What is inside a PC system? Processing The nerve centre of a PC is the перевод - What is inside a PC system? Processing The nerve centre of a PC is the украинский как сказать

What is inside a PC system? Process

What is inside a PC system?
The nerve centre of a PC is the processor, also called the CPU, or central processing unit. This is built into a single chip which executes program instructions and coordinates the activities that take place within the computer system.The chip itself is a small piece of silicon with a complex electrical circuit 5 called an integrated circuit
The processor consists of three main parts:
The control unit examines the instructions in the user's program, interprets each instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components – monitor, disk drives, etc. – to execute the functions specified.
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations (+, -, etc.) and logical operations (AND, OR, NOT).
The registers are. high-speed units of memory used to store and control data. One of the registers (the program counter, or PC) keeps track of the next instruction to be performed in the main memory. The other (the instruction register, or IR) holds the instruction that is being executed.
The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its processor. A system clock sends out signals at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize the flow of data. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). For example, a CPU running at 4GHz (four thousand million hertz, or cycles, per 20 second) will enable your PC to handle the most demanding applications.
The programs and data which pass through the processor must be loaded into the main memory in order to be processed. Therefore, when the user runs a program, the CPU looks for it on the hard disk and transfers a copy into the RAM chips. RAM (random access memory) is volatile – that is, its information is lost when 25 the computer is turned off. However, ROM (read only memory) is non-volatile, containing instructions and routines for the basic operations of the CPU. The BIOS (basic input/output system) uses ROM to control communication with peripherals.
RAM capacity can be expanded by adding extra chips, usually contained in 30 small circuit boards called dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs).

Buses and cards
The main circuit board inside your system is called the motherboard and contains the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots, and controllers for peripherals, connected by buses – electrical channels which allow devices inside the computer to communicate with each other. For example, the front 35 side bus carries all data that passes from the CPU to other devices.
The size of a bus, called bus width, determines how much data can be transmitted. It can be compared to the number of lanes on a motorway – the larger the width, the more data can travel along the bus. For example, a 64-bit bus can transmit 64 bits of data.
Expansion slots allow users to install expansion cards, adding features like sound, memory and network capabilities.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
What is inside a PC system? Processing The nerve centre of a PC is the processor, also called the CPU, or central processing unit. This is built into a single chip which executes program instructions and coordinates the activities that take place within the computer system.The chip itself is a small piece of silicon with a complex electrical circuit 5 called an integrated circuit The processor consists of three main parts: The control unit examines the instructions in the user's program, interprets each instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components – monitor, disk drives, etc. – to execute the functions specified. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations (+, -, etc.) and logical operations (AND, OR, NOT). The registers are. high-speed units of memory used to store and control data. One of the registers (the program counter, or PC) keeps track of the next instruction to be performed in the main memory. The other (the instruction register, or IR) holds the instruction that is being executed. The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its processor. A system clock sends out signals at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize the flow of data. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). For example, a CPU running at 4GHz (four thousand million hertz, or cycles, per 20 second) will enable your PC to handle the most demanding applications. RAM and ROM The programs and data which pass through the processor must be loaded into the main memory in order to be processed. Therefore, when the user runs a program, the CPU looks for it on the hard disk and transfers a copy into the RAM chips. RAM (random access memory) is volatile – that is, its information is lost when 25 the computer is turned off. However, ROM (read only memory) is non-volatile, containing instructions and routines for the basic operations of the CPU. The BIOS (basic input/output system) uses ROM to control communication with peripherals. RAM capacity can be expanded by adding extra chips, usually contained in 30 small circuit boards called dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs). Buses and cards The main circuit board inside your system is called the motherboard and contains the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots, and controllers for peripherals, connected by buses – electrical channels which allow devices inside the computer to communicate with each other. For example, the front 35 side bus carries all data that passes from the CPU to other devices. The size of a bus, called bus width, determines how much data can be transmitted. It can be compared to the number of lanes on a motorway – the larger the width, the more data can travel along the bus. For example, a 64-bit bus can transmit 64 bits of data. Expansion slots allow users to install expansion cards, adding features like sound, memory and network capabilities.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
ВтВтНа 20% процесор%20складається%20з 20%3%20основні%20частин:%20%5 EThe%20керування%20блок%20аналізує%20в%20інструкції%20в 20-20-20, 20 користувача%27s%20програми, 20% інтерпретує%20кожного%20інструкцію%20а%20викликає%20в%20ланцюгів%20а%20в%20відпочинку%20з 20% до 20% комплектуючих%20%E2%80%93%20монітора,%20диск%20приводи, 20% тощо.%20%E2%80%93%20до 20% виконати%20в%20функції%20уточнюється.%20%5 EThe%20арифметика%20логіка%20блок%20(ALU)%20виконує%20математичних%20розрахунки%20(На 20% виборців%20.%20 швидкісних%20 одиниць%20з 20% пам'яті 20%використовується%20до 20% зберігати%20а%20керування%20даних.%20один%20з 20% до 20% реєстрів%20(%20програми%20лічильник, 20% або 20% ПК)%20зберігає%20доріжки%20з 20% до 20% наступного%20інструкцію%20до 20% буде%20виконав%20в 20-20-20, 20 головних%20пам'яті.%20В%20інших%20(%20інструкцію%20реєстру,%20або%20IR)%20проводить%20в%20інструкцію%20,%20є%20, 20% виконаний.%20%5 EThe%20влади%20а%20продуктивність%20з%20а%20 комп'ютерних%20є%20частково%20визначено%20за 20% у 20% швидкості 20% з 20% її%20процесора.Т%20А%20система%20годинник%20надсилає%20з 20%сигнали%20о 20%основних%20інтервали%20до 20% захід%20а%20синхронізувати%20в%20потік%20з 20% даних.%20Годинник%20швидкості 20% - 20% вимірюється%20в 20-20 гігагерц%20(Ггц).%20для%20Наприклад,%20а%20КПУ%20запущено%20о%204Ггц%20(4%20тис.%20млн.%20Гц, 20% або 20% циклів,%20на%2020%20другого)%20буде%20увімкнути%20вашого%20шт%20до 20% ручку%20в%20найбільш%20вимагають%20 заявок.%20%5 ERAM%20а%20ROM%20%5EТ%20містять%20інструкції%20а%20режіми%20для%20в%20основні%20операцій%20з 20% до 20% КПУ.%20В%20BIOS%20(базова%20вводу-виводу%20система)%20використовує%20ROM%20до 20% контролю%20спілкування%20з%20периферії.%20%5 ERAM%20потужності 20% може%20бути%20розширила%20за 20% додавання%20додаткові%20чіпси,%20зазвичай%20міститься%20в 2030-20%20малих%20замикання%20дошки%20назвав%20за допомогою функції подвійного запису Dual%20в режимі он-лайн%20пам'яті 20%модулів%20(2 рівня).%20%5Е%5 EBuses%20а%20карток%20%5E
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