The young man in the chocolate-brown suit sat down at the table, where перевод - The young man in the chocolate-brown suit sat down at the table, where русский как сказать

The young man in the chocolate-brow

The young man in the chocolate-brown suit sat down at the table, where the girl with the artificial camellia had been sitting for forty minutes.

"Guess I must be late," he said. "Sorry you been waiting."

"Oh, goodness!" she said. "I just got here myself, just about a second ago. I simply went ahead and ordered because I was dying for a cup of tea. I was late, myself. I haven't been here more than a minute."

"That's good," he said. "Hey, hey, easy on the sugar — one lump is fair enough. And take away those cakes. Terrible! Do I feel terrible!"

"Ah," she said, "you do? Ah. Wha.dda matter?"

"Oh, I'm ruined," he said. "I'm in terrible shape."

"Ah, the poor boy," she said. "Was it feelin' mizzable? Ah, and it came way up here to meet me! You shouldn't have done that — I'd have understood. Ah, just think of it coming all the way up here when it's so sick!"

"Oh, that's all right," he said. "I might as well be here as any place else. Any place is like any other place, the way I feel today. Oh, I'm all shot."

"Why, that's just awful," she said. "Why, you poor sick thing. Goodness, I hope it isn't influenza. They say there's a lot of it around."

"Influenza!" he said. "I wish that was all I had. Oh, I'm poisoned. I'm through. I'm off the stuff for life. Know what time I got to bed? Twenty minutes past five, A. M., this morning. What a night! What an evening!"

"I thought," she said, "that you were going to stay at the office and work late. You said you'd be working every night this week."

"Yeah, I know," he said. "But it gave me the jumps, thinking about going down there and sitting at that desk. I went up to May's — she was throwing a party. Say, there was somebody there said they knew you."

"Honestly?" she said. "Man or woman?"

"Dame," he said. "Name's Carol McCall. Say, why haven't I been told about her before? That's what I call a girl. What a looker she is!"

"Oh, really?" she said. "That's funny — I never heard of anyone that thought that. I've heard people say she was sort of nice-looking, if she wouldn't make up so much. But I never heard of anyone that thought she was pretty."

"Pretty is right," he said. "What a couple of eyes she's got on her!"

"Really?" she said. "I never noticed them particularly. But I haven't seen her for a long time—sometimes people change, or something."

"She says she used to go to school with you," he said. "Well, we went to the same school," she said. "I simply happened to go to public school because it happened to be right near us, and Mother hated to have me .crossing streets. But she was three or four classes ahead of me. She's ages older than I am."

"She's three or four classes ahead of them all," he said. "Dance! Can she step! 'Burn your clothes, baby,' I kept telling her. I must have been fried pretty

"I was out dancing myself, last night," she said. "Wally Dillon and I. He's just been pestering me to go out with him. He's the most wonderful dancer. Goodness! I didn't get home till I don't know what time. I must look just simply a wreck. Don't I?"

"You look all right," he said.

"Wally's crazy," she said. "The things he says! For some crazy reason or other, he's got it into his head that I've got beautiful eyes, and, well, he just kept talking about them till I didn't know where to look, I was so embarrassed. I got so red, I thought everybody in the place would be looking at me. I got just as red as a brick. Beautiful eyes! Isn't he crazy?"

"He's all right," Jie said. "Say, this little McCall girl, she's had all kinds of offers to go into moving pictures. 'Why don't you go ahead and go?' I told her. But she says she doesn't feel like it."

"There was a man up at the lake, two summers ago," she said. "He was a director or something with one of the big moving-picture people — oh, he had all kinds of influence! — and he used to keep insisting and insisting that I ought to be in the movies. Said I ought to be doing sort of Garbo parts. I used to just laugh at him. Imagine!"

"She's had about a million offers," he said. "I told her to go ahead and go. She keeps getting these offers all the time."

"Oh, really?" she said. "Oh, listen, I knew I had something to ask you. Did you call me up last night, by any chance?"

"Me?" he said. "No, I didn't call you."

"While I was out, Mother said this man's voice kept calling up," she said. "I thought maybe it might be you, by some chance. I wonder who it could have been. Oh — I guess I know who it was. Yes, that's who it was!"

