The Adventure of My Aunt(by Washington Irving)My aunt was a big woman, перевод - The Adventure of My Aunt(by Washington Irving)My aunt was a big woman, русский как сказать

The Adventure of My Aunt(by Washing

The Adventure of My Aunt
(by Washington Irving)
My aunt was a big woman, very tall, with a strong mind and will. She was what you may call a very manly woman. My uncle was a thin, small man, very weak, with no will at all. He was no match for my aunt. From the day of their marriage hehealth, and very soon he fell ill.
My aunt took all possible care of him: half the doctors in town visited him and prescribed medicine for him enough to cure a whole hospital. She made him take all the medicines prescribed by the doctors, but all was in vain. My uncle grew worse and worse and one day she found him dead.
My aunt was very much upset by the death of her poor dear husband. Perhaps now she was sorry that she had made him take so much medicine and felt, perhaps, that he was the victim of her kindness. Anyhow, she did all that a widow could do to honour his memory. She spent very much money on her mourning dress, she wore a miniature of him about her neck as large as a small clock; and she had a full-length portrait of him always hanging in her bedroom. All the world praised her conduct. 'A woman who did so much to honour the memory of one husband, deserves soon to get another,' said my aunt's friends.
Some time passed, and my aunt decided to move to Derbyshire where she had a big country house. The house stood in a lonely, wild part of the country among the grey Derbyshire hills.
The servants, most of whom came with my aunt from town, did not like the sad-looking old place. They were afraid to walk alone about its half-empty black-looking rooms. My aunt herself seemed to be struck with the lonely appearance of her house. Before she went to bed, therefore, she herself examined the doors and the windows and locked them with her own hands. Then she carried the keys from the house, together with a little box of money and jewels, to her own room. She always saw to all things herself.
One evening, after she had sent away her maid, she sat by her toilet-table, arranging her hair. For, in spite of her sorrow for my uncle, she still cared very much about her appearance. She sat for a little while looking at her face in the glass first on one side, then on the other. As she looked, she thought of her old friend, a rich gentleman of the neighborhood, who had visited her that day, and whom she had known since her girlhood.
All of a sudden she thought she heard something move behind her. She looked round quickly, but there was nothing to be seen. Nothing but the painted portrait of her poor dear husband on the wall behind her. She gave a heavy sigh to his memory as she always did whenever she spoke of him in company, and went on arranging her hair. Her sigh was re-echoed. She looked round again, but no one was to be seen.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Adventure of My Aunt(by Washington Irving)My aunt was a big woman, very tall, with a strong mind and will. She was what you may call a very manly woman. My uncle was a thin, small man, very weak, with no will at all. He was no match for my aunt. From the day of their marriage hehealth, and very soon he fell ill.My aunt took all possible care of him: half the doctors in town visited him and prescribed medicine for him enough to cure a whole hospital. She made him take all the medicines prescribed by the doctors, but all was in vain. My uncle grew worse and worse and one day she found him dead.My aunt was very much upset by the death of her poor dear husband. Perhaps now she was sorry that she had made him take so much medicine and felt, perhaps, that he was the victim of her kindness. Anyhow, she did all that a widow could do to honour his memory. She spent very much money on her mourning dress, she wore a miniature of him about her neck as large as a small clock; and she had a full-length portrait of him always hanging in her bedroom. All the world praised her conduct. 'A woman who did so much to honour the memory of one husband, deserves soon to get another,' said my aunt's friends.Some time passed, and my aunt decided to move to Derbyshire where she had a big country house. The house stood in a lonely, wild part of the country among the grey Derbyshire hills.The servants, most of whom came with my aunt from town, did not like the sad-looking old place. They were afraid to walk alone about its half-empty black-looking rooms. My aunt herself seemed to be struck with the lonely appearance of her house. Before she went to bed, therefore, she herself examined the doors and the windows and locked them with her own hands. Then she carried the keys from the house, together with a little box of money and jewels, to her own room. She always saw to all things herself.One evening, after she had sent away her maid, she sat by her toilet-table, arranging her hair. For, in spite of her sorrow for my uncle, she still cared very much about her appearance. She sat for a little while looking at her face in the glass first on one side, then on the other. As she looked, she thought of her old friend, a rich gentleman of the neighborhood, who had visited her that day, and whom she had known since her girlhood.All of a sudden she thought she heard something move behind her. She looked round quickly, but there was nothing to be seen. Nothing but the painted portrait of her poor dear husband on the wall behind her. She gave a heavy sigh to his memory as she always did whenever she spoke of him in company, and went on arranging her hair. Her sigh was re-echoed. She looked round again, but no one was to be seen.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
приключения моя тетя(вашингтон ирвинг)моя тетя была крупная женщина, очень высокий, сильный ум и будет.она заключается в том, что вы можете позвонить очень мужественный женщина.мой дядя был тонкий, маленький человек, очень слаба и не будет вообще.он не подходит к моей тете.со дня их вступления в брак hehealth, и очень скоро он заболел.моя тетя приняла все возможные его на попечение: половину врачей в городе посетил его и прописанное лекарство для него достаточно, чтобы вылечить всю больницу.она сделала ему принимать все лекарства, предписанные врачами, но все было напрасно.мой дядя стал хуже и хуже, и однажды она нашла его мертвым.моя тетя был очень расстроен смертью ее бедняжка мужа.возможно, сейчас она было жаль, что она сделала ему взять столько медицины и считает, что, возможно, в том, что он стал жертвой ее доброту.в любом случае, она сделала все, что вдова может сделать, чтобы почтить его память.она провела очень много денег на ее траура платье, она носила мини - его шею, как крупные, как маленькие часы; и она портрет во весь рост его всегда висела в спальне.весь мир похвалил ее проведения ".женщина, которая сделала многое, чтобы почтить память одного мужа, заслуживает только, чтобы получить еще один ", - сказал моей тети, друзья.немного времени прошло, и моя тетя решила переехать в дербишире, где она была большой загородный дом.дом стоял в одиночестве, дикой части страны среди серых дербишир холмов.слуги, большинство из которых пришли с моей тетей из города, не как грустно глядя старого места.они боятся гулять одной по поводу его наполовину пустой черной искать номера.моя тетя себя, как представляется, нанес одинокий вид ее дома.перед тем, как она пошла спать, поэтому она изучила окна и двери и заперла их в свои руки.затем она унесла ключи от дома, вместе с небольшой ящик деньги и драгоценности, в свою комнату.она всегда видела все вещи сама.однажды вечером, после того, как она уже отправили ее горничная, она сидела ее туалет в таблице, организацию ее волосы.о, несмотря на ее горе на моего дядю, она по - прежнему проявляет большую заботу о ее внешности.она сидела на некоторое время смотрел на ее лицо в стекло, во - первых, с одной стороны, потом с другой.как она выглядела, она думала, что ее старый друг, богатый джентльмен из района, который посетил ее в этот день, и кому она известна с ее детства.внезапно она думала, что она что - то слышала шаг за ней.она огляделась быстро, но ничего не было видно.ничего, кроме нарисовал портрет ее бедняжка мужа на стене позади.она дала тяжелым вздохом в его память, как она всегда делал, когда она говорит о его компании, и пошли на организацию ее волосы.вздохом был эхом.она выглядела еще круг, но никого не было видно.
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