's excursion to the guest.
Write a one-page description of your recommended day out including a paragraph about each place that will be visited.
Example: If you have a day to spare, and you’d like to find out more about our region you might like to try....
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
в музее орсеэтот замечательный музей был открыт в 1986 году.он показывает произведения искусства, начиная со второй половины XIX века (1848 - 1910).первое здание, разработанные лалу, виктор был железнодорожной станции, которые больше не используются.вместо того, чтобы уничтожить, правительство франции решило восстановить внешний облик и изменить интерьер для картин и скульптур в необычной и впечатляющей обстановке.необходимо:картины французских импрессионистов, включая знаменитые произведения: винсент ван гог, пьер огюст ренуар, клода моне, эдгар дега и поль сезанн.эдуарда мане Le dejeuner sur i"herbe, показывая группа художников и молодые женщины, имеющие пикник в лесу.время открытияв апреле - Oct 09.00 – 18.00ноя – мария 10.00 – 18.00по воскресеньям 09.00 – 18.00лучшее время для посещения в начале на будний день или в четверг вечером (открыт до 21:45).а ты в районепересечь реку пешеходный мост и идти вверх вдоль берега сены в нотр - дам.если сделать небольшой крюк, вы сможете увидеть знаменитые полотна клода моне водяные лилии, которые представлены в зимнем саду музея.в центре помпидупарижане называют этот удивительный создание beaubourg.она была разработана ренцо пиано, ричард роджерс и джанфранко франкини и открыла в 1977 году.это здание как внутри, снаружи здания, все трубы, лифты и эскалаторы на улице - зеленый водопроводные трубы, желтый электрический ток, синий вентиляционные трубы, красный эскалаторов, лифты и тротуары.на фасаде здания - это огромная площадь, где вы сможете насладиться уличных артистов.здание имеет музея, библиотеки, выставочные площади и скромный ресторан, который имеет прекрасный вид на старых зданий в этом районе.необходимо:национальный музей современного искусства на пятом этаже.этот музей уже 30 тысяч произведений искусства, но только 800 на показ в любое время.произведения анри матисса, жоан миро, рене магритт, сальвадор дали - и постоянно показывать удивлять спорных современного искусства из европы и америки.время открытия (музей)пн. - пт. - 22.00,сел - солнце 10 - 22.00закрыт по вторникамлучшее время для посещения в вечернее время.пока ты в районепрогуляйтесь вокруг зоны, чтобы увидеть исторические здания, и выпить в одном из уличных кафе и смотреть, как люди, проходя мимо.визит в музей пикассо неподалеку, которая была впечатляющая демонстрация работ пабло пикассо расположен в старом дворце.собор нотр - дамэто готический собор был построен в сердце парижа, между 1163 и 1330, на сайте римского храма.он доминирует в он - де - ла - привести, остров в реки сена, из которых париж расширяется на протяжении столетий.есть 387 шаги к вершине башни, но восхождение того стоит.необходимо:министерство внутренних дел, в том числе три красивых закрывается Windows.вид с башни (и знаменитые гаргульи вверху).время открытиясобор: 08 – 19.00башня: 10.00 - 17.00лучшее время для посещения рано утром.пока ты в районепозвольте себе достаточно времени, чтобы прогуляться, он - де - ла - привести и он сент - луи, чтобы увидеть исторические здания, площади и парки.ходить вокруг острова, на берегу реки.взять речных круизных почти от Pont Neuf (старейший и самый длинный мост в париже).эйфелева башняэйфелева башня, символ парижа, но, когда он был построен на всемирной выставке в 1889 году, это должен был быть временное здание.он был разработан инженером гюстав эйфель.это было самое высокое здание в мире, до тех пор, пока "эмпайр стейт билдинг" была завершена в нью - йорк в 1932 году.есть подъемники для посетителей по каждой из трех уровней, но, если вы чувствуете себя энергичным можно пройтись пешком, на первом уровне (360 меры), второго уровня (700 шагов) или даже третьего уровня (1652 шагов).на время это может занять 2 часа, чтобы достичь вершины на лифте, потому что очереди.один из лучших ресторанов в париже, жюль верн.ресторан (второй уровень), где вы сможете насладиться панорамным видом и есть превосходные блюда.необходимо:кинотеатров музей - интересный фильм, показывающий истории башни и знаменитых людей, посещающих его, в том числе адольфа гитлера и чарли чаплина.взгляд из третьего уровня (274 метра).время открытияапрель - октябрь 09.00 - 23.00 (до полуночи в июле и августе)ноя – мария 09.30 – 23.00)самое время идти - рано утром и перед закатом.а ты вновь в районеиди вдоль реки к les Invalides, чтобы увидеть купол церкви и гробнице наполеона бонапарта.также посетить музей родена неподалеку, на которой представлены знаменитые скульптуры огюст роден в том числе мыслитель и поцелуй.ответить на эти вопросы туристов о местах:1.во вторник вечером хорошее время, чтобы пойти в центре помпиду?2.есть хороший ресторан в центре помпиду?3.где лучшее место, чтобы увидеть картины пикассо?4.где пародиста картины?5.что ги
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