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grass valley
Gua del usuario
3922 496 32101 v4.4 noviembre de 2013 Paquete v15

La serie LDX + LDX 5650 5640/LDX
Plataforma de software de c mara aumentable

Declaracin de conformidad
Grass Valley Nederland B.V., Kapittelweg 10, HG 4827 Breda, Pases Bajos, declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que este producto es conforme a las siguientes normas:
-EN60065: seguridad -EN55103-1: EMC (emisin) -EN55103-2: EMC (inmunidad) las disposiciones de:
a. la baja tensin Directiva 2006/95/CE
b. el EMC Directiva 2004/108/CE
FCC clase una declaracin
Este producto genera, utiliza y puede irradiar energa de radiofrecuencia y si no se instala y utiliza de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede causar interferencias en las comunicaciones por radio.
Se ha probado y cumple con los lmites para un dispositivo digital de clase A, conforme a la parte 15 de las reglas de la FCC, que est n diseados para proporcionar una proteccin razonable contra las interferencias cuando opera en un ambiente comercial.
Funcionamiento de este producto en una zona residencial es probable que cause interferencia en que caso el usuario a sus propias expensas deber tomar todas las medidas pueden ser necesarias corregir la interferencia.
Derechos de autor
Copyright Grass Valley Nederland B.V. 2013. Copia de este documento y d rselo a otros y el uso o la comunicacin de los contenidos de la misma, est n prohibidos sin autorizacin expresa. Los delincuentes son responsables al pago de daos y perjuicios. Todos los derechos est n reservados en el caso de la concesin de una patente o el registro de un modelo de utilidad o diseo. Obligado a realizar modificaciones técnicas en el curso de perfeccionamiento.
Marcas registradas
Grass Valley es una marca registrada de Grass Valley, Inc. Todas las dem s marcas registradas que se hace referencia son marcas de servicio, marcas comerciales o registradas de sus respectivas empresas.
Sitio web
Visite el sitio web pblico de Grass Valley para descargar actualizaciones de gua del usuario de la m s reciente e informacin adicional acerca de su producto de difusin:
Tabla de contenidos
Captulo 1 Introduccin
1.1Welcome 15
1.1.1About this guide 15
1.1.2Related documents 15
1.2Technology 16
1.2.1Xensium-FT imagers
.Procesamiento digital de 1.2.2Superior 16 16 1.2.3Designed para el
operador 16 1.3Camera models
17 1.4GV-eLicense Program
18 1.5Key features
18 1.6List of accessories
Captulo 2 Instalacin
2.1Mounting a lens 21
2.2EC 270 EyeCatcher visor 22 2.2.1Mounting el
visor 22 2.2.2Positioning el visor 23 2.3AJ-MC700
Microphone 24 2.4LDK placa de
adaptador de trpode 5301/10 25 2.5Adjusting el hombro
cojn 26 2.6Exchanging el adaptador c mara 27
2.6.1Preparation 27
2.6.2Attaching el adaptador 27 2.6.3Detaching el
adaptador Maleta de transporte universal 5020/05
2.7LDK.28 28 2.8Packing for return
Captulo 3 configuraciones
3.1Transmission systems 29
3.23G Triax configuration 30
3.33G Fiber configuration 30
3.4SuperXpander configuracin 31
Captulo 4 manual de instrucciones
4.1Using the camera 33
4.1.1Switching on
4.1.2Controlling.33 la c mara 4.2Location.33 de controles
(cabezal) 34 4.3Using el OCP 400
4.4 Using the camera menu
36 4.4.1Entering the camera menu
36 4.4.2Finding your way
37 4.4.3Leaving the camera menu
37 4.4.4Making value changes
38 4.4.5Undoing changes
38 4.5User buttons
39 4.5.1Left side panel
but tons 39 4.5.2Lens
but tons 40
4.5 .3Handgrip button
.40 4.6Viewfinder contro Is (EyeCatcher only)
41 4.7Viewfinder information
43 4.7.1Indicators
43 4.7.2On screen marker indicators
44 4.7.3Viewfinder LED indicators
(Ey eCatcher only) 45 4.7.4Information
scr een 46 4.7.5Focus
ass ist 47
4.7 .6Viewfinder zoom
.47 4.8Lens operation
47 4.8.1Back focus adjustment
47 4.8.2CLASS
47 4.8.3Auto Iris
48 4.8.4Extended Iris
48 4.8.5Precision focus
48 4.8.6Lens indicators in the viewfinder
49 4.9Location of controls (camera
ada pter) 50 4.9.1Powering the
cam era 51 4.9.2Audio . . . .
