Microeconomic analysis offers a detailed treatment of individual decis перевод - Microeconomic analysis offers a detailed treatment of individual decis русский как сказать

Microeconomic analysis offers a det

Microeconomic analysis offers a detailed treatment of individual decisions about particular commodities.
For example, we might study why individual households prefer cars to bicycles and how producers decide whether to produce cars or bicycles. We can then aggregate the behaviour of all households and all firms to discuss total car purchases and total car production. Within a market economy we can discuss the market for cars. Comparing this with the market for bicycles, we may be able to explain the relative output of these two goods. The sophisticated branch of microeconomics known as general equilibrium theory extends this approach to its logical conclusion. It studies simultaneously every market for every commodity. From this it is hoped that we can understand the complete pattern of consumption, production, and exchange in the whole economy at a point in time.
If you think this sounds very complicated you are correct. It is. For many purposes, the analysis becomes so complicated that we tend to lose track of the phenomena in which we were interested. The interesting task for economics, a task that retains an element of art in economic science, is to devise judicious simplifications, which keep the analysis manageable without distorting reality too much. It is here that microeconomists and macroeconomists proceed down different avenues.
Microeconomists tend to offer a detailed treatment of one aspect of economic behaviour, but ignore interactions with the rest of the economy in order to preserve the simplicity of the analysis. A microeconomic analysis of miners' wages would emphasize the characteristics of miners and the ability of mine owners to pay. It would largely neglect the chain of indirect effects to which a rise in miners' wages might give rise. For example, car workers might use the precedent of the miners' pay increase to secure higher wages in the car industry, thus being able to afford larger houses, which burned more coal in heating systems. When microeconomic analysis ignores such indirectly induced effects it is said to be partial analysis.
In some instances, indirect effects may not be too important and it will make sense for economists to devote their effort to very detailed analyses of particular industries or activities. In other circumstances, the indirect effects are too important to be swept under the carpet and an alternative simplification must be found.
Macroeconomics emphasizes the interactions in the economy as a whole. It deliberately simplifies the individual building blocks of the analysis in order to retain a manageable analysis of the complete interaction of the economy.
For example, macroeconomists typically do not worry about the breakdown of consumer goods into cars, bicycles, televisions, and calculators. They prefer to treat them all as a single bundle called "consumer goods" because they arc more interested in studying the interaction between households' purchases of consumer goods and firms' decisions about purchases of machinery and buildings.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Microeconomic analysis offers a detailed treatment of individual decisions about particular commodities.For example, we might study why individual households prefer cars to bicycles and how producers decide whether to produce cars or bicycles. We can then aggregate the behaviour of all households and all firms to discuss total car purchases and total car production. Within a market economy we can discuss the market for cars. Comparing this with the market for bicycles, we may be able to explain the relative output of these two goods. The sophisticated branch of microeconomics known as general equilibrium theory extends this approach to its logical conclusion. It studies simultaneously every market for every commodity. From this it is hoped that we can understand the complete pattern of consumption, production, and exchange in the whole economy at a point in time.If you think this sounds very complicated you are correct. It is. For many purposes, the analysis becomes so complicated that we tend to lose track of the phenomena in which we were interested. The interesting task for economics, a task that retains an element of art in economic science, is to devise judicious simplifications, which keep the analysis manageable without distorting reality too much. It is here that microeconomists and macroeconomists proceed down different avenues. Microeconomists tend to offer a detailed treatment of one aspect of economic behaviour, but ignore interactions with the rest of the economy in order to preserve the simplicity of the analysis. A microeconomic analysis of miners' wages would emphasize the characteristics of miners and the ability of mine owners to pay. It would largely neglect the chain of indirect effects to which a rise in miners' wages might give rise. For example, car workers might use the precedent of the miners' pay increase to secure higher wages in the car industry, thus being able to afford larger houses, which burned more coal in heating systems. When microeconomic analysis ignores such indirectly induced effects it is said to be partial analysis.In some instances, indirect effects may not be too important and it will make sense for economists to devote their effort to very detailed analyses of particular industries or activities. In other circumstances, the indirect effects are too important to be swept under the carpet and an alternative simplification must be found. Macroeconomics emphasizes the interactions in the economy as a whole. It deliberately simplifies the individual building blocks of the analysis in order to retain a manageable analysis of the complete interaction of the economy.For example, macroeconomists typically do not worry about the breakdown of consumer goods into cars, bicycles, televisions, and calculators. They prefer to treat them all as a single bundle called "consumer goods" because they arc more interested in studying the interaction between households' purchases of consumer goods and firms' decisions about purchases of machinery and buildings.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Microeconomic Analysis предлагает подробное рассмотрение индивидуальных решений о конкретных товаров.например, мы могли бы изучить, почему отдельных домашних хозяйств предпочитают автомобили на велосипеды и принять решение о том, как производителей производить автомобили или велосипеды.мы можем потом совокупного действия всех домашних хозяйств и все фирмы, чтобы обсудить общий покупку машин и общего производства автомобилей.в рыночной экономике, мы можем обсудить рынком для автомобилей.по сравнению с рынка для велосипедов, мы, возможно, сможем объяснить относительно производства двух этих товаров.современные власти микроэкономики, известный как общие теории равновесия выходит этот подход до логического завершения.его исследования одновременно каждый рынок для всех товаров.из этого следует надеяться на то, что мы можем понять, полная структура потребления, производства и обмена, в экономике в целом в определенный момент времени.если ты думаешь, что это звучит очень сложной, вы правы.это.для многих целей, анализ становится настолько сложным, что мы, как правило, потеряют явлений, в котором мы были заинтересованы.интересная задача для экономики, задача, которая сохраняет элемент искусства в экономической науке, является разработка продуманной упрощений, содержащих анализ управляемой без искажения реальности слишком много.именно здесь microeconomists и макроэкономистов идти разные возможности.microeconomists обычно предлагают подробно один аспект экономического поведения, но игнорировать взаимосвязи с остальной экономикой в целях сохранения простоты анализа.а Microeconomic Analysis шахтеров зарплату хотели бы подчеркнуть особенности шахтеров и способности владельцы шахты платить.это будет в значительной степени пренебрежения цепи косвенные последствия, к которым рост шахтеров заработной платы может привести.например, машину работники могут использовать этот прецедент горняков увеличение зарплат, чтобы обеспечить более высокую заработную плату в автомобильной промышленности, поэтому могут позволить себе больше домов, которые сожгли больше угля в системах отопления.когда Microeconomic Analysis игнорирует такие косвенно последствия, вызванные считается, что частичный анализ.в некоторых случаях косвенные последствия могут быть не столь важно, и это будет иметь смысл для экономистов, направить свои усилия на очень подробный анализ конкретных отраслей или деятельности.в других обстоятельствах, косвенные последствия слишком важны, чтобы быть умолчать и альтернативный упрощение должен быть найден.макроэкономика подчеркивает взаимодействия в экономике в целом.она намеренно упрощает отдельных компонентов анализа в целях сохранения управляемого анализ полное взаимодействие экономики.например, они, как правило, не волнуйся о развале потребительских товаров в автомобили, велосипеды, телевизоры и калькуляторы.они предпочитают рассматривать их как единый пакет под названием "потребительские товары", потому что они дуги, более заинтересованы в изучении взаимодействия между домохозяйствами, закупки товаров и компаний решения относительно покупки машин и зданий.
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