THE WINCHESTER MYSTERY * One night Mrs Joyce Boweles was driving her c перевод - THE WINCHESTER MYSTERY * One night Mrs Joyce Boweles was driving her c русский как сказать


One night Mrs Joyce Boweles was driving her car from Winchester to Chilcomb with a
friend of the family, Mr Ted Pratt.
Suddenly they saw an orange light in the sky. The car started to shake and Mrs Bowels
couldn't control it. Some unknown power lifted it, then pushed to the left, then stopped
the engine and switched off the lights.
"It was then that we saw a cigar-shaped object about five yards long. There were three
figures inside," said Mrs Bowles. The three figures were the crew of the UFO. Mrs
Bowles said that she had never been so frightened before.

At first, the alien crew looked like ordinary people. They were wearing silver clothes.
Then an alien came out of the UFO. He was quite tall and seemed to be about forty-five
years old. He had long fair hair and a short beard. He put his arm on the roof of the car
and looked at the two frightened people inside. He had clear, white skin and pink eyes.
Mrs Bowles was afraid that the alien would kill them, but he only looked at the car's
instuments. Suddenly the lights switched on automatically and they shone (were
shining) four times brighter than normal. Mrs Bowles wanted to say "Thank you" but
before she opened her mouth the UFO and its crew had already disappeared into the night.

1.What happend to the car when they saw an orange light n the sky? many figures were there inside the object ?
3.What did the alien crew look like at first?
4.Whay was unusual in the alien?
5.Whowhat did he alien look at?
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
THE WINCHESTER MYSTERY * One night Mrs Joyce Boweles was driving her car from Winchester to Chilcomb with a friend of the family, Mr Ted Pratt. Suddenly they saw an orange light in the sky. The car started to shake and Mrs Bowels couldn't control it. Some unknown power lifted it, then pushed to the left, then stopped the engine and switched off the lights. "It was then that we saw a cigar-shaped object about five yards long. There were three figures inside," said Mrs Bowles. The three figures were the crew of the UFO. Mrs Bowles said that she had never been so frightened before. At first, the alien crew looked like ordinary people. They were wearing silver clothes. Then an alien came out of the UFO. He was quite tall and seemed to be about forty-five years old. He had long fair hair and a short beard. He put his arm on the roof of the car and looked at the two frightened people inside. He had clear, white skin and pink eyes. Mrs Bowles was afraid that the alien would kill them, but he only looked at the car's instuments. Suddenly the lights switched on automatically and they shone (were shining) four times brighter than normal. Mrs Bowles wanted to say "Thank you" but before she opened her mouth the UFO and its crew had already disappeared into the night. 1.What happend to the car when they saw an orange light n the sky? many figures were there inside the object ? 3.What did the alien crew look like at first? 4. Whay был необычным в чужой? 5. Whowhat сделал он чужой взгляд на?
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Винчестеров *
Однажды ночью миссис Джойс Boweles был за рулем своего автомобиля от Винчестер к Chilcomb с
другом семьи, г - н Тед Pratt.
Вдруг они увидели оранжевый свет в небе. Автомобиль начал трясти и миссис Недра
не могла контролировать. Какая - то неведомая сила подняла его, а затем сдвинут влево, а затем остановили
двигатель и выключил свет.
"Именно тогда мы увидели сигарообразный объект длиной около пяти ярдов. Были три
фигуры внутри" , сказала миссис Боулз. Три фигуры были экипаж НЛО. Миссис
Боулз говорит , что она никогда не была так напугана раньше.

Во - первых, иностранец экипаж выглядел как обычные люди. Они были одеты в серебряные одежды.
Тогда иностранец вышел из НЛО. Он был довольно высок и , казалось, около сорока пяти
лет. У него были длинные светлые волосы и короткая борода. Он положил руку на крышу машины
и посмотрел на двух испуганных людей , находящихся внутри. У него был ясный, белая кожа и розовые глаза.
Миссис Боулз боялась , что иностранец убил бы их, но он только посмотрел на автомобиля
Приборы. Внезапно свет включается автоматически , и они сияли (были
блестящими) в четыре раза ярче , чем обычно. Миссис Боулз хотела сказать "спасибо" , но
прежде , чем она открыла рот , НЛО и его экипаж уже исчез в ночи.

1.Что случилось в машине , когда они увидели оранжевый свет н небо? многие цифры были там внутри объекта?
3.What ли иностранец экипажа выглядеть на первый взгляд ?
4.Whay было необычно в чуждой?
5.Whowhat сделал он инопланетный смотреть?
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