52 4.9.3Intercom. . .
4.9 .4Communication 55
4.1 OManaging files
. . 57 4.10.1Scene files
57 4.10.20perator files
57 4.10.3 Lens files
58 4.10.4Standard files
58 4.11Access and security
59 4.11.1User level
59 4.11.2Selecting the user level
59 4.11.3Disable camera
59 4.11.4Access control
Chapter 5 - Video setup
5.1 Video settings
.61 5.1.1Standard settings
. . .61 5.1.2Video mode
61 5.1.3Sensitivity mode
62 5.1.4Color bar
. . 62 5.2Gain
63 5.3Gamma
64 5.3.1Gamma correction
64 5.3.2Gamma curve
64 5.3.3Gamma presets
5.4 Contrast
.65 5.4.1Co ntrast adjustment
. . .65 5.4.2Black Stretch
. . . . .66 5.5Knee
67 5.5.1Knee (in PowerCurves mode)
67 5.5.2Knee (in Compatibility mode).
68 5.6Optical filters
69 5.7Exposure
70 5.7.1Exposure time
.70 5.7.2Lighting correction
71 5.7.3V-Shift (vertical
uisition shift) 71
5.7 .4Variab le exposure time
.71 5.7.5LE D Wall Filter
. . .72 5.8Color
72 5.8.1Color Temperature
72 5.8.2Color Tint
72 5.8.3Color Filter
72 5.8.4Selecting color temperature
72 5.8.5Variable color temperature
73 5.8.6Auto White Balance
74 5.8.7Saturation
75 5.8.8Color Protect
76 5.8.9Secondary color correction
76 5.9Sharpness
78 5.9.1Detail
78 5.9.2Texture
78 5.9.3Advanced options . . . .
79 5.9.4Lens related
fun ctions 79 5.9.5Detail
Equ alizer 79
5.9 .6Skin Detail
82 5.1
5.10Ima ge control

Chapter 6 - Camera menu reference
6.1 Reference tables
83 6.2Operator Too Ibox menu
84 6.3Production Setup menu
88 6.4Creative Control menu
93 6.5Configuration menu
97 6.6Licenses menu
101 6.7Diagnostics menu
103 6.8Service menu. . .
Chapter 7 - Maintenance
7.1 Installing eLicenses
.10 7 7.1.1About eLicenses
. . .107 7.1.2Installat ion procedure . .
107 7.2Black C alibration
109 7.3Formatting the SD Card
Chapter 8 - Connectors
.1 Camera head
.11 1 8.1.1Viewfinder connector
. . . .112 8.1 .2Network connector
112 8.1.3USB connector
112 8.1.4HDMI connector
113 8.1.5Lens interface connector
113 8.1.6Front Mic connector
113 8.2Camera adapter
114 8.2.1Back panel
114 8.2.2Analog viewfinder output/AES
aud io input co nnector 114 8.2.3Viewfinder
out put/Main output connector 114
8.2 .4Transmiss ion connector
.11 5 8.2.5Refe rence input / External video
inp ut connecto r115 8.2.6External video output connector
115 8.2.7Script light connector
115 8.2.8RS-232 (serial private
dat a) connector 115 8.2.9Auxiliary
con nector 116
8.2 .10Audio 1 + 2 connectors
.11 7 8.2.11Intercom headset connector
117 8.2.12DC Power output connector
117 8.2.13DC Power input connector
117 8.2.14Side panel
118 8.2.15Teleprompter output /
Ana log viewfin der output / Analog reference input. . .118
8.2 .16Ethernet connector (future use)
. . . .119 8.3 Main video signals
Chapter 9 - Specifications
9.1 Specifications for LDX Series camera head
121 9.1.1General
121 9.1.2Camera
121 9.1.3Video modes
122 9.1 .4Connectivity
122 9 .1.5Dimensions
122 9.2Specifications for LDX 5640 3G
Tri ax adapter 123 9.3Specifications
for LDX 5650 3G Fiber adapter
.12 3 9.3.1Dimensions for adapters 124
End-of-life product recycling
/ Grass Valley's innovation and excellence in product design also extends to the programs we've established to manage the recycling of our products. Grass Valley has developed a comprehensive end-of-life product take back program for recycle or disposal of end-of-life products. Our program meets the requirements of the European Union's WEEE Directive and X in the United States from the Environmental Protection Agency, individual state or local agencies.
