The Summer Garden is one of the oldest and most famous parks of St  Pe перевод - The Summer Garden is one of the oldest and most famous parks of St  Pe русский как сказать

The Summer Garden is one of the old

The Summer Garden is one of the
oldest and most famous parks of
St  Petersburg. Many visitors come to
this place on the bank of the Neva
to see its marble statues and the
monument to I.  A.  Krylov, which is
the first monument to a poet in
Russia. There are animals from his
fables on its four sides. People say
the Summer Garden is one of the
most beautiful places of St  Petersburg.
2.  Peter the Great’s wooden house was the first building in
St  Petersburg. The builders finished it in three days. The house
appeared in the place where it is now at the end of May 1703.
People say that the tsar had his birthday party on May 30
there. Now it is a museum. There are two small rooms in it.
One of them is a dining room with an old table and a chair.
3.  Nevsky Prospect is the most beautiful and the most
important street of St  Petersburg. It is a busy wide road 4.5
(four and a half) kilometres [ˌkɪləˈmi:təz] long with beautiful
buildings on its sides. There are palaces and cathedrals, cafés
and restaurants, theatres and museums here. One of them is
the Russian Museum with a rich collection of Russian
paintings.The Hermitage is one of the
most famous and oldest museums
in the world. Now it is situated
in six buildings four of which
are open to visitors. One of them
is Winter Palace. It stands on
the bank of the Neva River. Its
many statues make the building
more beautiful. The Hermitage
has got the world’s largest
collection of paintings.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Summer Garden is one of the oldest and most famous parks of St Petersburg. Many visitors come to this place on the bank of the Neva to see its marble statues and the monument to I. A. Krylov, which is the first monument to a poet in Russia. There are animals from his fables on its four sides. People say the Summer Garden is one of the most beautiful places of St Petersburg.2. Peter the Great’s wooden house was the first building in St Petersburg. The builders finished it in three days. The house appeared in the place where it is now at the end of May 1703. 4People say that the tsar had his birthday party on May 30 there. Now it is a museum. There are two small rooms in it. One of them is a dining room with an old table and a chair.3. Nevsky Prospect is the most beautiful and the most important street of St Petersburg. It is a busy wide road 4.5 (four and a half) kilometres [ˌkɪləˈmi:təz] long with beautiful buildings on its sides. There are palaces and cathedrals, cafés and restaurants, theatres and museums here. One of them is the Russian Museum with a rich collection of Russian paintings.The Hermitage is one of the most famous and oldest museums in the world. Now it is situated in six buildings four of which are open to visitors. One of them is Winter Palace. It stands on the bank of the Neva River. Its many statues make the building more beautiful. The Hermitage has got the world’s largest collection of paintings.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
летний сад является одним изстарейший и наиболее известных парковсанкт - петербург.многие посетители приходят кэто место на берегу невывидеть его мраморных статуй ипамятник и. а. крыловым, который являетсяпервый памятник поэту вв россии.есть животные из егобасни о четырех сторон.люди говорят,летний сад является одним изсамых красивых мест санкт - петербурга.2. петра деревянный дом был первым зданием всанкт - петербург.строители закончили за три дня.домказалось, в месте, где сейчас в конце мая 1703.4люди говорят, что царь был его день рождения 30 маятам.теперь это музей.есть два небольших помещений в нем.один из них - столовая на старый стол и стул.3. - невский проспект - самый красивый и самыйважной улице санкт - петербурга.это занятой широкого дорожно - 4,5(четыре с половиной) километров [ˌ к The L əˈ Mi - T in Z] долго с красивымиздания на его сторону.есть дворцы и храмы, кафеи ресторанов, театров и музеев здесь.один из них -русский музей с богатой коллекции русскогокартины, эрмитаж - один из.самый известный и старейших музеевв мире.сейчас он находитсяв шести зданий, четыре из которыхоткрыты для посетителей.один из них- зимний дворец.он стоит нана берега невы.егомногие статуи, чтобы зданиекрасивее.эрмитажу крупнейшей в миреколлекция картин.
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