TEXT. THE BRITISH ISLESThe British Isles consist of two main islands:  перевод - TEXT. THE BRITISH ISLESThe British Isles consist of two main islands:  русский как сказать


The British Isles consist of two main islands: Great Brit¬ain and Ireland. These and over five hundred small islands are known collectively as the United Kingdom of Great Brit¬ain and Northern Ireland. Their total area is some 94, 250 square miles. Great Britain proper comprises Eng¬land, Wales and Scotland. The southern part of the isle of Ireland is the Irish Republic (or Eire).
Britain is comparatively small, but there is hardly a coun¬try in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found in so small a compass. There are wild desolate moun-tains in the northern Highlands of Scotland — the home of the deer and the eagle — that are as lonely as any in Norway. There are flat tulip fields round the Fens — a blaze of colour in spring, that would make you think you were in Hol¬land. Within a few miles of Manchester and Sheffield you can be in glorious heather-covered moors.
Once the. British Isles were part of the mainland of Eu¬rope — the nearest point is across the Strait of Dover, where the chalk cliffs of Britain are only twenty-two miles from those of France.
The seas round the British Isles are shallow. The North Sea is nowhere more than 600 feet deep, so that if St. Paul's Cathedral were put down in any part of it some of the ca-thedral would still be above water. This shallowness is in some ways an advantage. Shallow water is warmer than deep water and helps to keep the shores from extreme cold. It is, too, the home of millions of fish, and more than a million tons are caught every year.
You have noticed on the map how deeply indented the coast line is. This indentation gives a good supply of splen¬did harbours for ships; and you will note, too, that owing to the shape of the country there is no point in it that is more than seventy miles from the sea — a fact that has greatly fa¬cilitated the export of manufactures and has made the En¬glish race a sea-loving one.
On the north-west the coasts are broken by high rocky cliffs. This is especially noticeable in north-west Scotland, where you have long winding inlets (called "lochs") and a great many islands. Western Scotland is fringed by the large island chain known as the Hebrides, and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are the Orkney and Shetland Islands.
In Scotland you have three distinct regions. There is, firstly, the Highlands, then there is the central plain or Low¬lands. Finally there are the southern uplands, "the Scott country," with their gently rounded hills where the sheep wander. Here there are more sheep to the square mile than anywhere in the British Isles.
In England and Wales all the high land is in the west and north-west. The south-eastern plain reaches the west coast only at one or two places — at the Bristol Channel and by the mouths of the rivers Dee and Mersey.
In the north you find the Cheviots separating England from Scotland, the Pennines going down England like a backbone and the Cumbrian mountains оf thе Lake District, one of the loveliest (and the wettest) parts of England. In the west are the Cambrian mountains which occupy the greater part of Wales.
The south-eastern part of England is a low-lying land with gentle hills and a coast which is regular in outline, sandy or muddy, with occasional chalk cliffs, and inland a lovely pat¬tern of green and gold — for most of England's wheat is grown here — and brown plough-land with pleasant farms and cottages in their midst. Its rich brown soil is deeply culti¬vated — much of it is under wheat; fruit-growing is exten¬sively carried on. A quarter of the sugar used in the country comes from sugar-beet grown there, but the most important crop is potatoes.
The position of the mountains naturally determined the direction and length of the rivers, and the longest rivers, ex¬cept the Severn and Clyde, flow into the North Sea, and even the Severn flows eastward or south-east for the greater part of its length.
The rivers of Britain are of no great value as water-ways — the longest, the Thames, is a little over 200 miles — and few of them are navigable except near the mouth for anything but the smaller vessels.
In the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Tyne, Clyde, Tay, Forth and Bristol Avon are some of the greatest ports.
(From "Essential English for Foreign Students" by C. E. Eckersley, Book 3, Lnd., 1997. Adapted)

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
TEXT. THE BRITISH ISLESThe British Isles consist of two main islands: Great Brit¬ain and Ireland. These and over five hundred small islands are known collectively as the United Kingdom of Great Brit¬ain and Northern Ireland. Their total area is some 94, 250 square miles. Great Britain proper comprises Eng¬land, Wales and Scotland. The southern part of the isle of Ireland is the Irish Republic (or Eire).Britain is comparatively small, but there is hardly a coun¬try in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found in so small a compass. There are wild desolate moun-tains in the northern Highlands of Scotland — the home of the deer and the eagle — that are as lonely as any in Norway. There are flat tulip fields round the Fens — a blaze of colour in spring, that would make you think you were in Hol¬land. Within a few miles of Manchester and Sheffield you can be in glorious heather-covered moors.Once the. British Isles were part of the mainland of Eu¬rope — the nearest point is across the Strait of Dover, where the chalk cliffs of Britain are only twenty-two miles from those of France.The seas round the British Isles are shallow. The North Sea is nowhere more than 600 feet deep, so that if St. Paul's Cathedral were put down in any part of it some of the ca-thedral would still be above water. This shallowness is in some ways an advantage. Shallow water is warmer than deep water and helps to keep the shores from extreme cold. It is, too, the home of millions of fish, and more than a million tons are caught every year.You have noticed on the map how deeply indented the coast line is. This indentation gives a good supply of splen¬did harbours for ships; and you will note, too, that owing to the shape of the country there is no point in it that is more than seventy miles from the sea — a fact that has greatly fa¬cilitated the export of manufactures and has made the En¬glish race a sea-loving one.On the north-west the coasts are broken by high rocky cliffs. This is especially