Wemmick’s house was a little wooden cottage in the middle of a large g перевод - Wemmick’s house was a little wooden cottage in the middle of a large g украинский как сказать

Wemmick’s house was a little wooden

Wemmick’s house was a little wooden cottage in the middle of a large garden. The top of the house had been built and painted like a battery loaded with guns. I said I really liked it.

I think Wemmick’s house was the tiniest I had ever seen. It had very few windows, and the door was almost too small to get in.

‘Look’, said Wemmick, ‘after I have crossed this bridge, I raise it so that nobody can enter the Castle.’

The ’bridge’ was a plank, and it crossed a gap about four feet wide and two deep. But I enjoyed seeing the smile on Wemmick’s face and the pride with which he hoisted his bridge. The gun on the roof of the house, he told me, was fired every night at nine o’clock. I later heard it. Admittedly, it made an impressive sound.

‘At the back,’ he said, ‘there are fowls and rabbits. I have also got my own little vegetable garden, and I grow cucumbers. Wait until supper and you’ll see for yourself what kind of salad I can make. If the Castle is ever attacked, I will be able to hold out for quite a while,’ he said with a smile, but at the same time seriously.

He led me to a little leafy shelter which was only a few metres away, but the path that led to it was so winding that it took us quite a while to get there. It was here that our glasses were set out. Our drink of punch was cooling in an ornamental pond, on whose bank the shelter was built. The pond has a small ‘island’ in the middle, where Wemmick had built a fountain.

‘I am my own engineer, my own carpenter, my own plumber and my own gardener. I am my own Jack of all Trades,’ said Wemmick, acknowledging my compliments. ‘Well, it’s a good thing, you know. It pleases the Aged Parent. You would not mind being introduced to him, would you? It wouldn’t bother you?

I felt that I could only agree. Inside, we found a very old man in a flannel coat sitting by a fire. He was clean, cheerful and well cared for, but almost completely deaf. We paid our respects and made some small conversation. Then, Wemmick showed me his collection of curiousities. They were mostly to do with being on the wrong side of the law: a pen with which a famous forgery had been committed, a couple of distinguished razors, some locks of hair, several manuscript confessions written from the prison. These were nicely spread out among small items of porcelain and glass and various things made by Wemmick himself. They were all in that room of the Castle that served not only as the sitting room, but judging from the saucepan on the hob, as the kitchen, too.

We returned to the garden to drink our punch. Wemmick told me that it had taken him many years to bring his property to this state of perfection.

‘Is it your own, Mr. Wemmick?’

‘Oh yes, I have got a hold of it a bit at a time. I have absolute ownership now.’

‘Do you indeed? I hope Mr. Jaggers admires it?’

‘Never seen it,’ said Wemmick, ‘never heard of it. No; the office is one thing, and private life is another. When I go to the office, I leave the Castle behind me, and when I come into the Castle, I live the office behind me. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to do the same. I don’t want to talk about my home in a professional manner.’
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Wemmick’s house was a little wooden cottage in the middle of a large garden. The top of the house had been built and painted like a battery loaded with guns. I said I really liked it.I think Wemmick’s house was the tiniest I had ever seen. It had very few windows, and the door was almost too small to get in.‘Look’, said Wemmick, ‘after I have crossed this bridge, I raise it so that nobody can enter the Castle.’The ’bridge’ was a plank, and it crossed a gap about four feet wide and two deep. But I enjoyed seeing the smile on Wemmick’s face and the pride with which he hoisted his bridge. The gun on the roof of the house, he told me, was fired every night at nine o’clock. I later heard it. Admittedly, it made an impressive sound.‘At the back,’ he said, ‘there are fowls and rabbits. I have also got my own little vegetable garden, and I grow cucumbers. Wait until supper and you’ll see for yourself what kind of salad I can make. If the Castle is ever attacked, I will be able to hold out for quite a while,’ he said with a smile, but at the same time seriously.He led me to a little leafy shelter which was only a few metres away, but the path that led to it was so winding that it took us quite a while to get there. It was here that our glasses were set out. Our drink of punch was cooling in an ornamental pond, on whose bank the shelter was built. The pond has a small ‘island’ in the middle, where Wemmick had built a fountain.‘I am my own engineer, my own carpenter, my own plumber and my own gardener. I am my own Jack of all Trades,’ said Wemmick, acknowledging my compliments. ‘Well, it’s a good thing, you know. It pleases the Aged Parent. You would not mind being introduced to him, would you? It wouldn’t bother you?I felt that I could only agree. Inside, we found a very old man in a flannel coat sitting by a fire. He was clean, cheerful and well cared for, but almost completely deaf. We paid our respects and made some small conversation. Then, Wemmick showed me his collection of curiousities. They were mostly to do with being on the wrong side of the law: a pen with which a famous forgery had been committed, a couple of distinguished razors, some locks of hair, several manuscript confessions written from the prison. These were nicely spread out among small items of porcelain and glass and various things made by Wemmick himself. They were all in that room of the Castle that served not only as the sitting room, but judging from the saucepan on the hob, as the kitchen, too.We returned to the garden to drink our punch. Wemmick told me that it had taken him many years to bring his property to this state of perfection.‘Is it your own, Mr. Wemmick?’‘Oh yes, I have got a hold of it a bit at a time. I have absolute ownership now.’‘Do you indeed? I hope Mr. Jaggers admires it?’‘Never seen it,’ said Wemmick, ‘never heard of it. No; the office is one thing, and private life is another. When I go to the office, I leave the Castle behind me, and when I come into the Castle, I live the office behind me. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to do the same. I don’t want to talk about my home in a professional manner.’
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
Будинок Wemmick був маленький дерев'яний будиночок в центрі великого саду. У верхній частині будинку були побудовані і пофарбовані , як батарея завантаженим зі зброєю. Я сказав , що дуже сподобалося.

