Factors of Production: Capital and LabourFactors of production are res перевод - Factors of Production: Capital and LabourFactors of production are res русский как сказать

Factors of Production: Capital and

Factors of Production: Capital and Labour
Factors of production are resources used by firms as inputs for a good or service to be produced. Factors of production are as follows: capital, labour, and natural resources.
In economic theory, the term "capital" refers to goods and money used to produce more goods and money. Classifications of capital vary with the purpose of the classification. The most general distinction is the one made between physical, financial, and human capital.
Physical capital is land, buildings, equipment, raw materials; bonds, stocks, available bank balances are included in the financial capital. They both make a great contribution to production.
To group capital into fixed capital and circulating capital is common prac-tice. The former refers to means of production such as land, buildings, machinery and various equipment. They are durable, that is, they participate in the production process over several years. Circulating capital includes both nonrenewable goods, such as raw materials and fuel, and the funds required to pay wages and other claims against the enterprise. Nonrenewable goods are used up in one production cycle and their value is fully transferred to the final product.
Human capital is knowledge that contributes "knowhow" to production. It is increased by research and disseminated through education. Investment in human capital results in new, technically improved, products and produc¬tion processes which improve economic efficiency. Like physical capital, hu¬man capital is important enough to be an indicator of economic development of a nation.
It is common, in economics, to understand labour as an effort needed to satisfy human needs. It is one of the three leading elements of production. Labour has a variety of functions: production of raw materials, manufacturing of final products, transferring things from one place to another, management of production, and services like the ones rendered by physicians and teachers.
One can classify labour into productive and unproductive. The former produces physical objects having utility. The latter is useful but does not pro¬duce material wealth. Labour of the musician is an example.
Unlike other factors of production, for example capital, once workers are employed, their efficiency can vary greatly with organization of work and their motivation.
Demand for labour is influenced by the demand for goods produced by workers, the proportion of wages in total production costs, etc. The supply of labour depends upon the size of population, geographic mobility, skills, education level (human capital), etc. Workers supply labour either individually or through trade unions. If demand for and supply of labour are not in equilibrium, there is unemployment. The rate of unemployment is a percentage of the total labour force without a job. It is desirable for an economy to have the lowest possible unemployment rate and to achieve higher employment as nei¬ther full use of resources nor maximum level of output can be achieved in an economy having unemployment.
Factors of production are combined together in different proportions in order to produce output. It is assumed in economics that one should choose the combination of factors which minimizes the cost of production and increases profits.
The third factor of production, natural resources, poses too many economic problems to be discussed here. We will analyze them in the following unit.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Factors of Production: Capital and LabourFactors of production are resources used by firms as inputs for a good or service to be produced. Factors of production are as follows: capital, labour, and natural resources.In economic theory, the term "capital" refers to goods and money used to produce more goods and money. Classifications of capital vary with the purpose of the classification. The most general distinction is the one made between physical, financial, and human capital.Physical capital is land, buildings, equipment, raw materials; bonds, stocks, available bank balances are included in the financial capital. They both make a great contribution to production.To group capital into fixed capital and circulating capital is common prac-tice. The former refers to means of production such as land, buildings, machinery and various equipment. They are durable, that is, they participate in the production process over several years. Circulating capital includes both nonrenewable goods, such as raw materials and fuel, and the funds required to pay wages and other claims against the enterprise. Nonrenewable goods are used up in one production cycle and their value is fully transferred to the final product.Human capital is knowledge that contributes "knowhow" to production. It is increased by research and disseminated through education. Investment in human capital results in new, technically improved, products and produc¬tion processes which improve economic efficiency. Like physical capital, hu¬man capital is important enough to be an indicator of economic development of a nation.It is common, in economics, to understand labour as an effort needed to satisfy human needs. It is one of the three leading elements of production. Labour has a variety of functions: production of raw materials, manufacturing of final products, transferring things from one place to another, management of production, and services like the ones rendered by physicians and teachers.One can classify labour into productive and unproductive. The former produces physical objects having utility. The latter is useful but does not pro¬duce material wealth. Labour of the musician is an example.Unlike other factors of production, for example capital, once workers are employed, their efficiency can vary greatly with organization of work and their motivation.Demand for labour is influenced by the demand for goods produced by workers, the proportion of wages in total production costs, etc. The supply of labour depends upon the size of population, geographic mobility, skills, education level (human capital), etc. Workers supply labour either individually or through trade unions. If demand for and supply of labour are not in equilibrium, there is unemployment. The rate of unemployment is a percentage of the total labour force without a job. It is desirable for an economy to have the lowest possible unemployment rate and to achieve higher employment as nei¬ther full use of resources nor maximum level of output can be achieved in an economy having unemployment.Factors of production are combined together in different proportions in order to produce output. It is assumed in economics that one should choose the combination of factors which minimizes the cost of production and increases profits.
