Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. She was young, brilliant, ext перевод - Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. She was young, brilliant, ext русский как сказать

Rosemary Fell was not exactly beaut

Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. She was young, brilliant, extremely modern, well dressed and amazingly well read in the newest of the new books. Rosemary had been married two years, and her husband was very fond of her. They were rich, really rich, not just comfortably well-off, so if Rosemary wanted to shop, she would go to Paris as you and I would go to Bond Street.
One winter afternoon she went into a small shop to look at a little box which the shopman had been keeping for her. He had shown it to nobody as yet so that she might be the first to see it.
"Charming!" Rosemary admired the box. But how much would he charge her for it? For a moment the shopman did not seem to hear. The lady could certainly afford a high price. Then his words reached her, "Twenty-eight guineas, madam."
"Twenty-eight guineas." Rosemary gave no sign. Even if one is rich... Her voice was dreamy as she answered: "Well, keep it for me, will you? I'll..." The shopman bowed. He would be willing of course, to keep it for her forever.
Outside rain was falling, there was a cold, bitter taste in the air, and the newly lighted lamps looked sad... At that very moment a young girl, thin, dark, appeared at Rosemary's elbow and a voice, like a sigh, breathed: "Madam, may I speak to you a moment?"
"Speak to me?" Rosemary turned. She saw a little creature, no older than herself who shivered as though she had just come out of the water.
"Madam," came the voice, "would you let me have the price of a cup of tea?"
"A cup of tea?" There was something simple, sincere in that voice; it couldn't be the voice of a beggar. "Then have you no money at all?" asked Rosemary. "None, madam", came the answer. "How unusual!" Rosemary looked at the girl closer. And suddenly it seemed to her such an adventure. Supposing she took the girl home? Supposing she did one of those things she was always reading about or seeing on the stage? What would happen? It would be thrilling. And she heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends: "I simply took her home with me." And she stepped forward and said to the girl beside her: "Come home to tea with me."
The girl gave a start. "You're — you're not taking me to the police station?" There was pain in her voice.
"The police station!" Rosemary laughed out. "Why should I be so cruel? No, I only want to make you warm and to hear — anything you care to tell me. Come along."
Hungry people are easily led. The footman held the door of the car open, and a moment later they were riding through the dusk.
"There!" cried Rosemary, as they reached her beautiful big bedroom. "Come and sit down", she said, pulling her big chair up to the fire. "Come and get warm. You look so terribly cold."
"I daren't, madam," hesitated the girl.
"Oh, please," — Rosemary ran forward — "you mustn't be frightened, you mustn't, really." And gently she half pushed the thin figure into the chair.
There was a whisper that sounded like "Very good, madam," and the worn hat was taken off.
"And let me help you off with your coat, too," said Rosemary.
The girl stood up. But she held on to the chair with one hand and let Rosemary pull.
Then she said quickly, but so lightly and strangely: "I'm very sorry, madam, but I'm going to faint. I shall fall, madam, if I don't have something."
"Good heavens, how thoughtless I am!" Rosemary rushed to the bell.
"Tea! Tea at once! And some brandy immediately."
The maid was gone and the girl almost burst into tears. She forgot to be shy, forgot everything except that they were both women, and cried out: "I can't go on any longer like this. I can't stand it. I wish I were dead. I really can't stand it!"
"You won't have to. I'll look after you. I'll arrange something. Do stop crying. Please."
The other did stop just in time for Rosemary to get up before the tea came.
And really the effect of that slight meal was amazing. When the tea-table was carried away, a new girl, a light creature with dark lips and deep eyes lay back in the big chair.
At that moment the door-handle turned.
"Rosemary, can I come in?" It was Philip, her husband.
"Of course."
He came in. "Oh, I'm so sorry," he said, as if apologizing, and stopped and stared.
"It's quite all right," said Rosemary, smiling. "This is my friend, Miss —"
"Smith, madam," said the figure in the chair.
"Smith," said Rosemary. "We are going to have a little talk."
Philip smiled his charming smile. "As a matter of fact," he said, "I wanted you to come into the library for a moment. Will Miss Smith excuse us?"
The big eyes were raised to him, but Rosemary answered for her: "Of course she will", and they went out of the room together.
"I say," said Philip, when they were alone. "Explain, who is she? What does it all mean?"