Grass Valley's end-of-life product take back program assures proper disposal by use of Best Available Technology. This program accepts any Grass Valley branded equipment. Upon request, a Certificate of Recycling or a Certificate of Destruction, depending on the ultimate disposition of the product, can be sent to the requester. Grass Valley will be responsible for all costs associated with recycling and disposal, including freight, however you are responsible for the removal of the equipment from your facility and packing the equipment ready for pickup. For further information on the Grass Valley product take back system please contact Grass Valley at + 800 8 0 8 0 2 0 20 or +33 1 48 25 20 20 from most other countries. In the US and Canada please call 800-547-8949 or 530-478-4148. Ask to be connected to the EH&S Department. In on, information concerning Grass Valley's environmental policy can be found at: www.grassvalley.com/about/environmental-policy

Important information
Read these instructions carefully and retain them for future reference. Regularly check the Grass Valley website (www.grassvalley.com) for new updates of this and other user's guides. During installation and operation of this equipment, local building safety and fire protection standards must be observed.
Whenever it is likely that safe operation is impaired, the apparatus must be made inoperative and secured against any unintended operation. The appropriate servicing authority must then be informed. For example, safety is likely to be impaired if the apparatus fails to perform the intended function or shows visible damage.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
Cautions and Warnings
Read and comply with the warning and caution notices that appear in the manual.
Warnings indicate danger that requires correct procedures or practices to prevent death or injury to personnel.
Cautions indicate procedures or practices that should be followed to prevent damage or destruction to equipment or property. 
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. If the unit is in a wet or damp
environment, a rai
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Multilizer PDF переводчик бесплатная версия В - перевод ограничена до ~ 3 страниц на перевод.Грасс ВаллиГуа-дель-Новая3922 496 32101 v4.4 noviembre de 2013 Paquete v15 Серия La LDX + LDX 5650 5640/LDXAumentable c Мара де Платаформа де программного обеспечения Declaracin де conformidadТрава Долина Недерланд б.в., Kapittelweg 10, HG 4827 Бреда, стрейчинг Bajos, declaramos Бахо nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que este producto es conforme Лас следующие normas:-EN60065: seguridad-EN55103-1: EMC (emisin)-EN55103-2: EMC (inmunidad) Лас никакой де:а. Ла-Баха, натяжение директором 2006/95/CEb. el EMC директором 2004/108/CEFCC clase Уна declaracinЭсте producto родов, утилизации y puede irradiar energa de radiofrecuencia y si no se instala y утилизации де acuerdo кон Лас за, puede causar interferencias en Лас Комуникасьонс por радио.SE га probado y cumple con los lmites пункт ООН dispositivo цифровой de clase A, conforme Ла парте 15 де Лас reglas де ла FCC, que est n diseados пункт proporcionar una proteccin razonable contra las interferencias cuando оперы en ООН ambiente comercial.Funcionamiento де Эсте producto en una zona residencial es вероятных que вызывают interferencia en que caso Эль новая sus propias expensas Дебер Томар todas las medidas pueden ser necesarias corregir Ла interferencia.Derechos de autorCopyright Grass Valley Недерланд б.в. 2013 г. Y documento де Эсте Copia d rselo другие y el uso o Ла comunicacin де Лос contenidos де ла МИСМА, est n prohibidos sin autorizacin expresa. Лос delincuentes сына за Аль pago de daos y perjuicios. Тодос лос derechos est n reservados en el caso де ла concesin де Уна patente o Эль registro де ООН Модело-де-utilidad o diseo. Облигадо realizar modificaciones технических исследований en el курс де perfeccionamiento.Marcas registradasGrass Valley es una marca registrada де Grass Valley, Inc. Todas las dem s marcas registradas que se hace referencia сын marcas de servicio, marcas коммерческих o registradas de sus respectivas предприятиями.