Oliver Haddo looked at him with his blue eyes that seemed to see right перевод - Oliver Haddo looked at him with his blue eyes that seemed to see right русский как сказать

Oliver Haddo looked at him with his

Oliver Haddo looked at him with his blue eyes that seemed to see right through people; and then, lifting his hat, walked away. Susie turned to Dr. Porhoet.
"Do you think he could have made the horse tremble?" "Nonsense!" said Arthur.
"It occurred to me that he was playing some trick" said Dr. Porhoet. "An odd thing happened once when he came to see me. I have two Persian cats, which are usually very quiet and well-behaved. They spend their days in front of my fire, meditating on the problems of metaphysics. But as soon as he came in they jumped, and their fur stood right on end. Then they began to run madly round the room, as though the victims of uncontrollable terror. I opened the door and they rushed out. I have never been able to understand what happened."
Margaret shuddered.
"I've never met a man who filled me with such antipathy," she said. "I don't know what there is about him that excites in me a sort of horror. I hope I shall never see him again."
"And as for me," answered Susie, "I would like to know more about him, because he interests me very much. Just think what a privilege it is to meet a man in the twentieth century who honestly believes in occultism."
"Since I have been occupied with these matters, I have met strange people," said Dr. Porhoet quietly, "but I agree with Miss Boyd that Oliver Haddo is the most extraordinary. It is difficult to understand him. All I know is that he has travelled much and knows many languages. He has a wide knowledge of the literature of alchemy, and there is no book I have heard of, dealing with the black arts, which he does not know. My friend Arthur won't agree with me, but I must confess that it would hot surprise me to learn that he possesses powers by which he is able to do things that seem miraculous."
Arthur did not answer as they arrived at the fair. . It was in full swing. The noise was deafening. Popular tunes were heard and merry-go-rounds were turning everywhere. The English party with Dr. Porhoet had just entered when they saw Oliver Haddo. He was indifferent to the fact that they did not want his company. He attracted attention, for his appearance and his manners were eccentric, and Susie noticed that he was pleased to see people point him out to one; another.
They walked on and suddenly came to a canvas tent on which was a picture of an Arab charming snakes, and some words in Arabic. “I’ll buy tickets for you all," said Haddo.

