On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid1.  перевод - On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid1.  русский как сказать

On the bed between the two girls we

On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid1. On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid
facedown so that they couldn’t see return addresses. Blair got seven letters and five letters were Serena’s. “Okay. Ready?” Serena asked.
Blair closed her eyes and took the first letter. “Okay. Let’s do it.”
Rriipp! Rriipp! Rriipp!
2. Blair looked at Serena. “How’d you do?” she asked.
Serena could tell from the scary look on Blair’s face that the news was not good. She didn’t know what to say. “Urn, I got a place ... um ... everywhere?”
Blair stared at the acceptance letters in Serena’s hands. On top was a cream -colored letter with the blue Yale University letterhead. “Wait, you applied to Yale?” isked Blair.
“Yes,” Serena nodded.1 “At the last minute I just decided, why not, you know?”
“And you got a place?”
Serena nodded again. “Sorry.”
3. The way Blair was looking at her was making Serena nervous. What did Serena have that she didn’t? She was in the top of her class at school and took every AP* course they offered. She was the best at the SAT. She did charity work. She was the leader of the French club. She was an excellent tennis player. Her entire high-school career — practically her whole life — she’d been working toward entering Yale. Her father had gone there. His father had gone there. Her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field. Serena took no APs at all, and did only a few extracurricular activities. Serena’s dad had gone to Princeton and Brown, two of Yale’s biggest competitors.2 Still, Yale had accepted Serena and put Blair on their wait list!
4. “I probably won’t even go,” Serena made an attempt to make things less important. “I have to ... you know ... visit all the schools before I decide,” she gath-tred her blond hair on top of her head. “Maybe I won’t even go to college right iway. I could stay in the city and try to do some acting or something.”
5. So Serena got into Yale, but she didn’t even really want to go there. Serena collected her letters and held them behind her back.
“What about the other schools? You must have —”
“I got wait listed at Yale. The only place that accepted me is Georgetown. Stupid Georgetown. But it was my safety.”
Serena stared at her for a moment her eyes wide with surprise. “That’s not so bad,” Serena said. “I’m sure Yale is hard to enter. And if you didn’t enter, at least you have backup.” For questions 1 -7 find the correct answers. Prove your choice using the words and phrases from the text.1. After reading the letter it was clear that Serena got a placea at all universities she had applied to.
b only at Yale University,
с at seven different universities.
2. Blair got a placea at five universities she had applied
b at one university,
с at two universities.
3. In her class Blaira was the leader,
b was the best student,
с won the tennis tournament.
4. Blair’s dream wasa to enter Yale University,
b to work at Yale.
с to go to Yale with her father.5. Serena got a place at Yale becausea her school results were good enough.b her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field,
с her father studied at Yale.6.The letter from Yale told Blaira that she had no chance to get into the university,b that she had a small chance to get into the university,с that she shouldn’t apply to Yale.7.According to the test the word “safety” in paragraph 5 probably meansa a place where there is no danger.b something that Blair had been saving for a long time,с a place Blair was sure to get in. о
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid1. On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laidfacedown so that they couldn’t see return addresses. Blair got seven letters and five letters were Serena’s. “Okay. Ready?” Serena asked.Blair closed her eyes and took the first letter. “Okay. Let’s do it.”Rriipp! Rriipp! Rriipp!2. Blair looked at Serena. “How’d you do?” she asked.Serena could tell from the scary look on Blair’s face that the news was not good. She didn’t know what to say. “Urn, I got a place ... um ... everywhere?”Blair stared at the acceptance letters in Serena’s hands. On top was a cream -colored letter with the blue Yale University letterhead. “Wait, you applied to Yale?” isked Blair.“Yes,” Serena nodded.1 “At the last minute I just decided, why not, you know?”“And you got a place?”Serena nodded again. “Sorry.”3. The way Blair was looking at her was making Serena nervous. What did Serena have that she didn’t? She was in the top of her class at school and took every AP* course they offered. She was the best at the SAT. She did charity work. She was the leader of the French club. She was an excellent tennis player. Her entire high-school career — practically her whole life — she’d been working toward entering Yale. Her father had gone there. His father had gone there. Her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field. Serena took no APs at all, and did only a few extracurricular activities. Serena’s dad had gone to Princeton and Brown, two of Yale’s biggest competitors.2 Still, Yale had accepted Serena and put Blair on their wait list!4. “I probably won’t even go,” Serena made an attempt to make things less important. “I have to ... you know ... visit all the schools before I decide,” she gath-tred her blond hair on top of her head. “Maybe I won’t even go to college right iway. I could stay in the city and try to do some acting or something.”5. So Serena got into Yale, but she didn’t even really want to go there. Serena collected her letters and held them behind her back.