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Using Avidemux

¦User interface
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¦Project files
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¦Audio filters
¦Using AVSProxy
General information

¦Avidemux versions
¦Bug tracking
¦Supported formats and containers
¦Input formats
¦Output formats
¦Decoders available to read video
¦Video decoders
¦Audio decoders
¦Encoders available to create video
¦Video encoders
¦Audio encoders
¦Common myths
¦Source file notes
¦Feature requests
Tutorials & guides

¦Deinterlacing video
¦Converting to DVD
¦Standalone MPEG-4 players
¦Save only audio
¦Save only video
¦Guide to encoding types
¦Encoding animation with Xvid
¦Editing MPEG capture
¦Fixing MPEG files with ProjectX
¦Scripting tutorial
¦Writing your own filter
¦x264 encoding guide (H.264/AVC)
¦Batch processing
¦Cut TS sample
¦Create video from still image and from audio file
Building & compiling Avidemux

¦Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.4.x for Linux
¦Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.5.x for Linux
¦Simple article: Installing Avidemux 2.6.x for Linux
¦Very detailed guide: Compiling Avidemux for Linux and Windowstutorial:h.264?Table of Contents
H.264 encoding guide
x264 introduction
Get x264 for Avidemux
x264 options available in Avidemux
Unavailable x264 options in Avidemux
Obsolete x264 options
H.264/AVC Profiles and Levels
List of all H.264/AVC Profiles
List of all H.264/AVC Levels
GPU support
List of References
See alsoH.264 encoding guide
This article describes briefly what H.264 is and how to get H.264 encoding support for Avidemux. It also summarizes and explains the x264 options available in Avidemux. This can be considered a (simple) guide to the encoder.

H.264, which is also known as “MPEG-4 Part 10” or “MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding” (AVC), is a digital video compression standard, which is noted for achieving very high data compression. While H.264 generally requires more CPU power for playback than video encoded with the older MPEG-4(nbsp)Part(nbsp)2 standard (as used by Xvid or DivX), the compression efficiency is much better! That means: With H.264/AVC you can get a significantly better quality at the same file size -or- you can get the same quality at a significantly smaller file size (compared to MPEG-4(nbsp)ASP). While H.264 compresses much more efficient than MPEG-4(nbsp)Part(nbsp)2, the advantage over MPEG-2 is even greater.

More detailed information about H.264 can be found in the corresponding Wikipedia article. A comparison of various H.264 encoders against MPEG-4 Part-2, MPEG-2 and other video formats can be found at http://mirror05.x264.nl/Dark/website/compare.html.

x264 introduction
While Avidemux uses “built-in” libavcodec from FFmpeg for H.264 decoding, it needs an additional (external) library for H.264 encoding. Therefore Avidemux uses x264. x264 is a free library for encoding H.264/AVC video streams. The code is written from scratch by Laurent Aimar, Loren Merritt, Eric Petit (OS X), Min Chen (VfW/asm), Justin Clay (VfW), Mans Rullgard, Radek Czyz, Christian Heine (asm), Alex Izvorski (asm), and Alex Wright. It is released under the terms of the GPL license. So to clarify, the encoder library is called x264 while the compression standard it uses is called H.264 (or MPEG-4 AVC). In other words: The x264 encoder software creates H.264/AVC video. It should be noted that x264 while being “free” software can compete with commercial H.264 encoders in terms of quality and speed. Major companies in the video business, such as Youtube and Facebook, are known to use the x264 encoder.

Get x264 for Avidemux
If x264 is not available in your version of Avidemux, there is a guide on how to download and compile x264 by yourself. It is in the Compiling x264 section.

After you compile x264, you will have to re-compile Avidemux to build in the x264 feature. There is also a guide on how to do this in the Compiling Avidemux section.

Note that if you are using the pre-compiled Avidemux builds for Microsoft Windows, the required x264 library ships with the installer. Hence no additional software is required! Stuff like “Codec Packs”, “VFW Codecs” or “DirectShow Filters” will not work with Avidemux! Anyway, the latest builds of the x264 library for Avidemux can be found in the libx264 GIT builds thread (make sure you navigate to the very last post!). These builds usually are newer – and less tested – than the ones that ships with Avidemux.

x264 options available in Avidemux
Avidemux contains most of the options available in the x264 library. For options not yet available, see the “Unavailable” section in this article.

