Foreign RelationsGeneral Relations Switzerland is a member of numerous перевод - Foreign RelationsGeneral Relations Switzerland is a member of numerous русский как сказать

Foreign RelationsGeneral Relations

Foreign Relations
General Relations

Switzerland is a member of numerous international organizations including the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World
Trade Organization (WTO), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD). Switzerland is also a guest of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Until recently, Switzerland had observer status at the United Nations and belonged to many of its spe-
cialized and regional agencies and affiliates. Until March 2002, in national referenda, the Swiss had
repeatedly rejected United Nations membership, preferring instead to maintain their historic indepen-
dence and neutrality. In September 2002, Switzerland became a full member of the United Nations.
Several United Nations bodies and numerous intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
are based in Switzerland.

Switzerland is also a member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe. As a for-
mally neutral country, Switzerland does not belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
or the Western European Union (WEU). Although Switzerland is not a member of NATO, it does con-
tribute to the peacekeeping operation, KFOR, in the Serbian province of Kosovo. It is also a member
of NATO's Partnership for Peace program.
Foreign Relations Political Overview
63 Switzerland Review 2014

Regional Relations

Relations with the European Union (EU)

Switzerland is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but a proposal to
join in a free-trade area, the European Economic Area (EEA) between the EFTA and the European
Community (EC) was rejected by a majority of the Swiss cantons in a referendum in 1992. This
impeded the attempts of the Swiss government to pursue membership in the EC, now the European
Union (EU).

On May 21, 2000, the Swiss voted in a referendum to approve of seven agreements with the European
Union that had been ratified by the Swiss parliament in 1999 and endorsed by the major political par-
ties. A significant majority, 67 percent, voted in favor of the seven agreements that concerned free
movement of people, air and land transport, agriculture, research and development, public procure-
ment, and technical trade barriers. Together, the seven agreements significantly increased Switzer-
land's ties with the EU and were interpreted by some as a potential step toward full membership.

While the May 2000 referendum may have helped improve Switzerland's international image, the
March 2001 vote on commencing negotiations to join the European Union certainly did little for Swit-
zerland's reputation with EU member states. The Swiss public resoundingly defeated the initiative
called "Yes to Europe," with 76.7 percent voting "no." The Swiss government had voiced its displea-
sure with the initiative, believing (correctly, as it turned out) that the Swiss public was not ready to
begin negotiating to join the EU. In an effort to mend fences with EU member states, the Swiss gov-
ernment (the Federal Council) reiterated that it hopes to commence accession negotiations during the
next parliamentary term (2003 - 2007). The government asserted that it remains in favor of EU mem-
bership, but not until the Swiss public is ready - perhaps by 2010.

