you think the old woman suggested that the king shouldWhy didn't anyon перевод - you think the old woman suggested that the king shouldWhy didn't anyon русский как сказать

you think the old woman suggested t

you think the old woman suggested that the king should

Why didn't anyone object to that idea?
y didn't the king tell his daughter anything about his
wedding plans?
the minister's daughter tell the princess about
think 6) her father's plans?
a suit of leather and decide to run
Why did the princess away from her native land?
To Why did the princess fall onto the ground at the wall of the
sultan's palace?
why did the slave girl think that the princess was a monster?
g) Why was she afraid to disobey the sultan's wife?
10) why did the sultan's wife send Juleidah the kitchen?
11) did the queen invite Juleidah to go to the wizard's palace?
12) Why did the people of the land speak so much about the young
lady who so unexpectedly came to the feast and it?
13) Why was the prince intrigued?
the prince decide to make a journey and find the beauty?
15) Why were the kitchen people so busy the prince's departure?
16) Why did the prince decide to finish his journey after the lunch
17) he had?
invite her father to the
Why did Juleidah ask her husband to do it herself?
palace where they lived? Why didn't she entering the room
18) Why did she decide to disguise herself before where the guests were 19) Why did she offer to tell tales?
20) Why didn't her father want to do it?
22) Why did the king give half his kingdom to his daughter and his

2. Prove that
brave young lady;
1) the princess was a decisive, inventive and
2) the slave girl was afraid of the gultan's wife
s) princess produced a great impression on the
4) the prince became interested in the unknown young lady:
prince liked Juleidah very much:

6) the prince was
a elev
young man
7) Juleidah to f
ive her father
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
you think the old woman suggested that the king shouldWhy didn't anyone object to that idea?y didn't the king tell his daughter anything about hiswedding plans?the minister's daughter tell the princess aboutthink 6) her father's plans?ordera suit of leather and decide to runWhy did the princess away from her native land?To Why did the princess fall onto the ground at the wall of thesultan's palace?why did the slave girl think that the princess was a monster?g) Why was she afraid to disobey the sultan's wife?10) why did the sultan's wife send Juleidah the kitchen?11) did the queen invite Juleidah to go to the wizard's palace?12) Why did the people of the land speak so much about the younglady who so unexpectedly came to the feast and it?13) Why was the prince intrigued?the prince decide to make a journey and find the beauty?15) Why were the kitchen people so busy the prince's departure?16) Why did the prince decide to finish his journey after the lunch17) he had?invite her father to theWhy did Juleidah ask her husband to do it herself?palace where they lived? Why didn't she entering the room18) Why did she decide to disguise herself before where the guests were 19) Why did she offer to tell tales?20) Why didn't her father want to do it?22) Why did the king give half his kingdom to his daughter and hisson-in-law?2. Prove thatbrave young lady;1) the princess was a decisive, inventive and 2) Рабыня боялся gultan женывсеs) принцесса произвел большое впечатление на 4) принц стал интересоваться в неизвестной молодой леди:Принц любил Juleidah очень много:6) князь былуровеньмолодой человек7) Juleidah fIve ее отец
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
ты думаешь, что старая женщина высказала мнение о том, что царь,почему никто не возражает против этой идеи?почему ты не король сказал своей дочери что - нибудь насчет егосвадебные планы?министр рассказал о дочери принцессыдумаю, 6), ее отец планы?чтобыкостюм из кожи и решили бежатьзачем принцесса вдали от родной земли?- зачем принцесса упасть на землю в стену издворца султана?почему рабыня думают, что принцесса была монстром?g) почему она боится нарушить султана жену?10) почему султана жена отправить juleidah кухне?11) сделал королеву пригласить juleidah пойти на волшебника, дворец?12), зачем люди земли говорить столько молодыхженщина, которая так неожиданно приехал на праздник и его?13), почему принц заинтригован?принц решит сделать путешествие и найти красоту?15) почему кухне люди так занят, принц уехал?16) почему принц решит закончить свое путешествие, после обеда17), он сделал?пригласи ее отцупочему juleidah спросить мужа сделать это сама?дворец, где они живут?почему она не могла войти в комнату18) почему она примет решение, чтобы скрыть себя до того, где гостей было 19) почему она предлагают рассказывать сказки?20), почему не ее отец?22) почему король отдать половину своего королевства, его дочери и егозять?2.доказать, чтосмелый молодой леди.1) принцесса является решающим, изобретателен и2) рабыня боялся, что из gultan женавсеs) принцесса произвел большое впечатление на4) принц заинтересовался неизвестная молодая леди.принц любил juleidah очень много:6) принцаа высотамолодой человек7) juleidah - Fя ее отец
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