2) History of the Building Industry In early times there were few spec перевод - 2) History of the Building Industry In early times there were few spec русский как сказать

2) History of the Building Industry

2) History of the Building Industry
In early times there were few specialist builders. People constructed their homes from whatever material was available where they lived. The only large buildings were communal ones such as granaries and places of worship for their gods. In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, large buildings were financed by the rulers of the country and built by slaves who had been captured in battle. Stone was used if it was available and where it was not, brick-making industry developed. After the end of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD there was very little large-scale building done in Europe for about six hundred years. There were two kinds of buildings other than cottages and farm buildings: castles and churches. Building a cathedral was such a vast undertaking that someone was required to organize all the craftsmen needed for the work. This was usually a master stonemason. At the time of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries a new sort of building specialist emerged. He was usually a philos-opher or artist, rather than a craftsman, who would get together a team of building workers and make arrangements to pay them. This was the beginning of the profession of architecture. The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century brought to an end the craft traditions in building. Many new functional buildings were put up in the big towns that were developing —buildings that were not planned to be beautiful but were there to house machinery and the workers who operated it. They had to be built quickly and cheaply. The building materials were brought across the country on the new canals and railways that were quickly constructed to get the raw materials for industry and the finished products to the places where they were needed. When the railways were built, tunnels were dug, and bridges, aqueducts, and roads were built.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
2) История строительной индустрии In early times there were few specialist builders. People constructed their homes from whatever material was available where they lived. The only large buildings were communal ones such as granaries and places of worship for their gods. In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, large buildings were financed by the rulers of the country and built by slaves who had been captured in battle. Stone was used if it was available and where it was not, brick-making industry developed. After the end of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD there was very little large-scale building done in Europe for about six hundred years. There were two kinds of buildings other than cottages and farm buildings: castles and churches. Building a cathedral was such a vast undertaking that someone was required to organize all the craftsmen needed for the work. This was usually a master stonemason. At the time of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries a new sort of building specialist emerged. He was usually a philos-opher or artist, rather than a craftsman, who would get together a team of building workers and make arrangements to pay them. This was the beginning of the profession of architecture. The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century brought to an end the craft traditions in building. Many new functional buildings were put up in the big towns that were developing —buildings that were not planned to be beautiful but were there to house machinery and the workers who operated it. They had to be built quickly and cheaply. The building materials were brought across the country on the new canals and railways that were quickly constructed to get the raw materials for industry and the finished products to the places where they were needed. When the railways were built, tunnels were dug, and bridges, aqueducts, and roads were built.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
2) История строительной индустрии
В прежние времена было мало строители специалиста. Люди строили свои дома из любого материала доступны там, где они жили. Только большие здания были коммунальные компании, такие как зернохранилища и места поклонения своим богам. В Древнем Египте, Греции и Риме, большие здания были финансироваться за счет правителей страны и построен рабов, которые были захвачены в бою. Камень используется, если это было доступно и где его не было, кирпичных промышленность развивалась. После окончания Римской империи в 4 веке нашей эры было очень маленькое здание масштабная сделано в Европе в течение примерно шести сотен лет. Были два вида кроме коттеджей и хозяйственных построек зданий: замков и церквей. Строительство собора было такое огромное предприятие, которое кто-то должен был организовать все ремесленники, необходимые для работы. Это, как правило, мастер каменщик. В эпоху Возрождения в 15-м и 16-м веках новый вид специалиста строительной появились. Он был, как правило, философских, Офер или художник, а не ремесленник, который хотел бы получить вместе команда строительных рабочих, и принимать меры для их оплаты. Это было начало архитектурной профессии. Промышленная революция в 19 веке доведено до конца по традиции ремесла в строительстве. Многие новые функциональные здания были выставлены в больших городах, которые являются развивающимися -buildings, что не были запланированы, чтобы быть красивой, но были там для размещения техники и рабочих, которые действовали его. Они должны были быть построены быстро и дешево. Строительные материалы были привезены по всей стране на новых каналов и железных дорог, которые были быстро построены, чтобы получить сырье для промышленности и готовой продукции в места, где они необходимы. Когда железные дороги были построены туннели были вырыты, и мосты, акведуки, и дороги были построены.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
2) История создания потенциала промышленности
в начале раз существует несколько специальных строителей. Людей из их домов из любого материала, где они проживают. Только в крупных зданий, коммунальных например зернохранилищ и культовых мест для их богов. В древнем Египте, Греции и Рима,Больших зданий, финансировалась за счет правители страны и рабов, были захвачены в битве. Камень используется, если оно не было и где он не был, кирпичных и развитых. После окончания Римской империи в 4-м веке нашей эры было очень мало крупных здание сделано в Европе примерно шесть сотен лет.
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