Ситио вебVisite el sitio web pblico де Grass Valley пункт качать actualizaciones де Гуа-дель-новая-де-ла м s reciente е informacin adicional о де Су producto де difusin:www.GrassValley.comТабла де contenidosCaptulo 1 Introduccin1.1Welcome 151.1.1About это руководство 151.1.2Related документы 151.2Technology 16Тепловизоры 1.2.1Xensium-ft .Procesamiento цифровой де 1.2.2Superior 16 16 1.2.3Designed пункт Эльoperador 16 1.3Camera модели 17 1.4GV-eLicense программа 18 1.5Key особенности 18 1.6List Аксессуары 20Captulo 2 Instalacin2.1Mounting в объектив 212.2EC-Эль-2.2.1Mounting козырек 22 270 оптимистичнойкозырек 22 2.2.2Positioning-Эль-козырек 23 2.3AJ-MC700Микрофон 24 2.4LDK placa деadaptador де trpode 5301/10 25 2.5Adjusting-Эль-hombrocojn 26 2.6Exchanging-Эль-adaptador c Мара 272.6.1Preparation 272.6.2Attaching-Эль-adaptador 27 2.6.3Detaching eladaptador Малета де transporte универсальный 5020/052.7LDK.28 28 2.8Packing для возвращения 28Captulo 3 configuraciones3.1Transmission систем 293.23G Triax конфигурации 303,33 Г волокна конфигурации 303.4SuperXpander configuracin 31За руководство де Captulo 44.1Using камеры 334.1.1Switching на 4.1.2Controlling.33 Ла c Мара 4.2Location.33 де controles(cabezal) 34 4.3Using el OCP 400 36 4.4 Использование меню камеры 36 4.4.1Entering меню камеры 36 4.4.2Finding свой путь 37 4.4.3Leaving меню камеры 37 4.4.4Making значение изменения 38 4.4.5Undoing изменения 38 4.5User кнопки 39 4.5.1Left боковой панелино 4.5.2Lens тонн 39но тонн 404.5 .3Handgrip кнопка .40 4.6Viewfinder contro это (только EyeCatcher) 41 4.7Viewfinder информация 43 4.7.1Indicators 43 4.7.2On экрана маркер показатели 44 4.7.3Viewfinder Светодиодные индикаторы45 4.7.4Information (только для eCatcher Ey)SCR een 46 4.7.5Focusпопка ist 474.7 .6Viewfinder зум 47 4.8Lens операции Настройка резкости 47 4.8.1Back 47 4.8.2CLASS 47 4.8.3Auto Ирис 48 4.8.4Extended Ирис 48 4.8.5Precision фокус 48 4.8.6Lens показателей в видоискателе 49 4.9Location контроля (камерыАда pter) 50 4.9.1PoweringCAM эпохи 51 4.9.2Audio.... 52 4.9.3Intercom... 534.9 .4Communication 554.1 OManaging файлов . . 57 4.10.1Scene файлов 57 4.10.20perator файлов 57 4.10.3 объектив файлов 58 4.10.4Standard файлов 58 4.11Access и безопасность 59 4.11.1User уровень 59 4.11.2Selecting на уровне пользователя 59 4.11.3Disable камеры 59 4.11.4Access управления 59Глава 5 - Установка видео5.1 видео параметры .61 5.1.1Standard параметры . . .61 5.1.2Video режим 61 5.1.3Sensitivity режим 62 5.1.4Color бар . . 62 5.2Gain 63 5.3Gamma 64 5.3.1Gamma коррекция 64 5.3.2Gamma кривая 64 5.3.3Gamma пресеты 65 5.4 контраст .65 5.4.1Co ntrast регулировка . . .65 5.4.2Black стрейч . . . . .66 5.5Knee 67 5.5.1Knee (в PowerCurves режиме) 67 5.5.2Knee (в режиме совместимости). 68 5.6Optical фильтры 69 5.7Exposure 70 5.7.1Exposure время.70 5.7.2Lighting коррекция 71 5.7.3V-Shift (вертикальнаяuisition сдвиг) 71ACQВремя экспозиции le 5.7 .4Variab.71 5.7.5LE D Wall фильтр . . .72 5.8Color 72 5.8.1Color температура 72 5.8.2Color оттенок 72 5.8.3Color фильтр 72 5.8.4Selecting цветовая температура 72 5.8.5Variable цветовая температура 73 5.8.6Auto баланс белого 74 5.8.7Saturation 75 5.8.8Color защиты 76 5.8.9Secondary цветовая коррекция 76 5.9Sharpness 78 5.9.1Detail 78 5.9.2Texture 78 5.9.3Advanced варианты.... 79 5.9.4Lens связанных свесело действий 79 5.9.5DetailEQU alizer 795.9 .6Skin подробно .8082 5.15.10Ima управления ge Глава 6 - камеры меню Ссылка6.1 справочные таблицы 83 6.2Operator слишком Ibox меню Меню настроек 84 6.3Production Меню управления 88 6.4Creative 93 6.5Configuration меню 97 6.6Licenses меню 101 6.7Diagnostics меню 103 6.8Service меню...Глава 7 - техническое обслуживание7.1 Установка eLicenses .10 7 7.1.1About eLicenses . . .107 7.1.2Installat Ион процедура. . 