From the history of punishmentFor the most history punishment has been перевод - From the history of punishmentFor the most history punishment has been русский как сказать

From the history of punishmentFor t

From the history of punishment

For the most history punishment has been both painful and public in

order to act as deterrent to others. Physical punishments and public humiliations were social events and carried out in most accessible parts of towns, often on market days when the greater part of the population were present. Justice had to be seen to be done.

ancient Rome on people found guilty of murdering their fathers. Their punishment was to be put in a sack with a rooster, a viper, and a dog, then drowned along with the three animals. In ancient Greece the custom of allowing a condemned man to end his own life by poison was extended only to full citizens. The philosopher Socrates died in this way. Condemned slaves were beaten to death instead. Stoning was the ancient method of punishment for adultery among other crimes.

In Turkey if a butcher was found guilty of selling bad meat, he was tied to a post with a piece of stinking meat fixed under his nose, or a baker having sold short weight bread could be nailed to his door by his ear.

One of the most common punishment for petty offences was the pillory, which stood in the main square of towns. The offender was locked by hands and head into the device and made to stand sometimes for days, while crowds jeered and pelted the offender with rotten vegetables or worse.

In medieval Europe some methods of execution were deliberately drawn out

to inflict maximum suffering. Felons were tied to a heavy wheel and rolled around the streets until they been crushed to death. Others were strangled, very slowly. One of the most terrible punishments was hanging and quartering. It remained a legal method of punishment in Britain until 1814. Beheading was normally reserved for those of high rank.

why did ancient punishment have to be painful

what was the purpose of making punishment public?

what was the symbolic meaning of the punishment inflicted on the parents' murders

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how did punishments reflect social status
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
From the history of punishmentFor the most history punishment has been both painful and public inorder to act as deterrent to others. Physical punishments and public humiliations were social events and carried out in most accessible parts of towns, often on market days when the greater part of the population were present. Justice had to be seen to be done.ancient Rome on people found guilty of murdering their fathers. Their punishment was to be put in a sack with a rooster, a viper, and a dog, then drowned along with the three animals. In ancient Greece the custom of allowing a condemned man to end his own life by poison was extended only to full citizens. The philosopher Socrates died in this way. Condemned slaves were beaten to death instead. Stoning was the ancient method of punishment for adultery among other crimes.In Turkey if a butcher was found guilty of selling bad meat, he was tied to a post with a piece of stinking meat fixed under his nose, or a baker having sold short weight bread could be nailed to his door by his ear.One of the most common punishment for petty offences was the pillory, which stood in the main square of towns. The offender was locked by hands and head into the device and made to stand sometimes for days, while crowds jeered and pelted the offender with rotten vegetables or worse.In medieval Europe some methods of execution were deliberately drawn outto inflict maximum suffering. Felons were tied to a heavy wheel and rolled around the streets until they been crushed to death. Others were strangled, very slowly. One of the most terrible punishments was hanging and quartering. It remained a legal method of punishment in Britain until 1814. Beheading was normally reserved for those of high rank.why did ancient punishment have to be painful what was the purpose of making punishment public? what was the symbolic meaning of the punishment inflicted on the parents' murderswhat punishments were most common in the easthow did punishments reflect social status
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
из истории наказаниядля самой истории наказания был болезненным и общественностидля того, чтобы действовать в качестве сдерживающего фактора для других.физические наказания и публичные унижения были общественные мероприятия и проводятся в большинстве доступные районы городов, часто в рыночные дни, когда большая часть населения была настоящей.правосудия должна свершиться.древний рим на людей, признанных виновными в убийстве своих отцов.их наказание было поставить в мешок с петухом, змею, и собака, потом утонул вместе с тремя животными.в древней греции обычай, что приговорённый к концу его собственной жизни, яд был продлен только полноправными гражданами.философ сократ умер таким образом.осудили рабов были забиты до смерти.побивание камнями был древний способ наказания за супружескую неверность среди других преступлений.в турции, если мясник был признан виновным в продаже плохого мяса, он был привязан на должность с кусок вонючего мяса, установленные по носу, или пекарь, продав короткий вес хлеба можно прижали к его двери его ухо.одним из наиболее распространенных наказания за мелкие правонарушения был позорный столб, который стоял на главной площади города.преступник был заперт в руки и головы в устройство и поставлен, иногда в течение нескольких дней, тогда как толпы jeered и забросали преступник гнилыми овощами или хуже.в средневековой европе некоторые методы казни были умышленно растянутым,чтобы причинить максимум страданий.преступники связали с колесной и катался по улицам до тех пор, пока они не был раздавлен насмерть.другие были задушены, очень медленно.один из самых страшных наказаний висел и расквартирования.она по - прежнему правовой метод наказания в великобритании до 1814.обезглавливание, как правило, зарезервированы для тех высокого ранга.почему древние наказания должны быть болезненнымто, что было целью наказания государственных?это символический смысл наказания родителей убийствкакие наказания были наиболее распространенных на востокекак же наказаний отражает социальный статус
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