Well old man tell me all about it. Perhaps I can be of service

Well old man tell me all about it.

Well old man tell me all about it. Perhaps I can be of service", said Tolozan.
"It's like this" Freycinet began. Two month ago we received information from the prefecture that gold was being taken out of the country over the Spanish border. I was sent down to take charge of the matter. I did the usual thing examined all luggage searched some suspicious people doubled the number of guards at the vital points on the border but nothing came of it. We could find nothing. For three weeks I was up day and night doing everything I could. Then I receiced a very serious note from headquarters. The gold was still going through. Something more must be done. These treasury people have wonderfully sensitive ways of finding out. They belived it went through to Bilbao; a steady steam of golden louis. I became more drastic. For three days I had every passenger on every train searched all the luggage examined. I even looked through the coal on the engines. I searched the porters and engine-drivers. Not a boat put out to sea without being searched. We never found a coin. A fortnight later the perfect ot the police sent for me. He said in a rage. he said he regretted to say that he help me responsible. The Government belived that the gold was going through by land and they were demanding a scapegoat.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Well old man tell me all about it. Perhaps I can be of service", said Tolozan.
"It's like this" Freycinet began. Two month ago we received information from the prefecture that gold was being taken out of the country over the Spanish border. I was sent down to take charge of the matter. I did the usual thing examined all luggage searched some suspicious people doubled the number of guards at the vital points on the border but nothing came of it. We could find nothing. For three weeks I was up day and night doing everything I could. Then I receiced a very serious note from headquarters. The gold was still going through. Something more must be done. These treasury people have wonderfully sensitive ways of finding out. They belived it went through to Bilbao; a steady steam of golden louis. I became more drastic. For three days I had every passenger on every train searched all the luggage examined. I even looked through the coal on the engines. I searched the porters and engine-drivers. Not a boat put out to sea without being searched. We never found a coin. A fortnight later the perfect ot the police sent for me. He said in a rage. he said he regretted to say that he help me responsible. The Government belived that the gold was going through by land and they were demanding a scapegoat.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Well old man tell me all about it. Perhaps I can be of service", said Tolozan.
"It's like this" Freycinet began. Two month ago we received information from the prefecture that gold was being taken out of the country over the Spanish border. I was sent down to take charge of the matter. I did the usual thing examined all luggage searched some suspicious people doubled the number of guards at the vital points on the border but nothing came of it. We could find nothing. For three weeks I was up day and night doing everything I could. Then I receiced a very serious note from headquarters. The gold was still going through. Something more must be done. These treasury people have wonderfully sensitive ways of finding out. They belived it went through to Bilbao; a steady steam of golden louis. I became more drastic. For three days I had every passenger on every train searched all the luggage examined. I even looked through the coal on the engines. I searched the porters and engine-drivers. Not a boat put out to sea without being searched. We never found a coin. A fortnight later the perfect ot the police sent for me. He said in a rage. he said he regretted to say that he help me responsible. The Government belived that the gold was going through by land and they were demanding a scapegoat.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
А также мужчина расскажите мне об этом. Возможно, я может быть службы", говорит Tolozan.
"Это как это" до начала. Два месяца назад мы получили информацию от префектуры gold принимаются из страны за границу. Я был направлен вниз, чтобы взять этот вопрос.Я обычно дело рассмотрела все багаж обыскали некоторых подозрительных людей удвоилось число охранников на жизненно важные точки на границу, но ничего не было. Мы не могли найти ничего. На протяжении трех недель я был день и ночь делать все, что я мог бы. Затем я receiced очень серьезное внимание из штаб-квартиры. Золото по-прежнему. Что-то должно быть сделано больше.Эти казначейства люди необыкновенно чувствительны пути поиска. Они belived через в Бильбао; постоянный пар золотых Луис. Я стала более резким. В течение трех дней я имел каждый пассажир на каждый поезд все найденные в багажном отделении. Я даже через уголь на двигатели. Я произвела обыск в носильщиков и двигатель-драйверов. Не на лодке в море без обыск.Мы никогда не найдены монеты. Двумя неделями позже идеальный ot в полицию для меня. Он заявил в Rage. Он говорит, что он сожалеет о том, что он мне помочь. Правительство belived золотой, по земле и они потребовали "козла отпущения".
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