The third factor of production, natural resources, poses too many economic problems to be discussed here. We will analyze them in the following unit.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Факторы производства: капитал и трудовые
факторы производства ресурсы, используемые фирмами как входы для товара или услуги будет производиться. Факторы производства являются: капитал, труд и природные ресурсы.
В экономической теории термин "капитал" относится к товарам и денег, используемых, чтобы произвести больше товаров и денег. Классификации капитала изменяются с целью классификации. Наиболее общий различие один между физической, финансовой, и человеческого капитала.
Физический капитал земля, здания, оборудование, сырье; облигации, акции, доступные банковские остатки включены в финансовый капитал. Они оба делают большой вклад в производство.
Для группы капитала в основной капитал и оборотный капитал является общим PRAC-ведливости. Первое относится к средствам производства, как земля, здания, оборудование и различного оборудования. Они прочны, то есть, они участвуют в процессе производства в течение нескольких лет. Оборотные средства включают в себя как невозобновляемые товары, такие как сырье и топливо, а также средства, необходимые для выплаты заработной платы и других претензий к предприятию. Невозобновляемые товары используются в одном производственном цикле и их стоимость полностью переносится на конечный продукт.
Человеческий капитал знаний, что способствует "ноу-хау" в производство. Он увеличился на исследования и распространение через образование. Инвестиции в результатах человеческого капитала в новые, технически улучшилось, продукты и процессы, которые produc¬tion повысить экономическую эффективность. Как физический капитал, hu¬man капитал является достаточно важным, чтобы быть индикатором экономического развития нации.
Это является общим, в экономике, чтобы понять труд как усилия, необходимые для удовлетворения потребностей человека. Это один из трех ведущих элементов производства. Труда имеет целый ряд функций:. Производства сырья, изготовление конечной продукции, передачи вещи из одного места в другое, управление производством и услуг, таких как те, оказываемых врачами и учителями
Можно классифицировать труд в продуктивной и непродуктивной. Бывший производит физические объекты, имеющие полезность. Последнее полезно, но не pro¬duce материальное богатство. Труда музыканта является примером.
В отличие от других факторов производства, например капитал, когда работники нанимаются, их эффективность может значительно меняться в зависимости от организации работы и их мотивации.
Спрос на рабочую силу зависит от спроса на товары, производимые работниками, доля заработной платы в общих производственных затрат и т.д. предложение труда зависит от численности населения, географическая мобильность, навыков, уровня образования (человеческий капитал) и т.д. Рабочие предложения рабочей индивидуально или через профсоюзы. Если спрос и предложение рабочей силы не находятся в равновесии, существует безработица. Уровень безработицы рассчитывается как процент от общей численности рабочей силы без работы. Желательно, чтобы экономика иметь минимально возможную цену безработицы и добиться более высокой занятости в качестве nei¬ther полного использования ресурсов, ни максимальный уровень производства может быть достигнуто в экономике, имеющих безработицы.
Факторы производства объединяются вместе в различных пропорциях в чтобы произвести выход. Предполагается, что в экономике следует выбирать комбинацию факторов, который минимизирует издержки производства и повышает прибыль.
Третий фактор производства, природные ресурсы, создает слишком много экономических проблем, которые будут обсуждаться здесь. Мы будем анализировать их в следующем блоке.
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