Rosemary, laughing, leaned against the door and said: "I picked her up in the street. Really. She asked me for the price of a cup of tea and I brought her home with me."
"Congratulations!" Philip sounded as though he were joking. "But what on earth are you going to do with her?"
"Be nice to her", said Rosemary quickly, "look after her. I don't know how. We haven't talked yet. Just show her — treat her — make her feel —"
"But," said Philip slowly, and he cut the end of a cigar, "she's so extremely pretty. She can't be more than twenty."
"Pretty?" Rosemary was so surprised that she blushed. "Do you think so? I — I hadn't thought about it."
"Good Lord!" Philip took a match. "She's absolutely lovely. Look again, my child. But let me know if Miss Smith is going to dine with us!"
"You absurd creature!" said Rosemary, and she went out of the library, but not back to her bedroom. She went to her writing-room and sat down at her desk. Pretty! Absolutely lovely! Her heart beat like a heavy bell. She opened a drawer, took out five pound notes, looked at them, put two back, and holding the three in her hand, went back to her bedroom.
Half an hour later Philip was still in the library, when Rosemary came in.
"I only wanted to tell you," said she, and she leaned against the door again, "Miss Smith won't dine with us tonight."
Philip put down the paper. "Oh, what's happened? Previous engagement?"
Rosemary came over and sat down on his knee. "She insisted on going," she said, "so I gave the poor little thing a present of money. I couldn't keep her against her will, could I?" she added softly.
There was a pause.
Then Rosemary said dreamily: "I saw a wonderful little box today. It cost twenty-eight guineas. Can I have it?"
"You can, little wasteful one," said he. "You know I can't deny you anything."
But that was not really Rosemary wanted to say.
"Philip," she whispered, "am I pretty?
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. She was young, brilliant, extremely modern, well dressed and amazingly well read in the newest of the new books. Rosemary had been married two years, and her husband was very fond of her. They were rich, really rich, not just comfortably well-off, so if Rosemary wanted to shop, she would go to Paris as you and I would go to Bond Street.One winter afternoon she went into a small shop to look at a little box which the shopman had been keeping for her. He had shown it to nobody as yet so that she might be the first to see it."Charming!" Rosemary admired the box. But how much would he charge her for it? For a moment the shopman did not seem to hear. The lady could certainly afford a high price. Then his words reached her, "Twenty-eight guineas, madam.""Twenty-eight guineas." Rosemary gave no sign. Even if one is rich... Her voice was dreamy as she answered: "Well, keep it for me, will you? I'll..." The shopman bowed. He would be willing of course, to keep it for her forever.Outside rain was falling, there was a cold, bitter taste in the air, and the newly lighted lamps looked sad... At that very moment a young girl, thin, dark, appeared at Rosemary's elbow and a voice, like a sigh, breathed: "Madam, may I speak to you a moment?""Speak to me?" Rosemary turned. She saw a little creature, no older than herself who shivered as though she had just come out of the water.«Мадам,» пришел голос, «бы вы позвольте мне иметь цену чашку чая?»«Чашка чая»? Там было что-то простое, искреннее в этом голосе; она не может быть голосом нищего. «Тогда у вас нет денег на всех?» спросил розмарина. «Никто не, г-жа», пришел ответ. «Как необычно!» Розмари посмотрел на девушку ближе. И вдруг показалось ей такое приключение. Предположим, она взяла девушку домой? Предположим, что она сделала одна из тех вещей, она всегда читал о или видеть на сцене? Что случилось бы? Было бы захватывающим. И она услышала себя потом говорил изумления ее друзей: «Я просто взял ее домой со мной.» И она шагнула вперед и сказал девушка рядом с ней: «Приходите домой к чаю со мной».Девушка дала старт. «Ты — вы не берете меня в полицейский участок?» В ее голосе была боль.«Полицейский участок!» Розмари смеялась вне. «Почему я должен быть таким жестоким? Нет, я только хочу сделать вас теплым и слышать — все, что вы заботитесь, чтобы сказать мне. Приходите.»