My name is Peter Sedov. I am forty-six years old. I am chief engineer  перевод - My name is Peter Sedov. I am forty-six years old. I am chief engineer  русский как сказать

My name is Peter Sedov. I am forty-

My name is Peter Sedov. I am forty-six years old. I am chief engineer in a factory. I have a wife and three sons. My wife Mary is forty-two. Mary and I work in the same factory. She is a secretary in the office.
Our eldest son Boris is twenty-two. He is a programmer. George, our second son, is nineteen. He is a first-year student at Moscow University.
Our younger son Nick is twelve. He goes to school. He is in the fifth form.
We live in Moscow. We have a four-room flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the second floor. Our house is in Ostozhenka street.
Mary and I usually get up early, at half past six. I shave and have a shower. Then I wake up Boris and Nick.
At half past seven we have breakfast. We usually have bacon and eggs, toast and tea or coffee for breakfast.
At ten minutes past eight we leave home for work or school. Our house is near Gorky Park Underground Station, and it takes us five minutes to get there.
My five and I get to the factory at a quarter to nine.
I usually have a lot of things to do2 in the office. I dictate letters, look through papers and translations and recieve visitors.
Mary and I always have lunch in the factory canteen. We usually have roastbeef or steak and coffee for lunch.
Nick comes home from school at half past one or at two o'clock. He has lunch and then goes for a walk in Gorky Park.At four o'clock he comes back and does his homework. He writes exercises, translates English texts into Russian and learns rules. It takes him two hours and a half to do his homework. Nick likes reading bookes. He often borrows books from the school library3.
Mary and I come home at a quarter past six. At seven o'clock we have dinner. After dinner I usually look through the newspapers or watch television.
George othen stays at university till nine o'clock. He reads books in the college library. George is a member of some university societies. At ten o'clock we listen to the latest news on the radio and at half past eleven we go to bed.
Tonight we have a guest. Michael, my younger brother, is coming to see us. Michael is a diplomat. He works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Michael knows three foreign languages: English, Spanish and German.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
My name is Peter Sedov. I am forty-six years old. I am chief engineer in a factory. I have a wife and three sons. My wife Mary is forty-two. Mary and I work in the same factory. She is a secretary in the office. Our eldest son Boris is twenty-two. He is a programmer. George, our second son, is nineteen. He is a first-year student at Moscow University. Our younger son Nick is twelve. He goes to school. He is in the fifth form. We live in Moscow. We have a four-room flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the second floor. Our house is in Ostozhenka street. Mary and I usually get up early, at half past six. I shave and have a shower. Then I wake up Boris and Nick. At half past seven we have breakfast. We usually have bacon and eggs, toast and tea or coffee for breakfast. At ten minutes past eight we leave home for work or school. Our house is near Gorky Park Underground Station, and it takes us five minutes to get there. My five and I get to the factory at a quarter to nine. I usually have a lot of things to do2 in the office. I dictate letters, look through papers and translations and recieve visitors. Mary and I always have lunch in the factory canteen. We usually have roastbeef or steak and coffee for lunch. Nick comes home from school at half past one or at two o'clock. He has lunch and then goes for a walk in Gorky Park.At four o'clock he comes back and does his homework. He writes exercises, translates English texts into Russian and learns rules. It takes him two hours and a half to do his homework. Nick likes reading bookes. He often borrows books from the school library3. Mary and I come home at a quarter past six. At seven o'clock we have dinner. After dinner I usually look through the newspapers or watch television. George othen stays at university till nine o'clock. He reads books in the college library. George is a member of some university societies. At ten o'clock we listen to the latest news on the radio and at half past eleven we go to bed. Tonight we have a guest. Michael, my younger brother, is coming to see us. Michael is a diplomat. He works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Michael knows three foreign languages: English, Spanish and German.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
меня зовут петр седов.мне 46 лет.я - главным инженером на заводе.у меня есть жена и трое сыновей.моя жена мэри - 42.мэри и я работаю в том же заводе.она является секретарем в офисе.наш старший сын борис - 22.он программист.джордж, наш второй сын, 19.он не первый год учился в московском университете.наш младший сын, ник - двенадцать.он ходит в школу.он в пятом варианте.мы живем в москве.у нас есть четыре комнаты, квартиры в новом доме.наша квартира находится на втором этаже.наш дом на остоженке - стрит.мэри, и обычно я встаю рано, в половине седьмого.я бреюсь и душ.затем я просыпаюсь, борис и ник.в половине семь мы завтракаем.мы обычно есть яйца и бекон, тосты, чай или кофе на завтрак.на десять минут последние восемь мы пойти в работе или в школе.наш дом находится недалеко от станции метро "парк горького, и нам нужно 5 минут, чтобы добраться туда.мои пять и я фабрики на четверть до девяти.я, как правило, есть много вещей, чтобы do2 в офисе.я диктовать письма, просматривать документы и переводы и получайте посетителей.мэри и я всегда пообедать в столовой предприятия.обычно у нас roastbeef или стейк и кофе на обед.ник приходит из школы домой в половине один или два часа.он был обед, а потом выходит на прогулку в парке горького. в четыре часа он вернулся и делает свою домашнюю работу.он пишет учений, переводит тексты на английском языке в россии и знает правила.он принимает его два часа полтора, чтобы делать свою домашнюю работу.ник любит читать bookes.он часто занимает книги из школы library3.мэри и я прихожу домой в четверть седьмого.в семь утра мы поужинаем.после ужина я обычно смотрят через газеты или смотреть телевизор.джордж othen останется в университете до девяти часов.он читает книги в колледже.джордж является членом некоторых вузов обществ.в десять часов вечера мы слушали последние новости по радио и в полдвенадцатого мы ложимся спать.сегодня у нас гость.майкл, мой младший брат, идет к нам.майкл - дипломат.он работает в министерстве иностранных дел.майкл знает три иностранные языки: английский, французский и немецкий.
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