Rate Control
¦Encoding Mode:
¦Single Pass - Constant Quantizer: This mode is also known as the “QP Mode”. It will encode your video to a constant quantizer, so you will choose the target quantizer, not the target bitrate. The quantizer is a measure for the amount of data loss: a higher quantizer means that more data will be lost, which results in a better compression (smaller file), but also delivers worse visual quality. In contrast a lower quantizer means that less data will be lost, which results in a better visual quality, but also compresses worse (larger file). H.264 uses a quantizer scale between 0 and 52. The default quantizer value is 26. If you are targeting for a certain level of quality and don't care much about the final file size, then you might consider using the QP mode. But if you are targeting for a certain file size (or a certain average bitrate), then keep away from QP Mode! That's because the final size (the average bitrate) is completely unpredictable in this mode.
¦Please note: The CRF mode should be preferred over the QP mode! Also the Adaptive Quantization (AQ) will be disabled in QP mode, while it's enabled (by default) in CRF mode.
¦Single Pass - Constant Rate Factor: This mode is also known as the “CRF Mode” or “Constant Quality” mode. It basically works similar to the QP Mode (see above), but it will encode with an average quantizer instead of a constant one. To be more precise, this mode encodes at a constant “rate factor”, which is derived from the specified quantizer. Internally CRF mode uses the same ratecontrol algorithm as x264's ABR mode, only without a target bitrate. The advantage of the CRF mode is that it suits the human perception much better than the QP mode. For example it will raise the quantizers in “fast” scenes where the loss won't be visible anyway and lower the quantizers in “slow” scenes. Therefore the CRF mode should give the same subjective quality as QP mode, but it usually achieves a significant higher compression. It's recommended to prefer CRF mode over QP mode, although CRF is a bit slower. When switching from QP to CRF mode, you may want to slightly lower the quantizer. This should give approximately the same file size as before, but better visual quality! Another important advantage of CRF mode is that it will benefit from adaptive quantization, something that QP mode can't do.
¦Please note: Even the CRF mode doesn't deliver “perfect” constant quality! A specific CRF value will only deliver similar quality for various sources, as long as you don't change any other settings. Using “slower” settings with the same CRF value will either produce a smaller file at same quality or a produce a file of the same size at a better quality. It's also possible that both, the size and the quality, will be increased. The “quality per size” ratio will be improved anyway.
¦Remarks: Choosing the proper quantizer setting for a CRF (or QP) encode is not trivial! That's because visual quality is highly subjective: What some people consider “good quality” other people will consider “horrible quality” - and vice versa. Furthermore the quantizer setting highly depends on contents of your video. Nevertheless a quantizer setting in the range between 16 and 32 should give satisfactory results in most cases. Using a quantizer lower than 16 usually is overkill, except for mastering purposes. Using a quantizer higher than 32 will result in almost unwatchable video. A quantizer of 22 seems to be reasonable for most purposes. Nevertheless material with few textures, like Anime and Cartoons, can cope with much higher quantizers. At the same time “real life” footage with a lot of textures might require much lower quantizers, especially in dark scenes. There also is a rule of thumb: Lowering the CRF value by 6 will double filesize, lowering CRF by 1 will raise filesize by ~12.5% (very roughly). Furthermore the common practice is as follows: Start with a low CRF value, such as 16. Then raise the CRF value in steps of one, until the quality becomes intolerable. This way you'll find the highest possible CRF value that still gives an accepted quality for your eyes. Once you found it, you can use that value for all your future encodes.
¦Single Pass - Bitrate: This mode will encode your video at an average bitrate with only one single pass. So this mode only requires half the time of a “Two Pass” encode. In contrast to CRF mode (and QP mode) the resulting average bitrate is known in advance. Therefore it's easy to predict the final file size. A higher bitrate will result in a better visual quality, but of course it will also result in a bigger file. A lower bit