"No, I didn't call you," he said. "I couldn't have seen a telephone, last night. What a head I had on me, this morning! I called Carol up, around ten, and she said she was feeling great. Can that girl hold her liquor!"

"It's a funny thing about me," she said. "It just makes me feel sort of sick to see a girl drink. It's just something in me, I guess. I don't mind a man so much, but it makes me feel perfectly terrible to see a girl get intoxicated. It's just the way I am, I suppose."

"Does she carry it!" he said. "And then feels great the next day. There's a girl! Hey, what are you doing there? I don't want any more tea, thanks. I'm not one of these tea boys. And these tea rooms give me the jumps. Look at all those old dames, will you? Enough to give you the jumps."

"Of course, if you'd rather be some place, drinking, with I don't know what kinds of people," she said, "I'm sure I don't see how I can help that. Goodness, there are enough people that are glad enough to take me to tea. I don't know how many people keep calling me up and pestering me to take me to tea. Plenty of people!"

"All right, all right, I'm here, aren't I?" he said. "Keep your hair on."

"I could name them all day," she said.

"All right," he said. "What's there to crab about?"

"Goodness, it isn't any of my business what you do," she said.

-"But I hate to see you wasting your time with people that aren't nearly good enough for you. That's all."

"No need worrying over me," he said. "I'll be all right. Listen. You don't have to worry."

"It's just I don't like to see you wasting your time," she said, "staying up all night and then feeling terribly the next day. Ah, I was forgetting he was so sick. Ah, I was mean, wasn't I, scolding him when he was so mizzable. Poor boy. How's he feel now?"

"Oh, I'm all right," he said. "I feel fine. You want anything else? How about getting a check? I got to make a telephone call before six."

"Oh, really?" she said. "Calling up Carol?"

"She said she might be in around now," he said,

"Seeing her tonight?" she said.

"She's going to let me know when I call up," he said. "She's probably got about a million dates. Why?"

"I was just wondering," she said. "Goodness, I've got to fly! I'm having dinner with Wally, and he's so crazy, he's probably there now. He's called me up about a hundred times today."

"Wait till I pay the check," I said, "and I'll put you on a bus."

"Oh, don't bother," she said. "It's right at the corner. I've got to fly. I suppose you want to stay and call up your friend from here?"

"Ws an idea," he said. "Sure you'll be all right?"

"Oh, sure," she said. Busily she gathered her gloves and purse, and left her chair. He rose, not quite fulty, as she stopped beside him.

"When'll I see you again?" she said.

"I'll call you up," he said. "I'm all tied up, down at the office and everything. Tell you what I'll do. I'll give you a ring."

"Honestly, I have more dates!" she said. "It's terrible. I don't know when I'll have a minute. But you call up, will you?"

"I'll do that," he said. "Take care of yourself."

"You take care of yourself," she said. "Hope you'll feel all right."

"Oh, I'm fine," he said. "Just beginning to come back to life,"

"Be sure and let me know how you feel," she said. "Will you? Sure, now? Well, good-bye. Oh, have a good time tonight!"

"Thanks," he said. "Hope you have a good time, too."

"Oh, I wilt," she said, "I expect to. I've got to rush! Oh, I nearly forgot! Thanks ever so much for the tea. It was lovely."

"Be yourself, will you?" he said.

"It was," she said "Well. Now don't forget to call me up, will you? Sure? Well, good-by."

"Solong," he said.