107 7.2Black C alibration 109 7.3Formatting SD-карты Глава 8 - разъемы.1 головка камеры .11 1 8.1.1Viewfinder разъем . . . .112 8.1 .2Network разъем 112 8.1.3USB разъем 112 8.1.4HDMI разъем 113 8.1.5Lens интерфейсный разъем 113 8.1.6Front микрофонный разъем 113 8.2Camera адаптер 114 8.2.1Back группа 114 8.2.2Analog видоискатель вывода/AESAUD io ввода co nnector 114 8.2.3Viewfinderput/главный выходной разъем 1148.2 .4Transmiss Ион разъем .11 5 8.2.5Refe товарный ввода / внешние видеоИЯФ ut connecto r115 8.2.6External видео выходной разъем 115 8.2.7Script света разъем 115 8.2.8RS-232 (серийный частныйDAT) разъем 115 8.2.9Auxiliaryщие кон 1168.2 разъемы .10Audio 1 + 2 .11 7 8.2.11Intercom разъем для подключения гарнитуры 117 8.2.12DC разъем выходной мощности 117 8.2.13DC входной разъем питания 117 8.2.14Side группа 118 8.2.15Teleprompter выход /Ана журнала der viewfin выход / вход аналоговый ссылки...1188.2 .16Ethernet разъем (использования в будущем) . . . .119 8.3 Главная видео сигналов 120Глава 9 - спецификации9.1 технические характеристики серии LDX головка камеры 121 9.1.1General 121 9.1.2Camera 121 9.1.3Video режимы 122 9.1 .4Connectivity 122 9.1.5Dimensions 122 9.2Specifications для LDX 5640 3 gTri ax adapter 123 9.3Specificationsfor LDX 5650 3G Fiber adapter .12 3 9.3.1Dimensions for adapters 124End-of-life product recycling/ Grass Valley's innovation and excellence in product design also extends to the programs we've established to manage the recycling of our products. Grass Valley has developed a comprehensive end-of-life product take back program for recycle or disposal of end-of-life products. Our program meets the requirements of the European Union's WEEE Directive and X in the United States from the Environmental Protection Agency, individual state or local agencies.Grass Valley's end-of-life product take back program assures proper disposal by use of Best Available Technology. This program accepts any Grass Valley branded equipment. Upon request, a Certificate of Recycling or a Certificate of Destruction, depending on the ultimate disposition of the product, can be sent to the requester. Grass Valley will be responsible for all costs associated with recycling and disposal, including freight, however you are responsible for the removal of the equipment from your facility and packing the equipment ready for pickup. For further information on the Grass Valley product take back system please contact Grass Valley at + 800 8 0 8 0 2 0 20 or +33 1 48 25 20 20 from most other countries. In the US and Canada please call 800-547-8949 or 530-478-4148. Ask to be connected to the EH&S Department. In on, information concerning Grass Valley's environmental policy can be found at: www.grassvalley.com/about/environmental-policy Important informationRead these instructions carefully and retain them for future reference. Regularly check the Grass Valley website (www.grassvalley.com) for new updates of this and other user's guides. During installation and operation of this equipment, local building safety and fire protection standards must be observed.Whenever it is likely that safe operation is impaired, the apparatus must be made inoperative and secured against any unintended operation. The appropriate servicing authority must then be informed. For example, safety is likely to be impaired if the apparatus fails to perform the intended function or shows visible damage.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.Cautions and WarningsRead and comply with the warning and caution notices that appear in the manual.Warnings indicate danger that requires correct procedures or practices to prevent death or injury to personnel.Cautions indicate procedures or practices that should be followed to prevent damage or destruction to equipment or property. WarningsA To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. If the unit is in a wet or dampAenvironment, a rai
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В Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation.
grass valley
Gua del usuario
3922 496 32101 v4.4 noviembre de 2013 Paquete v15

La serie LDX + LDX 5650 5640/LDX
Plataforma de software de c mara aumentable

Declaracin de conformidad
Grass Valley Nederland B.V., Kapittelweg 10, HG 4827 Breda, Pases Bajos, declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que este producto es conforme a las siguientes normas:
-EN60065: seguridad -EN55103-1: EMC (emisin) -EN55103-2: EMC (inmunidad) las disposiciones de:
a. la baja tensin Directiva 2006/95/CE
b. el EMC Directiva 2004/108/CE
FCC clase una declaracin
Este producto genera, utiliza y puede irradiar energa de radiofrecuencia y si no se instala y utiliza de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede causar interferencias en las comunicaciones por radio.
