HAVE A HEART BOSSES Managers need to hone their emotional skills as we перевод - HAVE A HEART BOSSES Managers need to hone their emotional skills as we русский как сказать

HAVE A HEART BOSSES Managers need t

Managers need to hone their emotional skills as well as their professional know-how if they want to survive at the highest level, writes Margaret Coles
EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE must be developed by all those who rise to senior levels, to enable them to take difficult decisions and feel comfortable in any situation
This is the view of Harriet Karsh, a psychologist and personal development consultant.
Karsh, who spoke at the recent Women in Management conference, says of her Heart of Leadership programme: I help people to deal with difficult situations where they have to do things that go against their own code of values.
I help people to understand their values, how they want the world to be and how they want to be in that world, and compare that with their business approach, to find an integrity between what they believe in and what they do. Leaders who lack integration between a thought and deed lose the confidence of colleagues and subordinates.
If you understand what is happening inside you, physically mentally, emotionally and spiritually, you are facing a dilemma that needs some resolution.
Those who ignore it find it comes out in different ways illness or breakdown. I help them to check their choices against their values and see the consequences for the business and them- selves. You might find a better way of doing what you must do, or you must find the courage to go against it
"We support people when they work through choices. We help them to take responsibility for decisions they make and for the outcomes of their actions.
People in leadership roles begin to understand better what they need to do to live up to their highest aspirations.
Susan Young, managing director of a big company, first worked with Karsh two-and-a-half years ago. "I'd just been recruited and wanted to strengthen my team of directors. Harriet helped us to understand what strengths each of us contributed and think about areas where there might be conflict. It encouraged us to rely on another. She also helped me to recruit a very strong management team.
"We're also changing the culture of job so that people solve problems on their own and constantly seek to improve the way they do things, rather than just follow a set of procedures.
Harriet has enabled us to build strong relationships required when you are making major changes because there are lots of fears and difficulties associated with them. If you feel you have a strong team you can rely on, it gives you the courage to face things that are at the limits of your skills.
"We recognize the value of the individual, but also understand that we are a team with complementary skills," says Young.
Phil Besley, a management consultant, did the Heart of Lead- course two-and-a-half years now works with or ganizations on team and personal development.
"The workshop helped me to understand how open I am others' views and how ready I am to confront some of my own fears," says Besley.
I learnt the value of how we relate to ourselves and others, rather than tasks and achievements. If I know what my strengths are, how I feel and what's important to me, I can begin to form some values about life, and that lets me relate more effectively to others.
I learnt to understand what is right for me.
Many people in my work have no understanding of them- selves, so they are frightened and fragile, they have sense of real purpose or value in what they do. They tend to do the least uncomfortable thing rather than the most honest thing."
It requires a deep understanding within leaders to admit that they're as confused and sometimes as frightened and lost as everyone else," says Besley.
In the personal development work I do for organizations, I ask people to say what they think and feel, so that they begin to create for themselves a climate where they can give each other support and feed-back. I try to develop a real connection between people, from the boss to the most junior person, so all can feel that they have a right to be heard.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
HAVE A HEART BOSSES Managers need to hone their emotional skills as well as their professional know-how if they want to survive at the highest level, writes Margaret Coles EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE must be developed by all those who rise to senior levels, to enable them to take difficult decisions and feel comfortable in any situationThis is the view of Harriet Karsh, a psychologist and personal development consultant. Karsh, who spoke at the recent Women in Management conference, says of her Heart of Leadership programme: I help people to deal with difficult situations where they have to do things that go against their own code of values. I help people to understand their values, how they want the world to be and how they want to be in that world, and compare that with their business approach, to find an integrity between what they believe in and what they do. Leaders who lack integration between a thought and deed lose the confidence of colleagues and subordinates. If you understand what is happening inside you, physically mentally, emotionally and spiritually, you are facing a dilemma that needs some resolution. Those who ignore it find it comes out in different ways illness or breakdown. I help them to check their choices against their values and see the consequences for the business and them- selves. You might find a better way of doing what you must do, or you must find the courage to go against it "We support people when they work through choices. We help them to take responsibility for decisions they make and for the outcomes of their actions. People in leadership roles begin to understand better what they need to do to live up to their highest aspirations. Susan Young, managing director of a big company, first worked with Karsh two-and-a-half years ago. "I'd just been recruited and wanted to strengthen my team of directors. Harriet helped us to understand what