“What about the other schools? You must have —”“I got wait listed at Yale. The only place that accepted me is Georgetown. Stupid Georgetown. But it was my safety.”Serena stared at her for a moment her eyes wide with surprise. “That’s not so bad,” Serena said. “I’m sure Yale is hard to enter. And if you didn’t enter, at least you have backup.” For questions 1 -7 find the correct answers. Prove your choice using the words and phrases from the text.1. After reading the letter it was clear that Serena got a placea at all universities she had applied to. b only at Yale University, с at seven different universities.2. Blair got a placea at five universities she had appliedb at one university, с at two universities.3. In her class Blaira was the leader,b was the best student,с won the tennis tournament.4. Blair’s dream wasa to enter Yale University,b to work at Yale.с to go to Yale with her father.5. Serena got a place at Yale becausea her school results were good enough.b her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field,с her father studied at Yale.6.The letter from Yale told Blaira that she had no chance to get into the university,b that she had a small chance to get into the university,с that she shouldn’t apply to Yale.7.According to the test the word “safety” in paragraph 5 probably meansa a place where there is no danger.b something that Blair had been saving for a long time,с a place Blair was sure to get in. о
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
на кровати, между двумя девушками было несколько писем, которые были laid1.на кровати, между двумя девушками было несколько писем, которые были установленылицом вниз, так что они не могли видеть возвращение адреса.блэр, у меня семь писем и пять писем были сирена ". хорошо.готов?"сирена попросила.блэр, закрыла глаза и приняла первое письмо."хорошо.давайте сделаем это ".rriipp!rriipp!rriipp!2.блэр, посмотрел на серену."как ты?"она просила.серена могла сказать от страшно смотреть на лицо блэр, что новости не было хорошо.она не знала, что сказать."урну, у меня есть место.эм...повсюду?"блэр, смотрел на принятии письма в серениной руки.сверху был крем - цветные письмо с голубой йельского университета бланк."подожди, ты поступила в йель?"isked блэр."да," сирена кивнул. - 1 "в последний момент я решил, почему нет?""и у вас есть место?"серена снова кивнул."прости".3.так блэр смотрел на неё, чтобы серена нервничать.зачем сиреной, что она не?она была одной из лучших в классе в школе и забрали все ап *, конечно, они предложили.она была лучшей в сб. она благотворительной деятельности.она была лидером французского клуба.она была отличным игроком в теннис.всю школьную карьеру - практически всю свою жизнь - она работала в сторону в йель.ее отец был там.его отец был там.ее дяде выделили два здания и игровое поле.серена не приняла никаких пд на всех, а не только несколько дополнительных занятий.серена, папа ушел в принстоне и браун, два крупнейших конкурентов в йель. 2 по - прежнему, йельский университет согласился сирена и блэр на их ожидания!4."я, наверное, даже не пошли," сирена была предпринята попытка сделать что - то менее важной."у меня есть.ты знаешь...визит все школы, прежде чем решить, "она геф будьте внимательными и ее светлые волосы на голове."может быть, я даже не ходил в колледж права iway.я мог бы остаться в городе и попытаться сделать некоторые обязанности, или что - то вроде ".5.мы приняли в йель, но она даже не хочу туда идти.серена, собранных ее письма и провел их за спиной."а что насчет других школ?вы, должно быть, - ""у меня в списке ожидания в йельском университете.только что приняли меня в джорджтаун.глупо джорджтаун.но это была моя безопасность ".серена уставился на нее на момент ее глазами с сюрпризом."это не так уж плохо," сирена "."я уверен, что йельский трудно попасть.и если ты не входить, по крайней мере, у тебя есть подкрепление. "на вопросы 1 - 7 найти правильные ответы.доказать, что ваш выбор, используя слова и фразы из текста.после прочтения письма было ясно, что серена получила placea во всех университетах она действует.b только в йельском университете,с семи различных университетов.2.блэр, у placea в пяти университетах она применилаb в один университет,с двух университетов.3.в классе блэрa был лидером,b) стал лучшим учеником,с выиграл теннисный турнир.4.блэр, сон был вступить в йельский университет,b для работы в йельском университете.с идти в йеле с ее отцом.серена получила место в йеле, потому что ее результаты в учебе, были достаточно. B ее дяде выделили два здания и игровое поле,с ее отцом учились в yale.6.the письмо из йеля сказал блэрa, что у нее нет шансов попасть в университет, b, что она имеет мало шансов попасть в университет, с, что она не применяется к yale.7.according проверят на слово "безопасность" в пункте 5, вероятно, называются мечты гарема, это вроде место, где нет опасности. в то, что блэр копили в течение долгого времени с места, блэр был уверен, что туда попасть.до
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