I think that It is difficult to live without music. We can hear music  перевод - I think that It is difficult to live without music. We can hear music  русский как сказать

I think that It is difficult to liv

I think that It is difficult to live without music. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops, in the parks and in the concert halls, at the seaside.
We suppose can't live without music. We like to listen to music, we enjoy to dance to music, we play musical instruments.
A music lesson is one of the favourite subjects at school.
The teacher of music tells the pupils about famous composers and teaches them to sing songs. Pupils prepare concerts for school holidays, learn new songs, play different musical instruments.
Some people are interested in music very much. Children can learn at music schools if they are capable and fond of music. They study there for seven years
Music is a combination of many sounds. It reflects our mood and emotions.
There are numerous folk groups in our country. It is interesting to listen to their music and songs.
Last week my friends and I visited a concert of folk music. Artists danced folk dances and sang folk songs. This concert made a great impression on us.
Both classical and modern music are popular in our country. My friend Mike and I are fond of classical music. Sometimes we spend our free time, listening to music by Wolfgang Mozart and other composers. His "Fourth Symphony" and the "Sixth Symphony" by Shostakovich impressed us very much.
Nowadays young people prefer modern music. If you want to listen to modern music you can attend the music halls and the concerts of popular groups and singers.
I like to listen to the songs by our popular singers Julian, Alla Pugacheva and Valery Leontyev. They are talented and skilled singers and composers and I like to visit their concerts. My friends and I buy tickets beforehand and often take flowers for our favourite singers.
As to foreign songs I prefer to listen to Adriano Chelentano. He is an Italian singer and actor. He is popular not only in his native land but also in other countries.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
I think that It is difficult to live without music. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops, in the parks and in the concert halls, at the seaside.We suppose can't live without music. We like to listen to music, we enjoy to dance to music, we play musical instruments.A music lesson is one of the favourite subjects at school.The teacher of music tells the pupils about famous composers and teaches them to sing songs. Pupils prepare concerts for school holidays, learn new songs, play different musical instruments.Some people are interested in music very much. Children can learn at music schools if they are capable and fond of music. They study there for seven yearsMusic is a combination of many sounds. It reflects our mood and emotions.There are numerous folk groups in our country. It is interesting to listen to their music and songs.Last week my friends and I visited a concert of folk music. Artists danced folk dances and sang folk songs. This concert made a great impression on us.Both classical and modern music are popular in our country. My friend Mike and I are fond of classical music. Sometimes we spend our free time, listening to music by Wolfgang Mozart and other composers. His "Fourth Symphony" and the "Sixth Symphony" by Shostakovich impressed us very much.Nowadays young people prefer modern music. If you want to listen to modern music you can attend the music halls and the concerts of popular groups and singers.I like to listen to the songs by our popular singers Julian, Alla Pugacheva and Valery Leontyev. They are talented and skilled singers and composers and I like to visit their concerts. My friends and I buy tickets beforehand and often take flowers for our favourite singers.As to foreign songs I prefer to listen to Adriano Chelentano. He is an Italian singer and actor. He is popular not only in his native land but also in other countries.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
я думаю, что трудно жить без музыки.мы можем слышать музыку, везде: на улице, в доме, на радио и на телевидении, в магазинах, в парках и в концертных залах, на берегу моря.мы полагаем, что не может жить без музыки.нам нравится слушать музыку, нам нравится танцевать на музыку, мы будем играть на музыкальных инструментах.а урок музыки - один из любимых предметов в школе.учитель музыки рассказывает учащихся об известных композиторов и учит их петь.учащихся готовят концерты для школьных каникул, узнать новые песни, играют различные музыкальные инструменты.некоторые люди, заинтересованные в музыке очень много.дети могут учиться в музыкальной школы, если они способны и меломан.они учатся не на семь летмузыка - это сочетание многих звучит.она отражает наше настроение и эмоции.существует множество народных групп в нашей стране.интересно послушать их музыку и песни.на прошлой неделе я и мои друзья посетили концерт фолк - музыки.артисты танцевали народные танцы и пели народные песни.этот концерт произвело большое впечатление на нас.как классической и современной музыки, популярны в нашей стране.мой друг, майк, и я люблю классическую музыку.иногда мы проводим свободное время, слушая музыку вольфганга моцарта и других композиторов.его "четвертая симфония" и "шестая симфония шостаковича произвели на нас очень сильно".сегодня молодые люди предпочитают современную музыку.если вы хотите слушать современную музыку вы сможете принять участие в мюзик - холлы и концерты популярных групп и исполнителей.я люблю слушать песни наших популярных певцов, джулиан, алла пугачева и валерий леонтьев.они талантливы и опытных певцов и композиторов, и я хотел посетить их концерты.мои друзья и я купить билеты заранее, и часто принимают цветы для наших любимых певцов.как для иностранных песен, которые я предпочитаю слушать адриано chelentano.он итальянский певец и актер.он пользуется популярностью не только у себя на родине, но и в других странах.
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