Se ha probado y cumple con los lmites para un dispositivo digital de clase A, conforme a la parte 15 de las reglas de la FCC, que est n diseados para proporcionar una proteccin razonable contra las interferencias cuando opera en un ambiente comercial.
Funcionamiento de este producto en una zona residencial es probable que cause interferencia en que caso el usuario a sus propias expensas deber tomar todas las medidas pueden ser necesarias corregir la interferencia.
Derechos de autor
Copyright Grass Valley Nederland B.V. 2013. Copia de este documento y d rselo a otros y el uso o la comunicacin de los contenidos de la misma, est n prohibidos sin autorizacin expresa. Los delincuentes son responsables al pago de daos y perjuicios. Todos los derechos est n reservados en el caso de la concesin de una patente o el registro de un modelo de utilidad o diseo. Obligado a realizar modificaciones técnicas en el curso de perfeccionamiento.
Marcas registradas
Grass Valley es una marca registrada de Grass Valley, Inc. Todas las dem s marcas registradas que se hace referencia son marcas de servicio, marcas comerciales o registradas de sus respectivas empresas.
Sitio web
Visite el sitio web pblico de Grass Valley para descargar actualizaciones de gua del usuario de la m s reciente e informacin adicional acerca de su producto de difusin:
Tabla de contenidos
Captulo 1 Introduccin
1.1Welcome 15
1.1.1About this guide 15
1.1.2Related documents 15
1.2Technology 16
1.2.1Xensium-FT imagers
.Procesamiento digital de 1.2.2Superior 16 16 1.2.3Designed para el
operador 16 1.3Camera models
17 1.4GV-eLicense Program
18 1.5Key features
18 1.6List of accessories
Captulo 2 Instalacin
2.1Mounting a lens 21
2.2EC 270 EyeCatcher visor 22 2.2.1Mounting el
visor 22 2.2.2Positioning el visor 23 2.3AJ-MC700
Microphone 24 2.4LDK placa de
adaptador de trpode 5301/10 25 2.5Adjusting el hombro
cojn 26 2.6Exchanging el adaptador c mara 27
2.6.1Preparation 27
2.6.2Attaching el adaptador 27 2.6.3Detaching el
adaptador Maleta de transporte universal 5020/05
2.7LDK.28 28 2.8Packing for return
Captulo 3 configuraciones
3.1Transmission systems 29
3.23G Triax configuration 30
3.33G Fiber configuration 30
3.4SuperXpander configuracin 31
Captulo 4 manual de instrucciones
4.1Using the camera 33
4.1.1Switching on
4.1.2Controlling.33 la c mara 4.2Location.33 de controles
(cabezal) 34 4.3Using el OCP 400
4.4 Using the camera menu
36 4.4.1Entering the camera menu
36 4.4.2Finding your way
37 4.4.3Leaving the camera menu
37 4.4.4Making value changes
38 4.4.5Undoing changes
38 4.5User buttons
39 4.5.1Left side panel
but tons 39 4.5.2Lens
but tons 40
4.5 .3Handgrip button
.40 4.6Viewfinder contro Is (EyeCatcher only)
41 4.7Viewfinder information
43 4.7.1Indicators
43 4.7.2On screen marker indicators
44 4.7.3Viewfinder LED indicators
(Ey eCatcher only) 45 4.7.4Information
scr een 46 4.7.5Focus
ass ist 47
4.7 .6Viewfinder zoom
.47 4.8Lens operation
47 4.8.1Back focus adjustment
47 4.8.2CLASS
47 4.8.3Auto Iris
48 4.8.4Extended Iris
48 4.8.5Precision focus
48 4.8.6Lens indicators in the viewfinder
49 4.9Location of controls (camera
ada pter) 50 4.9.1Powering the
cam era 51 4.9.2Audio . . . .
52 4.9.3Intercom. . .
