Результаты (
русский) 1:
ПОНИМАНИЕ КАПИТАЛА И ПРИБЫЛИВведениеНе бизнес будет успешным, если он не имеет прочной финансовой основы.Это означает, что капитал, вложенный в фирме необходимо:быть достаточно для его нужд,быть организована в наиболее эффективным способом.Но что такое капитал?К сожалению столице слово используется во многих отношениях. Даже в деловом мире он имеет различные смысли. Это очень важно, что, когда вы видите слово, вы спросите себя, каким образом-это слово?Капитал, активы и пассивыПонять пути, в котором используется слово капитала, необходимо оценить характер фирмы активов и пассивов.Что такое активы?Активы состоят из всех, что фирма владеет, ли они оплачиваются или нет.Активы делятся на группы. Таковы:Основные средстваОни остаются в фирме за относительно длительного периода времени. Примеры включают в себя земли, помещений, машин, оборудования, транспортных средств. «Основные средства» иногда называют основной капитал – то есть, сумма капитала, инвестиции в основной капитал.Текущие активыОни постоянно подвергаются используется и заменены во время повседневной бизнес. Примеры включают запасы (сырья и готовой продукции), должников и наличные деньги. Иногда они называются текущего или оборотного капитала. Это потому, что они распространили ('го раунд' в круге) в нормальной торговле следующим образом.Сырье превратился в готовой продукции.The finished goods are sold to customers.The customers pay cash.The cash is used to buy more raw materials.What are ‘liabilities’?Liabilities are the debts the firm owes to others.Most films purchase their assets, particularly their stocks, on credit. This means that the goods have been purchased and are owned by the firm, but they will not be paid for until later. Debts are liabilities.They may be:Long-term liabilitiesThese are debts not repayable for at least a year. Long-team loans are an example.Current liabilitiesThese are debts which are repayable within a year. Trade creditors (that is, firms from whom goods have been bought on credit) are the main example.Presentation of accounting informationRequirements of an accounting systemThe recording and presentation of financial information is the responsibility of the accounting division headed headed by the finance manager.The first three requirements are met by specific parts of the accounting system. The day-today transactions are first noted in the original documents, such as the invoices, credit notes and receipts. They are then summarized in day books before being fed into the ledger where their full effect is recorded. The ledger is made up of individual accounts – one for each item under which information is required.From the ledger, the balances of some accounts are transferred to the trading and profit and loss account, which shows the profit for the year (that is, the second requirement above), or are summarized in the balance sheet to show the financial position at a given date (the third requirement above).There is no simple document which directly gives the answer to the fourth requirement. This demands an intelligent interpretation of the whole accounting system (particularly) of the ratios we considered earlier in this chapter), coupled with a good understanding of such factors as economic trends, possible changes in the law, and statics generally.The balance sheetManagers will be primarily concerned with two accounting documents – the balance sheet and the Profit and loss account.The balance sheet is a summary of the firm’s assets, liabilities and capital as at a given date. There are a number of ways in which it can be set out. The conventional way is to list the assets on the right-hand side of the document, and liabilities and capital on the left. Bear in mind that assets less the liabilities will always give the capital (that is, the ‘capital invested’ using the definitions above). This means that assets equal liabilities plus capital.However, this old practice is changing and an increasing number of firms are showing the sides reversed. Companies normally present the data in ‘statement’ form showing liabilities as a deduction from assets, to give the capital.Profit and loss accountThe profit and loss account (usually abbreviated to P & L) shows how the profit (or loss) was made. It covers a period, and this is reflected in the title for the document. Notice the different nature of the items listed. They are descriptions of either how the money was earned, or of how the money was spent. The items do not have a continuing material existence of their own. The first part of a P & L, showing the ‘gross’ profit, is sometimes called a trading account (or trading section of the P & L).
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