My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It was a little station call перевод - My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It was a little station call русский как сказать

My uncle Tom used to work on the ra

My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It was a little station called Lowton Cross. Only two trains a day stooped there, and Tom

was station-master, chief porter and signal man all in one. Lowton Cross was the pride of his heart; the waiting-room was cleaned every day by the chief cleaner Tom; the chairs were polished by the chief polisher Tom; and the tickets were sold and collected by the chief ticket-collector Tom The money was counted every day by the chief clerk Tom

That station was run well: Tom was very strict about “rules”. He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he was not allowed to do, where he was allowed to smoke and where he was not allowed to smoke.

Tom was there for 50 years and then he had to retire. He had never missed a single day; every day he had been on duty. The Railway Company thought they ought to do something to recognize this, and so a little “farewell ceremony" was arranged.

Tom was thanked and was given a cheque as a present. But Tom asked the Company to give him a part of an old railway carriage which would remind him of happy days he had spent in Lowton Cross.

And about a week later a carriage, or rather a compartment, was sent and was taken into Tom’s back garden.

One day, about a year after Tom had retired I came to visit him The door wasn’t locked, so I went in. Tom was nowhere to be seen.

Soon I found him It was rainy but Tom wasn’t sitting in the carriage; he was outside, on the step ,of the carriage, smoking his pipe. His head was covered with a sack and the rain was running down his back.

“Hello, Tom”, said I, “why on earth are you sitting there; why don’t you go inside the carriage out of rain?”

“Can’t you see”, said Tom, “the carriage they sent me was a nonsmoker!”
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It was a little station called Lowton Cross. Only two trains a day stooped there, and Tomwas station-master, chief porter and signal man all in one. Lowton Cross was the pride of his heart; the waiting-room was cleaned every day by the chief cleaner Tom; the chairs were polished by the chief polisher Tom; and the tickets were sold and collected by the chief ticket-collector Tom The money was counted every day by the chief clerk TomThat station was run well: Tom was very strict about “rules”. He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he was not allowed to do, where he was allowed to smoke and where he was not allowed to smoke.Tom was there for 50 years and then he had to retire. He had never missed a single day; every day he had been on duty. The Railway Company thought they ought to do something to recognize this, and so a little “farewell ceremony" was arranged.Tom was thanked and was given a cheque as a present. But Tom asked the Company to give him a part of an old railway carriage which would remind him of happy days he had spent in Lowton Cross.And about a week later a carriage, or rather a compartment, was sent and was taken into Tom’s back garden.One day, about a year after Tom had retired I came to visit him The door wasn’t locked, so I went in. Tom was nowhere to be seen.Soon I found him It was rainy but Tom wasn’t sitting in the carriage; he was outside, on the step ,of the carriage, smoking his pipe. His head was covered with a sack and the rain was running down his back.“Hello, Tom”, said I, “why on earth are you sitting there; why don’t you go inside the carriage out of rain?”“Can’t you see”, said Tom, “the carriage they sent me was a nonsmoker!”
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
мой дядя том работал на железной дороге.это был небольшой участок под названием lowton креста.только двух поездов в сутки остановился там, томбыла станция мастер, главный портер и сигнал человек все в одном.lowton креста был гордостью его сердце; в зале ожидания было чистить каждый день с начальником чистого том; стулья были начищены начальником лежащая на редакторах состоит в том, и билеты были проданы, и собранные главным билет коллекционер тома деньги считала каждый день со стороны главного сотрудника, томо том, что станция работает так: том был очень строго с "правилами".он знал, что пассажир, было разрешено делать и то, что он не может сделать, когда ему было разрешено курить, и где он не разрешено курить.том был не на 50 лет, а затем ему пришлось уйти в отставку.он не пропустил ни одного дня; каждый день он был на дежурстве.железнодорожная компания, что они должны делать что - то, чтобы признать это, и это немного "прощай!" была организована.том был поблагодарил и получил чек, как подарок.но том попросила компанию ему часть старой железнодорожной перевозки, который хотел бы напомнить ему о том, счастливых дней он провел в lowton креста.и примерно через неделю в перевозке, или, скорее, салон, был отправлен и был взят в том саду.однажды, около года после того, как том ушел я приехала навестить его дверь была не заперта, так что я пошел.том нигде не было видно.вскоре я нашел его было дождливо, но том не сидел в коляске, он был снаружи, на шаг, перевозки, курение трубки.его голова была покрыта мешок и дождь был, бегущую по спине."привет, том", - сказал я, "почему ты сидишь там, почему бы тебе не пойти внутрь перевозки из дождя?""ты не можешь увидеть", - сказал том, "перевозки они отправили меня был nonsmoker!"
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