4.9 .4Communication 55
4.1 OManaging files
. . 57 4.10.1Scene files
57 4.10.20perator files
57 4.10.3 Lens files
58 4.10.4Standard files
58 4.11Access and security
59 4.11.1User level
59 4.11.2Selecting the user level
59 4.11.3Disable camera
59 4.11.4Access control
Chapter 5 - Video setup
5.1 Video settings
.61 5.1.1Standard settings
. . .61 5.1.2Video mode
61 5.1.3Sensitivity mode
62 5.1.4Color bar
. . 62 5.2Gain
63 5.3Gamma
64 5.3.1Gamma correction
64 5.3.2Gamma curve
64 5.3.3Gamma presets
5.4 Contrast
.65 5.4.1Co ntrast adjustment
. . .65 5.4.2Black Stretch
. . . . .66 5.5Knee
67 5.5.1Knee (in PowerCurves mode)
67 5.5.2Knee (in Compatibility mode).
68 5.6Optical filters
69 5.7Exposure
70 5.7.1Exposure time
.70 5.7.2Lighting correction
71 5.7.3V-Shift (vertical
uisition shift) 71
5.7 .4Variab le exposure time
.71 5.7.5LE D Wall Filter
. . .72 5.8Color
72 5.8.1Color Temperature
72 5.8.2Color Tint
72 5.8.3Color Filter
72 5.8.4Selecting color temperature
72 5.8.5Variable color temperature
73 5.8.6Auto White Balance
74 5.8.7Saturation
75 5.8.8Color Protect
76 5.8.9Secondary color correction
76 5.9Sharpness
78 5.9.1Detail
78 5.9.2Texture
78 5.9.3Advanced options . . . .
79 5.9.4Lens related
fun ctions 79 5.9.5Detail
Equ alizer 79
5.9 .6Skin Detail
82 5.1
5.10Ima ge control

Chapter 6 - Camera menu reference
6.1 Reference tables
83 6.2Operator Too Ibox menu
84 6.3Production Setup menu
88 6.4Creative Control menu
93 6.5Configuration menu
97 6.6Licenses menu
101 6.7Diagnostics menu
103 6.8Service menu. . .
Chapter 7 - Maintenance
7.1 Installing eLicenses
.10 7 7.1.1About eLicenses
. . .107 7.1.2Installat ion procedure . .
107 7.2Black C alibration
109 7.3Formatting the SD Card
Chapter 8 - Connectors
.1 Camera head
.11 1 8.1.1Viewfinder connector
. . . .112 8.1 .2Network connector
112 8.1.3USB connector
112 8.1.4HDMI connector
113 8.1.5Lens interface connector
113 8.1.6Front Mic connector
113 8.2Camera adapter
114 8.2.1Back panel
114 8.2.2Analog viewfinder output/AES
aud io input co nnector 114 8.2.3Viewfinder
out put/Main output connector 114
8.2 .4Transmiss ion connector
.11 5 8.2.5Refe rence input / External video
inp ut connecto r115 8.2.6External video output connector
115 8.2.7Script light connector
115 8.2.8RS-232 (serial private
dat a) connector 115 8.2.9Auxiliary
con nector 116
8.2 .10Audio 1 + 2 connectors
.11 7 8.2.11Intercom headset connector
117 8.2.12DC Power output connector
117 8.2.13DC Power input connector
117 8.2.14Side panel
118 8.2.15Teleprompter output /
Ana log viewfin der output / Analog reference input. . .118
8.2 .16Ethernet connector (future use)
. . . .119 8.3 Main video signals
Chapter 9 - Specifications
9.1 Specifications for LDX Series camera head
121 9.1.1General
121 9.1.2Camera
121 9.1.3Video modes
122 9.1 .4Connectivity
122 9 .1.5Dimensions
122 9.2Specifications for LDX 5640 3G
Tri ax adapter 123 9.3Specifications
for LDX 5650 3G Fiber adapter
.12 3 9.3.1Dimensions for adapters 124
End-of-life product recycling
/ Grass Valley's innovation and excellence in product design also extends to the programs we've established to manage the recycling of our products. Grass Valley has developed a comprehensive end-of-life product take back program for recycle or disposal of end-of-life products. Our program meets the requirements of the European Union's WEEE Directive and X in the United States from the Environmental Protection Agency, individual state or local agencies.