Голодные люди легко водить. Пехотинец провел дверь автомобиля открытым, и чуть позже они были верхом через сумерки.«Там!» воскликнул розмарина, как они достигли своей красивой большой спальне. «Прийти и сесть»,-сказала она, потянув ее большой стул до пожара. «Приходите и получить тепло. Вы смотрите так ужасно холодно.»«Я не смею, г-жа Председатель,» не решался девушка.«О, пожалуйста,» — Розмари побежал вперед — «вы не должны быть страшно, вы не должны, действительно.» И нежно она наполовину толкнул тонкую фигуру в кресло.There was a whisper that sounded like "Very good, madam," and the worn hat was taken off."And let me help you off with your coat, too," said Rosemary.The girl stood up. But she held on to the chair with one hand and let Rosemary pull.Then she said quickly, but so lightly and strangely: "I'm very sorry, madam, but I'm going to faint. I shall fall, madam, if I don't have something.""Good heavens, how thoughtless I am!" Rosemary rushed to the bell."Tea! Tea at once! And some brandy immediately."The maid was gone and the girl almost burst into tears. She forgot to be shy, forgot everything except that they were both women, and cried out: "I can't go on any longer like this. I can't stand it. I wish I were dead. I really can't stand it!""You won't have to. I'll look after you. I'll arrange something. Do stop crying. Please."The other did stop just in time for Rosemary to get up before the tea came.And really the effect of that slight meal was amazing. When the tea-table was carried away, a new girl, a light creature with dark lips and deep eyes lay back in the big chair.At that moment the door-handle turned."Rosemary, can I come in?" It was Philip, her husband."Of course."He came in. "Oh, I'm so sorry," he said, as if apologizing, and stopped and stared."It's quite all right," said Rosemary, smiling. "This is my friend, Miss —""Smith, madam," said the figure in the chair."Smith," said Rosemary. "We are going to have a little talk."Philip smiled his charming smile. "As a matter of fact," he said, "I wanted you to come into the library for a moment. Will Miss Smith excuse us?"The big eyes were raised to him, but Rosemary answered for her: "Of course she will", and they went out of the room together."I say," said Philip, when they were alone. "Explain, who is she? What does it all mean?"Rosemary, laughing, leaned against the door and said: "I picked her up in the street. Really. She asked me for the price of a cup of tea and I brought her home with me.""Congratulations!" Philip sounded as though he were joking. "But what on earth are you going to do with her?""Be nice to her", said Rosemary quickly, "look after her. I don't know how. We haven't talked yet. Just show her — treat her — make her feel —""But," said Philip slowly, and he cut the end of a cigar, "she's so extremely pretty. She can't be more than twenty.""Pretty?" Rosemary was so surprised that she blushed. "Do you think so? I — I hadn't thought about it.""Good Lord!" Philip took a match. "She's absolutely lovely. Look again, my child. But let me know if Miss Smith is going to dine with us!""You absurd creature!" said Rosemary, and she went out of the library, but not back to her bedroom. She went to her writing-room and sat down at her desk. Pretty! Absolutely lovely! Her heart beat like a heavy bell. She opened a drawer, took out five pound notes, looked at them, put two back, and holding the three in her hand, went back to her bedroom.Half an hour later Philip was still in the library, when Rosemary came in."I only wanted to tell you," said she, and she leaned against the door again, "Miss Smith won't dine with us tonight."Philip put down the paper. "Oh, what's happened? Previous engagement?"Rosemary came over and sat down on his knee. "She insisted on going," she said, "so I gave the poor little thing a present of money. I couldn't keep her against her will, could I?" she added softly.There was a pause.Then Rosemary said dreamily: "I saw a wonderful little box today. It cost twenty-eight guineas. Can I have it?""You can, little wasteful one," said he. "You know I can't deny you anything."But that was not really Rosemary wanted to say."Philip," she whispered, "am I pretty?
