The word

The word "science" comes from the L

The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia", which means "knowledge". Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these facts.
***** *Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe and examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems.
Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unify facts. Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or has happened. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.
Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural, social, and technical sciences. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected.
Science has great influence on our lives. It provides the basis of modern technology – the tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and the inventions of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves and our place in the universe.
Technology means the use of people’s inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs. Since people have appeared on the earth, they have had to get food, clothes, and shelter. Through the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.
Nowadays, when people speak of technology, they generally mean industrial technology. Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, and the mass production of goods. It influenced different aspects of people’s lives. The development of the car influenced where people lived and worked. Radio and television changed their leisure time. The telephone revolutionized communication.
Science has contributed much to modern technology. Science attempts to explain how and why things happen. Technology makes things happen. But not all technology is based on science. For example, people had made different objects from iron for centuries before they learnt the structure of the metal. But some modern technologies, such as nuclear power production and space travel, depend heavily on science.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia", which means "knowledge". Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these facts. ***** *Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe and examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems.Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unify facts. Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or has happened. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural, social, and technical sciences. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected.Science has great influence on our lives. It provides the basis of modern technology – the tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and the inventions of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves and our place in the universe.Technology means the use of people’s inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs. Since people have appeared on the earth, they have had to get food, clothes, and shelter. Through the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.Nowadays, when people speak of technology, they generally mean industrial technology. Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, and the mass production of goods. It influenced different aspects of people’s lives. The development of the car influenced where people lived and worked. Radio and television changed their leisure time. The telephone revolutionized communication.Science has contributed much to modern technology. Science attempts to explain how and why things happen. Technology makes things happen. But not all technology is based on science. For example, people had made different objects from iron for centuries before they learnt the structure of the metal. But some modern technologies, such as nuclear power production and space travel, depend heavily on science.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Слово "наука" происходит от латинского слова "Scientia", что означает "знание". Наука охватывает широкое поле знаний , который имеет дело с фактами и взаимосвязи между этими фактами.
***** * Ученые изучают широкий спектр предметов. Некоторые ученые ищут подсказки о происхождении Вселенной и изучить структуру клеток живых растений и животных. Другие исследователи выяснить , почему мы действуем так , как мы делаем, или пытаться решать сложные математические задачи.
Ученые используют систематические методы исследования для наблюдений и сбора фактов. Они разрабатывают теории , которые помогают им упорядочить и унифицировать факты. Научные теории состоят из общих принципов или законов , которые пытаются объяснить , как и почему что - то происходит или произошло. Теория считается , чтобы стать частью научного знания , если оно было проверено экспериментально и подтвердилось.
Научное исследование можно разделить на три основные группы: естественные, социальные и технических наук. Научные знания выросли и стали более сложными, появилось много новых областей науки. В то же время, границы между научными полями стали меньше и менее ясна. Многочисленные области науки накладываются друг на друга , и часто трудно сказать , где заканчивается наука и начинается другая. Все науки тесно связаны между собой.
Наука имеет большое влияние на нашу жизнь. Она обеспечивает основу современной технологии - инструменты и машины , которые делают нашу жизнь и работу проще. Открытия и изобретений ученых также помогают формировать наше представление о нас самих и о нашем месте во Вселенной.
Технология подразумевает использование изобретений и открытий людей , чтобы удовлетворить их потребности. Так как люди появились на земле, они должны были получить пищу, одежду и кров. На протяжении веков люди изобрели инструменты, машины и материалы , чтобы сделать работу легче. В
наше время, когда люди говорят о технологии, они обычно означают промышленные технологии. Промышленная технология началась около 200 лет назад с развитием парового двигателя, рост заводов и массового производства товаров. Это влияние различные аспекты жизни людей. Развитие автомобиля повлияли где люди жили и работали. Радио и телевидение изменили свое свободное время. Телефон произвел революцию связи.
Наука внесла большой вклад в современные технологии. Наука пытается объяснить , как и почему вещи случаются. Технология делает вещи случаются. Но не все технологии основаны на науке. Например, люди сделали различные предметы из железа на протяжении многих веков , прежде чем они узнали структуру металла. Но некоторые современные технологии, такие как производство атомной энергетики и космических путешествий, в значительной степени зависит от науки.
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