F. Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the ri перевод - F. Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the ri русский как сказать

F. Match the words in the left colu

F. Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column.

1) atom a) continuing, or continuing to develop
2) multi-faceted b) make it easier for a process or activity to happen
3) amateur c) trust someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do
4) ongoing d) practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession
5) coherent e) exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree
6) facilitate f) the smallest part of an element that can exist alone or combine with other substances to form molecules
7) accessible g) easy to understand because the information is presented in an orderly and reasonable way
8) enormously h) a statement in mathematics, showing that two quantities are equal
9) rely i) having a variety of different and important features or elements.
10) equation j) easy to obtain or use, to understand and enjoy

G. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the words from the list.

model equip clear reinforce argument explicit operations distinguishable formulate theory

1) It is important that the cognitive skills involved in such activities be defined in a … and rigorous enough way to make it possible to specify how they develop and how this development is best supported educationally.
2) Students, it is claimed, should be able to … a question, design an investigation, analyze data, and draw con¬clusions.
3) Scientific thinking is more closely aligned with … than with experiment and needs to be distinguished from scientific under¬standing (of any particular content).
4) Young children are especially insensitive to the distinction between … and evidence when they are asked to justify simple knowledge claims.
5) Skilled scientific thinking always entails the coor¬dination of theories and evidence, but coordination cannot occur unless the two are encoded and repre¬sented as … entities.
6) The phases of scientific thinking themselves— inquiry, analysis, inference, and argument—require that the process of theory-evidence coordination be¬come … and intentional, in contrast to the im¬plicit theory revision that occurs without awareness as young children's understandings come into con¬tact with new evidence.
7) Research suggests that children lack a mental … of multivariable cau¬sality that most inquiry learning assumes.
8) Educators want children to become skilled scientific thinkers because they be¬lieve that these skills will … them for productive adult lives.
9) Social scaffolding (sup¬porting) may assist less able collaborators to monitor and manage strategic … in a way that they cannot yet do alone.
10) The two endeavors … one another: understanding informs practice and practice enhances understand¬ing.

H. Learn the following words and word combinations with ‘science’ and ‘scientist’.

SCIENCE • To advance science
• To promote science
• To foster science
• Applied science
• Basic science
• Behavioral science
• Domestic science
• Information science
• Library science
• Linguistic science
• Military science
• Natural science
• Naval science
• Physical science
• Political science
• Popular science
• Social science
• Space science
• An exact science

SCIENTIST • a nuclear scientist
• a political scientist
• a social scientist
(Source: BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English by M. Benson, E. Benson, & R. Ilson)

I. What is the difference between the following synonyms:

1) research
2) survey
3) exploration
4) examination
5) analysis
6) fact-finding
7) investigation
8) enquiry (inquiry)
9) study
10) discovery

