by J. London
"Young" Jerry was a fourteen-year-old boy with red hair, blue eyes and freckled skin. Together with his father "old" Jerry, he lived on the bank of the Sacramento in California. "Old" Jerry was an old sailor who had been given a job at the Yellow Dream mine and was in charge of the ore cables that ran across the river. On the bank one could see a steel drum round which the endless cable passed. An ore car, when loaded, crossed the river, carried down by its own weight and dragging back, at the same time, an empty car travelling in the opposite direction along the same cable. The Yellow Dream mine had been abandoned and the cars were no longer used for carrying ore, but "old" Jerry still remained watchman over the cables.
That morning "young" Jerry was alone in the cabin. His f ather had gone to San Francisco and was not to be back till next day. It was raining heavily all the morning, and Jerry decided not to go out, when, at one o'clock, there came a knock at the door. A man and a woman came in. They were Mr. and Mrs. Spillane, ranchers who lived a dozen miles back from the river.
"Where is your father?" Spillane asked, and Jer- ry noticed that both he and his wife were excited.
"San Francisco," Jerry answered briefly.
"We've got to get across, Jerry," Spillane continued, taking his wife by the hand, "her father's been badly wounded in an explosion; he's dying. We've just been told. Will you run the cable for us?"
Jerry hesitated. Of course, he had worked t'he cable many times, but only with the help of his father.
I'll stand for the risk," Spillane added, "don't you see, kid, we've simply got to cross."
Jerry nodded his head. They all came out into the raging storm, and the man and the woman got into the ore car.
"Let's get started!" Spillane shouted to make himself heard above the roar of the wind. Jerry slowly and carefully let the car go, and the drum began to go round and round. Jerry carefully watched the cable passing round the drum.
"Three hundred feet" he was saying to himself, "three hundred and fifty, four hundred –" The cable stopped. Something had gone wrong.
The boy examined the drum closely and found nothing the matter with it. Probably it was the drum on the other side that had been damaged ...
He was afraid at the thought of the man and woman hanging out there over the river in the driving
rain. Nothing remained but to cross over to the other side by the Yellow Dragon cable some distance up the river. He was already wet to the skin as he ran along the path to the Yellow Dragon. Safely across, he found his way up the other bank to the Yellow Dream cable. To his surprise, he found the drum in perfect working order. From this side the car with the Spillanes was only two hundred and fifty feet away. So he shouted to the man to examine the trolley of his car. The answering cry came in a few moments.
"She's all right, kid!"
Nothing remained but the other car which hung somewhere beyond Spillane's car.
The boy's mind had been made up. In the toolbox by the drum he found an old monkey-wrench, a short iron bar and a few feet of rope. With the rope he made a large loop round the cable on which the empty car was hanging. Then he swung out over the river, sitting in the rope loop and began pulling himself along the cable by his hands. And in the midst of the storm which half blinded him he arrived at the empty car in his swinging loop. A single glance was enough to show him what was wrong. The front trolley wheel had jumped off the cable, and the cable had been jammed between the wheel and the fork. It was clear that the wheel must be removed from the fork. He began hammering on the key that held the wheel on its axle. He hammered at it with one hand and tried to hold himself steady with the other. The wind kept on swinging his body and often made his blows miss. At the end of half an hour the key had been hammered clear but still he could not draw it out. A dozen times it seemed to him that he must give up in despair. Then an idea came to him – he searched his pockets and found a nail. Putting the nail through the looped head of the key he easily pulled it out. With the help of the iron bar Jerry got the wheel free, replaced the wheel, and by means of the rope pulled up the car till the trolley once more rested properly on the cable.
He dropped out of his loop and down into the car which began moving at once. Soon he saw the bank rising before him and the old familiar drum going round and round.
Jerry climbed out and made the car fast. Then he sank down by the drum and burst out crying. He cried because he was tired out, because his hands were all cut and cold and because he was so excited. But above all that was the feeling that he had done well, that the man and woman had been saved.
Yes, Jerry was proud of himself and at the same time sorry that his father had not been there to see!