She walked on down the little line between the blue-painted tables.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The young man in the chocolate-brown suit sat down at the table, where the girl with the artificial camellia had been sitting for forty minutes."Guess I must be late," he said. "Sorry you been waiting.""Oh, goodness!" she said. "I just got here myself, just about a second ago. I simply went ahead and ordered because I was dying for a cup of tea. I was late, myself. I haven't been here more than a minute.""That's good," he said. "Hey, hey, easy on the sugar — one lump is fair enough. And take away those cakes. Terrible! Do I feel terrible!""Ah," she said, "you do? Ah. Wha.dda matter?""Oh, I'm ruined," he said. "I'm in terrible shape.""Ah, the poor boy," she said. "Was it feelin' mizzable? Ah, and it came way up here to meet me! You shouldn't have done that — I'd have understood. Ah, just think of it coming all the way up here when it's so sick!""Oh, that's all right," he said. "I might as well be here as any place else. Any place is like any other place, the way I feel today. Oh, I'm all shot.""Why, that's just awful," she said. "Why, you poor sick thing. Goodness, I hope it isn't influenza. They say there's a lot of it around.""Influenza!" he said. "I wish that was all I had. Oh, I'm poisoned. I'm through. I'm off the stuff for life. Know what time I got to bed? Twenty minutes past five, A. M., this morning. What a night! What an evening!""I thought," she said, "that you were going to stay at the office and work late. You said you'd be working every night this week."«Да, я знаю,» сказал он. «Но он дал мне прыжки, думая о поездке там и сидел на этом столе. Я пошел до Мэя-она устраивает вечеринку. Скажем, что там кто-то сказал, что они знали вас.»«Честно?»,-сказала она. «Мужчина или женщина?»«Дама»,-сказал он. «Зовут Кэрол Макколл. Скажем, почему не мне было сказано о ней раньше? Вот что я называю девушку. Что смотрящий она является!»«О, действительно?» она сказала. «Это смешно-я никогда не слышал о тех, кто думал, что. Я слышал, люди говорят, что она была бы приятно смотреть, если она не будет сделать так много. Но я никогда не слышал о тех, кто думал, что она была хороша.»«Довольно это право»,-сказал он. «Что пара глаз она есть на нее»!«На самом деле?»,-сказала она. «Я никогда не замечал их особенно. Но я не видел ее в течение длительного времени — иногда люди изменения, или что-то.»«Она говорит, что она использовала, чтобы пойти в школу с вами»,-сказал он. «Ну, мы пошли в ту же школу,» она сказала. «Мне просто пришлось пойти в государственную школу, потому что это случилось быть прямо у нас, и мать ненавидел, чтобы меня .crossing улицы. Но ей было три или четыре класса впереди меня. Она является возраст старше, чем я».«Она – три или четыре класса впереди их всех»,-сказал он. «Танец! Может ли она шаг! ' Записать вашу одежду, детка,' я постоянно говорю ей. Я должен был жареный довольно«Я был танцевать сам, вчера вечером»,-сказала она. «Wally Диллон и я. Он только что приставал меня, чтобы выйти с ним. Он является самый прекрасный танцор. Добра! Я не вернусь домой, пока я не знаю, какое время. Я должен выглядеть просто развалина. Не я?»«Вы посмотрите все в порядке»,-сказал он.«Wally ума»,-сказала она. «То, что он говорит! Для ума той или иной причине он получил его в голову, что у меня красивые глаза и, ну, он просто продолжал говорить о них, пока я не знаю, где искать, я был так смущен. Я получил так красный, я думал, что все в месте будет смотреть на меня. Я получил только красный, как кирпич. Красивые глаза! Разве он не сумасшедший?»«Он все в порядке,» Цзе сказал. «Говорят, эта маленькая девочка Макколл, она имела все виды предложений в движущихся изображений.» Почему бы вам не пойти дальше и идти?» Я сказал ей. Но она говорит, что она не чувствует, как он.»