At the start of 2003, Swizerland's president at the time, Pascal Couchepin, noted that Switzerland's
inclusion in the European Union was inevitable. On Swiss Radio International, Couchepin reportedly
said, "In my opinion, we shall and must be a member of the EU. But the journey to Brussels would be
a long, slow process." He went on to say the process would involve many small steps because of the
fact that Swizerland is a direct democracy where decisions would have to be put to the public for a
As the European Union went through a process of expansion in 2004, and as it tries to deal with the
challenge of constitutional ratification from 2005 through 2006, Switzerland remained the only coun-
try in western Europe outside the Union.
In June 2005, Swiss voters went to the poll to express their views in referenda on issues of regional
importance. As regards the European Union referendum, Swiss voters ratified the Schengen and Dub-
lin agreements. The Schengen Agreement involves the abolition of internal borders among European
bloc countries. The Dublin Agreement facilitated cooperation in the examination of asylum applica-
tions. Ratification of these two agreements ensured a stronger relationship between Switzerland and
the European bloc.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Внешняя политикаОтношения общего Швейцария является членом многочисленных международных организаций, включая Международный банк Реконструкции и развития (Всемирный банк), Международный валютный фонд (МВФ), Всемирного Торговой организации (ВТО) и Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР). Швейцария также является гостем движения неприсоединения. До недавнего времени, Швейцария имеет статус наблюдателя в Организации Объединенных Наций и принадлежали многие из его spe-циальном и региональные учреждения и филиалов. До марта 2002 года в республиканских референдумов, Швейцарии были неоднократно отвергали членство Организации Объединенных Наций, предпочитая сохранить их исторический незави-доверие и нейтралитета. В сентябре 2002 года Швейцария стала полноправным членом Организации Объединенных Наций. Несколько органов Организации Объединенных Наций и многочисленных межправительственных и неправительственных организаций базируется в Швейцарии. Швейцария также является членом Европейского банка реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР), Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) и Совет Европы. Как по-Малли нейтральной стране, Швейцария не принадлежат к Североатлантического договора (НАТО) или Западноевропейский союз (ЗЕС). Хотя Швейцария не является членом НАТО, она делает кон-дань операции по поддержанию мира, СДК, в сербской провинции Косово. Он является также членом в партнерство ради мира НАТО.Foreign Relations Political Overview63 Switzerland Review 2014 Regional Relations Relations with the European Union (EU) Switzerland is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but a proposal to join in a free-trade area, the European Economic Area (EEA) between the EFTA and the European Community (EC) was rejected by a majority of the Swiss cantons in a referendum in 1992. This impeded the attempts of the Swiss government to pursue membership in the EC, now the European Union (EU). On May 21, 2000, the Swiss voted in a referendum to approve of seven agreements with the European Union that had been ratified by the Swiss parliament in 1999 and endorsed by the major political par-ties. A significant majority, 67 percent, voted in favor of the seven agreements that concerned free movement of people, air and land transport, agriculture, research and development, public procure-ment, and technical trade barriers. Together, the seven agreements significantly increased Switzer-land's ties with the EU and were interpreted by some as a potential step toward full membership. While the May 2000 referendum may have helped improve Switzerland's international image, the March 2001 vote on commencing negotiations to join the European Union certainly did little for Swit-zerland's reputation with EU member states. The Swiss public resoundingly defeated the initiative called "Yes to Europe," with 76.7 percent voting "no." The Swiss government had voiced its displea-уверен, с инициативой, полагая (правильно, как выяснилось), что швейцарский общественности не был готов к Начните переговоры о вступлении в ЕС. В попытке исправить заборы с государствами-членами ЕС, Швейцарская пра-правительству (Федеральный совет) подтвердил, что он надеется начать переговоры о вступлении во время Следующий парламентский срок (2003-2007). Правительство утверждает, что он остается в пользу ЕС мем-bership, но не до швейцарской общественности готова - возможно, к 2010 году. В начале 2003 года, Швейцария президент в то время, Паскаль Кушпен, отметил, что Швейцария Включение в Европейском союзе было неизбежно. На Швейцарское радио International, Кушпен сообщениям сказал: «на мой взгляд, мы должны и должны быть членом ЕС. Но будет путешествие в Брюссель долгий, медленный процесс». Он пошел на сказать, этот процесс будет включать многие малые шаги из-за факт, что Швейцария является прямой демократии, где решения бы поставить для общественности на голосовать.Как Европейский союз прошел через процесс расширения в 2004 году, и как он пытается справиться с проблема конституционной ратификации с 2005 по 2006, Швейцария оставалась только стра-Попробуйте в Западной Европе за пределами союза.В июне 2005 года швейцарские избиратели отправился в опрос, чтобы выразить свои взгляды в ходе референдумов по вопросам регионального значение. Что касается Европейского союза референдума швейцарские избиратели ратифицировали Шенген и даб-lin agreements. The Schengen Agreement involves the abolition of internal borders among European bloc countries. The Dublin Agreement facilitated cooperation in the examination of asylum applica-tions. Ratification of these two agreements ensured a stronger relationship between Switzerland and the European bloc.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Foreign Relations
General Relations

Switzerland is a member of numerous international organizations including the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World
Trade Organization (WTO), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD). Switzerland is also a guest of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Until recently, Switzerland had observer status at the United Nations and belonged to many of its spe-
cialized and regional agencies and affiliates. Until March 2002, in national referenda, the Swiss had
repeatedly rejected United Nations membership, preferring instead to maintain their historic indepen-
dence and neutrality. In September 2002, Switzerland became a full member of the United Nations.
Several United Nations bodies and numerous intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
are based in Switzerland.