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
THE BANKS OF SACRAMENTOby J. London"Young" Jerry was a fourteen-year-old boy with red hair, blue eyes and freckled skin. Together with his father "old" Jerry, he lived on the bank of the Sacramento in California. "Old" Jerry was an old sailor who had been given a job at the Yellow Dream mine and was in charge of the ore cables that ran across the river. On the bank one could see a steel drum round which the endless cable passed. An ore car, when loaded, crossed the river, carried down by its own weight and dragging back, at the same time, an empty car travelling in the opposite direction along the same cable. The Yellow Dream mine had been abandoned and the cars were no longer used for carrying ore, but "old" Jerry still remained watchman over the cables.That morning "young" Jerry was alone in the cabin. His f ather had gone to San Francisco and was not to be back till next day. It was raining heavily all the morning, and Jerry decided not to go out, when, at one o'clock, there came a knock at the door. A man and a woman came in. They were Mr. and Mrs. Spillane, ranchers who lived a dozen miles back from the river."Where is your father?" Spillane asked, and Jer- ry noticed that both he and his wife were excited."San Francisco," Jerry answered briefly."We've got to get across, Jerry," Spillane continued, taking his wife by the hand, "her father's been badly wounded in an explosion; he's dying. We've just been told. Will you run the cable for us?"Jerry hesitated. Of course, he had worked t'he cable many times, but only with the help of his father.I'll stand for the risk," Spillane added, "don't you see, kid, we've simply got to cross."Jerry nodded his head. They all came out into the raging storm, and the man and the woman got into the ore car."Let's get started!" Spillane shouted to make himself heard above the roar of the wind. Jerry slowly and carefully let the car go, and the drum began to go round and round. Jerry carefully watched the cable passing round the drum."Three hundred feet" he was saying to himself, "three hundred and fifty, four hundred –" The cable stopped. Something had gone wrong.The boy examined the drum closely and found nothing the matter with it. Probably it was the drum on the other side that had been damaged ...He was afraid at the thought of the man and woman hanging out there over the river in the drivingrain. Nothing remained but to cross over to the other side by the Yellow Dragon cable some distance up the river. He was already wet to the skin as he ran along the path to the Yellow Dragon. Safely across, he found his way up the other bank to the Yellow Dream cable. To his surprise, he found the drum in perfect working order. From this side the car with the Spillanes was only two hundred and fifty feet away. So he shouted to the man to examine the trolley of his car. The answering cry came in a few moments."She's all right, kid!"Nothing remained but the other car which hung somewhere beyond Spillane's car.The boy's mind had been made up. In the toolbox by the drum he found an old monkey-wrench, a short iron bar and a few feet of rope. With the rope he made a large loop round the cable on which the empty car was hanging. Then he swung out over the river, sitting in the rope loop and began pulling himself along the cable by his hands. And in the midst of the storm which half blinded him he arrived at the empty car in his swinging loop. A single glance was enough to show him what was wrong. The front trolley wheel had jumped off the cable, and the cable had been jammed between the wheel and the fork. It was clear that the wheel must be removed from the fork. He began hammering on the key that held the wheel on its axle. He hammered at it with one hand and tried to hold himself steady with the other. The wind kept on swinging his body and often made his blows miss. At the end of half an hour the key had been hammered clear but still he could not draw it out. A dozen times it seemed to him that he must give up in despair. Then an idea came to him – he searched his pockets and found a nail. Putting the nail through the looped head of the key he easily pulled it out. With the help of the iron bar Jerry got the wheel free, replaced the wheel, and by means of the rope pulled up the car till the trolley once more rested properly on the cable.He dropped out of his loop and down into the car which began moving at once. Soon he saw the bank rising before him and the old familiar drum going round and round.Jerry climbed out and made the car fast. Then he sank down by the drum and burst out crying. He cried because he was tired out, because his hands were all cut and cold and because he was so excited. But above all that was the feeling that he had done well, that the man and woman had been saved.Yes, Jerry was proud of himself and at the same time sorry that his father had not been there to see!