Я думаю , що будинок Wemmick був найдрібніша я коли - небудь бачив. Це було дуже мало вікон, а двері були майже занадто малий , щоб потрапити всередину.

"Дивись", сказав Wemmick, "після того, як я перетнув цей міст, я піднімаю його так , щоб ніхто не міг увійти в замок.

« Міст »був дощечки, і він перетнув розрив близько чотирьох футів в ширину і два глибоких. Але я любив бачити усмішку на обличчі Wemmick в і гордість , з якою він підняв свій міст. Гармата на даху будинку, він сказав мені, був звільнений щовечора о дев'ятій годині. Пізніше я почув це. За загальним визнанням, він зробив вражаючий звук.

"На спині," сказав він, "є кури і кролики. Крім того, я отримав свій власний невеличкий город, і я вирощувати огірки. Зачекайте до вечері , і ви побачите самі , який салат я можу зробити. Якщо замок коли - або нападуть, я зможу протриматися деякий час, сказав він з посмішкою, але в той же час серйозно.

Він привів мене до невеликого листяного притулку , який був всього в декількох метрах від готелю, але шлях , який привів до нього був настільки обмоткою , що нам потрібно якийсь час , щоб потрапити туди. Саме тут наші окуляри були викладені. Наш напій удар охолоджував в декоративний ставок, на березі якого був побудований притулок. Ставок має невеликий "острів" в середині, де був побудований фонтан Wemmick.

"Я свій власний інженер, свій теслі, свій сантехнік і свій власний садівник. Я сам собі до всього іншого, "сказав Wemmick, визнаючи свою повагу. "Ну, це хороша річ, ви знаєте. Це радує старого батька. Ви не заперечували б введенням до нього, не так ли? Це не буде турбувати вас?

Я відчував , що я міг тільки погодитися. Всередині ми знайшли дуже стара людина в фланель пальто сидіти біля багаття. Він був чистий, веселий і добре піклуються, але майже повністю глухим. Ми заплатили свою повагу і зробив деяку невелику бесіду. Потім Wemmick показав мені свою колекцію curiousities. В основному вони були пов'язані з будучи на неправильній стороні закону: ручка , з якої було скоєно відомим підроблення, пару видатних бритв, деякі пасма волосся, кілька рукописів , написаних зізнань з в'язниці. Вони були добре поширене серед дрібних предметів з порцеляни і скла і різні речі , зроблені самим Wemmick. Всі вони були в тій кімнаті замку , який служив не тільки вітальні, але , судячи з каструльці на плиті, як кухня, теж.

Ми повернулися в сад , щоб випити наш удар. Wemmick сказав мені , що у нього пішло багато років , щоб привести свою власність в цей стан досконалості.

"Є чи це самостійно, містер Wemmick?

" О, так, я додзвонилася йому трохи в той час. У мене є абсолютне право власності в даний час. '

' Чи справді ви? Я сподіваюся , що г - н Джаггерс захоплюється його?

"Ніколи не бачив його, сказав Wemmick," ніколи не чув про це. Немає; офіс це одне, а особисте життя іншої. Коли я йду в офіс, я залишаю замок позаду мене, і коли я приходжу в замок, я живу в офіс позаду мене. Якщо ви не заперечуєте, я хотів би вам зробити те ж саме. Я не хочу говорити про мій будинок у професійній манері.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
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