J. Read the following text and make up a summary (3-5 sentences):

Teaching Science and Technology

As the twentieth century ended, it was clear that sci¬ence and technology played significant roles in the lives of all people, including future employment and careers, the formulation of societal decisions, general problem solving and reasoning, and the increase of economic productivity. There is consensus that sci¬ence and technology are central to living, working, leisure, international competitiveness, and resolu¬tion of personal and societal problems. Few would eliminate science from the curriculum and yet few would advance it as a curriculum organizer. The basic skills that characterize science and technology remain unknown for most.
As the twenty-first century emerges, many na¬tions around the world are arguing for the merger of science and technology in schools. Unfortu¬nately many are resisting such a merger, mostly be¬cause technology (e.g., manual training, industrial arts, vocational training) is often not seen as an area of study for college-bound students. Further, such courses are rarely parts of collegiate programs for preparing new teachers. Few see the ties between sci¬ence and technology, whereas they often see ties be¬tween science and mathematics. Karen F. Zuga, writing in the 1996 book Science/Technology/Society as Reform in Science Education, outlined the reasons and rationale for and the problems with such a re¬joining of science and technology. A brief review of what each entails is important.
Although science is often defined as the infor¬mation found in textbooks for secondary school and college courses or the content outlined in state frameworks and standards, such definitions omit most essential features of science. Instead, they concentrate wholly on the products of science. Most agree with the fac¬ets of science proposed by George G. Simpson in a 1963 article published in the journal Science. These are:
1. Asking questions about the natural universe, that is, being curious about the objects and events in nature.
2. Trying to answer one's own questions, that is, proposing possible explanations.
3. Designing experiments to determine the validity of the explanations offered.
4. Collecting evidence from observations of nature, mathematical calculations, and, whenever possible, experiments that could be carried out to establish the validity of the original explanations.
5. Communicating evidence to others, who must agree with the interpretation of evidence in order for the explanation to become accepted by the broader community (of scientists).
Technology is defined as focusing on the human-made world—unlike science, which focuses on the natural world. Technology takes nature as it is un¬derstood and uses the information to produce effects and products that benefit humankind. Examples include such devices as light bulbs, refrigerators, automobiles, airplanes, nuclear reactors, and manu¬factured products of all sorts. The procedures for technology are much the same as they are for sci¬ence. Scientists seek to determine the ways of nature; they have to take what they find. Technologists, on the other hand, know what they want when they begin to manipulate nature (using the ideas, laws, and procedures of science) to get the desired prod¬ucts.
Interestingly, the study of technology has always been seen as more interesting and useful than the study of science alone. Further, the public has often been more aware of and supportive of technological advances than those of basic science.
(from Encyclopedia of Education)

K. Translate your summary of the text from exercise J into Russian/Belarusian.

L. Answer the following questions to the text from exercise J:
1) What is the role of science and technology?
2) Do the nations argue for the merger of science and technology in schools?
3) How is often science defined?
4) What are the facets of science proposed by George G. Simpson?
5) How is technology defined?