Switzerland is also a member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe. As a for-
mally neutral country, Switzerland does not belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
or the Western European Union (WEU). Although Switzerland is not a member of NATO, it does con-
tribute to the peacekeeping operation, KFOR, in the Serbian province of Kosovo. It is also a member
of NATO's Partnership for Peace program.
Foreign Relations Political Overview
63 Switzerland Review 2014

Regional Relations

Relations with the European Union (EU)

Switzerland is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but a proposal to
join in a free-trade area, the European Economic Area (EEA) between the EFTA and the European
Community (EC) was rejected by a majority of the Swiss cantons in a referendum in 1992. This
impeded the attempts of the Swiss government to pursue membership in the EC, now the European
Union (EU).

On May 21, 2000, the Swiss voted in a referendum to approve of seven agreements with the European
Union that had been ratified by the Swiss parliament in 1999 and endorsed by the major political par-
ties. A significant majority, 67 percent, voted in favor of the seven agreements that concerned free
movement of people, air and land transport, agriculture, research and development, public procure-
ment, and technical trade barriers. Together, the seven agreements significantly increased Switzer-
land's ties with the EU and were interpreted by some as a potential step toward full membership.

While the May 2000 referendum may have helped improve Switzerland's international image, the
March 2001 vote on commencing negotiations to join the European Union certainly did little for Swit-
zerland's reputation with EU member states. The Swiss public resoundingly defeated the initiative
called "Yes to Europe," with 76.7 percent voting "no." The Swiss government had voiced its displea-
sure with the initiative, believing (correctly, as it turned out) that the Swiss public was not ready to
begin negotiating to join the EU. In an effort to mend fences with EU member states, the Swiss gov-
ernment (the Federal Council) reiterated that it hopes to commence accession negotiations during the
next parliamentary term (2003 - 2007). The government asserted that it remains in favor of EU mem-
bership, but not until the Swiss public is ready - perhaps by 2010.

At the start of 2003, Swizerland's president at the time, Pascal Couchepin, noted that Switzerland's
inclusion in the European Union was inevitable. On Swiss Radio International, Couchepin reportedly
said, "In my opinion, we shall and must be a member of the EU. But the journey to Brussels would be
a long, slow process." He went on to say the process would involve many small steps because of the
fact that Swizerland is a direct democracy where decisions would have to be put to the public for a
As the European Union went through a process of expansion in 2004, and as it tries to deal with the
challenge of constitutional ratification from 2005 through 2006, Switzerland remained the only coun-
try in western Europe outside the Union.
In June 2005, Swiss voters went to the poll to express their views in referenda on issues of regional
importance. As regards the European Union referendum, Swiss voters ratified the Schengen and Dub-
lin agreements. The Schengen Agreement involves the abolition of internal borders among European
bloc countries. The Dublin Agreement facilitated cooperation in the examination of asylum applica-
tions. Ratification of these two agreements ensured a stronger relationship between Switzerland and
the European bloc.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Иностранных Дел
общих отношений

Швейцария является членом многих международных организаций, включая Международный банк
реконструкции и развития (Всемирный банк), Международного валютного фонда (МВФ), Всемирной
торговой организации (ВТО) и Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития
(ОЭСР). Швейцария также гостевой движения неприсоединения.

До недавнего времени, Швейцария статус наблюдателя в Организации Объединенных Наций и принадлежат многие ее spe-
органи- зациями и региональных учреждений и филиалов. До марта 2002 года, в рамках национальных референдумов, швейцарский,
неоднократно отвергало членского состава Организации Объединенных Наций, предпочитая вместо этого для сохранения их исторического балтийских
доверия и нейтралитета. В сентябре 2002 года,Швейцария стала полноправным членом Организации Объединенных Наций.
Несколько органов Организации Объединенных Наций и многочисленных межправительственных и неправительственных организаций
базируются в Швейцарии.

Швейцария также является членом Европейского банка реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР),
Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) и Совет Европы. В качестве по-
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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