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Боковая панельС помощью Avidemux ¦QuickStart¦User интерфейс¦Main окно - версия GTK +¦Main окно - версия Qt¦Cutting¦Cutting MPEG файлов¦Project файлов¦JobListИспользование линии ¦Command¦Scripting¦VBR MP3¦Dual аудио¦B-кадры¦Video фильтры¦Audio фильтры¦Multithreading¦Preferences¦ffv1rec¦Using AVSProxyОбщая информация ¦Avidemux версий¦FAQОтслеживание ¦Bug¦Supported форматы и контейнеры¦Input форматы¦Output форматы¦Decoders, доступных для чтения видео¦Video декодеры¦Audio декодеры¦Encoders для создания видеоДатчики ¦VideoДатчики ¦AudioМифы ¦Common¦Source файл примечания¦Feature запросыУчебники и руководства ¦Deinterlacing видео¦Converting для DVD¦DVD/MPEG в AVIИгроки ¦standalone MPEG-4¦Save только аудио¦Save только видео¦Presets¦Guide для типов кодировки¦Encoding анимация с XvidЗахват MPEG ¦Editing¦Fixing MPEG файлы с ProjectX¦Scripting учебник¦Writing свой собственный фильтр¦x264 кодирования руководство (H.264/AVC) ¦Batch обработкаПример ¦Cut TS¦Create видео из неподвижных изображений и аудио файловСтроительство и компиляции Avidemux ¦Simple статьи: Установка Avidemux 2.4.x для Linux¦Simple статьи: Установка Avidemux 2.5.х для Linux¦Simple статьи: Установка Avidemux 2.6.x для Linux¦Very подробное руководство: составление Avidemux для Linux и Windowstutorial:h.264? ОглавлениеH.264 кодирование руководствоОбзорx 264 введениеПолучить x 264 Avidemuxx 264 вариантов доступны в AvidemuxОбщиеДвижениеРазделКадрАнализКвантовательРасширенныйВыходНедоступные x 264 вариантов в AvidemuxУстаревшие x 264 вариантовH.264/AVC профили и уровниСписок всех профилей H.264/AVCСписок всех уровней H.264/AVCПоддержка GPUРДЭ кадрыСписок ссылокКодировки см alsoH.264Эта статья кратко описывает H.264 и как получить H.264 кодирование поддержка Avidemux. Он также кратко и объясняет x 264 вариантов в Avidemux. Это можно считать (простое) руководство для кодировщика. ОбзорH.264, который также известен как «MPEG-4 часть 10» или «MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding» (AVC), является цифровое видео стандарт сжатия, который отмечается для достижения очень высокий сжатия. Хотя H.264, как правило, требует больше мощности процессора для воспроизведения, чем видео, закодированное с старше MPEG-4 (nbsp) часть (nbsp) 2 стандартных (как используемые Xvid или DivX), эффективность сжатия намного лучше! Это означает: С H.264/AVC вы можете получить значительно лучшее качество, в том же размер файла - или - вы можете получить такое же качество на значительно меньший размер файла (по сравнению с MPEG-4(nbsp)ASP). Хотя H.264 сжимает намного эффективнее, чем MPEG-4 (nbsp) часть (nbsp) 2, преимущество по сравнению с MPEG-2 еще больше. Более подробную информацию о H.264 можно найти в соответствующей статье Википедии. Сравнение различных H.264 кодеры MPEG-4 часть-2, MPEG-2 и другие форматы видео можно найти на http://mirror05.x264.nl/Dark/website/compare.html. x 264 введениеAvidemux использует «встроенных» libavcodec из FFmpeg для декодирования H.264, он требует дополнительного (внешнего) библиотека для кодирования H.264. Поэтому Avidemux использует x 264. x 264 — это свободная библиотека для кодирования H.264/AVC видео потоков. Код написан с нуля Laurent Аймар, Лорен Мерритт, Eric Пети (OS X), Chen Min (VfW/asm), Джастин глины (VfW), Ман Rullgard, Радек Чиж, Heine христианских (asm), Alex Izvorski (АНМ) и Alex Райт. Он выпущен на условиях лицензии GPL. Поэтому для уточнения, библиотеку кодировщика называется x 264 в то время как он использует стандарт сжатия называется H.264 (или MPEG-4 AVC). Другими словами: x 264 кодировщик программное обеспечение создает H.264/AVC видео. Следует отметить, что x 264 во время «свободного» программного обеспечения может конкурировать с коммерческим H.264 кодеры с точки зрения качества и скорости. Крупных компаний в бизнес видео, таких как Youtube и Facebook, как известно, использовать x 264 кодировщика. Получить x 264 AvidemuxЕсли x 264 не доступен в вашей версии Avidemux, есть руководство о том, как скачать и скомпилировать x 264 самостоятельно. Это компиляция x 264 секции. После компиляции x 264, вам придется перекомпилировать Avidemux построить в x 264 особенность. Существует также руководство по как сделать это в разделе Компиляция Avidemux. Обратите внимание, что если вы используете предварительно скомпилированные сборки Avidemux для Microsoft Windows, требуется x 264, Библиотека поставляется с программой установки. Поэтому не требуется никакого дополнительного программного обеспечения! Вещи, как «Кодеков», «VFW кодеки» или «DirectShow фильтры» не будет работать с Avidemux! Во всяком случае, последний строит x 264 библиотека для Avidemux можно найти в libx264 GIT создает поток (убедитесь, что вы переходите к очень последний пост!). Эти сборки обычно являются новые – и менее испытания – чем те, которые поставляется с Avidemux. x 264 вариантов доступны в AvidemuxAvidemux содержит большинство возможностей, доступных