M. Read the following text and render it in English:

Наука — определяющий фактор социально-экономического развития

Наука является реальным национальным ресурсом, который при наличии адекватной государственной поддержки способст¬вует быстрому росту экономики, укреплению суверенитета и бе¬зопасности страны. В XXI веке в глобальной экономической конкуренции только страны, которые создадут благоприятные условия для научных исследований и инноваций, смогут занять достойное место в системе мировых хозяйственных связей и в про¬цессе общечеловеческого развития.
Научные знания становятся основой для принятия решений в системе государственного управления по всем жизненно важ¬ным проблемам развития общества. Наука все больше приобре¬тает меж- и мультидисциплинарный характер. Расширяется меж¬дународный обмен результатами исследований и информацион¬ными ресурсами, что является характерной чертой процесса глобализации в научно-технической сфере.
Став самостоятельным государством, Беларусь получила в на¬следство бессистемную часть большого промышленного ком¬плекса, и только благодаря эффективной государственной власти и трудолюбию ее народа за последние 10 лет были созданы нор¬мально функционирующая экономика и эффективная система образования, к
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
F. Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column. 1) atom a) continuing, or continuing to develop2) multi-faceted b) make it easier for a process or activity to happen3) amateur c) trust someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do4) ongoing d) practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession5) coherent e) exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree6) facilitate f) the smallest part of an element that can exist alone or combine with other substances to form molecules7) accessible g) easy to understand because the information is presented in an orderly and reasonable way8) enormously h) a statement in mathematics, showing that two quantities are equal9) rely i) having a variety of different and important features or elements.10) equation j) easy to obtain or use, to understand and enjoyG. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the words from the list.model equip clear reinforce argument explicit operations distinguishable formulate theory1) It is important that the cognitive skills involved in such activities be defined in a … and rigorous enough way to make it possible to specify how they develop and how this development is best supported educationally.2) Students, it is claimed, should be able to … a question, design an investigation, analyze data, and draw con¬clusions.3) Scientific thinking is more closely aligned with … than with experiment and needs to be distinguished from scientific under¬standing (of any particular content).4) Young children are especially insensitive to the distinction between … and evidence when they are asked to justify simple knowledge claims.5) Skilled scientific thinking always entails the coor¬dination of theories and evidence, but coordination cannot occur unless the two are encoded and repre¬sented as … entities.6) The phases of scientific thinking themselves— inquiry, analysis, inference, and argument—require that the process of theory-evidence coordination be¬come … and intentional, in contrast to the im¬plicit theory revision that occurs without awareness as young children's understandings come into con¬tact with new evidence.7) Research suggests that children lack a mental … of multivariable cau¬sality that most inquiry learning assumes.8) Educators want children to become skilled scientific thinkers because they be¬lieve that these skills will … them for productive adult lives.9) Social scaffolding (sup¬porting) may assist less able collaborators to monitor and manage strategic … in a way that they cannot yet do alone.10) The two endeavors … one another: understanding informs practice and practice enhances understand¬ing.H. Learn the following words and word combinations with ‘science’ and ‘scientist’. SCIENCE • To advance science• To promote science• To foster science• Applied science• Basic science• Behavioral science• Domestic science• Information science• Library science• Linguistic science• Military science• Natural science• Naval science• Physical science• Political science• Popular science• Social science• Space science• An exact science SCIENTIST • a nuclear scientist• a political scientist• a social scientist(Source: BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English by M. Benson, E. Benson, & R. Ilson)I. What is the difference between the following synonyms: 1) research2) survey3) exploration4) examination5) analysis6) fact-finding7) investigation8) enquiry (inquiry)9) study10) discovery J. Read the following text and make up a summary (3-5 sentences):Teaching Science and TechnologyAs the twentieth century ended, it was clear that sci¬ence and technology played significant roles in the lives of all people, including future employment and careers, the formulation of societal decisions, general problem solving and reasoning, and the increase of economic productivity. There is consensus that sci¬ence and technology are central to living, working, leisure, international competitiveness, and resolu¬tion of personal and societal problems. Few would eliminate science from the curriculum and yet few would advance it as a curriculum organizer. The basic skills that characterize science and technology remain unknown for most.As the twenty-first century emerges, many na¬tions around the world are arguing for the merger of science and technology in schools. Unfortu¬nately many are resisting such a merger, mostly be¬cause technology (e.g., manual training, industrial arts, vocational training) is often not seen as an area of study for college-bound students. Further, such courses are rarely parts of collegiate programs for preparing new teachers. Few see the ties between sci¬ence and technology, whereas they often see ties be¬tween science and mathematics. Karen F. Zuga, writing in the 1996 book Science/Technology/Society as Reform in Science Education, outlined the reasons and rationale for and the problems with such a re¬joining of science and technology. A brief review of what each entails is important.Although science is often defined as the infor¬mation found in textbooks for secondary school and college courses or the content outlined in state frameworks and standards, such definitions omit most essential features of science. Instead, they concentrate wholly on the products of science. Most agree with the fac¬ets of science proposed by George G. Simpson in a 1963 article published in the journal Science. These are: 1. Asking questions about the natural universe, that is, being curious about the objects and events in nature. 2. Trying to answer one's own questions, that is, proposing possible explanations. 3. Designing experiments to determine the validity of the explanations offered. 4. Collecting evidence from observations of nature, mathematical calculations, and, whenever possible, experiments that could be carried out to establish the validity of the original explanations. 5. Communicating evidence to others, who must agree with the interpretation of evidence in order for the explanation to become accepted by the broader community (of scientists).Technology is defined as focusing on the human-made world—unlike science, which focuses on the natural world. Technology takes nature as it is un¬derstood and uses the information to produce effects and products that benefit humankind. Examples include such devices as light bulbs, refrigerators, automobiles, airplanes, nuclear reactors, and manu¬factured products of all sorts. The procedures for technology are much the same as they are for sci¬ence. Scientists seek to determine the ways of nature; they have to take what they find. Technologists, on the other hand, know what they want when they begin to manipulate nature (using the ideas, laws, and procedures of science) to get the desired prod¬ucts.Interestingly, the study of technology has always been seen as more interesting and useful than the study of science alone. Further, the public has often been more aware of and supportive of technological advances than those of basic science.(from Encyclopedia of Education)

K. Translate your summary of the text from exercise J into Russian/Belarusian.

L. Answer the following questions to the text from exercise J:
1) What is the role of science and technology?
2) Do the nations argue for the merger of science and technology in schools?
3) How is often science defined?
4) What are the facets of science proposed by George G. Simpson?
5) How is technology defined?