«Был человек вверх на озере, два года назад,»,-сказала она. «Он был директором или что-то с одним из больших людей, движущихся картина-о, он имел все виды влияния! — и он использовал, чтобы продолжать настаивать и настаивает на том, что я должен быть в кино. Сказал, что я должен делать то Garbo частей. Я использовал только смеяться над ним. Представьте себе!»«Она была около миллиона предложений»,-сказал он. «Я сказал ей, чтобы идти вперед и идти. Она продолжает получать эти предложения все время».«О, действительно?» она сказала. «Ой, Слушай, я знал, что что-то спросить вас. Вы называете меня вверх прошлой ночью, случайно?»«Я?» он сказал. «Нет, я не призываю вас.»«В то время как я был, мать сказал голос этого человека хранится вызов,» она сказала. «Я подумал, что это может быть вы, по какой-то шанс. Интересно, кто это могло быть. О-я думаю, я знаю, кто это был. Да, кто это был!»"No, I didn't call you," he said. "I couldn't have seen a telephone, last night. What a head I had on me, this morning! I called Carol up, around ten, and she said she was feeling great. Can that girl hold her liquor!""It's a funny thing about me," she said. "It just makes me feel sort of sick to see a girl drink. It's just something in me, I guess. I don't mind a man so much, but it makes me feel perfectly terrible to see a girl get intoxicated. It's just the way I am, I suppose.""Does she carry it!" he said. "And then feels great the next day. There's a girl! Hey, what are you doing there? I don't want any more tea, thanks. I'm not one of these tea boys. And these tea rooms give me the jumps. Look at all those old dames, will you? Enough to give you the jumps.""Of course, if you'd rather be some place, drinking, with I don't know what kinds of people," she said, "I'm sure I don't see how I can help that. Goodness, there are enough people that are glad enough to take me to tea. I don't know how many people keep calling me up and pestering me to take me to tea. Plenty of people!""All right, all right, I'm here, aren't I?" he said. "Keep your hair on.""I could name them all day," she said."All right," he said. "What's there to crab about?""Goodness, it isn't any of my business what you do," she said.-"But I hate to see you wasting your time with people that aren't nearly good enough for you. That's all.""No need worrying over me," he said. "I'll be all right. Listen. You don't have to worry.""It's just I don't like to see you wasting your time," she said, "staying up all night and then feeling terribly the next day. Ah, I was forgetting he was so sick. Ah, I was mean, wasn't I, scolding him when he was so mizzable. Poor boy. How's he feel now?""Oh, I'm all right," he said. "I feel fine. You want anything else? How about getting a check? I got to make a telephone call before six.""Oh, really?" she said. "Calling up Carol?""She said she might be in around now," he said,"Seeing her tonight?" she said."She's going to let me know when I call up," he said. "She's probably got about a million dates. Why?""I was just wondering," she said. "Goodness, I've got to fly! I'm having dinner with Wally, and he's so crazy, he's probably there now. He's called me up about a hundred times today.""Wait till I pay the check," I said, "and I'll put you on a bus.""Oh, don't bother," she said. "It's right at the corner. I've got to fly. I suppose you want to stay and call up your friend from here?""Ws an idea," he said. "Sure you'll be all right?""Oh, sure," she said. Busily she gathered her gloves and purse, and left her chair. He rose, not quite fulty, as she stopped beside him."When'll I see you again?" she said."I'll call you up," he said. "I'm all tied up, down at the office and everything. Tell you what I'll do. I'll give you a ring."
"Honestly, I have more dates!" she said. "It's terrible. I don't know when I'll have a minute. But you call up, will you?"

