If you happen to be on a visit to England, it will be of great use for перевод - If you happen to be on a visit to England, it will be of great use for русский как сказать

If you happen to be on a visit to E

If you happen to be on a visit to England, it will be of great use for you to know a few facts about the capital of the country whose language you are studying.
London today stretches for nearly 30 miles from north to south and for nearly 30 miles from east to west. This is the area known as “Greater London” with a population of nine million.
If you fly low over London in a helicopter, for example, you will see below you the winding line of the river Thames flowing from west to east and dividing London into two parts known as the north bank and the south bank.
Those who come to learn London’s history will find much to interest them in the City, the heart of the business and financial life of the country. Here most of the streets are narrow and run down to the Thames. The traffic is slow. It is a very small part of London, only one square mile in area but it is one of the busiest parts of the capital. High office buildings stand on either side of the narrow streets, all business firms are concentrated here.
The most striking building in the City today is St. Paul’s Cathedral designed by Wren, a famous English architect of the 17th century. People say that the Cathedral is the finest Renaissance church in Europe.
About two miles westward is another part of London that now is called the West End. Here you will see Westminster Abbey, at which all British kings and queens are crowned. It dates back to 1049. Many famous people are buried in the Abbey, among them Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling.
Across the road from Westminster Abbey are the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben, a huge clock built just over a century ago. In this part of London and further west are the finest theatres, cinemas and concert halls, large museums, hotels, restaurants, the most famous shops and numerous parks. That is the part where the rich live.
To the east of the City is the Port of London. Here, today, are miles and miles of docks and the great industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the East End of London, unattractive in appearance, but very important to the country's commerce. The streets, here, are narrow and dirty, the houses are overcrowded. That is the world of poverty, un¬employment and disease.
It is certain that a foreigner must be surprised by the sight of Lon¬don. It will seem noisy, overcrowded and filled with undisci¬plined-looking buildings.1
On the other hand, London is very attractive for tourists. It is very old and full of historical places. Englishmen themselves are a mixture of past and present, of the old-fashioned and the very modern.
Visitors are usually greatly surprised by the number of bridges across the river. The capital has 14 bridges, the famous London Bridge being the biggest among them.
The streets of London are always of great interest to tourists. In some parts of London they are very much alike, as the houses are the same in style and colour. The houses are not big, they are mostly two-storeyed buildings with many front doors and many little gardens.
There is a lot of traffic in the streets of the town: endless lines of buses, many of which are double-deckers², motor cars and taxis. The traffic regulations in London differ from ours: they drive on the left side of the road instead of the right. And when you try to cross the road, you feel that you need eyes all round your head
The quickest way to get about modern London is the Underground. It seems that everyone in the London Underground is always in a hurry. Men are running fast, carrying their bags, umbrellas and newspapers. They are busy Londoners; they are "saving time".
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
If you happen to be on a visit to England, it will be of great use for you to know a few facts about the capital of the country whose language you are studying. London today stretches for nearly 30 miles from north to south and for nearly 30 miles from east to west. This is the area known as “Greater London” with a population of nine million. If you fly low over London in a helicopter, for example, you will see below you the winding line of the river Thames flowing from west to east and dividing London into two parts known as the north bank and the south bank. Those who come to learn London’s history will find much to interest them in the City, the heart of the business and financial life of the country. Here most of the streets are narrow and run down to the Thames. The traffic is slow. It is a very small part of London, only one square mile in area but it is one of the busiest parts of the capital. High office buildings stand on either side of the narrow streets, all business firms are concentrated here. The most striking building in the City today is St. Paul’s Cathedral designed by Wren, a famous English architect of the 17th century. People say that the Cathedral is the finest Renaissance church in Europe. About two miles westward is another part of London that now is called the West End. Here you will see Westminster Abbey, at which all British kings and queens are crowned. It dates back to 1049. Many famous people are buried in the Abbey, among them Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling. Across the road from Westminster Abbey are the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben, a huge clock built just over a century ago. In this part of London and further west are the finest theatres, cinemas and concert halls, large museums, hotels, restaurants, the most famous shops and numerous parks. That is the part where the rich live. To the east of the City is the Port of London. Here, today, are miles and miles of docks and the great industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the East End of London, unattractive in appearance, but very important to the country's commerce. The streets, here, are narrow and dirty, the houses are overcrowded. That is the world of poverty, un¬employment and disease.It is certain that a foreigner must be surprised by the sight of Lon¬don. It will seem noisy, overcrowded and filled with undisci¬plined-looking buildings.1On the other hand, London is very attractive for tourists. It is very old and full of historical places. Englishmen themselves are a mixture of past and present, of the old-fashioned and the very modern.Visitors are usually greatly surprised by the number of bridges across the river. The capital has 14 bridges, the famous London Bridge being the biggest among them. The streets of London are always of great interest to tourists. In some parts of London they are very much alike, as the houses are the same in style and colour. The houses are not big, they are mostly two-storeyed buildings with many front doors and many little gardens. There is a lot of traffic in the streets of the town: endless lines of buses, many of which are double-deckers², motor cars and taxis. The traffic regulations in London differ from ours: they drive on the left side of the road instead of the right. And when you try to cross the road, you feel that you need eyes all round your headThe quickest way to get about modern London is the Underground. It seems that everyone in the London Underground is always in a hurry. Men are running fast, carrying their bags, umbrellas and newspapers. They are busy Londoners; they are "saving time".
