What do you think of television?Let's talk about television. I've just перевод - What do you think of television?Let's talk about television. I've just румынский как сказать

What do you think of television?Let

What do you think of television?

Let's talk about television. I've just remembered a funny incident a couple of years ago. Some friends invited me for a drink. They lived in a big block of flats, and when I got there, I took the lift up to their flat. Somebody opened the door, but I couldn't see the person clearly because all the lights were off and the television was on. I was pushed into a chair, and somebody put a glass into my hand. I quite enjoy watching television, but this was a bad programme, and I hate watching bad programmes. Still, what could I do? I don't mind sitting and resting with a drink in my hand after a long day. The programme went on for about half an hour, and I remember thinking, "I'll never accept another invitation from people with a television." Then the programme came to an end, and somebody switched the lights on and I stood up. What a surprise! I didn't know the other people in the room, and they didn't know me! I had made a mistake. This was the 5th floor, and my friends lived on the 15th floor. Well, I explained my mistake and began apologizing, but they were very nice and friendly. "Stay and have another drink with us," they said. However, I hate not being punctual, so I apologized again and left.

I caught the lift up to the 15th floor and rang the bell at my friends' flat. Somebody opened the door, but all the lights in the flat were off and the television was on, so I quickly said, "I'm David Braine. Please apologize to Dr Perez for me, but I have to go to the station and haven't time for a drink." Then I took the lift back to the 5th floor and had a drink with my new friends. At least their television was off!
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Результаты (румынский) 1: [копия]
Ce părere aveţi de televiziune?Hai sa vorbim despre televiziune. Mi-am amintit doar un incident amuzant o pereche de ani în urmă. Unii prieteni ma invitat pentru o băutură. Au trăit într-un mare bloc de locuinte, si cand am ajuns acolo, am luat ascensorul până lor plat. Cineva a deschis uşa, dar am putut vedea în mod clar persoana deoarece toate luminile s-au oprit şi televiziune a fost pe. Am fost împins într-un scaun şi cineva pune un pahar în mână. Am bucura de destul de uitam la televizor, dar acest lucru a fost un program rău, şi urăsc vizionarea programelor rău. Totusi, ce ar putea sa fac? Nu ma deranjeaza şedinţa şi cu o băutură în mâna mea de odihnă după o zi lungă. Programul a continuat timp de aproximativ o jumătate de oră, şi îmi amintesc de gândire, "Mă voi accepta niciodată o altă invitaţie de la oameni cu o televiziune." Apoi programul a ajuns la capăt, şi cineva activat lumini şi m-am ridicat. Ce surpriză! Nu am stiut de alte persoane în cameră, şi ei nu ştiu eu! Am făcut o greşeală. Acest lucru a fost etajul 5, şi prietenii mei a locuit la etajul 15. Ei bine, am explicat greşeala mea şi a început să cer scuze, dar au fost foarte amabil si prietenos. "Staţi şi au o altă băutură cu noi" au spus. Cu toate acestea, urăsc că nu sunt punctuale, aşa că am cerut scuze din nou şi a plecat.Am prins lift pana la etajul 15 şi a sunat bell la prietenii mei plat. Cineva a deschis uşa, dar toate luminile din apartamentul s-au oprit şi televiziune a fost pe, aşa că am spus repede, "eu sunt David Braine. Vă rugăm să cer scuze Dr Perez pentru mine, dar eu trebuie să merg la gară şi nu au timp pentru o băutură." Apoi am luat ascensorul înapoi la etajul 5 si a avut o băutură cu prietenii mei noi. Cel puţin lor de televiziune a fost oprit!
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Результаты (румынский) 3:[копия]
คุณคิดอย่างไรกับโทรทัศน์ ?Let ' s พูดคุยเกี่ยวกับโทรทัศน์ ฉันแค่เป็นตลกที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อหลายปีก่อน เพื่อนบางคนชวนฉันไปดื่ม พวกเขาอาศัยอยู่ในบล็อกขนาดใหญ่ของแฟลต และเมื่อฉันไปถึง ฉันขึ้นลิฟท์ไปถึงแฟลตของพวกเขา ใครบางคนเปิดประตู แต่ไม่เจอคนที่ชัดเจน เพราะไฟทุกดวงปิดและโทรทัศน์อยู่ ผมถูกผลักลงในเก้าอี้และบางคนใส่แก้วในมือของฉัน ฉันชอบดูโทรทัศน์ แต่นี้เป็นโปรแกรมที่ไม่ดีและฉันเกลียดที่ดูแย่ในหน่วยงาน ยัง ฉันสามารถทำอะไร ? ผมไม่รังเกียจนั่งพักผ่อนกับเครื่องดื่มในมือของฉันหลังจากวันที่ยาวนาน โปรแกรมไปประมาณครึ่งชั่วโมง และผมจำได้ว่า " ฉันจะไม่มีวันยอมรับคำเชิญจากบุคคลอื่นในโทรทัศน์ " จากนั้นโปรแกรมก็จบ และคน และไฟบน และลุกขึ้นยืน เซอร์ไพรส์ ! ผมไม่รู้ว่าคนอื่นในห้อง และพวกเขาไม่รู้จักผม ฉันได้ทำผิดพลาด นี้คือชั้น 5 และเพื่อนของฉันอยู่ที่ชั้น 15 อืม อธิบายข้อผิดพลาดของฉันและเริ่มสนิทสนม แต่พวกเขาเป็นอย่างดีและเป็นกันเอง " อยู่ดื่มกับเรา " เขากล่าว แต่ฉันเกลียดไม่ตรงต่อเวลา เพื่อขอโทษอีกครั้ง และจากไปผมติดลิฟต์ถึงชั้นที่ 15 กดกริ่งที่เพื่อนของฉัน ' แบน ใครบางคนเปิดประตู แต่ไฟทั้งหมดปิดในแบนและโทรทัศน์เปิดอยู่ ผมก็เลยบอกว่า " I ' m เดวิดเบรน . กรุณาขอโทษดร. Perez สำหรับผม แต่ผมต้องไปที่สถานี และยังไม่ได้ เวลาดื่ม แล้วก็ขึ้นลิฟท์ไปชั้น 5 ดื่มกับเพื่อนของฉัน อย่างน้อยก็ปิดโทรทัศน์ของพวกเขา !
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