M. Read the following text and render it in English:

Наука — определяющий фактор социально-экономического развития

Наука является реальным национальным ресурсом, который при наличии адекватной государственной поддержки способст¬вует быстрому росту экономики, укреплению суверенитета и бе¬зопасности страны. В XXI веке в глобальной экономической конкуренции только страны, которые создадут благоприятные условия для научных исследований и инноваций, смогут занять достойное место в системе мировых хозяйственных связей и в про¬цессе общечеловеческого развития.
Научные знания становятся основой для принятия решений в системе государственного управления по всем жизненно важ¬ным проблемам развития общества. Наука все больше приобре¬тает меж- и мультидисциплинарный характер. Расширяется меж¬дународный обмен результатами исследований и информацион¬ными ресурсами, что является характерной чертой процесса глобализации в научно-технической сфере.
Став самостоятельным государством, Беларусь получила в на¬следство бессистемную часть большого промышленного ком¬плекса, и только благодаря эффективной государственной власти и трудолюбию ее народа за последние 10 лет были созданы нор¬мально функционирующая экономика и эффективная система образования, к
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
ф. совпадение слов в левой колонке с их определения в правой колонке.

1) атом) продолжается, и продолжает разрабатывать
2) многогранной b) облегчить процесс или активности произойдет
3) любительских c) доверять кому - то, или что - то делать то, что тебе нужно, либо ожидают, что их сделать
4) в настоящее время d) практиковать искусство или оккупации, за любовь это, но не в качестве профессии.5) согласованное e) превышает все обычные пределы размеров или степень
6) содействия f) наименьшая часть элемент, который может существовать отдельно или в сочетании с другими веществами для формы молекулы
7) доступны g) легко понять, потому что информация представлена в упорядоченной и разумным способом
8) чрезвычайно h) с заявлением в математике, показывая, что двух количеств равны.9) полагаются я), наличие различных важных особенностей или элементов.
10) уравнение j) легко получить или использования, для понимания и пользуются

г. заполнить пробелы в наказание ниже словами из списка.

модель оснащения ясно, укрепить аргумент прямо по отличить разработки теории.
1) важно, чтобы когнитивные навыки, участвующих в такой деятельности, будут определены в. и достаточно жесткими, как сделать это возможным, чтобы уточнить, как они развиваются, и как это лучше поддерживает образовательные.
2) студентов, как утверждается, должны быть в состоянии... вопрос, дизайн - расследование, анализ данных, и привлечь con ¬ clusions.
3) научного мышления, более тесно увязана с... чем с эксперимента, и необходимо отличать от науки в ¬ постоянного (любого конкретного содержания).
4) дети младшего возраста, особенно без различия между... и доказательств, когда они просят, чтобы оправдать простое знание требований.
5) квалифицированной научной мысли всегда влечет за собой coor ¬ dination теорий и доказательств,но, может быть, если два координации кодируются и отражающего ¬ sented. организаций.
6 этапах научной мысли сами - расследование, анализ, следовательно, и о том, предусматривают, что процесс теории доказательств координации ¬ прийти... и преднамеренное,в отличие от im ¬ plicit теории, изменение, которое происходит без осведомленности детей понимания вступил в con ¬ тактом, новые доказательства.
7) исследования показывают, что дети не имеют психические. multivariable кау ¬ sality обучения предполагает, что большинство расследования.
8) педагоги хотят дети стали квалифицированных научных мыслителей, потому что они ¬ Lieve, что эти навыки будут... их производственных взрослой жизни.
9) социальных строительных лесов (SUP ¬ портированием) может помочь меньше сотрудников для мониторинга и управления стратегического. таким образом, что они не могут сделать в одиночку.
10) два мероприятия. один в другой: понимание информирует практика и практика укрепляет понять ¬ Ing.

H. узнать следующие слова и словосочетания с "наукой" и "ученый".

науки • развитие науки: • в целях содействия развитию науки: • содействия науке: • прикладные науки: • фундаментальной науки: • поведенческой науке: • домоводство
• информатики: • библиотечных наук: • языковые науки: • военная наука: • естественные науки: • военно - морской науки: • физические науки.
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