Результаты (
русский) 1:
Термины и условияГИННЕСА РЕКОРД ПОПЫТКА МИРОВОГО ЗАПИСЕЙ: ВАЖНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ КАНДИДАТОВМы ценим, что никто не любит читать длительных условиями, однако для того иметь возможность обрабатывать записи приложения важно для вас принять время, чтобы понять, что требуется от вас, прежде чем пытаться и мы надеемся достичь, название книги рекордов Гиннесса. Эти условия изложены обязанности, которые вы принимаете, когда вы соглашаетесь попытка записи, а также то, что ожидается от вас, когда ваша попытка.Мы сделали все возможное, чтобы термины как просто и ясно, как можно скорее. Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте их и если есть какой-либо частью этих условий, которые вы все еще чувствуете, что вы не понимаете, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.НачалоВы согласны с тем, что мы можем начать предоставить вам услугу, которую вы выбрали после принятия этих положений и условий. Если вы заплатили нам плату для обработки вашего заявления, и мы провели работу в течение срока аннулирования, вы только может быть право на частичное возмещение, если вы решите отменить это соглашение.Общая информацияЭтот документ будет образуют соглашение между Guinness World Records Limited, 184-192 Драммонд стрит, Лондон, NW1 3HP (иначе известная «GWR» или «мы» или «нас») и вы, заявитель.Артём КоваленкоЕсли вы согласны с этими условиями, то вам будет возможность отправить заявку для названия книги рекордов Гиннесса.После того как вы подали ваше приложение, важно, что вы ждать, пока вы не получите от нас подтверждение, что Ваш рекорд попытка было разрешено до принятия каких-либо дальнейших действий. Если вы не получили никаких сообщений, пожалуйста не думайте что Ваш рекорд попытка было разрешено. Хотя мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы уполномочить выбранную запись попытка титул, могут быть случаи, когда мы должны будем изменить название перед позволяет вам перейти с попыткой.Если по какой-либо причине вы не можете принять эти условия, к сожалению мы не сможем действовать с вашего приложения и в этом случае вы не должны сделать или сказать ничего, что позволяет предположить, что мы уполномоченного Ваш рекорд попытка как официальных рекордов Гиннеса Попытка или название.Попытка установить рекорд руководящие принципыКак только Ваш рекорд попытка является авторизованным нами, мы вышлем вам руководящие принципы, касающиеся вашей записи попытки. Вы должны убедиться, что вы будете следовать все руководящие принципы для записи попытка быть рассмотрен GWR. Информация для вас актуальна в меру наших знаний в то время, дано, но в некоторых случаях руководящих принципов или записи информации может измениться после того, как информация была предоставлена вам. Например, запись может быть нарушена или руководящие принципы может потребоваться внести изменения. В редких случаях, что любой из этого происходит, мы не всегда сможем сообщить вам из-за большого количества приложений, которые мы обрабатываем.If your record attempt is unsuccessful, whilst we do understand that this can be disappointing, GWR’s interpretation of any aspect of the guidelines has to be final and there is no requirement for us to enter into further correspondence.If you are unclear on any aspect of the guidelines, please contact us before the record attempt.Supporting Materials and EvidenceIf we authorise your record attempt, you will receive the following information:The Guidelines specific to your record attemptThe ‘’Guide to your evidence’ document including various templates and the following SchedulesGuidance on Supporting Materials & Evidence (Schedule 1)A Release of Evidence Form (where you are the owner of the evidence) (Schedule 2)A Release of Evidence Form (where the owner of the Evidence is someone other than you) (Schedule 3)EvidenceTo stand the best chance of achieving a GWR Record, you should submit as much evidence as possible in accordance with the evidence guidance.If you are unable to provide enough evidence to support your claim, we may have no choice but to rejectyour claim.Due to the large volume of applications received, we are unable to return the evidence supplied.GWR’s right to use your evidenceWe may want to use the evidence you submit in our Guinness World Records publications, on our website, in GWR television shows or in another medium through which we exploit our brand.By accepting these terms, you allow us to use any and all of the materials submitted with your claim for these purposes at any time and free of charge. There will be no obligation on us to identify you or the actual owner as the author of the materials.The above statement is a general release of all evidence supplied by you. However, wherever possible you should also arrange for the owner of evidence (you or a third party) to sign the Schedule 2 (you) or Schedule 3 (third parties). Further information on this is in the Evidence Required document.The permission you grant to GWR above does not affect the owner’s