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
банки из сакраментолондон, дж."молодых" джерри был 14 - летний мальчик с рыжие волосы, голубые глаза и веснушчатый кожи.вместе с отцом "старых" джерри, он жил на берегу реки сакраменто в штате калифорния ".старый "джерри был старый моряк, который получил работу в желтой сон мин и отвечал за руды кабели, что бежал через реку.на берегу, можно было увидеть стальной барабан раунда переговоров, которые бесконечно кабель прошло.руда машину, при загрузке, перешли реку, унесло в его собственный вес и утащить обратно, в то же время пустой автомобиль, следовавший в противоположном направлении вдоль кабеле.желтый сон мин были заброшены и автомобили были не используется для перевозки руды, но "старых" джерри оставался сторож за провода.в то утро "молодых" джерри был один в салоне.его F отец отправился в сан - франциско, и не вернусь до следующего дня.это был сильный дождь все утро, и джерри решил не уходить, когда на один час, пришли стучать в дверь.мужчина и женщина пришла.они были мистер и миссис спиллейн, фермеры, которые жили в десяти милях от реки."где твой отец?"спиллейн, спросил, джер - рю заметил, что и он, и его жена, были взволнованы."в сан - франциско," джерри ответил кратко."нам нужно пересечь, джерри," спиллейн продолжение, принимая свою жену за руку, "ее отец был тяжело ранен в результате взрыва; он умирает.мы только что говорили.ты беги кабель для нас? "джерри колебался.конечно, он работал t"he кабельное много раз, но только с помощью своего отца.я буду в опасности ", - добавил спиллейн," разве ты не видишь, сынок, нам нужно пересечь ".джерри кивал головой.все они пришли в бушует шторм, и мужчина, и женщина попала в руде, машину."поехали!"спиллейн, кричал, чтобы самому слышен рев ветра.джерри медленно и тщательно отпустить, и барабан начал вращаться и раунда.джерри внимательно наблюдал, как кабель, проходящий за барабан."триста футов", он говорил сам, "триста пятьдесят четыре сотни –" кабель остановился.что - то пошло не так.мальчика обследовали барабан, тесно и ничего не нашли бы его.вероятно, это был барабан, с другой стороны, которые были повреждены.он боялся, что при мысли о мужчине и женщине, зависать там за рекой в машинудождь.ничего не остается, но и переходили на другую сторону с помощью желтого дракона кабель на некотором расстоянии вверх по реке.он уже был мокрым на коже, как он бежал по пути желтый дракон.безопасно через, он обнаружил, что его путь в других банков, в желтой сон кабель.к его удивлению, он нашел в барабан в идеальном рабочем состоянии.с этой стороны автомобиль с spillanes только двести пятьдесят метров.так, он крикнул мужчина изучать тележки, его машины.ответом плакать пришел через несколько минут."она хорошо, парень!"ничего не остается, но другая машина, которая была где - то за спиллейн, машина.мальчик не был достигнут.в набор инструментальных средств в барабан, он нашел старую обезьяна гаечный ключ, короткий железный бар и несколько футов веревки.веревкой он сделал большую петлю вокруг кабель, по которому пустой машине висел.затем он ударил из - за реку, сидя в веревки петлю и начал тянуть кабель сам вдоль его руки.и в разгар бури, половина которых ослепил его он прибыл на пустую машину в его размахивать петли.одного взгляда достаточно, чтобы показать ему, что произошло.передняя тележка колеса не спрыгнул с кабелем и кабель, были заглушены между колесом и вилку.было ясно, что колеса должны быть удалены из вилку.он начал с молотком на ключ, который провел колесо на своей оси.он забил на это, с одной стороны, и пытались держать себя спокойно, с другой.ветер продолжал размахивать его тело, и часто его ударов пропустил.в конце полчаса ключ был пьян, очевидно, но он не может сделать это.один раз ему казалось, что он должен впадают в отчаяние.тогда идея пришла к нему, он обыскал карманы и нашли гвоздь.что гвоздь через посвятить главы ключевых он легко вытащил его.с помощью железного бар джерри есть колеса, свободного, заменить колесо, и с помощью веревки, подъехал автомобиль до тележки, еще раз отдыхали должным образом по кабельному.он бросил его цикл, и до машины, которая начала двигаться одновременно.вскоре он увидел, что банк рост до него и старый знакомый барабан происходит вокруг.джерри, вылезла и сделать машину быстрее.затем он просачивается в барабан, и плакали.он плакал, потому что он устал, потому что его руки были срезаны и холодно, и потому, что он был так взволнован.но, прежде всего, что было ощущение, что он сделал так, что мужчина и женщина были спасены.да, джерри гордился собой и в то же время, жаль, что его отец не был там, чтобы увидеть!
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