strengths each of us contributed and think about areas where there might be conflict. It encouraged us to rely on another. She also helped me to recruit a very strong management team. "We're also changing the culture of job so that people solve problems on their own and constantly seek to improve the way they do things, rather than just follow a set of procedures.Harriet has enabled us to build strong relationships required when you are making major changes because there are lots of fears and difficulties associated with them. If you feel you have a strong team you can rely on, it gives you the courage to face things that are at the limits of your skills. "We recognize the value of the individual, but also understand that we are a team with complementary skills," says Young. Phil Besley, a management consultant, did the Heart of Lead- course two-and-a-half years now works with or ganizations on team and personal development. "The workshop helped me to understand how open I am others' views and how ready I am to confront some of my own fears," says Besley. I learnt the value of how we relate to ourselves and others, rather than tasks and achievements. If I know what my strengths are, how I feel and what's important to me, I can begin to form some values about life, and that lets me relate more effectively to others. I learnt to understand what is right for me. Many people in my work have no understanding of them- selves, so they are frightened and fragile, they have sense of real purpose or value in what they do. They tend to do the least uncomfortable thing rather than the most honest thing." It requires a deep understanding within leaders to admit that they're as confused and sometimes as frightened and lost as everyone else," says Besley. In the personal development work I do for organizations, I ask people to say what they think and feel, so that they begin to create for themselves a climate where they can give each other support and feed-back. I try to develop a real connection between people, from the boss to the most junior person, so all can feel that they have a right to be heard.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
есть сердце боссыруководителям нужно отточить их эмоциональных навыков, а также свои профессиональные навыки и знания, если они хотят выжить на самом высоком уровне, пишет маргарита коулсэмоциональная устойчивость, должны быть разработаны все те, кто вышел на старших уровнях, с тем чтобы они могли принимать трудные решения, и чувствовать себя комфортно в любой ситуацииэто, по мнению харриет карш, психолог и консультант по вопросам развития личности.карш, который говорил на недавней конференции женщин в управлении, говорит, что ее сердце руководство программой: я помочь людям разобраться в сложных ситуациях, где они должны сделать все, чтобы пойти против собственной кодекс ценностей.я помогаю людям понять их ценности, как они хотят, чтобы мир и как они хотят быть в этом мире, и сравните это с их подходом к делу, найти целостности, между тем, что они верят в то, что они делают.отсутствие интеграции между лидерами, которые мысли и поступки потерять доверие коллег и подчиненных.если ты понимаешь, что происходит внутри тебя, физически, умственно, эмоционально и духовно, вы перед дилеммой, что нужна резолюция.те, кто игнорирует это найти это происходит по - разному, болезни или поломки.я помогаю им проверить их выбор в отношении их ценности и увидеть последствия для бизнеса и их - "я".вы можете найти лучший способ делать то, что вы должны сделать, или вы должны найти в себе мужество идти против него"мы поддерживаем людей, когда они работают через выбор.мы помогаем им взять на себя ответственность за решения, принимаемые ими и за результаты своих действий.люди в роли руководства начать лучше понять, что они должны сделать, чтобы оправдать свои высокие устремления.сьюзан молодых, управляющий директор крупной компании, сначала работал с карш двух с половиной лет назад ".я просто были завербованы и хотел усилить свою команду директоров.хэрриет, помогла нам понять, что сильные стороны каждого из нас внесли и думать о районах, где могут быть конфликты.он призвал нас полагаться на другой.она также помогла мне набрать очень сильный менеджмент."мы также изменение культуры работы, чтобы люди решают проблемы самостоятельно и постоянно стремиться к совершенствованию, как они делают, а не просто следовать ряд процедур.хэрриет позволил нам создать прочные отношения, когда ты требует внесения значительных изменений, потому что там много страхов и трудностей, связанных с ними.если вы чувствуете, что есть сильная команда, вы можете рассчитывать на это дает тебе смелости вещи, которые находятся в пределах вашей квалификации."мы признаем ценность личности, но и понять, что мы команда с дополнительными навыками", - говорит молодой.фил безли, консультант по вопросам управления, а сердце свинец - конечно, два с половиной лет работает с или работ ников по команде и развития личности."семинар помог мне понять, как открыть мне чужие взгляды, и как готов я с некоторыми из моих собственных страхов", - говорит безли.я выучил ценность как мы будем относиться к себе и другим, а не задач и достижения.если я знаю, что мои сильные стороны, как я чувствую, и это важно для меня, я могу начать формировать некоторые ценности, о жизни, и это позволяет мне относятся более эффективно для других.я научился понимать, что хорошо для меня.многие люди в моей работе нет понимания их - личности, поэтому они боятся и хрупкой, у них чувства реальной цели или ценность в том, что они делают.они, как правило, не менее неприятные вещи, а не самая честная вещь ".это требует глубокого понимания в лидеры признают, что они в замешательстве и иногда как испугалась и потерял, как и все остальные, - говорит безли.в работе, которую я делаю для личного развития, организаций, я прошу людей, чтобы сказать, что они думают и чувствуют, что они начнут создавать для себя обстановке, в которой они могут оказывать друг другу поддержку и обратной связи.я пытаюсь создать реальной связи между людьми, от босса до самых младших человек, так что все может почувствовать, что они имеют право быть заслушанным.
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