noticeable in north-west Scotland, where you have long winding inlets (called "lochs") and a great many islands. Western Scotland is fringed by the large island chain known as the Hebrides, and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are the Orkney and Shetland Islands.In Scotland you have three distinct regions. There is, firstly, the Highlands, then there is the central plain or Low¬lands. Finally there are the southern uplands, "the Scott country," with their gently rounded hills where the sheep wander. Here there are more sheep to the square mile than anywhere in the British Isles.In England and Wales all the high land is in the west and north-west. The south-eastern plain reaches the west coast only at one or two places — at the Bristol Channel and by the mouths of the rivers Dee and Mersey.In the north you find the Cheviots separating England from Scotland, the Pennines going down England like a backbone and the Cumbrian mountains оf thе Lake District, one of the loveliest (and the wettest) parts of England. In the west are the Cambrian mountains which occupy the greater part of Wales.The south-eastern part of England is a low-lying land with gentle hills and a coast which is regular in outline, sandy or muddy, with occasional chalk cliffs, and inland a lovely pat¬tern of green and gold — for most of England's wheat is grown here — and brown plough-land with pleasant farms and cottages in their midst. Its rich brown soil is deeply culti¬vated — much of it is under wheat; fruit-growing is exten¬sively carried on. A quarter of the sugar used in the country comes from sugar-beet grown there, but the most important crop is potatoes.The position of the mountains naturally determined the direction and length of the rivers, and the longest rivers, ex¬cept the Severn and Clyde, flow into the North Sea, and even the Severn flows eastward or south-east for the greater part of its length.The rivers of Britain are of no great value as water-ways — the longest, the Thames, is a little over 200 miles — and few of them are navigable except near the mouth for anything but the smaller vessels.In the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Tyne, Clyde, Tay, Forth and Bristol Avon are some of the greatest ports.(From "Essential English for Foreign Students" by C. E. Eckersley, Book 3, Lnd., 1997. Adapted)
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
текст.британские островабританских островов, состоит из двух основных островов: великий британец ¬ еще и ирландии.эти и в течение пяти сотен малых островов, известные под названием соединенного королевства великобритании и северной ирландии ¬ - брит.их общая площадь составляет около 94, 250 квадратных миль.в великобритании надлежащего включает eng ¬ земли, в уэльсе и шотландии.в южной части острова ирландия - ирландская республика (ирландия).в великобритании является сравнительно небольшой, но вряд ли найдется стран ¬ попробовать в мире, где такое разнообразие пейзажей можно найти в такой маленький компас.есть дикие безутешный штате tains в горной местности на севере шотландии - дом оленя и орел - это не одинок, как в норвегии.есть квартира Tulip поля вокруг болота - лучах цвета весной, что заставило вас думать, что вы были в хол ¬ земли.в нескольких милях в манчестере и шеффилд, вы можете быть в славном хизер охватывает мавры.после того как.британские острова были частью материка ес ¬ веревку - ближайший момент через пролив дувра, где меловые скалы из великобритании - только в 22 милях от правительства франции.море вокруг британских островов маломощные.в северном море не более чем 600 футов, так что если собор святого павла были сложить в какую - либо часть его часть CA thedral по - прежнему будет над водой.это поверхностность является в некотором смысле преимущество.мелководье теплее, чем глубоководные и помогает сохранить берега с холодом.правда, дома миллионов рыб и более миллиона тонн ловят каждый год.вы заметили на карте, как глубоко извилистой береговой линии.это выравнивание дает хороший запас splen ¬ - порты для судов; и вы заметите, также, что из - за форму, в стране нет смысла - это более 70 километров от моря - в том, что в значительной степени фа ¬ cilitated экспорта продукции обрабатывающей промышленности и сделал en ¬ glish расы море любви.на северо - западном побережье разбиваются высокие скалистые склоны.особенно это заметно на северо - западе шотландии, где вы давно извилистым отверстия (":") и множество островов.западной шотландии окружавших в большом цепи островов, известных как гебриды, и на северо - востоке шотландии в континентальной части оркнейских и шетландских островов.в шотландии есть три разных регионов.это, во - первых, сьерра, то есть центральная равнина или низкой ¬ земель.наконец, есть и южных возвышенностях, "скотт страны", с их аккуратно закруглены холмов, где овец бродить.здесь больше овец на квадратный километр, чем где бы то ни было, на британских островах.в англии и уэльсе все высокие земли на западе и северо - западе.- обычная достигает западного побережья только одно или два места - на бристольский залив и в устье рек - мерси:.в северной части вы найдете cheviots отделения англии, шотландии, англии, как категории внизу позвоночника и камбрийская горы, F - е поозерье, одного из старейших (и их) части англии.на западе это кембрийские горы, которые занимают большую часть уэльса.юго - восточной части англии низколежащих земли с небольшие холмы и побережье, которые регулярно в общих чертах, сэнди и грязно, и время от времени меловые скалы, и внутренних прекрасный пэт ¬ крачка зеленых и золото - для большинства английской пшеницы выращиваются здесь - и браун пашни с приятным фермы и коттеджи в своих рядах.ее богатого браун почвы глубоко выра - ¬ vated - это будут в основном под пшеницу, плод растет exten ¬ sively осуществлял.четверть сахар, используемых в стране происходит из сахарной свеклы выросла там, но важнее урожая картофеля.позиция горы, естественно, определили направление и протяженность рек, и рек, бывших ¬ не северн и клайд, поток в северном море, и даже северн потоков на восток или на юго - восток по большей части его продолжительности.рек британии не большую ценность, поскольку водные пути - длинный, темза, чуть больше 200 километров, и лишь немногие из них, за исключением близ устья судоходных, что ничего, кроме небольших судов.в устье темзы, мерси: тайн, клайд, тай, предусмотрено и бристоле, эйвон - одни из крупнейших портов.(из "основных английский для иностранных студентов" C. E. экерсли, часть 3, lnd. в 1997 году.с)
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