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
если вы окажетесь на поездку в англию, он станет большим подспорьем для вас знать несколько фактов о столице страны, чей язык ты учишься.сегодня в лондон простирается почти 30 километров с севера на юг и почти 30 километров с востока на запад.это район, известный как "большой лондон" с населением в 9 млн. долл. сша.если вы летите с низким над лондоном в вертолете, например, вы увидите ниже вы извилистой линии реки темзы с запада на восток, и разделить лондон на две части, известный как северо - банка и банка юга.тех, кто приехал учиться в лондоне истории найдут много интересов их в городе, в центре деловой и финансовой жизни страны.здесь большинство улиц узкой и беги в темзе.движение затруднено.это очень малая часть лондона, лишь один квадратный километр в сфере, но это один из самых загруженных районах столицы.высокие здания стоят по обе стороны узкие улочки, все фирмы сосредоточены здесь.самое поразительное в здание в городе сегодня - собор святого павла, разработанные рен, известным английским архитектором XVII века.люди говорят, что собор является лучшим возрождение церкви в европе.примерно в двух милях на запад, является еще одной части лондона, который теперь называется вест - энда.здесь вы увидите вестминстерское аббатство, на которой все британские короли и королевы не увенчалась.она восходит к 1049.многие известные люди погребены в аббатство, среди них ньютон, дарвин, диккенса и киплинг.через дорогу от вестминстерское аббатство находятся здания парламента с его знаменитый биг - бен, огромные часы построено чуть более века назад.в этой части лондона и далее на запад - это лучшие театры, кинотеатры и концертные залы, крупные музеи, гостиницы, рестораны, самых известных магазинов и многочисленные парки.это та часть, где живут богатые.к востоку от города - порта в лондоне.здесь, сегодня, мили, и мили, причалов и великой промышленных зон, которые зависят от судоходства.это лондонский ист - энд, непривлекательны на вид, но очень важно для торговли страны.улицы здесь, узкие и грязные, дома переполнены.это мир, нищеты, оон ¬ занятости и болезни.очевидно, что иностранец должен быть удивлены, увидев лон ¬ меня.это может показаться шумно, переполнены и наполнены undisci ¬ plined смотреть зданий.с другой стороны, лондон является весьма привлекательной для туристов.это очень старая и полном исторических мест.англичане сами смесь из прошлого и настоящего, старый и очень современный.посетители обычно весьма удивлены количеством мостов через реку.столица 14 мостов, знаменитый лондонский мост является крупнейшей среди них.на улицах лондона - это всегда большой интерес для туристов.в некоторых районах лондона, они очень похожи, как дома, так же в стиле и цвете.дома не большие, они в основном два двухэтажных зданий с многие двери и много маленьких садов.есть много движения на улицах города: бесконечные очереди автобусов, многие из которых являются двухэтажных м², автомобили и такси.правила дорожного движения в лондоне отличается от нашей: они едут по левой стороне дороги, а не права.и когда ты пытался перейти дорогу, ты чувствуешь, что тебе нужны глаза все вокруг головысамый быстрый способ получить около современного лондона - это метро.кажется, что все в лондонском метро всегда спешит.мужчины работают быстро, выполняют свои сумки, зонты и газет.они заняты лондонцы; они являются "летнее время".
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