в x 264 библиотека. Для опции пока не имеется «Недоступен» в разделе этой статьи. ОбщиеУправление скоростью¦Encoding режим:¦Single Pass - Constant Quantizer: This mode is also known as the “QP Mode”. It will encode your video to a constant quantizer, so you will choose the target quantizer, not the target bitrate. The quantizer is a measure for the amount of data loss: a higher quantizer means that more data will be lost, which results in a better compression (smaller file), but also delivers worse visual quality. In contrast a lower quantizer means that less data will be lost, which results in a better visual quality, but also compresses worse (larger file). H.264 uses a quantizer scale between 0 and 52. The default quantizer value is 26. If you are targeting for a certain level of quality and don't care much about the final file size, then you might consider using the QP mode. But if you are targeting for a certain file size (or a certain average bitrate), then keep away from QP Mode! That's because the final size (the average bitrate) is completely unpredictable in this mode.¦Please note: The CRF mode should be preferred over the QP mode! Also the Adaptive Quantization (AQ) will be disabled in QP mode, while it's enabled (by default) in CRF mode.¦Single Pass - Constant Rate Factor: This mode is also known as the “CRF Mode” or “Constant Quality” mode. It basically works similar to the QP Mode (see above), but it will encode with an average quantizer instead of a constant one. To be more precise, this mode encodes at a constant “rate factor”, which is derived from the specified quantizer. Internally CRF mode uses the same ratecontrol algorithm as x264's ABR mode, only without a target bitrate. The advantage of the CRF mode is that it suits the human perception much better than the QP mode. For example it will raise the quantizers in “fast” scenes where the loss won't be visible anyway and lower the quantizers in “slow” scenes. Therefore the CRF mode should give the same subjective quality as QP mode, but it usually achieves a significant higher compression. It's recommended to prefer CRF mode over QP mode, although CRF is a bit slower. When switching from QP to CRF mode, you may want to slightly lower the quantizer. This should give approximately the same file size as before, but better visual quality! Another important advantage of CRF mode is that it will benefit from adaptive quantization, something that QP mode can't do.¦Please note: Even the CRF mode doesn't deliver “perfect” constant quality! A specific CRF value will only deliver similar quality for various sources, as long as you don't change any other settings. Using “slower” settings with the same CRF value will either produce a smaller file at same quality or a produce a file of the same size at a better quality. It's also possible that both, the size and the quality, will be increased. The “quality per size” ratio will be improved anyway.¦Remarks: Choosing the proper quantizer setting for a CRF (or QP) encode is not trivial! That's because visual quality is highly subjective: What some people consider “good quality” other people will consider “horrible quality” - and vice versa. Furthermore the quantizer setting highly depends on contents of your video. Nevertheless a quantizer setting in the range between 16 and 32 should give satisfactory results in most cases. Using a quantizer lower than 16 usually is overkill, except for mastering purposes. Using a quantizer higher than 32 will result in almost unwatchable video. A quantizer of 22 seems to be reasonable for most purposes. Nevertheless material with few textures, like Anime and Cartoons, can cope with much higher quantizers. At the same time “real life” footage with a lot of textures might require much lower quantizers, especially in dark scenes. There also is a rule of thumb: Lowering the CRF value by 6 will double filesize, lowering CRF by 1 will raise filesize by ~12.5% (very roughly). Furthermore the common practice is as follows: Start with a low CRF value, such as 16. Then raise the CRF value in steps of one, until the quality becomes intolerable. This way you'll find the highest possible CRF value that still gives an accepted quality for your eyes. Once you found it, you can use that value for all your future encodes.¦Single Pass - Bitrate: This mode will encode your video at an average bitrate with only one single pass. So this mode only requires half the time of a “Two Pass” encode. In contrast to CRF mode (and QP mode) the resulting average bitrate is known in advance. Therefore it's easy to predict the final file size. A higher bitrate will result in a better visual quality, but of course it will also result in a bigger file. A lower bit
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