right (whether you or a third party) to use the evidence.Other termsIn addition to the above points, by agreeing to these terms you agree that:Your InformationWe may make any details of your record attempt/title available to the public (but there is no obligation on us to do so).That you will not take legal action against us if any details we do release are incorrect. But we will try hard to avoid errors and correct them (where we can) when we become aware of them.We can use your personal information for the following purposes:To process your applicationIn our publicationsIn our marketing materialsIn promoting our brand through any media (including contacting you)We may pass on your contact information to third parties where we consider you may be interested in being contacted by them (for example TV production companies and PR companies).We can transfer your personal information outside the European Union, even to countries where your information may not be protected to the same extent (this is because of the global nature of our business).
You will not take legal action against us if you suffer any loss as a result of any loss of personal data except where it is our fault.
You will only use the word mark ‘Guinness World Records’ to identify and describe your record attempt and you agree that you will not use these words for any commercial purposes.
You will contact us to obtain our permission where you wish to use our word mark for commercial purposes and our logos for any purposes.
You waive your right to cancel our agreement and receive a refund if you have chosen to use our fast track service (see cancellation policy).
General confirmations
All information provided to us is true and accurate
You can grant us the permissions we need so that we can use your evidence without breaching anyone else’s rights
Attempts where someone else other than you will be making the attempt
Every participant in the record has or will have agreed to these terms before the record attempt takes place (this is particularly the case where you are acting on behalf of a third party, for example where you are a PR or advertising agency).
GWR’s right of recovery against you
If a third party notifies us that it is considering taking legal action against us as a result of (a) loss, personal injury or death resulting from your record attempt (regardless of whether successful or not) or (b) due to any of the assurances provided by you in these terms being incorrect, we can recover any loss arising from the third party’s action from you including demands, claims, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees).
Limitation on your ability to recover from GWR
Except for personal injury or death resulting from GWR’s negligence, neither GWR nor other any companies in its group will be liable to you or your estate for any loss, damage or injury arising as a result of your record attempt.
Safety Requirements
In addition to the above terms it is
particularly important that you agree to the following terms in relation to the safety of your record attempt.
Your record attempt may be dangerous to you and others, even if you comply with the guidelines we provide. The Guidelines are not intended to offer or replace any safety advice and do not mean that your record attempt is free from risk.
As well as complying with all of the guidelines, you must take safety advice from a suitably qualified professional in relation to your record attempt. As part of any advice we would expect that the following are covered:
A full risk assessment identifying all risks to everyone at your record attempt
A full assessment of appropriate medical and other resources which need to be made available at your record attempt
That you have the necessary insurance policy in place to cover any potential claims
In addition to taking safety advice, you must comply with all applicable recommendations and/or requirements as provided for under applicable health & safety guidelines and laws.
Please remember, that you have full responsibility for the safety of your record attempt and specifically with regards to deciding whether or not to make the record attempt. You are also responsible for all safety aspects related to that record attempt,
Except where GWR has been negligent and this results in personal injury and or death, neither GWR nor any companies in its group will be liable to you or your estate for any loss, damage or injury to yourself or anyone at the record attempt, or anyone’s property, or arising from a breach of these terms.
Miscellaneous terms
These terms are all the terms which apply to every aspect of your record attempt and no third parties will have any rights under these terms.
Even if one part of these terms is found to be invalid, the other terms will remain in force.
Whilst unlikely, we may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to a third party without your consent.
The English version of these terms will apply over a
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