Andrew went to his first call immediately, with a wonderful sense, alm перевод - Andrew went to his first call immediately, with a wonderful sense, alm русский как сказать

Andrew went to his first call immed

Andrew went to his first call immediately, with a wonderful sense, almost of relief.

He reached 7 Glydar Place, knocked breathlessly upon the door, and was immediately admitted to the kitchen, where the patient was lying. She was a young woman, wife of a steel worker named Williams, and as he approached the bedside with a fast-beating heart he felt the significance of this, the real starting-point of his life.

How often had he thought of it as in a crowd of students, he had watched a demonstration in Professor Lamplough's wards! Now he was alone, confronted by a case which he must diagnose and treat unaided. Immediately he understood his complete unpreparedness for such a task.

Andrew Manson examined the patient with scrupulous care. There was no doubt about it, she was ill. She complained that her head ached intolerably.Temperature,pulse,tongue,they all spoke of trouble,serious trouble. What was it? Andrew asked himself that question again and again. He was afraid to makea bad mistake or not to be able to make a correct diagnosis. It seemed to him that he had missed nothing,yet it was very difficult to group all the symptoms under the name of some definite desease.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Andrew went to his first call immediately, with a wonderful sense, almost of relief.He reached 7 Glydar Place, knocked breathlessly upon the door, and was immediately admitted to the kitchen, where the patient was lying. She was a young woman, wife of a steel worker named Williams, and as he approached the bedside with a fast-beating heart he felt the significance of this, the real starting-point of his life.How often had he thought of it as in a crowd of students, he had watched a demonstration in Professor Lamplough's wards! Now he was alone, confronted by a case which he must diagnose and treat unaided. Immediately he understood his complete unpreparedness for such a task.Andrew Manson examined the patient with scrupulous care. There was no doubt about it, she was ill. She complained that her head ached intolerably.Temperature,pulse,tongue,they all spoke of trouble,serious trouble. What was it? Andrew asked himself that question again and again. He was afraid to makea bad mistake or not to be able to make a correct diagnosis. It seemed to him that he had missed nothing,yet it was very difficult to group all the symptoms under the name of some definite desease.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Эндрю отправился первый вызов немедленно, с великолепным чувством, почти помощи.ветровому он достиг 7 Glydar, витальном плане столкнуть в двери, и сразу же был принят в кухне, где пациент находился. Она была молодой женщины, жены стальной работника Уильямс, и, как он обращался с прикроватного монитора с быстро сердца он считал, что значение этого,Реальной отправной точкой его жизни.ветровому как часто, он думает о ней, как в толпу студентов, он смотрел в демонстрации в профессор Lamplough в родильные дома! Теперь он мог только, случай, который он должен диагностики и лечения без посторонней помощи. Сразу же он понимает его полную неподготовленность для такой задачи.ветровому Эндрю Мансон изучила пациента с помощью тщательного ухода. Не может быть никаких сомнений,Она не является. Она жалуется на то, что ее глава Державной иконы невыносимо.температуры, пульса,язык,они все говорили код неисправности,серьезные неприятности. Что именно? Эндрю просит сам этот вопрос снова и снова. Он опасается makea ошибка или не в состоянии сделать правильный диагноз. Ему представляется, что он не был затронут ничего,Еще не очень трудно группа все симптомы под именем определенный неуправляемой.
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