"I'll do that," he said. "Take care of yourself."

"You take care of yourself," she said. "Hope you'll feel all right."

"Oh, I'm fine," he said. "Just beginning to come back to life,"

"Be sure and let me know how you feel," she said. "Will you? Sure, now? Well, good-bye. Oh, have a good time tonight!"

"Thanks," he said. "Hope you have a good time, too."

"Oh, I wilt," she said, "I expect to. I've got to rush! Oh, I nearly forgot! Thanks ever so much for the tea. It was lovely."

"Be yourself, will you?" he said.

"It was," she said "Well. Now don't forget to call me up, will you? Sure? Well, good-by."

"Solong," he said.

She walked on down the little line between the blue-painted tables.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
молодой человек в коричневом костюме шоколада, сел за стол, где девочка с искусственным камелия сидевших за сорок минут."полагаю, должно быть поздно", - сказал он.жаль, что вы ждали "."о боже!"она говорит, ".я сама только что пришла, буквально секунду назад.я просто пошел вперед и приказал, потому что я умирал за чашкой чая.я опоздала, я сам.я не была здесь более чем на минуту."это хорошо", - сказал он.эй, эй, полегче на сахар - один кусочек, это справедливо.и уберите эти торты.ужасно!я чувствую себя ужасно! ""ах", - сказала она, - "?а.wha.dda вопрос? ""о, я пропал", - сказал он.я в ужасном состоянии "."о, бедный мальчик", - сказала она.это чувство mizzable?ах, и он пришел сюда, чтобы встретиться со мной!тебе не следовало это делать - я бы понял.ах, думаю, поступают сюда, когда он так достали! ""о, это хорошо", - сказал он.я могу быть здесь, как и в любом другом месте.любое место, как любое другое место, то, как я себя чувствую сегодня.о, я стрелял "."это просто ужасно", - говорит она.почему, ты бедный больной вещь.боже, я надеюсь это не грипп.говорят, что есть много вокруг "."грипп".он сказал ".хотел бы я, чтобы это было все, что у меня было.о, я отравлен.я ухожу.я пойду вещи для жизни.знаешь, когда у меня в постель?двадцать минут пять, A. M. этим утром.какая ночь!какой вечер! ""я думал", - говорит она, - что ты собирался остаться в офисе и работать допоздна.ты сказал, что будешь работает каждую ночь на этой неделе "."да, я знаю", - сказал он.но он дал мне прыгает, собираешься пойти туда и, сидя на столе.я пошел в мае - ей вечеринку.скажем, кто - то там сказали, что они знали, что ты "."правда?"она говорит, ".мужчина или женщина?"дама", - сказал он.имя кэрол макколл.скажи, почему мне не сказали, что о ней раньше?вот, что я называю девушка.обалдеть она! ""правда?"она говорит, ".забавно, я никогда не слышал, кто - то думал, что.я слышал, люди говорят, что она была такой хорошенькой, если бы она не так много.но я никогда не слышал, кто - то думал, что она была красивой. ""очень хорошо", - сказал он.то, что еще пару глаз, она есть на нее! ""правда?"она говорит, ".я никогда не замечал их особенно.но я не видел ее в течение долгого времени иногда люди меняются, или что - то "."она сказала, что ходила в школу с вами", - сказал он.ну, мы учились в одной школе ", - говорит она.я просто случайно посещать государственные школы, потому что он оказался рядом с нами, и мама ненавидела меня. пересечение улиц.но она была три или четыре класса впереди меня.она в возрасте старше меня. ""она в три или четыре класса впереди всех", - сказал он.танцевать!может она шаг! "сжечь одежду, детка, я говорила с ней.я, должно быть, жареные довольно"я был на танцах меня прошлой ночью", - сказала она.уолли диллон. - он просто не доставать меня пойти с ним.он самый замечательный танцор.боже!я не вернусь домой, пока я не знаю, в какое время.я должен выглядеть просто катастрофа.не я? ""ты в порядке", - сказал он."уолли безумие", - сказала она.то, что он говорит!по какой - то причине или других, он получил его в голову, что у меня красивые глаза, и, ну, он просто говорил о них, пока я не знаю, где искать, мне было так неловко.у меня так красного, я думал, все на месте, будет смотреть на меня.у меня просто красный, как кирпич.красивые глаза!он не сумасшедший? ""он в порядке," джи сказал ".говорят, этот маленький макколл девочка, она уже все виды предлагает пойти на движущиеся картинки.почему бы тебе не пойти дальше и уйти?я сказал ей.но она говорит, что ей не хочется "."там был человек, на озере, два года назад", - сказала она.он был директором или что - то из большого продвижения картины людей - о, у него все виды воздействия!- и он использовал настаивать, и настаивая на том, что я должен быть в кино.сказал, что я должен делать - то гарбо частей.раньше я просто смеяться над ним.представьте себе! ""она была около миллиона предлагает", - сказал он.я сказал ей, чтобы идти и идти.она хранит все эти предложения, все время "."правда?"она говорит, ".о, слушай, я знал, что я должен спросить тебя.ты звонил мне прошлой ночью, случайно? ""я"?он сказал ".нет, я не звонил тебе. ""когда я был, мать сказала, что это мужской голос звонил", - сказала она.я подумал, что, возможно, было бы ты, каким - то чудом.интересно, кто это может быть.о, я знаю, кто это был.да, это он! ""нет, я не называл тебя", - сказал он.я не мог видеть телефон, прошлой ночью.вот голова у меня на сегодня!я позвонила кэрол, около десяти, и она сказала, что она чувствовала себя отлично.может, что девочка держать выпивку! ""это забавная вещь обо мне", - сказала она.он просто заставляет меня чувствовать себя немного плохо видеть девушку выпивкой.это просто что - то во мне, я думаю.я не против человека, так много, но она заставляет меня чувствовать себя совершенно ужасно видеть девушку, не в состоянии опьянения.вот я, я полагаю.
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