Результаты (
украинский) 1:
GETTING A JOB IN EUROPE You can find information about jobs at a number of different places. At school. During their last years at school, students get advice about further study and finding jobs. All secondary schools have a careers teacher. It's his/her job to provide students with information about study and work. Careers teachers will arrange visits to factories, offices, colleges, etc. They invite people from local organisations to come to the school to talk to the students. They also help students to apply for jobs. A lot of schools now organise 'work experience' for students in the last two compulsory years of school (aged 14-16). The students go out to work for a week. They work in all kinds of places — factories, shops, offices or hotels. Afterwards they have to write about their experience and what it has taught them. (Most students report that school isn't so bad after all!) Outside school. For people who have already left school, there are a number of places where they can find out about jobs. Local newspapers carry advertisements for jobs, and there is a Job Centre in every large town. Employers advertise jobs here. If you are unemployed, you can go to the Job Centre to look for a job. More and more young people now continue their studies as long as possible. They go on from school to university or a college to get higher qualifications. There are also several training schemes, where young people can learn the skills to help them get a better job. O 1 є багато місць, де люди можуть отримати інформацію про вакансії. O 2 це за голову вчитель відповідальність за надання учням інформації про вакансії. O 3 людей від заводів, коледжів. т. д. допомогти студентам на роботу. El 4 студентів з 14-16 років запрошуються виходити на вулицю для "роботи досвіду". O 5 є робота центрів в багатьох школах. O 6 рекламу робочі місця часто публікуються в газетах. Роботодавці Ель 7 перейдіть на студентів, які в останні два роки обов'язкове. • 8 молоді люди вважають за краще для вивчення, оскільки вони можуть. • 9 все вище кваліфікацій не є набагато популярні на сьогоднішній день. O 10 молодих людей можна навчитися отримати кращу роботу через деякі навчання схем, які з'явились останнім часом.
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