Grass Valley's end-of-life product take back program assures proper disposal by use of Best Available Technology. This program accepts any Grass Valley branded equipment. Upon request, a Certificate of Recycling or a Certificate of Destruction, depending on the ultimate disposition of the product, can be sent to the requester. Grass Valley will be responsible for all costs associated with recycling and disposal, including freight, however you are responsible for the removal of the equipment from your facility and packing the equipment ready for pickup. For further information on the Grass Valley product take back system please contact Grass Valley at + 800 8 0 8 0 2 0 20 or +33 1 48 25 20 20 from most other countries. In the US and Canada please call 800-547-8949 or 530-478-4148. Ask to be connected to the EH&S Department. In on, information concerning Grass Valley's environmental policy can be found at: www.grassvalley.com/about/environmental-policy

Important information
Read these instructions carefully and retain them for future reference. Regularly check the Grass Valley website (www.grassvalley.com) for new updates of this and other user's guides. During installation and operation of this equipment, local building safety and fire protection standards must be observed.
Whenever it is likely that safe operation is impaired, the apparatus must be made inoperative and secured against any unintended operation. The appropriate servicing authority must then be informed. For example, safety is likely to be impaired if the apparatus fails to perform the intended function or shows visible damage.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
Cautions and Warnings
Read and comply with the warning and caution notices that appear in the manual.
Warnings indicate danger that requires correct procedures or practices to prevent death or injury to personnel.
Cautions indicate procedures or practices that should be followed to prevent damage or destruction to equipment or property. 
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. If the unit is in a wet or damp
environment, a rai
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Облигации Multilizer PDF транслятор бесплатная версия - перевод ограничен ~ 3 страниц в переводе.
трава ущелье
gua-дель-кроме того можно определить набор полей :
3922 496 32101 v4.4 "де-2013: предоставляет пакет услуг ночевка с v15
ветровому Ла-серии LDX LDX 5650 5640/LDX
пропаганда-де-программное обеспечение-де-c Мара aumentable
ветровому Declaracin де conformidad
трава ущелье Nederland B.V. , Kapittelweg 10, HG 4827 Бреда, однородного по радиусу расширения цилиндрического проводника Bajos,Declaramos Бахо exclusiva "responsabilidad que Эсте producto es лир a las siguientes normas:
-EN60065: seguridad -EN55103-1: EMC (emisin) -EN55103-2: EMC (inmunidad) лас disposiciones де:
a. Ла-баха tensin Directiva 2006/95/CE
b. el-EMC Directiva 2004/108/CE
FCC a Quien le Importa una declaracin
Эсте producto поколений,Utiliza y и irradiar energa-де-radiofrecuencia y si no se instala y utiliza-де-acuerdo con лас instrucciones, и causar interferencias en las приобретение авиабилетов por радио.
Se ha probado y cumple con los lmites para un dispositivo digital-де-a Quien le Importa A, лир a la parte 15 де лас reglas-де-ла-FCC,que est n diseados para una proporcionar proteccin razonable contra лас interferencias Квандо opera en un Ambiente коммерсьяль.
Funcionamiento de este producto en una зона жилом es вер que причина interferencia en que el бухгалтерскому учету кроме того можно определить набор полей : a sus propias fronteras expensas deber Томара всех земель варианты i) принимая ser necesarias corregir ла interferencia.
derechos de известными
Copyright трава ущелье Nederland B.V.До 2013 года включительно. КОПИА де Эсте соответствии y d rselo a занимающихся проституцией y el Аркос o-ля-comunicacin-де-лос contenidos-де-ла-порядке выполнения рекомендации Верховного комиссара, est n prohibidos sin autorizacin expresa. Los delincuentes сына аль-прежнему производятся лицами в Паго-Паго-де-daos y perjuicios. "Тодос los derechos est n reservados en el бухгалтерскому учету-де-ла-concesin de una patente o эль-Registro de un modelo de utilidad o diseo.Obligado a realizar modificaciones técnicas en el billetes де perfeccionamiento.
Marcas registradas
трава ущелье es una Марко registrada-де-трава ущелье, Inc. всех земель dem s marcas registradas que под лежачий камень вода не течет с уделением особого внимания сына marcas de Сервисио marcas, отсутствуют слова "коммерческие тайны o registradas de sus respectivas empresas.
Симар web
Безопасности Дорожного Движения эль-Симар web pblico-де-трава ущелье para descargar actualizaciones-де-gua-дель-кроме того можно определить набор полей :-де-ла-m s reciente e informacin adicional acerca de su producto де difusin:
Tabla де contenidos
Captulo 1 Introduccin
1,1 приветствуем 15
1.1 .1о данном руководстве 15
1.1 .2связанных документов 15
1,2 -технологии 16
1.2 .1Xensium-фт сканеры
.Procesamiento digital-де-1.2 .2высшего 16 16 1.2 .
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