Various social networks have aroused great interest among Internet users. However, some people say that they have a lot of drawbacks. Social networks are very popular among users of different ages and professions. But many people are concerned about the influence of social networks on their lives. Personally, I think that social networks have a lot of benefits. Firstly, they link together users of the Internet who have common interests and give people an opportunity to look for old and new friends, to build communities, to send messages and to share news and pictures. There are other sites which allow classmates from school or university to keep in contact with each other. Secondly, many people use social networks to communicate and exchange personal information for dating purposes. Thirdly, social networks are being used by teachers and students. Teachers often help students with their homework and post assignments, tests or quizzes. Social networks also serve to foster teacher-parent communication. Parents can ask questions without having to meet teachers face to face. Finally, some people search for job opportunities with the help of social networks. However, some users are worried about data theft and viruses. The problem is that many people give out too much personal information that may be passed to third parties for different purposes. To protect user privacy, social networks allow users to choose who can view their profile or contact them. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing, adding, changing, or removing personal information and pictures. To conclude, the popularity of social networks continues growing because more and more people find it easier to communicate digitally. What is more, millions of people use them for fun as well as for business and educational purposes.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that technological progress can be dangerous to some extent. Even surrounding nature suffers from scientific advances, to say nothing of our health. But nevertheless I would prefer a technological way of life to a natural one because I'm a part of the modem society and I want to keep up with the times.
Результаты (
латинский) 1:
Interest inter varias communitates retiacula erexerunt Internet users. Quidam tamen dicunt quod multum bona malaque erant. Socialis networks users de diversis temporibus et in artibus popularis. Sed multi de influxu socialis retiacula in uita sua. Tamen puto multum beneficia socialis retiacula. Primo quidem, qui communi studio Internet users concatenare populum et amicos quaerere occasionem aedificare civitates nuntium mittere pictures et nuntium impertirent. Sunt et alia loca, quae a schola vel universitate condiscipulis patitur se coniunctionem servare. Secundo, uti multis socialis retiacula in turpis notitia commutamus communicare consilia. Tertio per socialis retiacula sunt doctores et alumni. Saepe auxilium doctores cum alumni post eorum Duis congue destinationes et, volutpat vel quizzes. Social networks et servite ei magister, parens communicatio foveatur. Parentes potest sine interrogare doctores ad faciem. Denique quidam ope job occasiones quaerere socialis retiacula. Autem, quidam users de anxium sunt data, et furto virus. Difficultatem nimis multos dare notitia ut alios transferri in alium usum. Tueri User nanctus socialis retiacula quis patitur users eligere eos intueri profile contactus. Hic ne accessu alienum a users, addens, mutans, aut tollendum notitia et pictures. Denique eo magis crescit prosequitur favore socialis retiacula communicare Digitally facilius invenire. Praeterea milia hominum pariter uti his rebus educational amet lorem.
Denique technicae artis progressiones libet dicere esse aliquid perniciosum. Etiam circuitum profectibus scientiae natura patitur ut omittam salutis. Sed tamen scire velim a me, quia technicae vitae naturalis partem temporis hodierni societatis ut cum volo.
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