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
розмари упал не совсем красиво.она была молода, блестяще, очень современный, хорошо одеты и удивительно хорошо читать в новейшей из новой книги.розмари была замужем два года, и ее муж очень любил ее.они богатые, очень богат не только комфортно состоятельных, так что если розмари хотел зайти в магазин, она хотела поехать в париж, как ты и я бы пошел на бонд - стрит.один зимний день она ушла в небольшой магазинчик, чтобы посмотреть на коробочку, которую shopman были не для нее.он показал ей никто еще так, что она может стать первым, чтобы увидеть это."милая".розмари восхищался коробку.но сколько бы он за ней?на момент shopman, похоже, не будет.леди, безусловно, может позволить себе высокую цену.затем его слова достигли ее, "двадцать восемь гиней, мадам"."двадцать восемь гиней." "не знаком.даже если один богат.ее голос был мечтательный как она ответила: "ну, это для меня, хорошо?я буду... "shopman поклонился.он бы, конечно, чтобы держать ее вечно.снаружи дождь падал, было холодно, горький вкус в воздухе, и вновь зажег огни печально выглядел.в этот самый момент молодая девушка, худой, темные, появилась у розмари локоть и голос, как вздох, вздохнули: « мадам, могу я поговорить с тобой минутку? ""поговорите со мной?"розмари повернулся.она видела, как маленькое существо, не старше себя, кто задрожал, как будто она только что из воды."мадам", был голос, "не дай мне цена чашки чаю?""чаю?"там было что - то простое, искреннее, что голос, он не мог быть голос нищим ".тогда у тебя нет денег на всех? "спрашивает, розмари ".нет, мадам ", пришел ответ".как необычно! "розмари посмотрел на девушку ближе.и вдруг ей представляется, такие приключения.предположим, что она забрала домой девушку?предположим, она одна из тех вещей, она всегда читаешь о или увидеть на сцене?что бы случилось?это будет захватывающе.и она услышала себя, заявив, что потом изумление своим друзьям: "я просто забрал ее домой". и она вышел вперед и сказал девушка рядом с ней: "иди домой к чаю со мной."девушка дала старт ".ты - ты не принимаешь меня полиции? "там была боль в ее голосе."полиция!"розмари смеялся. "почему я должен быть таким жестоким?нет, я только хочу, чтобы ты тепло и слышать ничего не расскажешь.идем ".голодные люди легко стало.лакей провел дверь машины открытыми, и через несколько минут они ехали в сумерках."нет!"плакала, розмарин, как они достигли ее прекрасная, большая комната ".иди и садись ", - говорит она, - тянет ее большое кресло до пожара".иди и согреться.ты выглядишь ужасно холодно "."я не страшно, мадам", не девушка."о, пожалуйста," розмари побежал вперед - "ты не должен бояться, не надо, правда." и нежно она наполовину толкнул тонкий рисунок в кресле.существует шепотом, что звучало как "очень хорошо, мадам", и носить шляпу не взлетел."и позволь мне помочь тебе с пальто, тоже", - сказал розмари.девушка встала.но она провела на стул, с одной стороны, и пусть розмари тянуть.потом она сказала, что так легко и быстро, но, как ни странно: "я очень сожалею, мадам, но я упаду в обморок.я упаду, мадам, если я не достану что - то "."господи, как глупо я!"розмари бросился в колокол."чай!чай, немедленно!и бренди немедленно ".горничная исчезла, и девушка, почти расплакалась.она не стесняйся, забыл все, за исключением того, что они являются как женщин, так и закричал: "я не могу больше нравится.я терпеть не могу.я хочу умереть.я терпеть не могу! ""ты не должен.я буду заботиться о тебе.я договорюсь, кое - что.перестаньте плакать.пожалуйста. "другие же не просто во время розмари подняться до чая пришел.и действительно, последствия, что незначительные еды было удивительно.когда чайный стол был отвлекаться, новая девочка, свет, существо с темными губы и глубокие глаза лежал в большое кресло.в этот момент ручка двери повернулся."розмарин, могу я войти?"это филип, ее муж."конечно".он пришел в ".о, я так сожалею ", - сказал он, словно извиняясь, и остановился и посмотрел."все хорошо", - сказал розмарин, улыбаться ".это моя подруга, мисс - ""смит, г - жа", говорит, что цифра в кресле."смит", - сказал розмари ".мы собираемся поговорить. "филип улыбался своей очаровательной улыбкой ".на самом деле ", - сказал он, - я хотел, чтобы ты пришла в библиотеку на минутку.будет мисс смит, извините нас? "большие глаза были подняты на него, но розмари ответил ей: "конечно, она будет", и они вышли из комнаты вместе."я говорю", - сказал филипп, когда они были в одиночестве ".объясните, кто она?что все это значит? "розмари, смеясь, прислонившись к двери и сказал: "я встретил ее на улице.на самом деле.она попросила меня по цене чашку чая, и я принес ее домой со мной. ""поздравляем!"филипп звучало, как будто он шутили. "но что?
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