They went inside and found themselves in a dirty tent, ill-lit by two lamps; a dozen stools were placed in a circle on the ground. The-snake-charmer addressed them in bad English.
"My name Mohammed," he said. "I show snakes. Wait and see. Snakes are very venomous."
He was dressed in a long gabardine coat and its colour could hardly be seen for dirt.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Oliver Haddo looked at him with his blue eyes that seemed to see right through people; and then, lifting his hat, walked away. Susie turned to Dr. Porhoet."Do you think he could have made the horse tremble?" "Nonsense!" said Arthur."It occurred to me that he was playing some trick" said Dr. Porhoet. "An odd thing happened once when he came to see me. I have two Persian cats, which are usually very quiet and well-behaved. They spend their days in front of my fire, meditating on the problems of metaphysics. But as soon as he came in they jumped, and their fur stood right on end. Then they began to run madly round the room, as though the victims of uncontrollable terror. I opened the door and they rushed out. I have never been able to understand what happened."Margaret shuddered."I've never met a man who filled me with such antipathy," she said. "I don't know what there is about him that excites in me a sort of horror. I hope I shall never see him again.""And as for me," answered Susie, "I would like to know more about him, because he interests me very much. Just think what a privilege it is to meet a man in the twentieth century who honestly believes in occultism.""Since I have been occupied with these matters, I have met strange people," said Dr. Porhoet quietly, "but I agree with Miss Boyd that Oliver Haddo is the most extraordinary. It is difficult to understand him. All I know is that he has travelled much and knows many languages. He has a wide knowledge of the literature of alchemy, and there is no book I have heard of, dealing with the black arts, which he does not know. My friend Arthur won't agree with me, but I must confess that it would hot surprise me to learn that he possesses powers by which he is able to do things that seem miraculous."Arthur did not answer as they arrived at the fair. . It was in full swing. The noise was deafening. Popular tunes were heard and merry-go-rounds were turning everywhere. The English party with Dr. Porhoet had just entered when they saw Oliver Haddo. He was indifferent to the fact that they did not want his company. He attracted attention, for his appearance and his manners were eccentric, and Susie noticed that he was pleased to see people point him out to one; another.They walked on and suddenly came to a canvas tent on which was a picture of an Arab charming snakes, and some words in Arabic. “I’ll buy tickets for you all," said Haddo.They went inside and found themselves in a dirty tent, ill-lit by two lamps; a dozen stools were placed in a circle on the ground. The-snake-charmer addressed them in bad English."My name Mohammed," he said. "I show snakes. Wait and see. Snakes are very venomous."He was dressed in a long gabardine coat and its colour could hardly be seen for dirt.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Оливер Haddo посмотрел на него своими голубыми глазами , которые , казалось , чтобы видеть людей насквозь; а затем, подняв шляпу, пошел прочь. Сьюзи обратился к доктору Porhoet.
"Как вы думаете , что он мог бы сделать лошадь дрожать?" "Бред какой то!" сказал Артур.
"Мне пришло в голову , что он играл в какой - то трюк" , сказал д - р Porhoet. "Странная вещь случилась однажды , когда он пришел ко мне. У меня есть два персидских кошек, которые обычно очень тихо и хорошо себя вели. Они проводят свои дни перед моим огнем, размышляя над проблемами метафизики. Но как только он пришел они прыгнули, и их мех стоял прямо на конце. Потом они начали бежать безумно по комнате, как будто жертвами неконтролируемого страха. Я открыл дверь , и они выскочили. Я никогда не был в состоянии понять , что произошло . "
содрогнулся Маргарет.
" Я никогда не встречал человека , который наполнял меня такой антипатии, "сказала она. "Я не знаю , что там о нем , что возбуждает во мне своего рода ужас. Я надеюсь , что я никогда не увижу его снова."
"А как по мне," ответила Сьюзи, "Я хотел бы знать больше о нем, потому что он очень интересует меня. Только подумайте , что это привилегия встретить человека в двадцатом веке , который искренне верит в оккультизме ".
" Так как я занимался этими вопросами, я встретил странных людей, "сказал д - р Porhoet тихо, "но я согласен с мисс Бойд , что Оливер Haddo является самым необыкновенным. трудно понять его. Все , что я знаю, что он много путешествовал и знает много языков. он обладает обширными знаниями о литературе алхимии, и нет книга , которую я слышал, имея дело с черного искусства, которые он не знает. Мой друг Артур не согласен со мной, но я должен признаться , что это было бы жарко удивило меня , чтобы узнать , что он обладает полномочиями, которыми он умеет делать вещи , которые кажутся чудом. "
Артур не ответил , как они прибыли на ярмарке. , Он был в полном разгаре. Шум был оглушительный. Популярные мелодии были услышаны , и карусель раундов превращались во всем мире. Английская партия с доктором Porhoet только что вошел , когда они увидели , Оливер Haddo. Он был равнодушен к тому , что они не хотели его компанию. Он привлек к себе внимание, его внешний вид и его манеры были эксцентричный, и Сьюзи заметил , что он был рад видеть , что люди указывают его к одному; другой.
Они пошли дальше и вдруг пришли к брезентовой палатке , на котором была изображена арабская очаровательными змей, и некоторые слова на арабском языке. "Я буду покупать билеты для вас всех" , сказал Haddo.

Они вошли внутрь и оказались в грязной палатке, плохо освещенную двумя лампами, дюжина стульев были помещены в круг на земле The-заклинатель змей на имя. их в плохой английский.
"меня зовут Мохаммед," сказал он. "Я покажу змей. Ждать и смотреть. Змеи очень ядовиты. "
Он был одет в длинный габардиновом пальто и его цвет вряд ли можно было увидеть на предмет загрязнения.
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